Multiple law enforcement sources confirmed that they were going to storm the stage

If that's the new Klan, we are pretty decent shape actually.
Leftards version of things going well.
View attachment 67008
Considering the current insanity, that's correct.
The only insane people are violent fascist Leftards who hate the the US Constitution. I hate Trump, but you freaks make it easier to vote for him.
I'm a liberal, I hate fascists. They aren't big on me either.
You are a fascist.
I heard an anti-Trump militia was going to perform an armed takeover of the stage and demand snacks

Seeing that a 78 year old trump supporter can deck a young liberal thug, then yes, the thugs would be tasty snacks......

And not much more
Yes the 78 year old thug certainly did illegally punch a peaceful protester. Many Trump supporters are a violent, nasty bunch. Luckily this old thug was arrested and is being charged. Thank goodness he's off the streets as he threatened to start killing people next time.

I agree with you. The guy belongs in jail.
Sadly, this election just became about free speech and the right of Americans to express their opinions without getting killed. Trump is now officially my candidate.

Don't get carried away, Fang. There is a reason this is happening primarily at Trump rallies. Keep your brains working.

So you don't believe in the 1st amendment. OK, that's your choice.
I believe in the 1st Amendment 100%. Your reason for chosing Trump is purely reactionary, though. Trump hates free speech as much as the protestors--if he isn't making off the cuff remarks about what "bad, bad people" they are and encouraging his supporters to punch them, he is talking about expanding the libel laws so he can sue the NY Times for printing unflattering news.
He just stands up for his own free speech, no one elses.
I am disappointed in everyone here--the protestors who won't let him speak, the other candidates who won't tell the protestors to let him speak, and Trump for egging the situation on. I saw one of his rallies yesterday, in the aftermath of Chicago, and now he is threatening to press criminal charges against the protestors. For what? Holding up a sign? Saying Boooo? I don't think he's going to prevail there.
RW keeps saying Move on like that means people really don't have a problem with Trump. As if the protesters and the protests are "fake".

What's different? They do that with every protest that has ever happened ever in history. They shit on it and claim it's phoney. So they don't change their rhetoric and the problem continues.

They're leftists, which means they are fake. Everything leftists say is a lie. The proof is all the lies they have said about Trump. Not a single episode has been reported honestly by the leftist media.
How do you know? Or are you taking your information from the rightist media, which says things more to your liking?
Punched down by a 78 year old.

The young thug won't ever live that down in da hood
Ah, he was sucker-punched, and unable to fight back.

And, he's not the one who was taken to jail eh?

When you go to an event with the sole purpose of disrupting it, the wise man watches his back while being escorted out.

This moron decided it was a better idea to draw even more attention toward himself instead of simply leaving.

Too bad. Musta been raised wrong.
When you go to an event with the sole purpose of disrupting it, the wise man watches his back while being escorted out.

This moron decided it was a better idea to draw even more attention toward himself instead of simply leaving.

Too bad. Musta been raised wrong.
Yes, great parenting on the one who sucker-punched him...
If that's the new Klan, we are pretty decent shape actually.
Leftards version of things going well.
View attachment 67008
Considering the current insanity, that's correct.
The only insane people are violent fascist Leftards who hate the the US Constitution. I hate Trump, but you freaks make it easier to vote for him.
I'm a liberal, I hate fascists. They aren't big on me either.
You are a fascist.
Try finding out who I am, by asking questions, instead of telling me my little Hitler Youth, Proud To Be White Forever...
When you go to an event with the sole purpose of disrupting it, the wise man watches his back while being escorted out.

This moron decided it was a better idea to draw even more attention toward himself instead of simply leaving.

Too bad. Musta been raised wrong.
Yes, great parenting on the one who sucker-punched him...

Neither has much of an excuse.

One of the participants was there for the expressed purpose that the event was organized for.

The other, not so much.
When you go to an event with the sole purpose of disrupting it, the wise man watches his back while being escorted out.

This moron decided it was a better idea to draw even more attention toward himself instead of simply leaving.

Too bad. Musta been raised wrong.
Yes, great parenting on the one who sucker-punched him...

Neither has much of an excuse.

One of the participants was there for the expressed purpose that the event was organized for.

