Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

If there is an investigation it will take quite awhile to get the results.
Because Peter Fucken King is not the only Congressman calling for an investigation.

But he is the only Repug mentioned in the article and from what I gathered, the only one mentioned by name.

Those in the know are saying this is a typical political Dog-Pile.

Btw, Peter King would call for an investigation into the real color of shit.
So WHO are the others?
Name them.
I thought I made it clear the others went unnamed

Jesus you're stupid
What you are making clear, my clearly emotional, upset and frantic friend, is that you are simply speculating...aka giving your opinion.

I thought I made it clear the others went unnamed

Jesus you're stupid
What you are making clear, my clearly emotional, upset and frantic friend, is that you are simply speculating...aka giving your opinion.


The whole story is full of speculation Captain Obvious.

They should have learned from the first 'big fact' about this story.... the allegation that The Sun had hacked Gordon Brown's phone and illegally obtained information about his son's medical condition. The Guardian ran with that one on the front page.... for days.... and guess what? They were wrong and today, they published an apology.... on page 35.

There's a lesson to be learned from that.
I thought I made it clear the others went unnamed

Jesus you're stupid
What you are making clear, my clearly emotional, upset and frantic friend, is that you are simply speculating...aka giving your opinion.


The whole story is full of speculation Captain Obvious.

No liar, it's not.

The story is that a Republican Rep. Peter King called for an F.B.I. investigation on Murdoch's company dealings.

YOU are the only MFer trying to speculate and state otherwise. usual.
What you are making clear, my clearly emotional, upset and frantic friend, is that you are simply speculating...aka giving your opinion.


The whole story is full of speculation Captain Obvious.

No liar, it's not.

The story is that a Republican Rep. Peter King called for an F.B.I. investigation on Murdoch's company dealings.

YOU are the only MFer trying to speculate and state otherwise. usual.

Treasous Babby Boxer called for it first. Fucking bitch.
The whole story is full of speculation Captain Obvious.

No liar, it's not.

The story is that a Republican Rep. Peter King called for an F.B.I. investigation on Murdoch's company dealings.

YOU are the only MFer trying to speculate and state otherwise. usual.

Treasous Babby Boxer called for it first. Fucking bitch.

Note the date in this one:
GOPer wants FBI probe of Rupert Murdoch - Seung Min Kim -

Is yours before that date and time?

If not, then you are lying.
What year is it?

Didn't 9/11 happen awhile ago?

Why is it so important for the FBI to drop everything and investigate phone-hacking?

Because Obama is in real trouble with his reelection bid. Finding a way to silence Fox News would sure help him.

I think FoxNews found a way to silence themselves!

Who's going to respect a "news" organization the hires Glenn Beck and hacks the phones of 13 year old kidnap victims and dead soldiers.

It's all Obama's fault??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
What year is it?

Didn't 9/11 happen awhile ago?

Why is it so important for the FBI to drop everything and investigate phone-hacking?

Because Obama is in real trouble with his reelection bid. Finding a way to silence Fox News would sure help him.

I think FoxNews found a way to silence themselves!

Who's going to respect a "news" organization the hires Glenn Beck and hacks the phones of 13 year old kidnap victims and dead soldiers.

It's all Obama's fault??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Only one small, yet significant point. It wasn't Fox News. I would have thought you more intelligent than to not understand basic corporation structure. There is not one accusation, not one, against Fox.
No liar, it's not.

The story is that a Republican Rep. Peter King called for an F.B.I. investigation on Murdoch's company dealings.

YOU are the only MFer trying to speculate and state otherwise. usual.

Treasous Babby Boxer called for it first. Fucking bitch.

Note the date in this one:
GOPer wants FBI probe of Rupert Murdoch - Seung Min Kim -

Is yours before that date and time?

If not, then you are lying.

Get your own fucking link you lazy assed hack. And, I rarely bother reading your links... I find they are, more often than not, total fucking bullshit.... much like your posts.
Because Obama is in real trouble with his reelection bid. Finding a way to silence Fox News would sure help him.

I think FoxNews found a way to silence themselves!

