Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

NOT WHERE I'M FROM "GIRL" its used for emphasis and sarcasm...just saying..stupid I ain't,anyway we are on the same side,Colin was right to correct me but I just made a mistake,the papers are so similar but I was a little rude to him...but hey I'm new on here. So I suppose its COLIN 1v0 THELIQ:lol:
It is the SUN Newspaper similar to the Mirror "I WISH THEY WERE ALL CALIFORIAN GIRL"(thanks beachboys) owned by Murdoch:razz:theliq..who the hell is Richard Murdoch....the only Murdoch players at the Sun and the News of the World are Rupert and his son James....some one has their knickers in a twist...if anyone thinks that Murdochs Organization have NOT used hacking in the US,will be sadly mistaken, its part of the MURDOCH BUSINESS CULTURE
I don't think the Daily Mirror is owned by News International.
IT IS the SUN Newspaper OWNED BY MURDOCH,Colin is right but both the SUN and Mirror are both RAGS:cuckoo::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Just so you know, generally speaking, people who use capitals and lots of silly smilies make themselves look quite hysterical... and very stupid. Just sayin'.
NOT WHERE I'M FROM "GIRL" its used for emphasis and sarcasm...just saying..stupid I ain't,anyway we are on the same side,Colin was right to correct me but I just made a mistake,the papers are so similar but I was a little rude to him...but hey I'm new on here. So I suppose its COLIN 1v0 THELIQ:lol:
It is the SUN Newspaper similar to the Mirror "I WISH THEY WERE ALL CALIFORIAN GIRL"(thanks beachboys) owned by Murdoch:razz:theliq..who the hell is Richard Murdoch....the only Murdoch players at the Sun and the News of the World are Rupert and his son James....some one has their knickers in a twist...if anyone thinks that Murdochs Organization have NOT used hacking in the US,will be sadly mistaken, its part of the MURDOCH BUSINESS CULTURE IT IS the SUN Newspaper OWNED BY MURDOCH,Colin is right but both the SUN and Mirror are both RAGS:cuckoo::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Just so you know, generally speaking, people who use capitals and lots of silly smilies make themselves look quite hysterical... and very stupid. Just sayin'.

Please don't mistake me for someone who gives a shit about your hysteria and idiocy.
NOT WHERE I'M FROM "GIRL" its used for emphasis and sarcasm...just saying..stupid I ain't,anyway we are on the same side,Colin was right to correct me but I just made a mistake,the papers are so similar but I was a little rude to him...but hey I'm new on here. So I suppose its COLIN 1v0 THELIQ:lol:
Just so you know, generally speaking, people who use capitals and lots of silly smilies make themselves look quite hysterical... and very stupid. Just sayin'.

Please don't mistake me for someone who gives a shit about your hysteria and idiocy.
NICE I think we'll get on well:cool:
Murdoch may well have his supporters in other countries, but here in Britain he is now completely persona non grata. All three political parties have united and in a highly unusual step, the House of Commons will today issue a call on Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation to withdraw its bid to take full control of satellite broadcaster BSkyB. It won't be legally binding, but at least Murdoch will know he has NO friends whatsoever here in Britain. Good to see the bastard's empire crumbling at the edges. Hopefully it'll soon fall apart.

The UK's main political parties are set to unite to urge Rupert Murdoch to drop his bid to buy broadcaster BSkyB.

The Tories and Lib Dems are expected to back a Labour motion calling for Mr Murdoch's News Corporation to drop the bid while phone hacking at the News of the World is investigated.
The vote could ramp up pressure on the media mogul but is not legally binding.
Prime Minister David Cameron is also set to outline to the Commons the remit of a public inquiry into hacking.
Labour says unanimous support for its parliamentary motion would send a "clear message" to Mr Murdoch.
It comes after Mr Cameron met Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Labour leader Ed Miliband at Downing Street to discuss the hacking scandal on Tuesday.

BBC News - Phone hacking: Parties to unite over BSkyB bid call
Much more importantly, the facts already pretty well established in Britain indicate violations of American law, in particular a law called the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The Justice Department has been going out of its way to undertake FCPA prosecutions and investigations in recent years, and the News Corp. case presents a pretty simple test for Attorney General Eric Holder: If the department fails to open an immediate investigation into News Corp.'s violations of the FCPA, there will have been a major breach of enforcement at Justice. Having failed to pursue Wall Street with any apparent vigor, this is an opportunity for the Justice Department to show it can flex its muscles at the right moment. While one must always be cautious in seeking government investigation of the media for the obvious First Amendment concerns, this is not actually an investigation of the media, but an investigation of criminal acts undertaken by those masquerading as members of the media.

