Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

So Soros and Media Matters declared war on Fox and Murdoch a few weeks ago and a nearly decade old murder all of the sudden becomes front-page news.

Sorry, but I think the timing of this is very suspect.

I admit I may have been guilty of being a less then trusting of the source of all of this. And I also admit that a 9 year old crime in the UK got by I want to apologize.

You need to read up on the background before you start seeing conspiracies everywhere. I don't necessarily dismiss the idea that Soros is pulling strings but you need to learn the background first.

The link I provided... Phone Hacking - Telegraph includes a timeline.... but this has been bubbling around for several years.

Exactly the sort of thing that becomes an opportunity for somebody like Soros.

We have to get behind the fact that we're not dealing with reasonable people here. They will stoop at nothing. They will dredge up stories that will literally pull at your heart-strings. They have no shame. This story becomes a confusing mass of angry people and facts getting lost in the mess. It becomes a stain on anyone who is involved directly or indirectly. It already is property of Rupert Murdoch merely with a series of accusations and embellishments. It's good to know that anyone can hack your phone. It's also good to know that journalists can be dirty rotten scoundrels. This is not news to me.

My first question is this, does the owner of a company have to take responsibility for the actions of his employees regardless how far down the chain they are? When it comes to folks like Murdoch and Bush the answer is yes. But when it comes to Obama, who's DOJ, and ATF is currently involved in running guns in Mexico and Central America, the answer is no. He doesn't have to answer for anything.

When and if said company has a history aka track record of FOSTERINGan entire culture such behavior the answer is enevitably and regretably (for HIM) a RESOUNDING YES!!!!!
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You need to read up on the background before you start seeing conspiracies everywhere. I don't necessarily dismiss the idea that Soros is pulling strings but you need to learn the background first.

The link I provided... Phone Hacking - Telegraph includes a timeline.... but this has been bubbling around for several years.

Exactly the sort of thing that becomes an opportunity for somebody like Soros.

We have to get behind the fact that we're not dealing with reasonable people here. They will stoop at nothing. They will dredge up stories that will literally pull at your heart-strings. They have no shame. This story becomes a confusing mass of angry people and facts getting lost in the mess. It becomes a stain on anyone who is involved directly or indirectly. It already is property of Rupert Murdoch merely with a series of accusations and embellishments. It's good to know that anyone can hack your phone. It's also good to know that journalists can be dirty rotten scoundrels. This is not news to me.

My first question is this, does the owner of a company have to take responsibility for the actions of his employees regardless how far down the chain they are? When it comes to folks like Murdoch and Bush the answer is yes. But when it comes to Obama, who's DOJ, and ATF is currently involved in running guns in Mexico and Central America, the answer is no. He doesn't have to answer for anything.

When and if said company has a history aka track record of FOSTERINGan entire culture such behavior the answer is enevitably and regretably (for HIM) a RESOUNDING YES!!!!!

So Obama should answer for anything that happens in the U.S. government regardless???

If it's discovered that they're still paying ACORN with Stimulus cash, or whatever they're called, if they're giving guns to Mexican drug traffickers, if BP is negligent and causes a massive oil-spill so Obama can cut off drilling in the Gulf, or it's discovered we're behind the Arab Spring movement in the Middle East, or we're giving military aid to terrorists, turning NASA into a Muslim outreach program, we're refusing to enforce border security in order to garner Hispanic votes, the DOJ is involved in various discrimination lawsuits on the behalf of illegals, Obama attempted to stop an execution of an illegal who raped and murdered a teenage girl, is imposing racial quotas in firefighters examinations, Obama Administration is actively involved in the day to day operations at GM even though he said "nobody is going to take over GM", billions of borrowed dollars went to bail out foreign banks to run up the debt so Obama could get tax increases, Obama's National Security chief thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group, most of the attacks that are taking place in Pakistan and India are a direct result of the Osama Bin Laden killing and several drone attacks inside Pakistan borders regardless of threats to retaliate if they continued, Eric Holder called White America a nation of cowards, said he would move KSM to New York to stand trial, the Obama Administration declared that the Stimulus would keep us below 8 percent unemployment and we've been above 9 for over a year, they had to change the way they counted the unemployed to keep it from going to double-digits, inflation is running rampant but you and I wouldn't know it because the Obama Administration decided to exclude food and energy as a factor in figuring inflation......two of the primary expenses in U.S. households, Obama said "nobody is talking about raising taxes this year or next year" even though all he's been talking about is raising taxes on jet owners. Course what he calls raising taxes on Jet owners is simply allowing the Bush tax program to expire......which consequentially will raise taxes on the Middle Class as well.

