Murdoch sours on DeSantis

Fuck Murdock. Let him go join GWB cutting brush down on the Crawford ranch. Hopefully, they both get robbed by the illegal aliens they love so much.
Not seeing a down side. ;)
Right? I'm tired of "fair and balanced". I don't need to hear from bed wetters. I already know nothing they have to say is worth the pain of having to hear it. I just want a "news" outlet that doesn't make an effort to manipulate public opinion, but I'd be better off trying to find unicorn crap on a magic carpet. For now I just listen to the radio since that at least broadcasts in a manner that appeals to me.
Why should your vote be more meaningful depending on what state you live in?
You refuse to understand. Not only was that question already answered, but it isn't even a matter of meaning as it is one of equity, the very thing you rubes fight for and defend in every other aspect of life, from race and education to sexual preference. But like 99.9% of every leftist I meet, you are blinded by your own hypocrisy.

CA gets one elector for every 600,000 people, Wyoming gets on for every 200,000 people. That's kind of messed up.
Irrelevant. You are obviously mathematically challenged. Each person is weighted accordingly to fit their state size/population density so as to lessen the broad diversity between the say of each STATE in having a more equal voice in every NATIONAL election, so that ALL of the nation has a say in the ONE PERSON who is SUPPOSED to represent us all.

True democracy, and you fucking HATE it, BECAUSE it is democratic!

It's how we do EVERY OTHER ELECTED OFFICE in this country
Like I just told you beanbrain, NO OTHER OFFICE in the country so completely must promise to represent ALL 50 states fairly and equally as the executive branch presidency!

But you tards simply don't have the abstract reasoning power to understand the concept of a true Republic.
You refuse to understand. Not only was that question already answered, but it isn't even a matter of meaning as it is one of equity, the very thing you rubes fight for and defend in every other aspect of life, from race and education to sexual preference. But like 99.9% of every leftist I meet, you are blinded by your own hypocrisy.

Sorry, man, I don't see a need for "equity" for the sparsely populated states. They already have disproportionate representation in the Senate. They don't need it in choosing a president.

The Founding Slave Rapists never thought that the GOP of the 19th century would hand out "Statehood" to a bunch of empty rectangles on the Great Plains in order pad their majority in the Senate.

Irrelevant. You are obviously mathematically challenged. Each person is weighted accordingly to fit their state size/population density so as to lessen the broad diversity between the say of each STATE in having a more equal voice in every NATIONAL election, so that ALL of the nation has a say in the ONE PERSON who is SUPPOSED to represent us all.

Works on the assumption that people in a state vote in monolithic blocks. The reality is, the Smaller states don't get special attention. Most of them don't have enough electors to be bothered with, and they usually aren't that close.

The states that get too much attention are the Swing States. And honestly, they shouldn't.

Like I just told you beanbrain, NO OTHER OFFICE in the country so completely must promise to represent ALL 50 states fairly and equally as the executive branch presidency!

But you tards simply don't have the abstract reasoning power to understand the concept of a true Republic.

The states have Senators and Representatives to reflect their interests. The President should represent the whole country, which means he should be selected by popular vote.

So let's be absolutely blunt and honest. You don't give a fuck about the "smaller states", you just realize that the EC is the only way that your party can win elections at this point because you long ago lost the majority of this country. You haven't won the popular vote since 1988 (with the exception of 2004, where you scared the hell out of the country for three years) because your ideas are just awful and most Americans don't agree with them.
Sorry, man, I don't see a need for "equity" for the sparsely populated states.
Who gives a shit what you see?

So let's be absolutely blunt and honest. You don't give a fuck about the "smaller states",
No, let's really be blunt and honest. You don't give a shit about the founders or the EC nor fair elections, if you could make voting the populous activity you want it to be (despite criticizing Trump for be populous) you would be perfectly happy in letting CA and NY decide every election so long as it always led to as democrat getting elected. That's all you care about--- party over people.
No, let's really be blunt and honest. You don't give a shit about the founders or the EC nor fair elections, if you could make voting the populous activity you want it to be (despite criticizing Trump for be populous) you would be perfectly happy in letting CA and NY decide every election so long as it always led to as democrat getting elected. That's all you care about--- party over people.

Um, Are you some kind of high functioning retard?

Trump isn't "populous", he's a Populist. The problem with populists is that they just play on the emotions of the crowd, without offering any solutions.

The problem is the reason the FOUNDING SLAVE RAPISTS came up with the Electoral College is that they didn't trust the people. They'd have been just as happy if state legislatures picked the electors, and if Congress picked the president most of the time. The problem with the EC is that it became immediately clear that it was unworkable, which is why it had to be modified by the 12th Amendment.

CA and NY won't decide elections. What decides elections is that more people vote Democratic. Every time.
Um, Are you some kind of high functioning retard? Oh, why bother asking the obvious.
JoeB131 lives his 'founding slave rapist' slogan. It's used as a deflection because he won't address the cruelties and degradation perpetrated by his Democrat party, the 'Party of Slavery' and the 'Party of Jim Crow'
JoeB131 lives his 'founding slave rapist' slogan. It's used as a deflection because he won't address the cruelties and degradation perpetrated by his Democrat party, the 'Party of Slavery' and the 'Party of Jim Crow'

Nope. Those people were thrown out of the Democratic party and the GOP welcomed them with open arms.

THis country was founded by people who said lofty things like "All Men are Created Equal", and then promptly went home and abused their slaves.

Thomas Jefferson had six children with Sally Hemmings, a woman who had the bad luck to look like his dead wife (Because they were half-sisters).

