Murdoch sours on DeSantis

I'm sorry but I lived the misery and total chaotic economy of the Carter and Obama administrations and it just wasn't worth it to teach errant Republicans a lesson.

And now that the Democrat Party is controlled by most people who hate America and everything it stands for, who hate most Americans, and is gung ho to force a much more totalitarian Marxist government upon us, it just isn't worth inflicting that on innocent people to teach errant Republicans a lesson.
We're just going to have to agree to disagree.

I'm not teaching them a lesson.

I'm putting them on notice.

If they want my vote... they'll have to earn it.
Experts say that every decision DeSantis has made in his presidential bid has been the exact opposite of what he should have done.

Funny, I recall the so-called ''experts'' also saying that he should have done the exact opposite of what he did as Governor. Such things as opposing and combating the travesties invoked against peace, prosperity and freedom itself by special interests as well as the feds from behind the cloak of operation foreknowledge, I mean operation warp speed.

If I voted for a Republican, which I won't, but if I did, it'd be DeSantis over Trump without even a second thought.

But if people want Trump, hey, go for it. The establishment actually loves him and he's very useful for them, regardless of the game they play otherwise.

Trump is a utility of the establishment. He aways has been. Ever since the party-of-one got scared back during the 2014 Mid-terms as people were ditching both parties. He serves them very well in that they're able to use him as a token to continue creating the illusion that America is under siege, thus self-justifying their desire to assault your civil liberties. And they're going after the usual ones first. Spech. Your gun rights. Anything they can. Heck, they've even used the illusion to try to get rid of their own peers in congress.
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Trump lost fair and square.

The handwriting is on the wall for next year.

And, in our good community, we do not quarrel over religion and politics. I am so glad for that.

CTers will CT, and I wish them good hope.
We're just going to have to agree to disagree.

I'm not teaching them a lesson.

I'm putting them on notice.

If they want my vote... they'll have to earn it.
I put my vote where I think it will do the most good. Not to make a statement. But yes, we can agree to disagree. I just hope with all my heart that very few Patriots see it as you do as the price to pay for your conviction just is way too high.

The place to put them on notice is to vote them out of the primary.
If I voted for a Republican, which I won't, but if I did, it'd be DeSantis over Trump without even a second thought.
Nothing wrong with that. I'm just wondering what there could possibly be about Joe Biden that you'd want him again. Now it looks like not only was his son in some international porn ring but it appears that Joe has taken over 40 million in bribes from foreign countries to do them "favors." Go Democrats.

Trump is a utility of the establishment. He aways has been.
Trump is an outsider intent on showing that most of our problems are CAUSED by government because they can and could have fixed them long ago but don't want to. If Trump were some sort of "utility" to the establishment, don't you think they'd want him in office?
Mainstream media still believes they control the narrative.

That ship has sailed far, far away.

Fox News, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, BBC, NYT, WaPo...all the same player in different skins.

Trump has to spend far less money on media than any other candidates; that's the main reason he's hated. He cuts into their profits Bigly, which means laying off worthless hacks and giving out salary cuts in newsrooms and across the board, including in Hollywood. He's a very dangerous man to them, the worst there is. If they lose influence on voters they're worthless to politicians.
I'm just wondering what there could possibly be about Joe Biden that you'd want him again.

I don't see much of a meaningful difference in them, honestly. The comparison is, in my view, moot. I think they're just passing the baton back and forth over the course of a few administrations because that is how this modern assault on the Republic requires that it go down. It's a very dynamic assault, particularly given that they all know fully well they've ran out of road to keep kicking the can down.

I think they're both just two puppets with a globalist hand up their rear ends while Klaus and friends fulfill their role in all of it and get ready to run the final leg once these two serve their purpose.
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Only in your delusional warped pseudo reality.

You understand the fact that Trump received MORE VOTES in 2020 than he did in 2016... Correct?

And he'll receive even MORE VOTES in 2024.

Actually, not really.

You see, 2020 happened before January 6, before he acted crazy for three years, before he got indicted in a bunch of places.

It won't make you koolaid drinkers reconsider, but everyone else will.
Biden won in 2020 by hiding out.

Now that there is no place to hide...there is little doubt he will not be victorious in 2024.