The list gets longer and longer every day.

I'm so glad you agree with me now that Obama has to answer for all of this and much, much more.
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Exactly the sort of thing that becomes an opportunity for somebody like Soros.

We have to get behind the fact that we're not dealing with reasonable people here. They will stoop at nothing. They will dredge up stories that will literally pull at your heart-strings. They have no shame. This story becomes a confusing mass of angry people and facts getting lost in the mess. It becomes a stain on anyone who is involved directly or indirectly. It already is property of Rupert Murdoch merely with a series of accusations and embellishments. It's good to know that anyone can hack your phone. It's also good to know that journalists can be dirty rotten scoundrels. This is not news to me.

My first question is this, does the owner of a company have to take responsibility for the actions of his employees regardless how far down the chain they are? When it comes to folks like Murdoch and Bush the answer is yes. But when it comes to Obama, who's DOJ, and ATF is currently involved in running guns in Mexico and Central America, the answer is no. He doesn't have to answer for anything.

When and if said company has a history aka track record of FOSTERINGan entire culture such behavior the answer is enevitably and regretably (for HIM) a RESOUNDING YES!!!!!

So Obama should answer for anything that happens in the U.S. government regardless???

If it's discovered that they're still paying ACORN with Stimulus cash, or whatever they're called, if they're giving guns to Mexican drug traffickers, if BP is negligent and causes a massive oil-spill so Obama can cut off drilling in the Gulf, or it's discovered we're behind the Arab Spring movement in the Middle East, or we're giving military aid to terrorists, turning NASA into a Muslim outreach program, we're refusing to enforce border security in order to garner Hispanic votes, the DOJ is involved in various discrimination lawsuits on the behalf of illegals, Obama attempted to stop an execution of an illegal who raped and murdered a teenage girl, is imposing racial quotas in firefighters examinations, Obama Administration is actively involved in the day to day operations at GM even though he said "nobody is going to take over GM", billions of borrowed dollars went to bail out foreign banks to run up the debt so Obama could get tax increases, Obama's National Security chief thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group, most of the attacks that are taking place in Pakistan and India are a direct result of the Osama Bin Laden killing and several drone attacks inside Pakistan borders regardless of threats to retaliate if they continued, Eric Holder called White America a nation of cowards, said he would move KSM to New York to stand trial, the Obama Administration declared that the Stimulus would keep us below 8 percent unemployment and we've been above 9 for over a year, they had to change the way they counted the unemployed to keep it from going to double-digits, inflation is running rampant but you and I wouldn't know it because the Obama Administration decided to exclude food and energy as a factor in figuring inflation......two of the primary expenses in U.S. households, Obama said "nobody is talking about raising taxes this year or next year" even though all he's been talking about is raising taxes on jet owners. Course what he calls raising taxes on Jet owners is simply allowing the Bush tax program to expire......which consequentially will raise taxes on the Middle Class as well.

The list gets longer and longer every day.

I'm so glad you agree with me now that Obama has to answer for all of this and much, much more.

It's kind of disappointing when every damned thread ends up as a bitch between left and right.... even when it's something that did not happen in the US and has nothing at all to do with our political system.
Exactly the sort of thing that becomes an opportunity for somebody like Soros.

We have to get behind the fact that we're not dealing with reasonable people here. They will stoop at nothing. They will dredge up stories that will literally pull at your heart-strings. They have no shame. This story becomes a confusing mass of angry people and facts getting lost in the mess. It becomes a stain on anyone who is involved directly or indirectly. It already is property of Rupert Murdoch merely with a series of accusations and embellishments. It's good to know that anyone can hack your phone. It's also good to know that journalists can be dirty rotten scoundrels. This is not news to me.

My first question is this, does the owner of a company have to take responsibility for the actions of his employees regardless how far down the chain they are? When it comes to folks like Murdoch and Bush the answer is yes. But when it comes to Obama, who's DOJ, and ATF is currently involved in running guns in Mexico and Central America, the answer is no. He doesn't have to answer for anything.

When and if said company has a history aka track record of FOSTERINGan entire culture such behavior the answer is enevitably and regretably (for HIM) a RESOUNDING YES!!!!!

So Obama should answer for anything that happens in the U.S. government regardless???

