Murdoch changes tune on Trump

Rupert Murdoch Time for everyone to understand Trump support Washington Examiner

It was to be expected. I suppose we will all be trumpified and walk around like zombies with huge comb overs and orange skin.....
Or, we could bleach our hair, get some man-suits and walk around looking like 200 lbs of shit in a 100 lb sack.

Roadkill, you are going to be in a world of hurt when Hillary gets elected.
Hey, fuck face, I survived Obama, I can survive another Wall Street pawn.

It is NOT a is a London police box and also "The Tardus" in the Dr Who series. That a liberal would defile Dr Who by using it is a gross injustice and should be considered a Crime Against Humanity!!! Actually being a liberal should bring a double conviction!!!!

From: a REAL "Dr Who" fan.

PS: don't like the latest doctor.


I've been a Doctor Who fan since the 1970's. Oh, yeah, and it's spelled "TARDIS" (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), which a real Doctor Who fan would know.

Incidentally, I don't think that you can really characterize DW as liberal or conservative, considering the "conservatives" in the United Kingdom would be considered liberals in the US. The closest thing they have to the GOP in the UK is the racist UKIP party.

Also, I'm not thrilled with Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, but I'm willing to be patient. takes a while for these guys to grow on you.

Odd that: I've often used that spelling since the 60s; not a Peter Cushing fan?? Can't recall seeing it spelled until recently actually. Be that as it may: agree on some things Dr Who but the Conservatives in the UK would NOT be liberals in the US. So why would liberals want to liken themselves to UK Conservatives I wonder??


Whoever said Dr Who was one way or the other?? But as you raise the point I would suggest that he has an aversion to fools which would place him in the Conservative tribe. How you would dispute that when you liken UK Conservatives with US liberals is going to be interesting.

yup, hear you kool aid drinkers go again, wanting to support someone who is bought and paid for by special interest packs.

What is she going to offer you?

Just curious?

she's going to "not be a Bush". Which given how badly Bush's brother and father fucked things up when they were in, will probably be good enough for me.

You see, here's the thing. Before Bush-43 fucked everything up, I was one of you Wingnuts who really thought that Clinton lying about a blow job was the worst thing ever.

Then 2008 came along, and I found myself with a 20% pay cut, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K.

So now, I don't care about Benghazi or E-mails or what Wall Street is paying her to make vapid speeches.

I will be perfectly happy if she just prevents another Bush from fucking everything up.

You blame Bush for your meltdown and not the Pelosi-Reid Congress of 2007/8 and the refusal of Dems to even consider better regulations of the Financial Sector that Bush was pushing. ?? How does that work?? The bubble burst because of idiotic Democrat policies.

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Bush was warned by the Fed chair that his tax cuts, along with his two wars would cause a recession. But you can't reason with a recovering alcoholic.....
Bush was warned by the Fed chair that his tax cuts, along with his two wars would cause a recession. But you can't reason with a recovering alcoholic.....

What absolute nonsense!! The bubble burst before Bush was in office...and frankly the tax cuts tempered the decline which may otherwise have been much deeper, imo.

Last U.S. Recession Began Under Clinton, Economy Panel May Say

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. economy slipped into recession during Democrat Bill Clinton's presidency rather than under President George W. Bush, the group that officially sets the timing of the country's business cycles may decide.

The seven-member Business Cycle Dating Committee of the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based National Bureau of Economic Research may change its determination that the recession started in March 2001 to reflect recent revisions to government growth statistics, committee members, including Victor Zarnowitz, said.....

Last month, the revised GDP figures showed that the world's largest economy shrank at a 0.5 percent annual pace from July through September 2000 rather than expanded 0.6 percent as originally estimated, the revised figures showed. After rebounding in the last three months of 2000, gross domestic product fell in each of the following three quarters of 2001.

``The revisions in the data would seem to indicate at least a serious reconsideration is in order,'' said Robert Hall, chairman of the committee and a professor at Stanford University, in an interview. ``We are not stubborn about what happens when the numbers are revised.''


Tanking GDP When No One Wants to Admit to Double-Dipping - GDP Second Quarter 2010 FlaglerLive

The main problem with the recovery was that it did not translate into more jobs soon enough and largely enough. There were many reasons for that but that is another story!!

Odd that: I've often used that spelling since the 60s; not a Peter Cushing fan?? Can't recall seeing it spelled until recently actually. Be that as it may: agree on some things Dr Who but the Conservatives in the UK would NOT be liberals in the US. So why would liberals want to liken themselves to UK Conservatives I wonder??

Peter Cushing's two Amicus films are not considered canon. (They were produced using the same scripts as serials starring William Hartnell, the First Doctor, but in that continuity, the Doctor is a human scientist, not an alien Time Lord)

Again, yes, Obama would be considered pretty conservative in the UK or Europe?

