Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

I liked the quotes. Sort of touchy, aren't you? Upset about your boys going down?

Why do you post insults of people you don't know on the internet?

It seems kind of childish.

Murdoch is my 'boy'? Cool!!

I insult people who post bullshit. It's a hobby.

You would do well to focus more on fact and less on 'quotes'.

No, actually you just post insults to people you don't agree with.

You might want to ask yourself why you do that.

No, I don't. I post insults to people who insult my intelligence with their crap. You might want to ask yourself why you post crap.... mainly you regurgitate crap from other people.... are you not capable of thinking for yourself?
what stinks is fux news, the whole shebang. Chickens coming home to roost.:clap2:

Do you support Obama sending armed soldiers into Fox studios to arrest Hannity as an enemy of the people?

Do you think those who criticize Obama should be put to death, or just put in prison for life?

Prison for life. I'm anti-death penalty. I'm sure some of them could be re-educated. Maybe only 10%, but you do what you can do. :eusa_whistle:
What I find interesting is how everyone is assuming that it was News Int journalists who contacted that ex cop in NY. 10 years ago... and they think he remembers the name and media outlet of all those journalists that he claims contacted him?

Exactly what is it that the FBI are 'investigating'? There is no evidence, other than an ex cop claiming that journalists contacted him. How the hell are they gonna prove who called him and, more importantly, from what media?

Would be very, very funny if.... say.... MSNBC, CNN, ABC got discovered to have tried this tactic. LOL

My point is this has been timed to attack Murdoch.

Get enough folks with a grudge against him calling for his head and Fox News is history.

They don't even have to have a little thing called evidence. Public opinion will overrule all of the details.

I suspect it was the other way around. This has been bubbling around since 2006, when one journalist from NotW and a private investigator were sent to prison for hacking phones.

It is possible that this was 'manufactured' now to stop Murdoch from getting BSkyB. If so, it's worked. While Murdoch might think he can go ahead when the dust settles, it is likely that the UK Government will change the law to ensure that he can't.

What it does is effectively put the kaybash on alterative viewpoints being given to the people in the UK. So Soros made good on his threat.
My point is this has been timed to attack Murdoch.

Get enough folks with a grudge against him calling for his head and Fox News is history.

They don't even have to have a little thing called evidence. Public opinion will overrule all of the details.

I suspect it was the other way around. This has been bubbling around since 2006, when one journalist from NotW and a private investigator were sent to prison for hacking phones.

It is possible that this was 'manufactured' now to stop Murdoch from getting BSkyB. If so, it's worked. While Murdoch might think he can go ahead when the dust settles, it is likely that the UK Government will change the law to ensure that he can't.

What it does is effectively put the kaybash on alterative viewpoints being given to the people in the UK. So Soros made good on his threat.

Not true. There are still 'conservative leaning' newspapers in the UK.... the Telegraph is the main one.
Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

*taps Einstein on the shoulder*

Hey Bub,

It was Republican Peter King that CALLED for the FBI investigation.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.


We know. Why do you never check to see whether what you're posting is relevant?


I liked the quotes. Sort of touchy, aren't you? Upset about your boys going down?

Why do you post insults of people you don't know on the internet?

It seems kind of childish.

CG is taking this as an personal affront. Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

We all know why already.

She's a great pretender, just like FOX pretends to be fair & balanced.
Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

*taps Einstein on the shoulder*

Hey Bub,

It was Republican Peter King that CALLED for the FBI investigation.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.



Yes. I heard this on the news last night. King (R) wanted an inquiry ;)
Brooks is only 43? Single too. wonder if she was a tyrant to work for or an average person?
BBC News - Phone hacking: News International chief Brooks quits
Ms Brooks, 43, who had been with News International for 22 years, bowed to the international pressure piling up on the company.

She's sexy. But then again, I have a thing for redheads.

Too bad she'll maybe be some butch's girlfriend in the pen.


I don't think she can claim she was "out of the loop" on this one :eusa_hand:
Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

*taps Einstein on the shoulder*

Hey Bub,

It was Republican Peter King that CALLED for the FBI investigation.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.



No shit Sherlock.

I know it was Peter King, fucken dumb motherfucker.