If it's discovered that they're still paying ACORN with Stimulus cash, or whatever they're called, if they're giving guns to Mexican drug traffickers, if BP is negligent and causes a massive oil-spill so Obama can cut off drilling in the Gulf, or it's discovered we're behind the Arab Spring movement in the Middle East, or we're giving military aid to terrorists, turning NASA into a Muslim outreach program, we're refusing to enforce border security in order to garner Hispanic votes, the DOJ is involved in various discrimination lawsuits on the behalf of illegals, Obama attempted to stop an execution of an illegal who raped and murdered a teenage girl, is imposing racial quotas in firefighters examinations, Obama Administration is actively involved in the day to day operations at GM even though he said "nobody is going to take over GM", billions of borrowed dollars went to bail out foreign banks to run up the debt so Obama could get tax increases, Obama's National Security chief thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group, most of the attacks that are taking place in Pakistan and India are a direct result of the Osama Bin Laden killing and several drone attacks inside Pakistan borders regardless of threats to retaliate if they continued, Eric Holder called White America a nation of cowards, said he would move KSM to New York to stand trial, the Obama Administration declared that the Stimulus would keep us below 8 percent unemployment and we've been above 9 for over a year, they had to change the way they counted the unemployed to keep it from going to double-digits, inflation is running rampant but you and I wouldn't know it because the Obama Administration decided to exclude food and energy as a factor in figuring inflation......two of the primary expenses in U.S. households, Obama said "nobody is talking about raising taxes this year or next year" even though all he's been talking about is raising taxes on jet owners. Course what he calls raising taxes on Jet owners is simply allowing the Bush tax program to expire......which consequentially will raise taxes on the Middle Class as well.

The list gets longer and longer every day.

I'm so glad you agree with me now that Obama has to answer for all of this and much, much more.
Where's Bush's list?

Present me with that and then we're talking.
When and if said company has a history aka track record of FOSTERINGan entire culture such behavior the answer is enevitably and regretably (for HIM) a RESOUNDING YES!!!!!

So Obama should answer for anything that happens in the U.S. government regardless???

If it's discovered that they're still paying ACORN with Stimulus cash, or whatever they're called, if they're giving guns to Mexican drug traffickers, if BP is negligent and causes a massive oil-spill so Obama can cut off drilling in the Gulf, or it's discovered we're behind the Arab Spring movement in the Middle East, or we're giving military aid to terrorists, turning NASA into a Muslim outreach program, we're refusing to enforce border security in order to garner Hispanic votes, the DOJ is involved in various discrimination lawsuits on the behalf of illegals, Obama attempted to stop an execution of an illegal who raped and murdered a teenage girl, is imposing racial quotas in firefighters examinations, Obama Administration is actively involved in the day to day operations at GM even though he said "nobody is going to take over GM", billions of borrowed dollars went to bail out foreign banks to run up the debt so Obama could get tax increases, Obama's National Security chief thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group, most of the attacks that are taking place in Pakistan and India are a direct result of the Osama Bin Laden killing and several drone attacks inside Pakistan borders regardless of threats to retaliate if they continued, Eric Holder called White America a nation of cowards, said he would move KSM to New York to stand trial, the Obama Administration declared that the Stimulus would keep us below 8 percent unemployment and we've been above 9 for over a year, they had to change the way they counted the unemployed to keep it from going to double-digits, inflation is running rampant but you and I wouldn't know it because the Obama Administration decided to exclude food and energy as a factor in figuring inflation......two of the primary expenses in U.S. households, Obama said "nobody is talking about raising taxes this year or next year" even though all he's been talking about is raising taxes on jet owners. Course what he calls raising taxes on Jet owners is simply allowing the Bush tax program to expire......which consequentially will raise taxes on the Middle Class as well.

The list gets longer and longer every day.

I'm so glad you agree with me now that Obama has to answer for all of this and much, much more.

It's kind of disappointing when every damned thread ends up as a bitch between left and right.... even when it's something that did not happen in the US and has nothing at all to do with our political system.

If that's the case why is Gordon Brown raising hell about it and why did the issue come up in an American political msg board?
So Obama should answer for anything that happens in the U.S. government regardless???