Murdoch and the British phone-hacking scandal: Why the U.S. should prosecute News Corp. and strip its TV licenses if it's guilty. - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine

so, has our AG acted? , the shareholders sure are>

We do not want companies whose headquarters are here—as News Corp.'s is—or that are listed on our financial exchanges—as News Corp. is—polluting the waters of international commerce with illegal behavior. (News Corp. shareholders are also rising against the company, with a huge lawsuit filed Monday in Delaware by three institutional investors claiming that company executives failed to act quickly enough to stop the phone hacking.

and gee, that rocky feller is all over it>
A powerful U.S. senator with jurisdiction over privacy and telecommunications issues late Tuesday urged regulators to look into whether News. Corp. had violated any U.S. laws when its British journalists gained unauthorized access to several individuals' voice mails to pursue stories.

"The reported hacking by News Corporation newspapers against a range of individuals--including children--is offensive and a serious breach of journalistic ethics," said Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Chairman John D. Rockefeller in a press statement.

"This raises serious questions about whether the company has broken U.S. law, and I encourage the appropriate agencies to investigate to ensure that Americans have not had their privacy violated," he added. "I am concerned that the admitted phone hacking in London by the News Corp. may have extended to 9/11 victims or other Americans. If they did, the consequences will be severe."

Rockefeller Urges Probe Into News Corp. For Phone Hacking | TPM Idea Lab
Much more importantly, the facts already pretty well established in Britain indicate violations of American law, in particular a law called the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The Justice Department has been going out of its way to undertake FCPA prosecutions and investigations in recent years, and the News Corp. case presents a pretty simple test for Attorney General Eric Holder: If the department fails to open an immediate investigation into News Corp.'s violations of the FCPA, there will have been a major breach of enforcement at Justice. Having failed to pursue Wall Street with any apparent vigor, this is an opportunity for the Justice Department to show it can flex its muscles at the right moment. While one must always be cautious in seeking government investigation of the media for the obvious First Amendment concerns, this is not actually an investigation of the media, but an investigation of criminal acts undertaken by those masquerading as members of the media.

Murdoch and the British phone-hacking scandal: Why the U.S. should prosecute News Corp. and strip its TV licenses if it's guilty. - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine

so, has our AG acted? , the shareholders sure are

We do not want companies whose headquarters are here—as News Corp.'s is—or that are listed on our financial exchanges—as News Corp. is—polluting the waters of international commerce with illegal behavior. (News Corp. shareholders are also rising against the company, with a huge lawsuit filed Monday in Delaware by three institutional investors claiming that company executives failed to act quickly enough to stop the phone hacking.

and gee, that rocky feller is all over it>

A powerful U.S. senator with jurisdiction over privacy and telecommunications issues late Tuesday urged regulators to look into whether News. Corp. had violated any U.S. laws when its British journalists gained unauthorized access to several individuals' voice mails to pursue stories.

"The reported hacking by News Corporation newspapers against a range of individuals--including children--is offensive and a serious breach of journalistic ethics," said Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Chairman John D. Rockefeller in a press statement.

"This raises serious questions about whether the company has broken U.S. law, and I encourage the appropriate agencies to investigate to ensure that Americans have not had their privacy violated," he added. "I am concerned that the admitted phone hacking in London by the News Corp. may have extended to 9/11 victims or other Americans. If they did, the consequences will be severe."
Rockefeller Urges Probe Into News Corp. For Phone Hacking | TPM Idea Lab[/QUOTE]

You are aware that the writer of the crap you quoted doesn't post here. There is very little point getting your panties in a colorful, and large font wedge about it.

You make yourself look ridiculous. Can you not just post without all the hysterical bouncing up and down screaming 'look at me'?

Murdoch may well have his supporters in other countries, but here in Britain he is now completely persona non grata. All three political parties have united and in a highly unusual step, the House of Commons will today issue a call on Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation to withdraw its bid to take full control of satellite broadcaster BSkyB. It won't be legally binding, but at least Murdoch will know he has NO friends whatsoever here in Britain. Good to see the bastard's empire crumbling at the edges. Hopefully it'll soon fall apart.

The UK's main political parties are set to unite to urge Rupert Murdoch to drop his bid to buy broadcaster BSkyB.

The Tories and Lib Dems are expected to back a Labour motion calling for Mr Murdoch's News Corporation to drop the bid while phone hacking at the News of the World is investigated.
The vote could ramp up pressure on the media mogul but is not legally binding.
Prime Minister David Cameron is also set to outline to the Commons the remit of a public inquiry into hacking.
Labour says unanimous support for its parliamentary motion would send a "clear message" to Mr Murdoch.
It comes after Mr Cameron met Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Labour leader Ed Miliband at Downing Street to discuss the hacking scandal on Tuesday.

BBC News - Phone hacking: Parties to unite over BSkyB bid call

I kinda feel sorry for the old guy.