The other, not so much.
If you can excuse assault, that he was arrested for, I can't help you. The mentality of a Brownshirt.

And even then, you should still want it to be a fair fight, and you can't manage that much, just a Brownshirt would do.
When you go to an event with the sole purpose of disrupting it, the wise man watches his back while being escorted out.

This moron decided it was a better idea to draw even more attention toward himself instead of simply leaving.

Too bad. Musta been raised wrong.
Yes, great parenting on the one who sucker-punched him...

Neither has much of an excuse.

One of the participants was there for the expressed purpose that the event was organized for.

The other, not so much.
If you can excuse assault, that he was arrested for, I can't help you. The mentality of a Brownshirt.

And even then, you should still want it to be a fair fight, and you can't manage that much, just a Brownshirt would do.

The only reason the fight happened was that a fool wished it upon himself.

When you ask to be ass kicked, and the ass kicking occurs......

The appropriate response is......

Thank you
When you go to an event with the sole purpose of disrupting it, the wise man watches his back while being escorted out.

This moron decided it was a better idea to draw even more attention toward himself instead of simply leaving.

Too bad. Musta been raised wrong.
Yes, great parenting on the one who sucker-punched him...

Neither has much of an excuse.

One of the participants was there for the expressed purpose that the event was organized for.

The other, not so much.
If you can excuse assault, that he was arrested for, I can't help you. The mentality of a Brownshirt.

And even then, you should still want it to be a fair fight, and you can't manage that much, just a Brownshirt would do.

The only reason the fight happened was that a fool wished it upon himself.

When you ask to be ass kicked, and the ass kicking occurs......

The appropriate response is......

Thank you
Nothing he did justified violence, especially being sucker-punched. That's why the other guy was arrested.
When you go to an event with the sole purpose of disrupting it, the wise man watches his back while being escorted out.

This moron decided it was a better idea to draw even more attention toward himself instead of simply leaving.

Too bad. Musta been raised wrong.
Yes, great parenting on the one who sucker-punched him...

Neither has much of an excuse.

One of the participants was there for the expressed purpose that the event was organized for.

The other, not so much.
If you can excuse assault, that he was arrested for, I can't help you. The mentality of a Brownshirt.

And even then, you should still want it to be a fair fight, and you can't manage that much, just a Brownshirt would do.

The only reason the fight happened was that a fool wished it upon himself.

When you ask to be ass kicked, and the ass kicking occurs......

The appropriate response is......

Thank you
Nothing he did justified violence, especially being sucker-punched. That's why the other guy was arrested.

Never said it did. Should it have surprised the fool it happened? If it did he's a friggin idiot.

He went looking for trouble and he got EXACTLY that.
It's bad enough that far left wing lolberals are allowed to vote for a candidate in a party they don't belong to, but when they then try to interfere with free speech and the right of assembly and the related voting rights of others by organized violence, you have to recognize them for what they are. Pieces of shit.
Just keep in mind that not all liberals fall under that umbrella. These protestors are a small, deeply disturbed bunch of goobers who don't know any better. Getting too much airtime, if you ask me, and anyone who doesn't like Trump is jumping all over it so they can blame his imaginary "Nazi" agenda. Even Cruz and Kasich. It's sick.

Here's where I part company with you. They are not a "small, deeply disturbed bunch of goobers". They are a large group of nazis called "" and they have threatened to do this repeatedly across the country. They are a clear and present danger to free speech.

It's time to stop it now. If busting a few heads will accomplish it - so be it. They brought it on themselves.
I'm with you, us Trumpsters are being peaceful, but things can change.
Some of us Trumpsters will stand behind Trump till the end.
Maybe we need to answer the protesters call for violence, but that wouldn't help our man Trump.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Punched down by a 78 year old.

The young thug won't ever live that down in da hood
Ah, he was sucker-punched, and unable to fight back.

And, he's not the one who was taken to jail eh?

It must be embarrassing as hell to have a 78 year old man take you out.


btw have you seen all the stills on what led up to the old man dropping the punk?
If people are simply determined to attack trump, they should do it in a manner that is constitutionally protected speech--by hand delivering a $10 contribution to his campaign :eusa_angel:



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