If it's discovered that they're still paying ACORN with Stimulus cash, or whatever they're called, if they're giving guns to Mexican drug traffickers, if BP is negligent and causes a massive oil-spill so Obama can cut off drilling in the Gulf, or it's discovered we're behind the Arab Spring movement in the Middle East, or we're giving military aid to terrorists, turning NASA into a Muslim outreach program, we're refusing to enforce border security in order to garner Hispanic votes, the DOJ is involved in various discrimination lawsuits on the behalf of illegals, Obama attempted to stop an execution of an illegal who raped and murdered a teenage girl, is imposing racial quotas in firefighters examinations, Obama Administration is actively involved in the day to day operations at GM even though he said "nobody is going to take over GM", billions of borrowed dollars went to bail out foreign banks to run up the debt so Obama could get tax increases, Obama's National Security chief thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group, most of the attacks that are taking place in Pakistan and India are a direct result of the Osama Bin Laden killing and several drone attacks inside Pakistan borders regardless of threats to retaliate if they continued, Eric Holder called White America a nation of cowards, said he would move KSM to New York to stand trial, the Obama Administration declared that the Stimulus would keep us below 8 percent unemployment and we've been above 9 for over a year, they had to change the way they counted the unemployed to keep it from going to double-digits, inflation is running rampant but you and I wouldn't know it because the Obama Administration decided to exclude food and energy as a factor in figuring inflation......two of the primary expenses in U.S. households, Obama said "nobody is talking about raising taxes this year or next year" even though all he's been talking about is raising taxes on jet owners. Course what he calls raising taxes on Jet owners is simply allowing the Bush tax program to expire......which consequentially will raise taxes on the Middle Class as well.

The list gets longer and longer every day.

I'm so glad you agree with me now that Obama has to answer for all of this and much, much more.

It's kind of disappointing when every damned thread ends up as a bitch between left and right.... even when it's something that did not happen in the US and has nothing at all to do with our political system.

If that's the case why is Gordon Brown raising hell about it and why did the issue come up in an American political msg board?

Brown is raising hell because his name is on the list of people who's phones may have been hacked. His son suffers from CF and that was made public when the child was just a few months old. The Sun ran an expose about it (The Sun is part of News Int). Brown says they hacked his phone. The Sun, however have an affidavit from the person they say gave them the story and it was not obtained by an illegal phone hack. That's why Brown's raising hell. When he was PM, he was very, very friendly with the Editor of the NotW and Murdoch.

And this only really became an issue here - on USMB - when the accusation was made that NotW journalists offered US police officers money for the phone numbers of the victims of 9-11.... albeit, at the moment, it appears that the only victims they were interested in were British.... there really isn't enough solid information about that at all.

However, the British Government are setting up a judicial inquiry into the whole thing... and they will include any potential US concerns into that inquiry.

There is also, currently, a re-investigation by the Met Police. They have a list with some c4,000 names of potential victims of hacking.... it is possible that some of those victims may be American. We don't know right now.
It's kind of disappointing when every damned thread ends up as a bitch between left and right.... even when it's something that did not happen in the US and has nothing at all to do with our political system.

The left is dedicated to crushing liberty. The goal is to establish an authoritarian state with a command economy. An actual free press is a serious detriment to that goal, as such silencing the opposition press is of paramount importance.

You're correct that this case has nothing at all to do with the US press or with US politics, but since Murdoch is involved, the anti-liberty left believes that this may aid in the goal of banning opposition voices in the USA, specifically in shutting down Fox News.

You are also correct that this debate has degraded to the same issue that is the subject of every thread in the forum - to wit the demand of the left that all dissent be outlawed and silenced, and the demand of the right that liberty be preserved - particularly freedom of speech and the press.
It's kind of disappointing when every damned thread ends up as a bitch between left and right.... even when it's something that did not happen in the US and has nothing at all to do with our political system.

The left is dedicated to crushing liberty. The goal is to establish an authoritarian state with a command economy. An actual free press is a serious detriment to that goal, as such silencing the opposition press is of paramount importance.

You're correct that this case has nothing at all to do with the US press or with US politics, but since Murdoch is involved, the anti-liberty left believes that this may aid in the goal of banning opposition voices in the USA, specifically in shutting down Fox News.

You are also correct that this debate has degraded to the same issue that is the subject of every thread in the forum - to wit the demand of the left that all dissent be outlawed and silenced, and the demand of the right that liberty be preserved - particularly freedom of speech and the press.


"Liberty" has nothing to do with hacking the cell phone of a kidnapped teenage girl or the digusting lies of FoxNews.
It's kind of disappointing when every damned thread ends up as a bitch between left and right.... even when it's something that did not happen in the US and has nothing at all to do with our political system.

The left is dedicated to crushing liberty. The goal is to establish an authoritarian state with a command economy. An actual free press is a serious detriment to that goal, as such silencing the opposition press is of paramount importance.

You're correct that this case has nothing at all to do with the US press or with US politics, but since Murdoch is involved, the anti-liberty left believes that this may aid in the goal of banning opposition voices in the USA, specifically in shutting down Fox News.

