Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

when his bid for BskyB is refered to the commision and they deem him unsuitable to own media companies he will lose the rest of BskyB altogether. if that happens the whole thing will collapse, ha ha ha in your face murdoch go back to OZ and stop trying to destroy democracy with your right wing media. I remember posting treads about Fox news and many of you guys supporting fox news saying its great and rightous, told you so, nob heads.

Firstly, the BSkyB takeover has been referred to the Competition Committee. They have NO say in the issuance of broadcasting licenses. They will simply assess the monopolistic and competitive situation regarding any reconfiguration of BSkyB. Licenses are the responsibility of Ofcom.

Secondly, Murdoch is a minority shareholder of BSkyB not the owner. He owns 39%. Since the Broadacasting license is owned by British Sky Broadcasting and not News International, your point is moot.

Before calling others nob heads perhaps you should make sure you know what you're talking about. Here's something to help your education.

Can Ofcom revoke BSkyB's licence under the 'fit and proper' requirement? | Law |
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when his bid for BskyB is refered to the commision and they deem him unsuitable to own media companies he will lose the rest of BskyB altogether. if that happens the whole thing will collapse, ha ha ha in your face murdoch go back to OZ and stop trying to destroy democracy with your right wing media. I remember posting treads about Fox news and many of you guys supporting fox news saying its great and rightous, told you so, nob heads.

Firstly, the BSkyB takeover has been referred to the Competition Committee. They have NO say in the issuance of broadcasting licenses. They will simply assess the monopolistic and competitive situation regarding any reconfiguration of BSkyB. Licenses are the responsibility of Ofcom.

Secondly, Murdoch is a minority shareholder of BSkyB not the owner. He owns 39%. Since the Broadacasting license is owned by British Sky Broadcasting and not News International, your point is moot.

Before calling others nob heads perhaps you should make sure you know what you're talking about. Here's something to help your education.

Can Ofcom revoke BSkyB's licence under the 'fit and proper' requirement? | Law |

And.... he's just pulled out fo his plan to buy the rest of it. Thereby denying the hysterical of their topic! Damn him!
The perennially lying CaliforniaGirl kkkontinues to vomit and spew the out and out LIE that The Sun wasn't responsible for releasing the news of the boy's illness to the public. Yet, every. single. news. outlet. continues to report that as a fact. Up to moments ago I saw it on TV.

So here we have a situation of a totally DISCREDITED and UNTRUSTWORTHY poster defending a totally DISCREDITED and UNTRUSTWORTHY media mogul.

Sucking up to power instead of speaking truth to power.


Your hysteria not withstanding.... the allegation has been denied by The Sun, and they have provided the statement, and the individual who gave them the information. He's been interviewed by the UK media. You may carry on accepting as fact that which remains an allegation... but the intelligent will see it as an accusation, not substantiated.

Might I also suggest you look up the meaning of the word 'defend'.

when his bid for BskyB is refered to the commision and they deem him unsuitable to own media companies he will lose the rest of BskyB altogether. if that happens the whole thing will collapse, ha ha ha in your face murdoch go back to OZ and stop trying to destroy democracy with your right wing media. I remember posting treads about Fox news and many of you guys supporting fox news saying its great and rightous, told you so, nob heads.

Firstly, the BSkyB takeover has been referred to the Competition Committee. They have NO say in the issuance of broadcasting licenses. They will simply assess the monopolistic and competitive situation regarding any reconfiguration of BSkyB. Licenses are the responsibility of Ofcom.

Secondly, Murdoch is a minority shareholder of BSkyB not the owner. He owns 39%. Since the Broadacasting license is owned by British Sky Broadcasting and not News International, your point is moot.

Before calling others nob heads perhaps you should make sure you know what you're talking about. Here's something to help your education.

Can Ofcom revoke BSkyB's licence under the 'fit and proper' requirement? | Law |

And.... he's just pulled out fo his plan to buy the rest of it. Thereby denying the hysterical of their topic! Damn him!

