Mummra's New York: Apocalypse Diagram


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a pseud-Orwellian apocalypse 'diagram' about Mumm-Ra (fictional ghoul/goblin from the ThunderCats cartoon franchise) in NYC (the 'center' of the modern world).

It's inspired by King of New York (Christopher Walken).

Signing off,


As the villainous Mumm-Ra descended on New York City in the summer of 2018, Americans were reeling about 'TrumpUSA' and what would comprise all the capitalism and democracy complications in this modern era of commerce-gauged etiquette and political customs (i.e., Wall Street, World Bank, NATO, European Union, etc.). Mumm-Ra was an alien from Venus who resembled something between a giant humanoid reptile and a zombie-like mummy. Mumm-Ra was only interested in exploiting capitalism frailties to turn NYC into a den of lust and vice, so he could literally laugh at the follies of mankind using his crystal ball. Would America endure?


"I am the great and evil Mumm-Ra, and I know precisely what capitalism can do to NYC and America. Capitalism is an investment-system based on risk and probabilistic-thinking. Stockbrokers make best-fit guesses and hypotheses about where the market will turn, and as layman investors bank on these hypotheses/guesses, they start getting 'itchy' about uncertainty and the reality of gambling, so they start daydreaming about fortune, the lottery, and pure serendipity. This induces in the human heart a feeling of 'vain courage' which leads men towards all the vices of the modern world --- apathetic prostitution, drug-abuse, political foolishness, legalese gibberish, legal vanities, hate-crimes, and of course theft. After 9/11, the world realized capitalism was not invincible, so I seek to exploit these glaring loopholes in modern governance to create a true anarchy-circus!" ---Mumm-Ra [Diary Entry, June 2018]


As Mumm-Ra went ahead with his devious schemes, a troop of patriotic secret American crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' went about trying to forge capitalism-treaties and democratic optimism, with America as the world's official proverbial 'Big Brother.' The G.I. Joes believed capitalism would endure and that America would rise out of the ashes of 9/11 and become a respected world-leader (in time!). Mumm-Ra hated the G.I. Joes and knew of them but didn't think they had the necessary spirit to stop his apocalyptic plan. Would NYC survive this terrible and 'Great Tribulation' (a challenge to capitalism and democracy-formulas)?



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