You are also correct that this debate has degraded to the same issue that is the subject of every thread in the forum - to wit the demand of the left that all dissent be outlawed and silenced, and the demand of the right that liberty be preserved - particularly freedom of speech and the press.


"Liberty" has nothing to do with hacking the cell phone of a kidnapped teenage girl or the digusting lies of FoxNews.

Good point. Murdoch also got American citizenship. That makes it the U.S.'s business especially given what his Corp has perpetrated in the U.K.
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It's kind of disappointing when every damned thread ends up as a bitch between left and right.... even when it's something that did not happen in the US and has nothing at all to do with our political system.

The left is dedicated to crushing liberty. The goal is to establish an authoritarian state with a command economy. An actual free press is a serious detriment to that goal, as such silencing the opposition press is of paramount importance.

You're correct that this case has nothing at all to do with the US press or with US politics, but since Murdoch is involved, the anti-liberty left believes that this may aid in the goal of banning opposition voices in the USA, specifically in shutting down Fox News.

You are also correct that this debate has degraded to the same issue that is the subject of every thread in the forum - to wit the demand of the left that all dissent be outlawed and silenced, and the demand of the right that liberty be preserved - particularly freedom of speech and the press.


"Liberty" has nothing to do with hacking the cell phone of a kidnapped teenage girl or the digusting lies of FoxNews.

Liberty certain does not have anything to do with the hacking of a murdered teenager.... but, unless you condemn the 'lies' of all media outlets, you remain nothing more than a left wing hack.
The left is dedicated to crushing liberty. The goal is to establish an authoritarian state with a command economy. An actual free press is a serious detriment to that goal, as such silencing the opposition press is of paramount importance.

You're correct that this case has nothing at all to do with the US press or with US politics, but since Murdoch is involved, the anti-liberty left believes that this may aid in the goal of banning opposition voices in the USA, specifically in shutting down Fox News.

You are also correct that this debate has degraded to the same issue that is the subject of every thread in the forum - to wit the demand of the left that all dissent be outlawed and silenced, and the demand of the right that liberty be preserved - particularly freedom of speech and the press.


"Liberty" has nothing to do with hacking the cell phone of a kidnapped teenage girl or the digusting lies of FoxNews.

Good point. Murdoch got american citizenship. That makes it the U.S.'s business especially given what his Corp has perpetrated in the U.K.

You're comprehension skills need work. That's not the 'point' he made. In fact, he made no fucking point. However, since you 'thank' people for lying, it is no surprise that you don't get this either.
The left is dedicated to crushing liberty. The goal is to establish an authoritarian state with a command economy. An actual free press is a serious detriment to that goal, as such silencing the opposition press is of paramount importance.

You're correct that this case has nothing at all to do with the US press or with US politics, but since Murdoch is involved, the anti-liberty left believes that this may aid in the goal of banning opposition voices in the USA, specifically in shutting down Fox News.

You are also correct that this debate has degraded to the same issue that is the subject of every thread in the forum - to wit the demand of the left that all dissent be outlawed and silenced, and the demand of the right that liberty be preserved - particularly freedom of speech and the press.


"Liberty" has nothing to do with hacking the cell phone of a kidnapped teenage girl or the digusting lies of FoxNews.

Liberty certain does not have anything to do with the hacking of a murdered teenager.... but, unless you condemn the 'lies' of all media outlets, you remain nothing more than a left wing hack.

Still waiting to see other media outlets lie.

Still waiting to see other media outlets use the "Some people say..." routine.

Still waiting for you to realize that freedom comes with responsibility.
LONDON — In an abrupt reversal, the News Corporation said on Thursday afternoon that Rupert Murdoch and his son James would testify next week before a British parliamentary panel looking into phone hacking. They will appear along with Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of the company’s beleaguered British newspaper group.

Earlier in the day, the Murdochs had sent letters to the panel, the Commons Culture Select Committee, refusing an invitation to appear.

The panel responded by escalating the issue, formally summoning them to testify. The panel said it had “made clear its view that all three should appear to account for the behavior of News International and for previous statements made to the committee in Parliament, now acknowledged to be false.”

Mr. Murdoch and his son agreed to testify shortly after the summonses were issued, putting off the question of whether, as American citizens, they could have been compelled to do so. Ms. Brooks, who is a British subject, said in a separate letter earlier Thursday that she would appear before the panel next Tuesday, though she warned that she might not be able to answer detailed questions.