Just another ploy by Murdoch to allow the dust to settle before making another attempt later. The bastard now has six months following which I'm sure he'll make another bid. He's banking on the heat being off in six months or so.
Firstly, the BSkyB takeover has been referred to the Competition Committee. They have NO say in the issuance of broadcasting licenses. They will simply assess the monopolistic and competitive situation regarding any reconfiguration of BSkyB. Licenses are the responsibility of Ofcom.

Secondly, Murdoch is a minority shareholder of BSkyB not the owner. He owns 39%. Since the Broadacasting license is owned by British Sky Broadcasting and not News International, your point is moot.

Before calling others nob heads perhaps you should make sure you know what you're talking about. Here's something to help your education.

Can Ofcom revoke BSkyB's licence under the 'fit and proper' requirement? | Law |

And.... he's just pulled out fo his plan to buy the rest of it. Thereby denying the hysterical of their topic! Damn him!

Just another ploy by Murdoch to allow the dust to settle before making another attempt later. The bastard now has six months following which I'm sure he'll make another bid. He's banking on the heat being off in six months or so.

Even Brooks isn't that stupid. She's on the record as telling NotW staff that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Plenty more shit left to hit the fan.

What would be cool though, would be for people to realize that the media is reporting unsubstantiated claims and accusations as 'fact'.
What is the significance of hacking a dead teenager's phone????

Is this one of those lib bleeding-heart moments?

Maybe they felt that claiming the teenager was a black paraplegic would be overreaching a bit. But I guess being dead was enough.
What is the significance of hacking a dead teenager's phone????

Is this one of those lib bleeding-heart moments?

Maybe they felt that claiming the teenager was a black paraplegic would be overreaching a bit. But I guess being dead was enough.

The significant thing was that her family did not know she was dead, her body had not been found. A journalist hacked her phone and deleted messages.... thus making the police, and worse, her family, believe that she was still alive.

Get the facts before you make an ass of yourself.
news corp has withdrawn its bid for BskyB,

Gee, really?

I guess since you say so, it must be true..... unlike when I posted it some time ago. Keep up.

Post 343. In this very thread. Idiot.

WoW...such a rabid, emotional and unstable outburst for no reason.


news corp has withdrawn its bid for BskyB,

Gee, really?

I guess since you say so, it must be true..... unlike when I posted it some time ago. Keep up.

Post 343. In this very thread. Idiot.

WoW...such a rabid, emotional and unstable outburst for no reason.



I think you read far more into other people's posts than is actually there. Which explains why you are so often totally wrong.
What is the significance of hacking a dead teenager's phone????

Is this one of those lib bleeding-heart moments?

Maybe they felt that claiming the teenager was a black paraplegic would be overreaching a bit. But I guess being dead was enough.

A girl walking home from school. She never arrived home. Days pass and there are no clues to her whereabouts. Police and family fear the worst. After a few weeks it becomes a murder hunt. Then police determine her phone is being used. She must still be alive....

Fucking lib bleeding heart moment? Lucky it wasn't someone close to you, eh! :cuckoo:
Sorry, but putting a political spin on a young girls tragic murder is beyond sick! :evil:
What is the significance of hacking a dead teenager's phone????

Is this one of those lib bleeding-heart moments?

Maybe they felt that claiming the teenager was a black paraplegic would be overreaching a bit. But I guess being dead was enough.

A girl walking home from school. She never arrived home. Days pass and there are no clues to her whereabouts. Police and family fear the worst. After a few weeks it becomes a murder hunt. Then police determine her phone is being used. She must still be alive....

Fucking lib bleeding heart moment? Lucky it wasn't someone close to you, eh! :cuckoo:
Sorry, but putting a political spin on a young girls tragic murder is beyond sick! :evil:

A real 'foot in mouth' moment for Mud.

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