Murdoch sours on DeSantis

Only in your delusional warped pseudo reality.

You understand the fact that Trump received MORE VOTES in 2020 than he did in 2016... Correct?

And he'll receive even MORE VOTES in 2024.

Your reasoning is fallacious.

Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016 because the electorate grew and voter participation was higher. As a percentage of the vote, he didn't do any better than he did in 2016, only getting less than 47% of the electorate.

Biden got more vote than Hillary did for the same reason, but he also got more voters who came back from third parties.

One more thing that helped Trump was that he was the incumbent. This time, Biden has that advantage.

It was a horrible misjudgements to enter the race.

Even without being Trump's VP the guy was the frontrunner for the 2028 nomination with no incumbent regardless of the outcome of the 2024 election.

Trump's constituents would have seen a guy who could have sided with the Establishment and the Never-Trumpers in 2024... But didn't.

He's burned that bridge now. Don't think there is any recovering from that.

And this is what a cult looks like, people. DeSantis dared question the cult leader, burn him!!!

The reality of why DeSantis is falling flat is that he's doubled down on the crazy culture war, which most Americans weren't thrilled with. Unlike Trump who didn't care that much about the gay stuff, DeSantis is doubling and tripling down on the crazy. Sweet evil Jesus, he's going after DISNEY!!!
Your reasoning is fallacious.

Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016 because the electorate grew and voter participation was higher. As a percentage of the vote, he didn't do any better than he did in 2016, only getting less than 47% of the electorate.

Biden got more vote than Hillary did for the same reason, but he also got more voters who came back from third parties.

One more thing that helped Trump was that he was the incumbent. This time, Biden has that advantage.

Did Obama get more votes in his second election?

2008 ...69,498,516
2012... 65,915,795

UH OH...
Missourian once again demonstrates several cuts below. We are talking Trump in 2020 and 2016, not Obama at all.
Your not following the action partner.

JoeB's assertions are as follows.

He believes that there is a large group of Republicans that wont vote for Trump.

I counter with Trump received more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.

JoeB attributes that to population growth.

I point out that, while the population also grew during the four year Obama was president...he LOST millions of votes when he was re-elected in 2012.

How do you explain that incongruity?

Using JoeB's logic...Trump is MORE palatable to the Republican voter than Obama was to Democrat voters on the heel of four years of their leadership.

That blows a huge hole in JoeB's premise...

The fact is, a lot of Republicans are going to sit 2024 out if Trump is the nominee

...does it not?
Murdoch can read the writing on the wall.

Trump is going to be the nominee... and the Republican nominee is going to be President in January 2025.
I agree if Patriots can stop attacking each other and debate but allow others individual different opinions without going into immediate cancel culture. Patriot 'self-righteousness' has beat us in many elections. We have to learn to be able to disagree and fight for what we believe to be right, but understand that honorable people can disagree.

Argue your case for DeSantis. Argue you case for Trump. Argue your case for somebody else. Ditto for Senate and House races. But in the end we all have to vote GOP no matter who the candidate is. Any other vote is a vote for the Democrat. And they know it which is why they are actively trying to keep us mad at each other.

If we don't learn to pull together in harness to accomplish our common vision of a stronger, freer, more secure, more prosperous for everybody America, the Democrats will sweep us in 2024. And we'll be saying President Biden or somebody even worse for another four years and won't have a majority in either chamber of Congress to buffer that.
But in the end we all have to vote GOP no matter who the candidate is. Any other vote is a vote for the Democrat.
While I'd like to agree with this...I don't.

Withholding your vote is a political statement as well.

And I'm saying that at a moment when Trump is almost assured the nominations.

If you wish to make a statement by withholding your support...more power to you.

"Blue no matter who" have us Biden and Fetterman.

While I want Trump to win...if you cannot in good conscious support Trump...don't vote for him.

If you can... hold your nose and pull that level like I did for Romney.

But if you can' can't.

I can't.

I won't pull that lever for a Chris Christie or Mitt Romney candidate.

Sorry...just being honest.
Murdoch can read the writing on the wall.

Trump is going to be the nominee... and the Republican nominee is going to be President in January 2025.
yeah. and when that does not happen, this will finally constitute Evidunce Kraken Style that the demafasicts [sick] stole the secret landslide election from the idiotic vulgarian again.
JoeB attributes that to population growth.