Who's going to respect a "news" organization the hires Glenn Beck and hacks the phones of 13 year old kidnap victims and dead soldiers.

It's all Obama's fault??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Only one small, yet significant point. It wasn't Fox News. I would have thought you more intelligent than to not understand basic corporation structure. There is not one accusation, not one, against Fox.

The dominos are falling...

Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton resigned today, making him the second high-ranking casualty in less than 24 hours in a journalistic scandal that has jeopardized Rupert Murdoch's multibillion-dollar empire.

Earlier today, Rebekah Brooks, one of Murdoch's closest confidants and chief executive of his British newspapers, resigned her post. She was editor of News of the World when the incidents of phone hacking and bribery allegedly occurred.

Wall Street Journal Publisher, Les Hinton, Resigns - ABC News
Murdoch also met the family of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, whose phone was hacked by the News of the World in 2002. The revelation that journalists had accessed her phone in search of scoops inflamed the long-simmering scandal about illegal eavesdropping by the newspaper.

The 80-year-old mogul emerged from the meeting at a London hotel to catcalls of "shame on you!" from hecklers. He said that "as founder of the company I was appalled to find out what had happened and I apologized."

Dowler family lawyer Mark Lewis said Murdoch appeared humbled and had offered "a heartfelt and what seemed to be a very sincere apology."

"I don't think somebody could have held their head in their hands so many times and said that they were sorry," Lewis said.

Murdoch's tone was dramatically different from an interview published Thursday in the Wall Street Journal — which is owned by News Corp. — in which he said the company had handled the crisis "extremely well in every way possible" and complained he was "getting annoyed" at all the negative headlines.

The Associated Press: WSJ publisher quits in phone-hacking scandal
The dominos are falling...

Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton resigned today, making him the second high-ranking casualty in less than 24 hours in a journalistic scandal that has jeopardized Rupert Murdoch's multibillion-dollar empire.

Earlier today, Rebekah Brooks, one of Murdoch's closest confidants and chief executive of his British newspapers, resigned her post. She was editor of News of the World when the incidents of phone hacking and bribery allegedly occurred.

Wall Street Journal Publisher, Les Hinton, Resigns - ABC News
Just heard this on the news too. Just a matter of time before his infotainment channel in the U.S. (Fox) is involved :( ;)
No relationship is safe, no loyal bond strong enough for Rupert Murdoch who – looking more than the sum of his 80 years – is mounting a final battle to save the company he built from nothing.

His decision to throw Les Hinton to the wolves is his most dramatic move yet. For more than 50 years, as a journalist and then an executive, Hinton loyally served the Murdoch empire from its roots in Australia to the height of its power in New York.

Now, in a desperate effort to save News Corporation's most valuable assets – its 27 US broadcast licences and the 20th Century Fox movie studio – Murdoch is prepared to sacrifice one of his closest allies.

The problem for Murdoch is that every time he ditches a key executive, the flames of scandal flick ever closer to him.

Hinton was ditched because he was the crucial link between Murdoch's valuable US businesses and the tainted operation in Britain. He was at the helm of NI – the holding company for his UK newspapers including the News of the World and the Times – when it seemed that everyone who was in sniffing distance of a significant news story found their phones being hacked.

Questions were being raised about what Hinton knew about corrupt payments to London police officers: if he was shown to have been aware of them, that would be a felony in the US under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

The problem for News Corp now is that, at every stage, its attempts to contain this story have failed. The decision to close the News of the World was motivated in part to save the chief executive of NI, Rebekah Brooks: that decision bombed and Brooks resigned on Friday.

But the departure of Brooks was not enough to contain the scandal in Britain, so Hinton, who has been more significant to the company's fortunes and to Murdoch personally for far longer than Brooks, also left.

The inevitable next move for Murdoch is prolicide. His son James, appointed in 2007 as chairman and chief executive of News Corporation's operations in Europe and Asia, based at News International's headquarters in Wapping, east London, clings on – but only for now.