The moves in Parliament coincided with an announcement by Scotland Yard that officers had arrested Neil Wallis, 60, a former editor of The News of the World, the Murdoch-owned tabloid at the heart of the phone hacking scandal. The crisis for Rupert Murdoch erupted early last week with news reports that The News of the World had ordered its investigators to break into the voice mail of Milly Dowler, a 13-year-old who had been abducted and was later found murdered. The Murdoch family shut down the 168-year-old Sunday newspaper after a final edition last weekend.
LONDON — In an abrupt reversal, the News Corporation said on Thursday afternoon that Rupert Murdoch and his son James would testify next week before a British parliamentary panel looking into phone hacking. They will appear along with Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of the company’s beleaguered British newspaper group.

Earlier in the day, the Murdochs had sent letters to the panel, the Commons Culture Select Committee, refusing an invitation to appear.

The panel responded by escalating the issue, formally summoning them to testify. The panel said it had “made clear its view that all three should appear to account for the behavior of News International and for previous statements made to the committee in Parliament, now acknowledged to be false.”

Mr. Murdoch and his son agreed to testify shortly after the summonses were issued, putting off the question of whether, as American citizens, they could have been compelled to do so. Ms. Brooks, who is a British subject, said in a separate letter earlier Thursday that she would appear before the panel next Tuesday, though she warned that she might not be able to answer detailed questions.

The moves in Parliament coincided with an announcement by Scotland Yard that officers had arrested Neil Wallis, 60, a former editor of The News of the World, the Murdoch-owned tabloid at the heart of the phone hacking scandal. The crisis for Rupert Murdoch erupted early last week with news reports that The News of the World had ordered its investigators to break into the voice mail of Milly Dowler, a 13-year-old who had been abducted and was later found murdered. The Murdoch family shut down the 168-year-old Sunday newspaper after a final edition last weekend.

Interestingly..... Wallis, after resigning from the NotW, was employed as a Consultant by.... the Metropolitan Police. Oops. That's not gonna look good.... considering that, at the time he was 'consulting' for the Met, they were in possession of an 11,000 page report that implicated Wallis in the phone hacking.

Hmmmm. This is some funny shit.
LONDON — In an abrupt reversal, the News Corporation said on Thursday afternoon that Rupert Murdoch and his son James would testify next week before a British parliamentary panel looking into phone hacking. They will appear along with Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of the company’s beleaguered British newspaper group.

Earlier in the day, the Murdochs had sent letters to the panel, the Commons Culture Select Committee, refusing an invitation to appear.

The panel responded by escalating the issue, formally summoning them to testify. The panel said it had “made clear its view that all three should appear to account for the behavior of News International and for previous statements made to the committee in Parliament, now acknowledged to be false.”

Mr. Murdoch and his son agreed to testify shortly after the summonses were issued, putting off the question of whether, as American citizens, they could have been compelled to do so. Ms. Brooks, who is a British subject, said in a separate letter earlier Thursday that she would appear before the panel next Tuesday, though she warned that she might not be able to answer detailed questions.

The moves in Parliament coincided with an announcement by Scotland Yard that officers had arrested Neil Wallis, 60, a former editor of The News of the World, the Murdoch-owned tabloid at the heart of the phone hacking scandal. The crisis for Rupert Murdoch erupted early last week with news reports that The News of the World had ordered its investigators to break into the voice mail of Milly Dowler, a 13-year-old who had been abducted and was later found murdered. The Murdoch family shut down the 168-year-old Sunday newspaper after a final edition last weekend.

Interestingly..... Wallis, after resigning from the NotW, was employed as a Consultant by.... the Metropolitan Police. Oops. That's not gonna look good.... considering that, at the time he was 'consulting' for the Met, they were in possession of an 11,000 page report that implicated Wallis in the phone hacking.

Hmmmm. This is some funny shit.

There is no telling how far this is going to go....

The question is, what did Rupert know, and when did he know it?

"Liberty" has nothing to do with hacking the cell phone of a kidnapped teenage girl or the digusting lies of FoxNews.

Fox had nothing to do with the hacking of phones.

That you continue to blame them proves my point.

You want to silence the opposition, that is your goal. All faux outrage is simply smoke to cover your intent. You think this will cause Newscorp to fold and will end the opposition press, shut Fox down. That is your one and only reason for pimping this story.

The ones responsible for hacking, deserve to be prosecuted and put in jail. I don't think one person here has not agreed with this.

You pound it simply because you think it is a vehicle to end free speech by the opposition. Nothing more, nothing less.

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