I point out that, while the population also grew during the four year Obama was president...he LOST millions of votes when he was re-elected in 2012.

How do you explain that incongruity?

We weren't discussing Obama in 2012 vs. 2008.

First, Obama got less votes in 2012 because voter participation dropped. It dropped form 62% to 58%. Why? Mostly because no one really thought the Weird Mormon Robot was going to win, and even Republicans weren't that enthusiastic about him.

Obama got 69MM votes in 08 and 66 million in 12. His percentage of the vote dropped from 53% to 51%.
Romney got 61MM votes compare to McCain's 60MM. In terms of percentages, he improved to 47.2% from 45.7. So the gap wasn't really closed that much, it was more a lack of enthusiasm offseting growth in the electorate.

Drumpf only got 63MM votes in 2016 vs. Hillary's 66MM. (which means, the people said no, and if we had a sane way of picking presidents, this wouldn't be an issue.) The big gain was in THIRD Parties, which increased their vote totals because frankly, both candidates were kind of awful and everyone said Hillary had it in the bag, so you can piss away your vote on a third party. Voter participation didn't go up that much, either, only increasing to 60%. While 2% of the electorate wasted their votes on third parties (and yes, it's a waste) in 2012, that number went up to 6% in 2016. In terms of percentages, Trump got 46 to Hillary's 48.

So what happened in 2020? If you are one of these people who believe it was stolen, not going to even try to piss up that rope, so let's look at what actually happened.

First, Voter participation was WAY UP. Nearly 67% of the electorate!
Second, as I have said, the electorate continued to grow, every election.
Third, people realized what an absolute fucking disaster the Orange Shitgibbon was and voted like their lives depended on it. So no pissing away votes on third parties, because that would be stupid.

So Biden got 81MM votes compared to Hillary's 66MM. Percentagewise, he went from her 48% to 51.3%. So, yeah, 15 million more votes due to higher participation, growth of the electorate, and winning back those third party voters.

Cheeto Jesus got 74MM votes compared to his 63MM last time. But in terms of percentage, he only went from 46.1% to 46.8%. He just didn't bump the numbers that much.
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Your not following the action partner. JoeB's assertions are as follows. He believes that there is a large group of Republicans that wont vote for Trump. I counter with Trump received more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. JoeB attributes that to population growth. I point out that, while the population also grew during the four year Obama was president...he LOST millions of votes when he was re-elected in 2012. How do you explain that incongruity? Using JoeB's logic...Trump is MORE palatable to the Republican voter than Obama was to Democrat voters on the heel of four years of their leadership. That blows a huge hole in JoeB's premise......does it not?
No, JoeB's points are sound.

You have failed to prove that Obama lost votes in 2012 compared to 2008, somehow is indicative of something in 2020.

JoeB answered you correctly; many more voters went to the polls in 2020 than 2012.

When, and if, the Dems win in 2024, the reason will be that enough voters thought the GOP ticket was better.
As an aside: A year or two ago I adopted this practice: if I see a public figure post something obnoxious on social media, I go check their feed to see if there's anything there I had missed, and if not, they get the block. I've even blocked any *mention* of certain public figures from showing up in my feeds.

And you know what? I'm tremendously happier for it, and these celebrities no longer get to profit from my attention.

I will pay attention to good opinion if sourced with reasonable evidence from any side. Conspiracits can go suck lemons for all I care.
No, JoeB's points are sound.

You have failed to prove that Obama lost votes in 2012 compared to 2008, somehow is indicative of something in 2020.

JoeB answered you correctly; many more voters went to the polls in 2020 than 2012.

When, and if, the Dems win in 2024, the reason will be that enough voters thought the GOP ticket was better.
We're going to have to agree to disagree.

Past is prolog.

I like JoeB. But he is wrong.

Biden won in 2020 by hiding out.

Now that there is no place to hide...there is little doubt he will not be victorious in 2024.

Dems best bet is to replace him quickly...but Biden himself is the immovable object. If he continues to insist he will be the candidate in 2024... there is little the Dems can do. To force him out insinuates it was a mistake to elect him in the first place...and Democrats egos won't allow that.

If Trump could garner more votes in 2020 than 2016 and the great leftist hero Obama could not...that tells you all you need to know if you have the critical thinking skills to collate the implications of those facts.