You are aware that the writer of the crap you quoted doesn't post here.

most news orginizations probably would not post here CG, i'm sure Murdoch would agree
There is very little point getting your panties in a colorful, and large font wedge about it.

projecting sexual tension is rather indicative , is it not?
You make yourself look ridiculous. Can you not just post without all the hysterical bouncing up and down screaming 'look at me'?


case in point....?
This message is hidden because sparky is on your ignore list.

I rarely ignore anyone, no matter how ridiculous... but I really cannot deal with attention seeking font. It reminds me of a 2 year old screaming in a toy store.
when his bid for BskyB is refered to the commision and they deem him unsuitable to own media companies he will lose the rest of BskyB altogether. if that happens the whole thing will collapse, ha ha ha in your face murdoch go back to OZ and stop trying to destroy democracy with your right wing media. I remember posting treads about Fox news and many of you guys supporting fox news saying its great and rightous, told you so, nob heads.
when his bid for BskyB is refered to the commision and they deem him unsuitable to own media companies he will lose the rest of BskyB altogether. if that happens the whole thing will collapse, ha ha ha in your face murdoch go back to OZ and stop trying to destroy democracy with your right wing media. I remember posting treads about Fox news and many of you guys supporting fox news saying its great and rightous, told you so, nob heads.

No, he won't. Can we at least try to remain vaguely rational.
you will see! you dont understand the depth of this, he will lose the lot very soon. media empires are very flimsey empires built on sand. build on reputation, take that away, then its bondi beach for you!
you will see! you dont understand the depth of this, he will lose the lot very soon. media empires are very flimsey empires built on sand. build on reputation, take that away, then its bondi beach for you!

I don't need to 'see', it's about what is or is not legal in the UK. So, apparently, I understand it much more than you do. This 'fit and proper' person does not give any government the right to take his business away from him. But, they can stop him from buying a controlling interest.

Now, can we stop the hysterical bullshit?
when his bid for BskyB is refered to the commision and they deem him unsuitable to own media companies he will lose the rest of BskyB altogether. if that happens the whole thing will collapse, ha ha ha in your face murdoch go back to OZ and stop trying to destroy democracy with your right wing media. I remember posting treads about Fox news and many of you guys supporting fox news saying its great and rightous, told you so, nob heads.

I'm sorry, i can't seem to hear you over the left wing media din of the right.....
ok I'll put it this way, if your a british politician and you know somewhere down the line you will have to suck up to, get in bed with the media to further your career etc.. but the person who owns most of the media has a detrimental reputaion, your gona get together with the other mp's and get rid of him, oh and guess who had a private meeting yesterday, cameron, clegg and milliband.
when his bid for BskyB is refered to the commision and they deem him unsuitable to own media companies he will lose the rest of BskyB altogether. if that happens the whole thing will collapse, ha ha ha in your face murdoch go back to OZ and stop trying to destroy democracy with your right wing media. I remember posting treads about Fox news and many of you guys supporting fox news saying its great and rightous, told you so, nob heads.

I'm sorry, i can't seem to hear you over the left wing media din of the right.....

left or right you cant have a democracy with a massively leaning media.
ok I'll put it this way, if your a british politician and you know somewhere down the line you will have to suck up to, get in bed with the media to further your career etc.. but the person who owns most of the media has a detrimental reputaion, your gona get together with the other mp's and get rid of him, oh and guess who had a private meeting yesterday, cameron, clegg and milliband.

I'm aware of the meeting yesterday... they announced the outcome... a joint call for Murdoch to drop his planned acquisition of BSkyB.

This really isn't about Murdoch, though.... at least, not to those of us without a partisan view on it. It is about the ethics and standards of journalists. And, the rush to judgement... and, worryingly, stricter regulation of journalists. Journalists legitimately and legally lie in order to unearth stories that are in the public's interest. There is far more to this whole clusterfuck than the damage inflicted on Murdoch.
when his bid for BskyB is refered to the commision and they deem him unsuitable to own media companies he will lose the rest of BskyB altogether. if that happens the whole thing will collapse, ha ha ha in your face murdoch go back to OZ and stop trying to destroy democracy with your right wing media. I remember posting treads about Fox news and many of you guys supporting fox news saying its great and rightous, told you so, nob heads.

I'm sorry, i can't seem to hear you over the left wing media din of the right.....

left or right you cant have a democracy with a massively leaning media.

We are not a democracy. We are a Republic.
The perennially lying CaliforniaGirl kkkontinues to vomit and spew the out and out LIE that The Sun wasn't responsible for releasing the news of the boy's illness to the public. Yet, every. single. news. outlet. continues to report that as a fact. Up to moments ago I saw it on TV.

So here we have a situation of a totally DISCREDITED and UNTRUSTWORTHY poster defending a totally DISCREDITED and UNTRUSTWORTHY media mogul.

Sucking up to power instead of speaking truth to power.


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