Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

LONDON — In an abrupt reversal, the News Corporation said on Thursday afternoon that Rupert Murdoch and his son James would testify next week before a British parliamentary panel looking into phone hacking. They will appear along with Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of the company’s beleaguered British newspaper group.

Earlier in the day, the Murdochs had sent letters to the panel, the Commons Culture Select Committee, refusing an invitation to appear.

The panel responded by escalating the issue, formally summoning them to testify. The panel said it had “made clear its view that all three should appear to account for the behavior of News International and for previous statements made to the committee in Parliament, now acknowledged to be false.”

Mr. Murdoch and his son agreed to testify shortly after the summonses were issued, putting off the question of whether, as American citizens, they could have been compelled to do so. Ms. Brooks, who is a British subject, said in a separate letter earlier Thursday that she would appear before the panel next Tuesday, though she warned that she might not be able to answer detailed questions.

The moves in Parliament coincided with an announcement by Scotland Yard that officers had arrested Neil Wallis, 60, a former editor of The News of the World, the Murdoch-owned tabloid at the heart of the phone hacking scandal. The crisis for Rupert Murdoch erupted early last week with news reports that The News of the World had ordered its investigators to break into the voice mail of Milly Dowler, a 13-year-old who had been abducted and was later found murdered. The Murdoch family shut down the 168-year-old Sunday newspaper after a final edition last weekend.

Interestingly..... Wallis, after resigning from the NotW, was employed as a Consultant by.... the Metropolitan Police. Oops. That's not gonna look good.... considering that, at the time he was 'consulting' for the Met, they were in possession of an 11,000 page report that implicated Wallis in the phone hacking.

Hmmmm. This is some funny shit.

There is no telling how far this is going to go....

The question is, what did Rupert know, and when did he know it?
Shows what happens when tabloids cross over into actual newspapers.
LONDON — In an abrupt reversal, the News Corporation said on Thursday afternoon that Rupert Murdoch and his son James would testify next week before a British parliamentary panel looking into phone hacking. They will appear along with Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of the company’s beleaguered British newspaper group.

Earlier in the day, the Murdochs had sent letters to the panel, the Commons Culture Select Committee, refusing an invitation to appear.

The panel responded by escalating the issue, formally summoning them to testify. The panel said it had “made clear its view that all three should appear to account for the behavior of News International and for previous statements made to the committee in Parliament, now acknowledged to be false.”

Mr. Murdoch and his son agreed to testify shortly after the summonses were issued, putting off the question of whether, as American citizens, they could have been compelled to do so. Ms. Brooks, who is a British subject, said in a separate letter earlier Thursday that she would appear before the panel next Tuesday, though she warned that she might not be able to answer detailed questions.

The moves in Parliament coincided with an announcement by Scotland Yard that officers had arrested Neil Wallis, 60, a former editor of The News of the World, the Murdoch-owned tabloid at the heart of the phone hacking scandal. The crisis for Rupert Murdoch erupted early last week with news reports that The News of the World had ordered its investigators to break into the voice mail of Milly Dowler, a 13-year-old who had been abducted and was later found murdered. The Murdoch family shut down the 168-year-old Sunday newspaper after a final edition last weekend.

Interestingly..... Wallis, after resigning from the NotW, was employed as a Consultant by.... the Metropolitan Police. Oops. That's not gonna look good.... considering that, at the time he was 'consulting' for the Met, they were in possession of an 11,000 page report that implicated Wallis in the phone hacking.

Hmmmm. This is some funny shit.

There is no telling how far this is going to go....

The question is, what did Rupert know, and when did he know it?

Which is why we should try not to take what is being bandied around in the media too seriously quite yet. This is an incredibly complex situation, with all kinds of speculation being taken as fact.

You're right though, ONE of the main questions is what did he know and when did he know it... and.... more than that.... did he agree it, did he encourage it, did he push journalists to do it, was it a culture at NotW, was it a culture at News Int... and, from a US perspective, was it a culture within News Corps.

