Murdoch sours on DeSantis

He never needed to. This ain't Britain, fuckhead, the national popular vote doesn't mean shit. It is just a nice-to-know figure democrats like to jerk their pud to that isn't even known until added up AFTER the election is over. What actually matters is who wins the STATE levels thereby taking the majority of that state's electors. Gee, you'd think that for a Drip like YOU who touts defending democracy so much that you'd think you'd at least know how elections really work.

Uh, then don't claim Trump is "popular" when he can't win the "Popular" vote... this is what you claimed.

As for the electoral college, that's such a clusterfuck that we can't get rid of it. Besides saddling the country with disasters like Jr. Bush and Trump, it disenfranchises most of the country. We don't have 50 state elections. We have 45 states that are more or less foregone conclusions and the election ends up coming down to about five states.
Naw, man, you never add anything to a conversation... that's why your posts have little meaning.

I back my claims up with evidence.
You have no evidence, just partsan talking points. My posts are more objective.
Are you kidding me?

Take your fake picture and shove it, Bozo, I have many pictures of the event showing that your photo was taken long before Trump's crowd had all even arrived. THe place was still filling up. But then, you knew that.

Hey, let's look at your hero Biden's inauguration at its FULLEST:


I think Joe had these people rented and bused in.
Uh, then don't claim Trump is "popular" when he can't win the "Popular" vote... this is what you claimed.

As for the electoral college, that's such a clusterfuck that we can't get rid of it. Besides saddling the country with disasters like Jr. Bush and Trump, it disenfranchises most of the country. We don't have 50 state elections. We have 45 states that are more or less foregone conclusions and the election ends up coming down to about five states.
The Dem / Marxist solution to the above is to import millions of third world, semi-literate types and bribe them with government welfare as a vote buying scheme.
Uh, then don't claim Trump is "popular"
He won the popular vote in 98.2% of the country in 2016, dope. That is SUPER popular. Are you an idiot, too?

As for the electoral college, that's such a clusterfuck
Right. In other words, another democrat who hates America. The EC is one of the best ideas ever. It stops you from monopolizing elections with one or two big states taking away the voice of the other 48 states! But nice to know that while you SAY every vote counts, every voice must be heard, what you really mean is that you wish you could decide every election by just the people of LA, Chicago, Philadelphia and NYC, and SCREW the other 48 states full of deplorable people. If you don't like it, asshole, there is the door. 🚪
Fox News has dug themselves a hole with their DeSantis support.
You're right. I'm reluctant to turn to their channel which, like the FBI, is ignoring the Constitutional protections and favoring pantiwaists who have let the Freedom of Speech take a dive under the misinformation the Biden Administration has furnished the country and it's leader calling ALL REPUBLICANS AND ANYONE WHO DIDN'T VOTE FOR BASEMENT JOE "FASCISTS." Fortunately, my TV service has No-Spin-Zone O'Reilly back in "The First" news station, that insists on following the Founder's Constitution, Newsmax, and C-Span's Washington Journal. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get "the Blaze." I guess the powers that be in DirectTV don't support Glen Beck's The Blaze. The truth is pretty radical, but I can't get the Blaze. I think Glenn Beck had political liars totally pegged from the beginning about American politics, and leftists, just can't stand that.

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Fox News has taken their viewers for granted and think they can just fire and hire without any ramifications.
Hey, let's look at your hero Biden's inauguration at its FULLEST:

Biden didn't have a crowd because TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) was still killing 4000 people a day.

Imagine that. A president who is more concerned with the well-being of the people he represents than stroking his own ego.. why it's unimanginable.

Then again, if more of you conservatives emulated Herman Cain, the country would have been better off.

Biden didn't have a crowd because TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) was still killing 4000 people a day.
You do know that far more people died after Biden was in office! Do you think Trump killed everyone around the rest of the world too? Have you considered medication or psychiatric care?

Imagine that. A president who is more concerned with the well-being of the people he represents
If you mean Biden, that would take a lot of imagination.

than stroking his own ego..
At least Trump has something worth having an ego over.
Right. In other words, another democrat who hates America. The EC is one of the best ideas ever. It stops you from monopolizing elections with one or two big states taking away the voice of the other 48 states!

Why do you guys keep repeating that shit?

It shows you have no critical thinking skills.

Okay, let's break it down by the numbers. The two biggest states are CA and TX. Neither one of them went to either candidate as a monolithic block.

A total of 158 Million voters voted in 2020. CA had 17 million voters, TX had 11 million. Together, these two states 17% of the vote. Which means the other 48 had 83% of the vote. TX was a 53/47 split, CA was a 63/37 split.

But nice to know that while you SAY every vote counts, every voice must be heard, what you really mean is that you wish you could decide every election by just the people of LA, Chicago, Philadelphia and NYC, and SCREW the other 48 states full of deplorable people.

Again - 158 million people voted. The combined populations of the four cities you listed is 10 million in NYC, 3 million in LA and Chicago, and 1.5 million in Philly. Even if every last one of those cities voted in a monolithic block, and everyone in them COULD vote, they only represent 10% of the electorate.

The real problem is that most of the big cities have no say because the EC is a foregone conclusion in CA, NY and IL.

If you don't like it, asshole, there is the door.

Uh, guy, if anyone needs to see the door, it's you. You haven't won the popular vote but once since 1988. Your numbers simply aren't sustainable. Eventually, TX and FL will be blue states, and the EC will be largely irrelevant.
You do know that far more people died after Biden was in office!

You mean after Trump let the virus run out of control, undermined efforts to contain it, and made mask wearing and vaccines a cultural issue instead of a medical one.

Do you think Trump killed everyone around the rest of the world too?

No, but we have far more deaths than any other nation, that was the point, in both number of deaths and in many cases, percentage of the population. Because Trump was grossly incompetent.

At least Trump has something worth having an ego over.
Only if you consider bankruptcies, failures and indictments as "accomplishments".
Stop drinking the koolaid, buddy.
You mean after Trump let the virus run out of control,
Who let it run out of control in the 193 other countries? And who was listening to Trump anyway. First thing all the democrat governors said was that THEY ran things in their state! Damn those democrats! They killed MILLIONS!

undermined efforts to contain it, and made mask wearing and vaccines a cultural issue instead of a medical one.
Guess you still have no idea that the masks did shit and the vaccine didn't stop infection or transmission! What rock you live under?
Which do you see above giving the most even voice to all of the states?

Why should your vote be more meaningful depending on what state you live in?
CA gets one elector for every 600,000 people, Wyoming gets on for every 200,000 people. That's kind of messed up.

One person. One vote. It's how we do EVERY OTHER ELECTED OFFICE in this country, and it works just fine.

Everything from Governors and Senators down to the School board member. One person, one vote.

But for President, we need this convoluted system to pick one, for, um, reasons.
Who let it run out of control in the 193 other countries? And who was listening to Trump anyway. First thing all the democrat governors said was that THEY ran things in their state! Damn those democrats! They killed MILLIONS!

the other 193 countries didn't have any where near our fatality rates.

in fact, the US, with 4% of the world's population represented 18% of the total Covid fatalities. (25% when Trump was in charge before Biden got it under control.)

The governors tried to contain Covid, and Trump undermined them every step of the way, even getting people to show up at state capitols with guns.

Guess you still have no idea that the masks did shit and the vaccine didn't stop infection or transmission! What rock you live under?

Actually, they worked just fine. IN fact, in Japan, because they had strict masking, (Masks were popular even before Covid) they only had 50K dead compared to our nearly 1 million.

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