Murder In Their Heart

"Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong!

Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.

Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Under capitalism we got the horrors of the Industrial Revolution most acutely evidenced in 19th England.

Only the rise of socialism and and modern liberalism turned that tide.

When will you fools understand....industrialization was new and something no one had experience with...the "horrors" of the industrial revolution were was a transition.....and it was messy...but as the industrial revolution increased the wealth of the regular person....those people wanted and could afford better lives....that is what capitalism created...the ability to clean up their environment, and provide more opportunities to their children...something you did not see in socialist countries and still don't.......

Watch China....they have horrible pollution....right they become wealthier, because they are abandoning, not embracing socialist economic policies, their people are becoming wealthier and will demand a cleaner environment and a better life for their children...

You guys see the temporary mess of the industrial revolution and don't understand was a new thing, and like anything new it was messy and confusing....and once it was understood it was changed....and our environment is now cleaner than it was before the industrial revolution....not because of lefty causes..but because people became wealthier due to capitalism....

People with money like nice things....people under the control of the government simply get used to crap........look at Baltimore, detroit, and any other city controlled by the democrats....

Please be concise, limit your posts to this formula:


It's easy, fast and requires the same amount of thought and substance as all of you longer posts.

Well...the truth, and reality take some explaining since you leftists are dyslexic where the truth and reality are concerned....normal people already understand the truth about capitalism and the American way of life.....lefties like you take a lot of explaining and education and you still don't get it.....

and unlike the left....we will keep trying to explain it to you...where you guys simply ship off the people who disagree with you to death or work camps......because you like to get rid of people who don't get your understanding of truth and reality....

Here are some dyslexics even you might have heard of:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Charles Darwin
  • Isaac Newton
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
Your ignorance is amazing. it is even more expansive than your intolerance for (hate?) for those whose opinions challenge your own (which isn't difficult to do, the hardest part is to laugh at the ridiculous)

But even the insane (defined here as those whose reality ain't real) like you must be assumed to stumble on somethings sometimes, as thousands of monkey's with thousands of typewriters). Thus, post the names of said leftists dyslexics and the places where they have death camps.

they have had them in Russia, China, Cuba, Cambodia, Germany and where the left didn't have the energy to create full fledged death camps they simply made their victims dig mass graves......

You do get the difference between standard dyslexia....and truth and reality dyslexia...right? Well no, you don't........
I wouldnt kick it with you with prosty legs at a frog farm, lady zeus of horrific penmanship.

You've been put in your place.


LOL, and now you're channeling Keys. Even your ad hominems have become hackneyed. Oh, and BTW, a question:

The out-line format you use is childish, there is a format used in some university freshman courses, Do you use yours to write down to your few admirers (Stephanie, CrusaderFrank, 2aguy, Rabbi(t)? If so I understand, many of us find your 'style' insipid.
I wouldnt kick it with you with prosty legs at a frog farm, lady zeus of horrific penmanship.

You've been put in your place.


LOL, and now you're channeling Keys. Even your ad hominems have become hackneyed. Oh, and BTW, a question:

The out-line format you use is childish, there is a format used in some university freshman courses, Do you use yours to write down to your few admirers (Stephanie, CrusaderFrank, 2guy, Rabbi(t)? If so I understand, many of us find your 'style' insipid.

Cause you are morons who worship the state..........of course borg drones like you won't like what she posts....your borg queen told you not to .........
Under capitalism we got the horrors of the Industrial Revolution most acutely evidenced in 19th England.

Only the rise of socialism and and modern liberalism turned that tide.

When will you fools understand....industrialization was new and something no one had experience with...the "horrors" of the industrial revolution were was a transition.....and it was messy...but as the industrial revolution increased the wealth of the regular person....those people wanted and could afford better lives....that is what capitalism created...the ability to clean up their environment, and provide more opportunities to their children...something you did not see in socialist countries and still don't.......

Watch China....they have horrible pollution....right they become wealthier, because they are abandoning, not embracing socialist economic policies, their people are becoming wealthier and will demand a cleaner environment and a better life for their children...

You guys see the temporary mess of the industrial revolution and don't understand was a new thing, and like anything new it was messy and confusing....and once it was understood it was changed....and our environment is now cleaner than it was before the industrial revolution....not because of lefty causes..but because people became wealthier due to capitalism....

People with money like nice things....people under the control of the government simply get used to crap........look at Baltimore, detroit, and any other city controlled by the democrats....

Please be concise, limit your posts to this formula:


It's easy, fast and requires the same amount of thought and substance as all of you longer posts.

Well...the truth, and reality take some explaining since you leftists are dyslexic where the truth and reality are concerned....normal people already understand the truth about capitalism and the American way of life.....lefties like you take a lot of explaining and education and you still don't get it.....

and unlike the left....we will keep trying to explain it to you...where you guys simply ship off the people who disagree with you to death or work camps......because you like to get rid of people who don't get your understanding of truth and reality....

Here are some dyslexics even you might have heard of:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Charles Darwin
  • Isaac Newton
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
Your ignorance is amazing. it is even more expansive than your intolerance for (hate?) for those whose opinions challenge your own (which isn't difficult to do, the hardest part is to laugh at the ridiculous)

But even the insane (defined here as those whose reality ain't real) like you must be assumed to stumble on somethings sometimes, as thousands of monkey's with thousands of typewriters). Thus, post the names of said leftists dyslexics and the places where they have death camps.

they have had them in Russia, China, Cuba, Cambodia, Germany and where the left didn't have the energy to create full fledged death camps they simply made their victims dig mass graves......

You do get the difference between standard dyslexia....and truth and reality dyslexia...right? Well no, you don't........

Damn you, I laughed out loud and spit coffee on my screen.
1. The simplest way to differentiate political worldviews is based on 'humanity.'

There are a number of them, that view human beings as simply a means toward and end, that end being the attainment of heaven, Utopia, here on earth. And, if this vaunted goal causes the death of a number of people....well, 'you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.'

The political philosophies which believe so include communism, socialism, Nazism, fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, and every totalitarianism iteration.

While not agreeing to the methods, the sorts of slaughter that took the lives of over 100 million people in the last century, even the mildest of these beliefs ameliorate the view by ignoring the well-documented butchery, claiming such is for the benefit of the 'collective,' the 'general welfare.'

a. " The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’
Goldbeg, "Liberal Fascism"

2. For purposes of comparison, the view which is the antithesis of the above is one based on defending the religious, political, and economic freedom of the individual.

a. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

3. A strong argument can be made that the term 'secularist' is one more version of totalitarian, in that it cedes all power to a 'beneficent,' unrestricted which has no qualms about 'breaking those eggs.'

There is no shortage of evidence of same under the Obama regime.

Star Trek First Contact was on this morning.
I wouldnt kick it with you with prosty legs at a frog farm, lady zeus of horrific penmanship.

You've been put in your place.


LOL, and now you're channeling Keys. Even your ad hominems have become hackneyed. Oh, and BTW, a question:

The out-line format you use is childish, there is a format used in some university freshman courses, Do you use yours to write down to your few admirers (Stephanie, CrusaderFrank, 2aguy, Rabbi(t)? If so I understand, many of us find your 'style' insipid.

Another non-post from another non-poster.

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