I understand that your bias impedes admitting the obvious...but I hope in private you have the ability to connect those dots.
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As an aside: A year or two ago I adopted this practice: if I see a public figure post something obnoxious on social media, I go check their feed to see if there's anything there I had missed, and if not, they get the block. I've even blocked any *mention* of certain public figures from showing up in my feeds.

And you know what? I'm tremendously happier for it, and these celebrities no longer get to profit from my attention.

I will pay attention to good opinion if sourced with reasonable evidence from any side. Conspiracits can go suck lemons for all I care.
You mean like those "russian collusion" conspiracists?

And the "Hunter's laptop is russian disinformation" conspiracists?

Can you name so of those conspiracists that you have blocked?

Or do you mean the "The government is spying on Americans" conspiracists or the "the government is colluding with big tech to stifle free speech" conspiracists...

Because those turned out to be true facts. Including that Hunter's laptop and Ashley Hunter's diary were authentic and russian collusion was the second biggest hoax perpetrated on the American people this century.

Did you block them too?
While I'd like to agree with this...I don't.

Withholding your vote is a political statement as well.

And I'm saying that at a moment when Trump is almost assured the nominations.

If you wish to make a statement by withholding your support...more power to you.

"Blue no matter who" have us Biden and Fetterman.

While I want Trump to win...if you cannot in good conscious support Trump...don't vote for him.

If you can... hold your nose and pull that level like I did for Romney.

But if you can' can't.

I can't.

I won't pull that lever for a Chris Christie or Mitt Romney candidate.

Sorry...just being honest.
I appreciate that you are being honest and stating your convictions. I respect that. But always hope for a change of perspective in these cases.

At some point we have to assess the pros and cons of refusing to compromise for the greater good. Is a Mitt Romney or Chris Christie good for the Republican Party? No. They are not.

Can a Mitt Romney or Chris Christie be counted on to support some issues or concepts most Patriots count as very important? No they cannot.

But will they vote on the right (correct) side more often than they will not? Yes. Both will.

So yes they are RINOs and are often too contemptible to be appreciated by any honorable Patriot. But will they support our interests more than any Democrat? Yes they will.

So are our convictions worth heaping more misery upon hundreds of millions? Not to me. And that's exactly what refusing to vote for the GOP nominee is likely to do.

I respect anybody's choice. But I always hope that Patriots will choose to vote for the greater good instead of following their feelings.
I appreciate that you are being honest and stating your convictions. I respect that. But always hope for a change of perspective in these cases.

At some point we have to assess the pros and cons of refusing to compromise for the greater good. Is a Mitt Romney or Chris Christie good for the Republican Party? No. They are not.

Can a Mitt Romney or Chris Christie be counted on to support some issues or concepts most Patriots count as very important? No they cannot.

But will they vote on the right (correct) side more often than they will not? Yes. Both will.

So yes they are RINOs and are often too contemptible to be appreciated by any honorable Patriot. But will they support our interests more than any Democrat? Yes they will.

So are our convictions worth heaping more misery upon hundreds of millions? Not to me. And that's exactly what refusing to vote for the GOP nominee is likely to do.

I respect anybody's choice. But I always hope that Patriots will choose to vote for the greater good instead of following their feelings.
I used to think like that.

Better half a loaf than no loaf at all.

But after 20 years of Bush, and McCain and Romney...what I currently believe is in order to secure an equal seat at the GOP table...I must threaten THEIR loaf.

As an individual, I have few legal tools at my disposal. My vote is one of those tools.

If the GOP can take my vote for granted...which they always have...what incentive do they have to work to earn it?
I used to think like that.

Better half a loaf than no loaf at all.

But after 20 years of Bush, and McCain and Romney...what I currently believe is in order to secure an equal seat at the GOP table...I must threaten THEIR loaf.

As an individual, I have few legal tools at my disposal. My vote is one of those tools.

If the GOP can take my vote for granted...which they always have...what incentive do they have to work to earn it?
I'm sorry but I lived the misery and total chaotic economy of the Carter and Obama administrations and it just wasn't worth it to teach errant Republicans a lesson. I am watching the destruction of America under an incompetent and viciously partisan Biden Administration.

Now that the Democrat Party is mostly controlled by people who hate America and everything it stands for, who hate most Americans, and is gung ho to force a much more totalitarian Marxist government upon us, it just isn't worth inflicting that on innocent people to teach errant Republicans a lesson.

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