Right now, we have a lot of questions.... and very few real answers.

"Liberty" has nothing to do with hacking the cell phone of a kidnapped teenage girl or the digusting lies of FoxNews.

Liberty certain does not have anything to do with the hacking of a murdered teenager.... but, unless you condemn the 'lies' of all media outlets, you remain nothing more than a left wing hack.

Still waiting to see other media outlets lie.

Still waiting to see other media outlets use the "Some people say..." routine.

Still waiting for you to realize that freedom comes with responsibility.
LONDON — In an abrupt reversal, the News Corporation said on Thursday afternoon that Rupert Murdoch and his son James would testify next week before a British parliamentary panel looking into phone hacking. They will appear along with Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of the company’s beleaguered British newspaper group.

Earlier in the day, the Murdochs had sent letters to the panel, the Commons Culture Select Committee, refusing an invitation to appear.

The panel responded by escalating the issue, formally summoning them to testify. The panel said it had “made clear its view that all three should appear to account for the behavior of News International and for previous statements made to the committee in Parliament, now acknowledged to be false.”

Mr. Murdoch and his son agreed to testify shortly after the summonses were issued, putting off the question of whether, as American citizens, they could have been compelled to do so. Ms. Brooks, who is a British subject, said in a separate letter earlier Thursday that she would appear before the panel next Tuesday, though she warned that she might not be able to answer detailed questions.

The moves in Parliament coincided with an announcement by Scotland Yard that officers had arrested Neil Wallis, 60, a former editor of The News of the World, the Murdoch-owned tabloid at the heart of the phone hacking scandal. The crisis for Rupert Murdoch erupted early last week with news reports that The News of the World had ordered its investigators to break into the voice mail of Milly Dowler, a 13-year-old who had been abducted and was later found murdered. The Murdoch family shut down the 168-year-old Sunday newspaper after a final edition last weekend.

Interestingly..... Wallis, after resigning from the NotW, was employed as a Consultant by.... the Metropolitan Police. Oops. That's not gonna look good.... considering that, at the time he was 'consulting' for the Met, they were in possession of an 11,000 page report that implicated Wallis in the phone hacking.

Hmmmm. This is some funny shit.

There is no telling how far this is going to go....

The question is, what did Rupert know, and when did he know it?

But now I know you know FA.....I thought you thought,you knew it all. :cool:

The poster doesn't know what she is talking about...much the same as you.
She's on-the-ground where it's happening.

I very much doubt it. Perhaps you would care to produce the link she can't find. Or are you going to prove yourself as intellectually challenged as she obviously is?
MMmmmmm But now I know you know FA......apart from abuse....take that silver spoon out of your ass and shove it in your mouth:cool:
This is why it pays to wait for stories to be solid before accepting them as factually accurate.

The Guardian has apologised to the Sun for reporting that it accessed Gordon Brown's son's medical records.

The Guardian had claimed the Sun hacked into Fraser's records before reporting he had cystic fibrosis.

The Sun said its source was the father of another child with cystic fibrosis who heard the news "on the grapevine".

"In fact the information came from a different source and the Guardian apologises for its error," the paper wrote in its corrections column.

The Sun newspaper strongly denied accessing Mr Brown's family medical records without his knowledge.

The paper said its 2006 story came from a member of the public, and released a video interview with the unidentified man.

BBC News - Guardian apologises to the Sun over Gordon Brown story

FYI: The apology is buried on page 35 of the Guardian. :lol:

This is why I say we should not take it as fact that the NotW tried to bribe a NY cop for mobile numbers of 9-11 victims. I'm not saying the cop is lying but how does he remember which specific newspaper it was? It was 10 years ago. And, according to media reports he claims he had a lot of journalists after this information... which papers? which journalists? We cannot assume it was just News Int.
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breaking on the BBC.... Rebekah Brooks (News Int) has resigned. LOL

Yep. James Murdoch, the chief executive of News Corporation, has released this statement on Rebekah Brooks' resignation.