In London, James Murdoch oversaw the response to the hacking scandal. He approved the £700,000 hush money paid to Gordon Taylor, the former chief executive of the Professional Footballers' Association – a decision he has blamed on poor advice. (The legal director of News International, Tom Crone, was one of the executives of News International to leave this week.)

The departure of Hinton suggests that News Corporation has finally got to grips with the global significance of this story, but the worst is yet to come. The FBI has launched an investigation into accusations that News of the World journalists asked a former New York police officer for the phone records of relatives of 9/11 victims. If that toxic allegation is shown to have been true, one thing is certain: Fox News is finished, along with the rest of News Corporation as we know it.

Les Hinton sacrificed, but the worst is yet to come for News Corp | Analysis | Media | The Guardian
The dominos are falling...

Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton resigned today, making him the second high-ranking casualty in less than 24 hours in a journalistic scandal that has jeopardized Rupert Murdoch's multibillion-dollar empire.

Earlier today, Rebekah Brooks, one of Murdoch's closest confidants and chief executive of his British newspapers, resigned her post. She was editor of News of the World when the incidents of phone hacking and bribery allegedly occurred.

Wall Street Journal Publisher, Les Hinton, Resigns - ABC News

No relationship is safe, no loyal bond strong enough for Rupert Murdoch who – looking more than the sum of his 80 years – is mounting a final battle to save the company he built from nothing.

His decision to throw Les Hinton to the wolves is his most dramatic move yet. For more than 50 years, as a journalist and then an executive, Hinton loyally served the Murdoch empire from its roots in Australia to the height of its power in New York.

Now, in a desperate effort to save News Corporation's most valuable assets – its 27 US broadcast licences and the 20th Century Fox movie studio – Murdoch is prepared to sacrifice one of his closest allies.

The problem for Murdoch is that every time he ditches a key executive, the flames of scandal flick ever closer to him.

Hinton was ditched because he was the crucial link between Murdoch's valuable US businesses and the tainted operation in Britain. He was at the helm of NI – the holding company for his UK newspapers including the News of the World and the Times – when it seemed that everyone who was in sniffing distance of a significant news story found their phones being hacked.

Questions were being raised about what Hinton knew about corrupt payments to London police officers: if he was shown to have been aware of them, that would be a felony in the US under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

The problem for News Corp now is that, at every stage, its attempts to contain this story have failed. The decision to close the News of the World was motivated in part to save the chief executive of NI, Rebekah Brooks: that decision bombed and Brooks resigned on Friday.

But the departure of Brooks was not enough to contain the scandal in Britain, so Hinton, who has been more significant to the company's fortunes and to Murdoch personally for far longer than Brooks, also left.

The inevitable next move for Murdoch is prolicide. His son James, appointed in 2007 as chairman and chief executive of News Corporation's operations in Europe and Asia, based at News International's headquarters in Wapping, east London, clings on – but only for now.

In London, James Murdoch oversaw the response to the hacking scandal. He approved the £700,000 hush money paid to Gordon Taylor, the former chief executive of the Professional Footballers' Association – a decision he has blamed on poor advice. (The legal director of News International, Tom Crone, was one of the executives of News International to leave this week.)

The departure of Hinton suggests that News Corporation has finally got to grips with the global significance of this story, but the worst is yet to come. The FBI has launched an investigation into accusations that News of the World journalists asked a former New York police officer for the phone records of relatives of 9/11 victims. If that toxic allegation is shown to have been true, one thing is certain: Fox News is finished, along with the rest of News Corporation as we know it.

Les Hinton sacrificed, but the worst is yet to come for News Corp | Analysis | Media | The Guardian
Oh boy.

It must suck being Rupert Mordoch right about now.
I think FoxNews found a way to silence themselves!

Who's going to respect a "news" organization the hires Glenn Beck and hacks the phones of 13 year old kidnap victims and dead soldiers.

It's all Obama's fault??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Only one small, yet significant point. It wasn't Fox News. I would have thought you more intelligent than to not understand basic corporation structure. There is not one accusation, not one, against Fox.


Because Fox is under the Newscorp structure they are already implicated simply for that.

Now you have your first accusation Chris.

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