Murder In Their Heart

so true POL CHIC-------right and left MEET at the international dateline and both are potentially GENOCIDAL. I reject that
RIGHT vs LEFT model, completely. ------ when they meet----they are the best of friends. ------for the lesson of the day-----examine the events of today in the LEVANT

1. I posted an example....

That was your first mistake.

Dealing with liars, like you, was what I considered my first mistake....

....but then, I have such a generous heart, and compassion for the lesser among us.

You might consider me the 'Mother Teresa' of the board.

You're welcome.

You're the Tokyo Rose of this board.

So THAT'S why you're called the NYLiar!
Imagine trying to socialize this angry specimen?

"Ma'am, for you?"

"Ill have a rum and coke, but make sure the commie bartender doesnt try to do a "tip share," these lolberals are destroying the planet!"

"M'am, he just moved here from a remote tribe in the congo. He is a refugee."

"Well, well EVERYone is a commie!"
Imagine trying to socialize this angry specimen?

"Ma'am, for you?"

"Ill have a rum and coke, but make sure the commie bartender doesnt try to do a "tip share," these lolberals are destroying the planet!"

"M'am, he just moved here from a remote tribe in the congo. He is a refugee."

"Well, well EVERYone is a commie!"

What you consider 'wit' is actually half so.

I have a deep an abiding hatred for both the psychopaths known as communists....and for the imbeciles who don't recognize them as such.

Guess where you fit it.

Your rationalization for immoral, unethical, inhuman criminal behavior is typical of sociopaths, and/or fools.

Guess where you fit it.
Imagine trying to socialize this angry specimen?

"Ma'am, for you?"

"Ill have a rum and coke, but make sure the commie bartender doesnt try to do a "tip share," these lolberals are destroying the planet!"

"M'am, he just moved here from a remote tribe in the congo. He is a refugee."

"Well, well EVERYone is a commie!"

What you consider 'wit' is actually half so.

I have a deep an abiding hatred for both the psychopaths known as communists....and for the imbeciles who don't recognize them as such.

Guess where you fit it.

Your rationalization for immoral, unethical, inhuman criminal behavior is typical of sociopaths, and/or fools.

Guess where you fit it.
You have a penchant for psychosis, but I dont think its in the department of recognizing it - but instead of conveying your own.

Do a quick search, just for fun, of all the threads/diatribes youve created.

No sane human does this - on anonymous messageboards no less. Especially to this degree its sad/scary/pathetic, any combination thereof.

You're an o.c.d. fenatic and get off on arguing and ridiculing.

You're the textbook speciment for psychosis, o.c.d., cynacism and narcissism. You're likely going to curmudgeon yourself to death as you accumulate stress wrinkles.
I'd be laughing my balls off if they ever let this weirdo into a congressional hearing as she gets escorted out by her betters (everyone). Lol
I'd be laughing my balls off if they ever let this weirdo into a congressional hearing as she gets escorted out by her betters (everyone). Lol

If it is to me that you are referring.....a glaring error: I have no betters.

I have good news: you aren’t steeped in original sin…since you obviously haven’t eaten of the tree of knowledge.
9. Remember when Obama scoffed at the idea that ObamaCare was a "Bolshevik plot"???

It is certainly Bolshevik in conception, design, and purpose!

a. 'Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.

Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.' Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

b. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine.Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union(1937), andHistory of Medicinewere among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked theAmerican Medical Associationbecause of his conflicting views onsocialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century Stalin s Forced Famine 1932-33).

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky.

To which of these political philosophies does this quotations apply: communism, fascism, Nazism, Progressivism/Liberalism?

Of course....all of them.

All totalitarians have murder in their hearts.
I'd be laughing my balls off if they ever let this weirdo into a congressional hearing as she gets escorted out by her betters (everyone). Lol

If it is to me that you are referring.....a glaring error: I have no betters.

I have good news: you aren’t steeped in original sin…since you obviously haven’t eaten of the tree of knowledge.
I was referring to you.

And literally (hazarding a guess) 86.325^% of humans are better than you, give or take a thousandth.