I am writing to update you on the actions we have been taking as a Company to solve the problems at News International relating to the News of the World, in addition to continuing to cooperate fully and actively with the police and settling civil claims.

Earlier today, Rebekah Brooks resigned from her position as CEO. I understand her decision and I want to thank her for her 22 years of service to the Company. She has been one of the outstanding editors of her generation and she can be proud of many accomplishments as an executive.

We support her as she takes this step to clear her name;

We have created an independent Management & Standards Committee and I want to emphasise its importance. The Committee has direct governance and oversight from News Corporation Board members and is codifying standards that will be clear and enforced;

We made the difficult and necessary decision to close the News of the World;

A number of other executives have now left the Company;

News Corporation also withdrew its proposal to acquire the shares in BSkyB it does not own. This is a strong signal that our top priority in the UK is to address the issues facing News International.

Looking to the future, I am also pleased to tell you that Tom Mockridge will become CEO of News International. Tom is in London today and will start right away. Tom is a highly respected and accomplished media executive who has served as CEO of Sky Italia since its launch in 2003. Tom, who has also been in charge of our European Television business, started his career as a newspaper journalist in New Zealand and he has held a range of top roles in the newspaper industry. The creation of TG-24, Italy's only truly independent 24 hours news channel, is a credit to Tom's leadership and integrity.

This weekend, News International will run advertisements in all national newspapers. We will apologise to the nation for what has happened. We will follow this up in the future with communications about the actions we have taken to address the wrongdoing that occurred.

We are also sending letters to our commercial partners with an update on the actions we are taking.

Next week, my father and I will appear before the CMS Select Committee and will speak to them directly about our determination to put things right.

The Company has made mistakes. It is not only receiving appropriate scrutiny, but is also responding to unfair attacks by setting the record straight.

I would like to conclude by saying thank you. Throughout this time, you have gotten out great papers every day and have stayed focused. I am deeply grateful for that.

James Murdoch

Yeh, right. In my view this is all part of the Murdoch strategy to improve corporate image prior to making another bid for BSkyB.

As for next week's appearance before the House of Commons committee, stand by for some major shit slinging in an attempt to shift emphasis away from father and son.
Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.
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Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

What I find interesting is how everyone is assuming that it was News Int journalists who contacted that ex cop in NY. 10 years ago... and they think he remembers the name and media outlet of all those journalists that he claims contacted him?

Exactly what is it that the FBI are 'investigating'? There is no evidence, other than an ex cop claiming that journalists contacted him. How the hell are they gonna prove who called him and, more importantly, from what media?

Would be very, very funny if.... say.... MSNBC, CNN, ABC got discovered to have tried this tactic. LOL
Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

What I find interesting is how everyone is assuming that it was News Int journalists who contacted that ex cop in NY. 10 years ago... and they think he remembers the name and media outlet of all those journalists that he claims contacted him?

Exactly what is it that the FBI are 'investigating'? There is no evidence, other than an ex cop claiming that journalists contacted him. How the hell are they gonna prove who called him and, more importantly, from what media?

Would be very, very funny if.... say.... MSNBC, CNN, ABC got discovered to have tried this tactic. LOL

My point is this has been timed to attack Murdoch.

Get enough folks with a grudge against him calling for his head and Fox News is history.

They don't even have to have a little thing called evidence. Public opinion will overrule all of the details.
Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

What I find interesting is how everyone is assuming that it was News Int journalists who contacted that ex cop in NY. 10 years ago... and they think he remembers the name and media outlet of all those journalists that he claims contacted him?

Exactly what is it that the FBI are 'investigating'? There is no evidence, other than an ex cop claiming that journalists contacted him. How the hell are they gonna prove who called him and, more importantly, from what media?

Would be very, very funny if.... say.... MSNBC, CNN, ABC got discovered to have tried this tactic. LOL

My point is this has been timed to attack Murdoch.