Um, Are you some kind of high functioning retard? Oh, why bother asking the obvious.

I did point out the obvious to you, Corky. The Founding Slave Rapists didn't want the people to have any power, just the rich landowners.

Time to move beyond their stupidity.
Nope. Those people were thrown out of the Democratic party and the GOP welcomed them with open arms.

THis country was founded by people who said lofty things like "All Men are Created Equal", and then promptly went home and abused their slaves.

Thomas Jefferson had six children with Sally Hemmings, a woman who had the bad luck to look like his dead wife (Because they were half-sisters).
Eyup. You folks with the democrat party, the “Party of Slavery” have historically been the slave rapists and slave owners. You people went to war rather than give up your slaves.

“All men are created equal” meant nothing to you slave rapists who promptly decided that cheap, forced labor was a better motto.
Nope. Those people were thrown out of the Democratic party and the GOP welcomed them with open arms.
What was the date of that auspicious event?

THis country was founded by people who said lofty things like "All Men are Created Equal", and then promptly went home and abused their slaves.
Because in 1776 on the 2nd attempt to ratify the DoI, freeing the slaves as most wanted to do a few states were still holdouts not willing to yet go along with that for economic necessity so the Founders decided better to unionize the country as one first, then come back and work on the other when they had another chance rather than risk the whole nation failing. Of course, you know better than the people of 1776 who actually lived in those days and this just will not meet with your satisfaction, because you don't treat human history as a record of what WAS, you treat it as a record of bad decisions that you just know so much better than 250 years in the future.

Just imagine the mistakes and bad judgement people of the year 2273 will find incredulous to believe you democrats are making today.

Thomas Jefferson had six children with Sally Hemmings
Ol' Tom was a horny ol' dude who must have nailed her but good! She must have been one happy woman! Or do you think he kept her in chains?

The Founding Slave Rapists didn't want the people to have any power, just the rich landowners.
Sounds just like the modern Democrat Party!
What was the date of that auspicious event?
1964. Right after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. "I've lost the South for a Generation". Nope, he lost it for good.

Because in 1776 on the 2nd attempt to ratify the DoI, freeing the slaves as most wanted to do a few states were still holdouts not willing to yet go along with that for economic necessity so the Founders decided better to unionize the country as one first, then come back and work on the other when they had another chance rather than risk the whole nation failing. Of course, you know better than the people of 1776 who actually lived in those days and this just will not meet with your satisfaction, because you don't treat human history as a record of what WAS, you treat it as a record of bad decisions that you just know so better than in 250 years in the future.

Wow, you live in a fantasy land, don't you?

Of course, I know better than the people in 1776. I know slavery was wrong. I know that shitting in a chamber pot is unsanitary. I know that bleeding people to treat diseases is not sound medical treatment.

Slavery was already on the way out in Europe, in fact the British Empire outlawed it 30 years before the Civil War.

Just imagine the mistakes and bad judgement people of the year 2273 will find incredulous to believe you democrats are making today.

Oh, I think people in 2273 will say, "Jesus fucking Christ, they elected a Reality TV Show Host, who the majority didn't want, and he proceeded to kill a million people through sheer fucking incompetence, and there were STILL people who wanted to give him the job again?" "Yes, it's a good thing that we put that AI in charge who calculated policies based on logic and reason."

Ol' Tom was a horny ol' dude you must have nailed her but good! She must have been one happy woman! Or do you think he kept her in chains?

Um, I don't know of any 15 year olds who say, "Yeah, I want to have sex with that 43 year old man!" You do get the concept that if she was property, consent was right out the window, right?

Sounds just like the modern Democrat Party!
Really, then why is it your party that keeps trying to find new schemes to keep people from voting?
1964. Right after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. "I've lost the South for a Generation". Nope, he lost it for good.
Without a link it is just bullshit.

Wow, you live in a fantasy land, don't you?
Again, you CLAIM I'm wrong yet don't attach any supporting evidence supporting your claim.

Of course, I know better than the people in 1776.
Of course you do, without having ever lived a second in their shoes! I bet you even know better than the people of 1385 as well! Of course, that implies that you are so fucking prescient that you even know better than the people of 2350! You have reached the height of social knowledge and evolution now, forever living the PINNACLE of human understanding, and even people of 500 years from now will look back on you as the godfather of civilization, never to be changed, surpassed, or improved upon because you are just so fucking PERFECT!!! :smoke:

Slavery was already on the way out in Europe, in fact the British Empire outlawed it 30 years before the Civil War.
So in other words, you admit it wasn't an American thing but a global thing as part of the times! Even the Africans did it!
Of course you do, without having ever lived a second in their shoes! I bet you even know better than the people of 1385 as well! Of course, that implies that you are so fucking prescient that you even know better than the people of 2350! You have reached the height of social knowledge and evolution now, forever living the PINNACLE of human understanding, and even people of 500 years from now will look back on you as the godfather of civilization, never to be changed, surpassed, or improved upon because you are just so fucking PERFECT!!!

Well, I am perfect, but that's not the point.

One human being owning another was wrong, they knew it was wrong, and they let it keep happening anyway.

People 500 years from will probably be living on a desert planet, after Global Warming has devastated it, and civilization will have fallen apart because fossil fuels have been exhausted. They will no doubt envy the lifestyle we are living now.

So in other words, you admit it wasn't an American thing but a global thing as part of the times!

Except everyone else didn't enshrine it in their constitutions, and abolished it a lot earlier than we did.
None of them are STILL having social problems because of it like we are.

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