Cutting and pasting out of context bullshit doesnt magically make a specious argument true, and it also doesnt make you smart.

Your writing is pathetically boring.

We are here to see your google an insult results. Remember when you were caught doing that, toolbox?
I'd be laughing my balls off if they ever let this weirdo into a congressional hearing as she gets escorted out by her betters (everyone). Lol

If it is to me that you are referring.....a glaring error: I have no betters.

I have good news: you aren’t steeped in original sin…since you obviously haven’t eaten of the tree of knowledge.
I was referring to you.

And literally (hazarding a guess) 86.325^% of humans are better than you, give or take a thousandth.

Cutting and pasting out of context bullshit doesnt magically make a specious argument true, and it also doesnt make you smart.

Your writing is pathetically boring.

We are here to see your google an insult results. Remember when you were caught doing that, toolbox?

1. Based on the 'limited' IQ that you's amusing that you imagine you can critique said threads.

2. Nothing is 'out of context.' This is proven by the fact that you haven't been able to give an example of same, and show the 'actual' context.
Or, in fact, that you even understand what 'context' is.

3. The phrase is one that the ignorant hide behind when they cannot rebut a post
Others include 'Cut and paste,' ' cherry pick,' and 'quote mine.'

They are bogus defenses used by folks like you, the uneducated.

Your epitaph will be "blissfully unfettered by the ravages of higher intelligence."
I wouldnt kick it with you with prosty legs at a frog farm, lady zeus of horrific penmanship.
I wouldnt kick it with you with prosty legs at a frog farm, lady zeus of horrific penmanship.

Your delusions of grandeur are Pompeii to the Ignorant tribes of yesteryear.

You've been put in your place.



You wrote "Your writing is pathetically boring."

Yet you can't stay away.....

Are you pathetically stupid...or do you not know your own....what-passes-for-a-mind? know you get that unbelievable frisson when a superior being, moi, deigns to converse with a simpleton like you.

And that, my picayune pal, is why you will be back.

For Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, your body belongs to the state, to the collective.

b.'s not merely in the realm of the theoretical....

" According to the Washington Post, taxpayers are now financing, via a $321,000 HHS grant, a pilot program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center-Presbyterian Hospital and Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh to obtain organs from emergency room patients, a practice heretofore "considered off-limits in the United States because of ethical and logistical concerns."

The goal of the project, reports the paper, is to "investigate whether it is feasible and, if so, to encourage other hospitals nationwide to follow." The Future s Shadow The American Spectator

c." "There's a fine line between methods that are pioneering and methods that are predatory," said Leslie M. Whetstine, a bioethicist at Walsh University in Ohio. "This seems to me to be in the latter category. It's ghoulish." Project to get transplant organs from ER patients raises ethics questions

How long before soylent green appears on the menu?

But, after's for the good of the,I mean... the good of the children.
In a June 1, 2008 article, the NY Times
said this:

" A similar project, financed by the same federal agency, is under way at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, though it will be limited to people who die in hospital emergency rooms.

“I applied for the grant out of my conviction that we can do better for dying patients,” said Dr. Michael DeVita, a professor of critical care medicine at the university. “I’m an I.C.U. doctor, and I want people at the end of their life to have the best care possible, for both the patient and the family. And that also involves enabling people to build a legacy that they can leave behind.”

Notice something funny about that date?


But did you notice a difference in what the NYTimes calls 'similar' ....

Mine refers to patients.

Yours to corpses.
It's hard to say what yours refers to, because you, as always, use hearsay sources to "quote' the original source.

Why don't you link to the original Washington Post article instead of the American Spectator?

Well, if the Washington Post article does refer to dead people....they you've be revealed as a real ass, wouldn't you?

Turns out my post was 100% accurate.