What? Universal Health Care? What a crazy idea! The British resolved that one 50 years ago.

Americans are kind of the retards of the Industrialized World.
You blame Bush for your meltdown and not the Pelosi-Reid Congress of 2007/8 and the refusal of Dems to even consider better regulations of the Financial Sector that Bush was pushing. ?? How does that work?? The bubble burst because of idiotic Democrat policies.

Yes, I blame Bush entirely.

Bush wasn't pushing better financial regulations, and the ones we had on the books were JUST FINE if he had people who bothered ENFORCING THEM.

Quite the contrary, the 2008 recession was you guys getting everything you really wanted.

Tax Cuts for the Rich? Check.
Deregulation? Check
Free Trade? Check
Weakened Unions? Check

You guys have been making war on the things that were put in place in the 1930's to keep something like this from happening again since 1980. Man the fuck up and own it.

After all, it's what the plutocrats who run your party really want! They just keep stupid people like you distracted with bullshit.

Hey, look, there's some gay dudes getting married!!!!
Bush was warned by the Fed chair that his tax cuts, along with his two wars would cause a recession. But you can't reason with a recovering alcoholic.....

What absolute nonsense!! The bubble burst before Bush was in office...and frankly the tax cuts tempered the decline which may otherwise have been much deeper, imo.

Last U.S. Recession Began Under Clinton, Economy Panel May Say

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. economy slipped into recession during Democrat Bill Clinton's presidency rather than under President George W. Bush, the group that officially sets the timing of the country's business cycles may decide.

The seven-member Business Cycle Dating Committee of the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based National Bureau of Economic Research may change its determination that the recession started in March 2001 to reflect recent revisions to government growth statistics, committee members, including Victor Zarnowitz, said.....

Last month, the revised GDP figures showed that the world's largest economy shrank at a 0.5 percent annual pace from July through September 2000 rather than expanded 0.6 percent as originally estimated, the revised figures showed. After rebounding in the last three months of 2000, gross domestic product fell in each of the following three quarters of 2001.

``The revisions in the data would seem to indicate at least a serious reconsideration is in order,'' said Robert Hall, chairman of the committee and a professor at Stanford University, in an interview. ``We are not stubborn about what happens when the numbers are revised.''


Tanking GDP When No One Wants to Admit to Double-Dipping - GDP Second Quarter 2010 FlaglerLive

The main problem with the recovery was that it did not translate into more jobs soon enough and largely enough. There were many reasons for that but that is another story!!


Another brain washed republican. Bill Clinton could win again. W is not even mentioned by Repubs. You watch FOX too often...
and UHC has RUINED Britain. People wait for MANY months to get needed surgeries, etc. They are not ALLOWED to pay cash and get care sooner. Which is what you pos's want for us, too.
and UHC has RUINED Britain. People wait for MANY months to get needed surgeries, etc. They are not ALLOWED to pay cash and get care sooner. Which is what you pos's want for us, too.

I thought inmates got free health care? What's your complaint?
Rupert Murdoch Time for everyone to understand Trump support Washington Examiner

It was to be expected. I suppose we will all be trumpified and walk around like zombies with huge comb overs and orange skin.....
Or, we could bleach our hair, get some man-suits and walk around looking like 200 lbs of shit in a 100 lb sack.

Roadkill, you are going to be in a world of hurt when Hillary gets elected.
So is that dumpster in your avatar your home or vacation spot? know nothing about Dr Who...:lol:
Rupert Murdoch Time for everyone to understand Trump support Washington Examiner

It was to be expected. I suppose we will all be trumpified and walk around like zombies with huge comb overs and orange skin.....
Or, we could bleach our hair, get some man-suits and walk around looking like 200 lbs of shit in a 100 lb sack.

Roadkill, you are going to be in a world of hurt when Hillary gets elected.
So is that dumpster in your avatar your home or vacation spot?


It is NOT a is a London police box and also "The Tardus" in the Dr Who series. That a liberal would defile Dr Who by using it is a gross injustice and should be considered a Crime Against Humanity!!! Actually being a liberal should bring a double conviction!!!!

From: a REAL "Dr Who" fan.

PS: don't like the latest doctor.

My apology sir. Judging by the content of his posts dumpster came to mind.
Exercising that 214 IQ again?
and UHC has RUINED Britain. People wait for MANY months to get needed surgeries, etc. They are not ALLOWED to pay cash and get care sooner. Which is what you pos's want for us, too.

Yet, the British have a longer life expectency than we do, and a lower infant mortality rate. THey also only spend 8% of their GDP on health care while we spend 17%. Oh, yeah, and here's the gag... rich people get the same level of care poor people get. Oh, the horror of it all.
Evidently, Murdoch had not called off his FOX thugs. They tried to sink Donald last night.

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