Get enough folks with a grudge against him calling for his head and Fox News is history.

They don't even have to have a little thing called evidence. Public opinion will overrule all of the details.

I suspect it was the other way around. This has been bubbling around since 2006, when one journalist from NotW and a private investigator were sent to prison for hacking phones.

It is possible that this was 'manufactured' now to stop Murdoch from getting BSkyB. If so, it's worked. While Murdoch might think he can go ahead when the dust settles, it is likely that the UK Government will change the law to ensure that he can't.
Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

what stinks is fux news, the whole shebang. Chickens coming home to roost.:clap2:
Guess what.

Obama's FBI is now announcing that they are going to investigate Newcorp simply on allegations, now get this...... for hacking 9/11 victims cell phones.

Does anyone see where this is going?

Sorry folks.

I don't give a flying-fuck about this story because I know the motivations behind all of this.

This is what happens to you if you try to go against the corrupt powers that be.

What's even worse is they got some stupid Republican to go along with it. Ether he's on the payroll too or just pathetically stupid? My guess is the latter.

The whole thing stinks to high-heaven.

Just imagine if the pressure gets so bad, the CEO of Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) unfortunately will have to sell his interests in the company and some nice lib will take over the company and the programing will change back in line with the rest of the MSM. Then you'll have nothing but the Democrat Party line and Lib talking points given to the public. It's this close to happening.

This is a major problem, but the only parts of it reaching the public is what seems to have Murdoch's prints on it. Seems to me that journalists have been doing this for close to a decade and the public is just now finding out about it.

what stinks is fux news, the whole shebang. Chickens coming home to roost.:clap2:

There is no evidence that Fox News have broken any law. You are aware of that, right?

I'm curious though, since it appears that this was very widespread... what would you say if the FBI investigation uncovers evidence that, say, MSNBC asked the cop for information? What if journalists from the NY Times did it? Or Newsweek? This cop says he was 'besieged' by journalists... and he has not said any of them were from Fox.
Opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband also welcomed her resignation. "It is right that Rebekah Brooks has finally taken responsibility for the terrible events that happened on her watch, like the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone.

"No-one in this country should exercise power without responsibility. But as I said when I called for her resignation 10 days ago, this is not just about one individual but about the culture of an organization.

"Rupert Murdoch says that News Corp has handled these allegations 'extremely well.' He still hasn't apologized to the innocent victims of hacking. He clearly still doesn't get it."

Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who says police now tell him his phone was hacked 44 times, told CNN he was glad Brooks had resigned.

"She seems to be the center of all of it, and yet she keeps saying 'Not me' -- that seems to be the common line at News International," he said, adding that her resignation is "a decent step towards getting better and decent reporting in this country."

Prescott described Rupert Murdoch as a "spider in the middle of this web" and said it was "about time we took him on rather than running away from him."

Rebekah Brooks resigns over UK phone-hacking scandal -
Opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband also welcomed her resignation. "It is right that Rebekah Brooks has finally taken responsibility for the terrible events that happened on her watch, like the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone.

"No-one in this country should exercise power without responsibility. But as I said when I called for her resignation 10 days ago, this is not just about one individual but about the culture of an organization.

"Rupert Murdoch says that News Corp has handled these allegations 'extremely well.' He still hasn't apologized to the innocent victims of hacking. He clearly still doesn't get it."

Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who says police now tell him his phone was hacked 44 times, told CNN he was glad Brooks had resigned.

"She seems to be the center of all of it, and yet she keeps saying 'Not me' -- that seems to be the common line at News International," he said, adding that her resignation is "a decent step towards getting better and decent reporting in this country."

Prescott described Rupert Murdoch as a "spider in the middle of this web" and said it was "about time we took him on rather than running away from him."

Rebekah Brooks resigns over UK phone-hacking scandal -

We know. Why do you never check to see whether what you're posting is relevant?

Opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband also welcomed her resignation. "It is right that Rebekah Brooks has finally taken responsibility for the terrible events that happened on her watch, like the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone.