Dems best bet is to replace him quickly...but Biden himself is the immovable object. If he continues to insist he will be the candidate in 2024... there is little the Dems can do. To force him out insinuates it was a mistake to elect him in the first place...and Democrats egos won't allow that.

Actually, Biden can run on his record of low unemployment, robust foreign policy and beating inflation, which is now down to 3% without triggering a recession.

Because those turned out to be true facts. Including that Hunter's laptop and Ashley Hunter's diary were authentic and russian collusion was the second biggest hoax perpetrated on the American people this century.

The laptop was fake.

The Ashley Diaries are fake.

If this is the best you can hope for, that you can manufacture some scandal, it will backfire on you.

Nobody likes it when you go after the President's family.
Actually, Biden can run on his record of low unemployment, robust foreign policy and beating inflation, which is now down to 3% without triggering a recession.

The laptop was fake.

The Ashley Diaries are fake.

If this is the best you can hope for, that you can manufacture some scandal, it will backfire on you.

Nobody likes it when you go after the President's family.
This is why you are divorced from

Let's try CBS...

And just for giggles...we'll stick with snopes...

"Regardless of any sort of official confirmation from the government or the Bidens, ample evidence strongly suggests the diary belonged to the president's daughter. This information was not new and not a revelation by the special master."

And the New York Times.

Be better informed.

That post is downright embarrassing.

Like Reagan said isn't what liberals don't's that what they "know" ain't so.
It won't make you koolaid drinkers reconsider, but everyone else will.

KOOLAID DRINKER: A person who flatly believes that a three time loser with no campaign nor rally even wins by getting 20 million more votes than Obumma and 7 million more votes than an historically successful and popular president who set new voting records to turn around and triple energy costs, decimate food supply, quadruple crime, waste and spending, while going to war to protect a nation we have no treaty with to protect a government you impeached the last president for investigating your criminal alliances with while leaving more billions of dollars in weapons with a terrorist organization all the while refusing to answer any questions about why foreign governments are slipping tens of millions in payments into your bank account while preparing to arrest and imprison the former president for investigating you while naked people run around at the WH sniffing cocaine and the WH hangs a gay pride flag for Independence Day! And that he was fairly elected by a fair and impartial election without neither government nor industry and special interests and media with their thumb on the scale assuring they put him in power even after admitting as much that you PUT him in office in national print! :shok:

That is one hell of a Kool Aide drinker if you believe all of that! :1peleas:
What's to like? You basically get Trump.....just shittier. And kinda fucking boring.

Why go for off-brand Trump when you can get original recipe, with a side of whining?

Say whatever you want about Trump.....the guy is entertaining. At least for the first 20 minutes of his meandering, self involved monologues. By the time they enter the second hour, even his supporters are dozing off.

I keep waiting for him to get a better speechwriter. If you listen to his last "state of the state" speech he gave it sounded as if some high school kid wrote it. It was cliche heavy, didn't define any theme he had except for the nebulous "anti-wokeness" stuff, and he sounded as if he was handed the speech minutes before delivering it.

I don't think he wanted to spend the money to put a showroom finish on his campaign and the voters have reacted with a shrug.

On the plus side for DeSantis....Iowa republican caucus voters are not known for going overboard into believing the hyperbole (you'll recall Trump lost in 2016) so there is some hope there for him. But it's based on the equally nebulous argument that voters are being "reached". You really don't know until election day. But all signs currently point to "no" on that front.
I keep waiting for him to get a better speechwriter. If you listen to his last "state of the state" speech he gave it sounded as if some high school kid wrote it. It was cliche heavy, didn't define any theme he had except for the nebulous "anti-wokeness" stuff, and he sounded as if he was handed the speech minutes before delivering it.

I don't think he wanted to spend the money to put a showroom finish on his campaign and the voters have reacted with a shrug.

On the plus side for DeSantis....Iowa republican caucus voters are not known for going overboard into believing the hyperbole (you'll recall Trump lost in 2016) so there is some hope there for him. But it's based on the equally nebulous argument that voters are being "reached". You really don't know until election day. But all signs currently point to "no" on that front.

They could have Jesus give Billy Shakespeare a jumpstart and it wouldn't matter. Trump just babbles and meanders. He doesn't listen to speech writers anymore than he does legal counsel.
Your reasoning is fallacious.

Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016 because the electorate grew and voter participation was higher. As a percentage of the vote, he didn't do any better than he did in 2016, only getting less than 47% of the electorate.

Biden got more vote than Hillary did for the same reason, but he also got more voters who came back from third parties.

One more thing that helped Trump was that he was the incumbent. This time, Biden has that advantage.
This is true. He got a smaller % of the vote in a lot of red states than he got in 2016.

And that was before 1/6
This is why you are divorced from

Let's try CBS...

Let's not, we've been over this.

They've confirmed that some of the emails were real. No one ever disputed that.

What they've never proven is that this was his laptop. In fact, it looks like all the data was downloaded onto it at the same time. You know, like someone hacked his cloud drive, copied all the data, and downloaded it.

And just for giggles...we'll stick with snopes...

"Regardless of any sort of official confirmation from the government or the Bidens, ample evidence strongly suggests the diary belonged to the president's daughter. This information was not new and not a revelation by the special master."

but the claims that she was molested, absolute bullshit.

Like I said, if the best you have is to go after the man's kids, that's going to backfire on you big time.
KOOLAID DRINKER: A person who flatly believes that a three time loser with no campaign nor rally even wins by getting 20 million more votes than Obumma and 7 million more votes than an historically successful and popular president

Uh, successful?
HE KILLED A MILLION PEOPLE. He had double digit unemployment. We had riots in the fucking streets!
Popular? Trump was never liked by the majority. He never won the popular vote. His approval ratings were underwater every day of his presidency.
Uh, successful? HE KILLED A MILLION PEOPLE. He had double digit unemployment. We had riots in the fucking streets!
Are you talking about Obumma or Biden, bonehead?!

Popular? Trump was never liked by the majority.
The majority of what? You mean that unpopular guy who had the 2nd largest inauguration attendance in history second only to Obumma's first? You mean the guy that drew larger rally attendance crowds than any other president in history? You mean the president that got more votes in 2020 than any sitting president has ever gotten before? You mean the president who won the popular vote in 3,084 out of the 3,141 counties in the USA? That's 98.2% of America BTW if you can't do the math. Trump was the preferred and chosen candidate in 98.2% of the country.

He never won the popular vote.
He never needed to. This ain't Britain, fuckhead, the national popular vote doesn't mean shit. It is just a nice-to-know figure democrats like to jerk their pud to that isn't even known until added up AFTER the election is over. What actually matters is who wins the STATE levels thereby taking the majority of that state's electors. Gee, you'd think that for a Drip like YOU who touts defending democracy so much that you'd think you'd at least know how elections really work.
Are you talking about Obumma or Biden, bonehead?!

The majority of what? You mean that unpopular guy who had the 2nd largest inauguration attendance in history second only to Obumma's first? You mean the guy that drew larger rally attendance crowds than any other president in history? You mean the president that got more votes in 2020 than any sitting president has ever gotten before? You mean the president who won the popular vote in 3,084 out of the 3,141 counties in the USA? That's 98.2% of America BTW if you can't do the math. Trump was the preferred and chosen candidate in 98.2% of the country.

He never needed to. This ain't Britain, fuckhead, the national popular vote doesn't mean shit. What matter is who wins STATE levels thereby takes the majority of that state's electors. Gee, you'd think that for a Drip like YOU who touts defending democracy so much that you'd think you'd at least know how elections really work.
The popular vote is irrelevant in our Presidential elections.
The majority of what? You mean that unpopular guy who had the 2nd largest inauguration attendance in history second only to Obumma's first?

Are you kidding me?


I find this codependency between Trump and his fanatical supporters interesting. I understand what Trump gets out of it, he's a malignant narcissist, and crowds cheering him is what he lives for. I'm less sure what you get out of this? Is that he's able to say the bigoted things out loud that you can't say in polite company really that meaningful for you?
Are you kidding me?


I find this codependency between Trump and his fanatical supporters interesting. I understand what Trump gets out of it, he's a malignant narcissist, and crowds cheering him is what he lives for. I'm less sure what you get out of this? Is that he's able to say the bigoted things out loud that you can't say in polite company really that meaningful for you?
You are just a partisan democrat detached from reality.

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