Nobody has ever accused him of being a Brainiac. I did everything short of mentioning him by name numbnuts and it still got by you.
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I suspect it was the other way around. This has been bubbling around since 2006, when one journalist from NotW and a private investigator were sent to prison for hacking phones.

It is possible that this was 'manufactured' now to stop Murdoch from getting BSkyB. If so, it's worked. While Murdoch might think he can go ahead when the dust settles, it is likely that the UK Government will change the law to ensure that he can't.

What it does is effectively put the kaybash on alterative viewpoints being given to the people in the UK. So Soros made good on his threat.

Not true. There are still 'conservative leaning' newspapers in the UK.... the Telegraph is the main one.

Obviously they aren't having that great an effect.

One more more balanced media source would be a good thing.

The more the better. Less chance for the left to discredit them.

But now....fat chance.

Sorry if I don't know all of the ins and outs in the UK. I know about Harry Potter, the Royals, and what I saw in London when I visited. Oh, and Monty Python.
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Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

*taps Einstein on the shoulder*

Hey Bub,

It was Republican Peter King that CALLED for the FBI investigation.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.



No shit Sherlock.

I know it was Peter King, fucken dumb motherfucker.

Nobody has ever accused him of being a Brainiac. I did everything short of mentioning him by name numbnuts and it still got by you.
So then why are you acting like its some liberal, Obama-led, conspiracy-type attack against Murdoch/Brooks/The right then?

You are loopy...:cuckoo:
What it does is effectively put the kaybash on alterative viewpoints being given to the people in the UK. So Soros made good on his threat.

Not true. There are still 'conservative leaning' newspapers in the UK.... the Telegraph is the main one.

Obviously they aren't having that great an effect.

One more more balanced media source would be a good thing.

The more the better. Less chance for the left to discredit them.

But now....fat chance.

Sorry if I don't know all of the ins and outs in the UK. I know about Harry Potter, the Royals, and what I saw in London when I visited. Oh, and Monty Python.

The only really openly partisan - to the point of being laughable at times - is the Guardian. Some lean left, but it's not really overt. But the Telegraph and the Mail are both right leaning... and do quite well with circulation. Britain has shifted slightly right these days. :lol: Which, to our drooling hordes on the USMB left, will automatically make Britain an evil country. :lol::lol:
*taps Einstein on the shoulder*

Hey Bub,

It was Republican Peter King that CALLED for the FBI investigation.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.



No shit Sherlock.

I know it was Peter King, fucken dumb motherfucker.

Nobody has ever accused him of being a Brainiac. I did everything short of mentioning him by name numbnuts and it still got by you.
So then why are you acting like its some liberal, Obama-led, conspiracy-type attack against Murdoch/Brooks/The right then?

You are loopy...:cuckoo:
Because Peter Fucken King is not the only Congressman calling for an investigation.

But he is the only Repug mentioned in the article and from what I gathered, the only one mentioned by name.

Those in the know are saying this is a typical political Dog-Pile.

Btw, Peter King would call for an investigation into the real color of shit.
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No shit Sherlock.

I know it was Peter King, fucken dumb motherfucker.

Nobody has ever accused him of being a Brainiac. I did everything short of mentioning him by name numbnuts and it still got by you.
So then why are you acting like its some liberal, Obama-led, conspiracy-type attack against Murdoch/Brooks/The right then?

You are loopy...:cuckoo:
Because Peter Fucken King is not the only Congressman calling for an investigation.

But he is the only Repug mentioned in the article and from what I gathered, the only one mentioned by name.

Those in the know are saying this is a typical political Dog-Pile.

Btw, Peter King would call for an investigation into the real color of shit.
So WHO are the others?

Name them.
So then why are you acting like its some liberal, Obama-led, conspiracy-type attack against Murdoch/Brooks/The right then?

You are loopy...:cuckoo:
Because Peter Fucken King is not the only Congressman calling for an investigation.

But he is the only Repug mentioned in the article and from what I gathered, the only one mentioned by name.

Those in the know are saying this is a typical political Dog-Pile.

Btw, Peter King would call for an investigation into the real color of shit.
So WHO are the others?
Name them.
I thought I made it clear the others went unnamed

Jesus you're stupid

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