"No-one in this country should exercise power without responsibility. But as I said when I called for her resignation 10 days ago, this is not just about one individual but about the culture of an organization.

"Rupert Murdoch says that News Corp has handled these allegations 'extremely well.' He still hasn't apologized to the innocent victims of hacking. He clearly still doesn't get it."

Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who says police now tell him his phone was hacked 44 times, told CNN he was glad Brooks had resigned.

"She seems to be the center of all of it, and yet she keeps saying 'Not me' -- that seems to be the common line at News International," he said, adding that her resignation is "a decent step towards getting better and decent reporting in this country."

Prescott described Rupert Murdoch as a "spider in the middle of this web" and said it was "about time we took him on rather than running away from him."

Rebekah Brooks resigns over UK phone-hacking scandal -

We know. Why do you never check to see whether what you're posting is relevant?


I liked the quotes. Sort of touchy, aren't you? Upset about your boys going down?

Why do you post insults of people you don't know on the internet?

It seems kind of childish.
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Opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband also welcomed her resignation. "It is right that Rebekah Brooks has finally taken responsibility for the terrible events that happened on her watch, like the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone.

"No-one in this country should exercise power without responsibility. But as I said when I called for her resignation 10 days ago, this is not just about one individual but about the culture of an organization.

"Rupert Murdoch says that News Corp has handled these allegations 'extremely well.' He still hasn't apologized to the innocent victims of hacking. He clearly still doesn't get it."

Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who says police now tell him his phone was hacked 44 times, told CNN he was glad Brooks had resigned.

"She seems to be the center of all of it, and yet she keeps saying 'Not me' -- that seems to be the common line at News International," he said, adding that her resignation is "a decent step towards getting better and decent reporting in this country."

Prescott described Rupert Murdoch as a "spider in the middle of this web" and said it was "about time we took him on rather than running away from him."

Rebekah Brooks resigns over UK phone-hacking scandal -

We know. Why do you never check to see whether what you're posting is relevant?


I liked the quotes. Sort of touchy, aren't you? Upset about your boys going down?

Why do you post insults of people you don't know on the internet?

It seems kind of childish.

Murdoch is my 'boy'? Cool!!

I insult people who post bullshit. It's a hobby.

You would do well to focus more on fact and less on 'quotes'.
Opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband also welcomed her resignation. "It is right that Rebekah Brooks has finally taken responsibility for the terrible events that happened on her watch, like the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone.

"No-one in this country should exercise power without responsibility. But as I said when I called for her resignation 10 days ago, this is not just about one individual but about the culture of an organization.

"Rupert Murdoch says that News Corp has handled these allegations 'extremely well.' He still hasn't apologized to the innocent victims of hacking. He clearly still doesn't get it."

Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who says police now tell him his phone was hacked 44 times, told CNN he was glad Brooks had resigned.

"She seems to be the center of all of it, and yet she keeps saying 'Not me' -- that seems to be the common line at News International," he said, adding that her resignation is "a decent step towards getting better and decent reporting in this country."

Prescott described Rupert Murdoch as a "spider in the middle of this web" and said it was "about time we took him on rather than running away from him."

Rebekah Brooks resigns over UK phone-hacking scandal -

We know. Why do you never check to see whether what you're posting is relevant?


I liked the quotes. Sort of touchy, aren't you? Upset about your boys going down?

Why do you post insults of people you don't know on the internet?

It seems kind of childish.

CG is taking this as an personal affront. Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:
We know. Why do you never check to see whether what you're posting is relevant?


I liked the quotes. Sort of touchy, aren't you? Upset about your boys going down?

Why do you post insults of people you don't know on the internet?

It seems kind of childish.

Murdoch is my 'boy'? Cool!!

I insult people who post bullshit. It's a hobby.

You would do well to focus more on fact and less on 'quotes'.

No, actually you just post insults to people you don't agree with.

You might want to ask yourself why you do that.

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