"Using a $321,000 grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, the emergency departments at theUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical Center-Presbyterian Hospital and Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh have started rapidly identifying donors among patients whom doctors are unable to save and taking steps to preserve their organs so a transplant team can rush to try to retrieve them."
Project to get transplant organs from ER patients raises ethics questions

You should change your avi to "RealAss" immediately far as I know, no one else has it.
You must have inadvertently removed your Washing Post link! oh, I think I see why! Let's see - 2008 - Federally Funded - that would be the Bush Administration - gee, I'll bet if you were around then, you would have written about this!

"In 2008, the Children's Hospital in Colorado sparked intense debate with a federally funded DCD pilot project that involved taking hearts from babies 75 seconds after they were removed from life support. After an intensive review, the hospital restarted the program about two months ago but required that surgeons wait two minutes."

Project to get transplant organs from ER patients raises ethics questions
I wouldnt kick it with you with prosty legs at a frog farm, lady zeus of horrific penmanship.

Your delusions of grandeur are Pompeii to the Ignorant tribes of yesteryear.

You've been put in your place.



You wrote "Your writing is pathetically boring."

Yet you can't stay away.....

Are you pathetically stupid...or do you not know your own....what-passes-for-a-mind? know you get that unbelievable frisson when a superior being, moi, deigns to converse with a simpleton like you.

And that, my picayune pal, is why you will be back.

im an alpha male, you're like a house fly to me tbh
I wouldnt kick it with you with prosty legs at a frog farm, lady zeus of horrific penmanship.

Your delusions of grandeur are Pompeii to the Ignorant tribes of yesteryear.

You've been put in your place.



You wrote "Your writing is pathetically boring."

Yet you can't stay away.....

Are you pathetically stupid...or do you not know your own....what-passes-for-a-mind? know you get that unbelievable frisson when a superior being, moi, deigns to converse with a simpleton like you.

And that, my picayune pal, is why you will be back.

You prove my psychoanalysis of you with every post, doo000o0od.
Thanks to capitalism at it best........profit motive behind transplants of vital organs is very lucrative if the source is free to minimal....Oh, you though the medical community had standards, morals and ethics, why sure, girls like to have boob jobs and men like flashy cars....

"Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong!

Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.

Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Under capitalism we got the horrors of the Industrial Revolution most acutely evidenced in 19th England.

Only the rise of socialism and and modern liberalism turned that tide.

When will you fools understand....industrialization was new and something no one had experience with...the "horrors" of the industrial revolution were was a transition.....and it was messy...but as the industrial revolution increased the wealth of the regular person....those people wanted and could afford better lives....that is what capitalism created...the ability to clean up their environment, and provide more opportunities to their children...something you did not see in socialist countries and still don't.......

Watch China....they have horrible pollution....right they become wealthier, because they are abandoning, not embracing socialist economic policies, their people are becoming wealthier and will demand a cleaner environment and a better life for their children...

You guys see the temporary mess of the industrial revolution and don't understand was a new thing, and like anything new it was messy and confusing....and once it was understood it was changed....and our environment is now cleaner than it was before the industrial revolution....not because of lefty causes..but because people became wealthier due to capitalism....

People with money like nice things....people under the control of the government simply get used to crap........look at Baltimore, detroit, and any other city controlled by the democrats....

Please be concise, limit your posts to this formula:


It's easy, fast and requires the same amount of thought and substance as all of you longer posts.

Well...the truth, and reality take some explaining since you leftists are dyslexic where the truth and reality are concerned....normal people already understand the truth about capitalism and the American way of life.....lefties like you take a lot of explaining and education and you still don't get it.....

and unlike the left....we will keep trying to explain it to you...where you guys simply ship off the people who disagree with you to death or work camps......because you like to get rid of people who don't get your understanding of truth and reality....

Here are some dyslexics even you might have heard of:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Charles Darwin
  • Isaac Newton
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
Your ignorance is amazing. it is even more expansive than your intolerance (hate?) for those whose opinions challenge your own (which isn't difficult to do, the hardest part is to overcome the laughter of how ridiculous they are).

But even the insane (defined here as those whose reality ain't real) like you must be assumed to stumble on somethings sometimes, as thousands of monkey's with thousands of typewriters might to). Thus, post the names of said leftists dyslexics and the places where they have death camps.

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