Murdoch's News of the World hacks dead teenager's phone

The necessity for CG to be posting on this thread is analogous to a fish needing to ride a bike. It's unnecessary :rolleyes: . Just sayin...
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The plot thickens. The Federal investigative service in the U.S. is also being considered inre: phone-hacking in the U.S.
New York Republican Pete King is calling on the FBI to investigate whether Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation hacked into the voicemail accounts of Sept. 11 victims, calling the allegations of the scandal “disgraceful.”

BBC News - John Yates quits Met Police amid phone-hacking scandal
The resignation of Sir Paul, the most senior policeman in Britain, came after he faced criticism for the Met's recruitment of Mr Wallis as a PR consultant.

Mr Wallis, a former NoW deputy editor, was arrested and released on bail on Thursday on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications.
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I negged you for lying.... again.

You are one of the biggest cotton-pickin' LIARS on this board.

You stated as a matter of fact that "Gordon is on a crusade"

It's plain and clear as day in black and white for all to see.

Stop LYING!!!

What are you blabbering on about now?

I negged you because you lie.... constantly.

I haven't denied that comment about Brown, idiot boy.
So are you now lying about me stating that you stated that "Gordon is on a crusade" as a matter of fact?

Is that it...liar?
Guess how the FOX peanut gallery is "reporting" on this international scandal?

Fox & Friends Covers News Corp. Scandal ... By Complaining About Media "Piling On" | Media Matters for America

The SOB's are claiming that the media is "piling" on Murdoch.

I effing retarded can you get?


You are one of the biggest cotton-pickin' LIARS on this board.

You stated as a matter of fact that "Gordon is on a crusade"

It's plain and clear as day in black and white for all to see.

Stop LYING!!!

What are you blabbering on about now?

I negged you because you lie.... constantly.

I haven't denied that comment about Brown, idiot boy.
So are you now lying about me stating that you stated that "Gordon is on a crusade" as a matter of fact?

Is that it...liar?

Oh, so you can state any old shit as 'fact' and I can't?

Double that standard! Stat! :lol:
That's what I thought.

Weasel out of it. Liar.


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Ruh oh. The guy who kicked this all off.... dead.

BBC News - NoW 'whistleblower' Sean Hoare is found dead

Former News of the World journalist Sean Hoare has been found dead at his home in Watford.

He told the New York Times the practice of phone hacking was far more extensive than the newspaper acknowledged when police first investigated the case.

Hertfordshire Police said the body of a man was found at an address in Langley Road, Watford, on Monday morning.

A police spokesman said the death was currently being treated as unexplained but was not thought to be suspicious.
Ruh oh. The guy who kicked this all off.... dead.

BBC News - NoW 'whistleblower' Sean Hoare is found dead

Former News of the World journalist Sean Hoare has been found dead at his home in Watford.

He told the New York Times the practice of phone hacking was far more extensive than the newspaper acknowledged when police first investigated the case.

Hertfordshire Police said the body of a man was found at an address in Langley Road, Watford, on Monday morning.

A police spokesman said the death was currently being treated as unexplained but was not thought to be suspicious.

*tap, tap, tap*

Pssssssst....rabid RW nutjob hack.

You're a day late and a dollar short...
Ruh oh. The guy who kicked this all off.... dead.

BBC News - NoW 'whistleblower' Sean Hoare is found dead

Former News of the World journalist Sean Hoare has been found dead at his home in Watford.

He told the New York Times the practice of phone hacking was far more extensive than the newspaper acknowledged when police first investigated the case.

Hertfordshire Police said the body of a man was found at an address in Langley Road, Watford, on Monday morning.

A police spokesman said the death was currently being treated as unexplained but was not thought to be suspicious.

As you'd see from reading the piece, he was NOT the person who 'kicked this all off'. He was the one who implicated Andy Coulson (former NotW editor and former Downing Street Dir. of Comms.) in the hacking activities of the newsroom. Two very different roles in this ongoing situation. As with David Kelly, the civil servant at the centre of the Iraq WMD scandal, it is proof that some people sucked into these issues are going to suffer from the stress and ruthlessness of this media-political shitstorm.
Ruh oh. The guy who kicked this all off.... dead.

BBC News - NoW 'whistleblower' Sean Hoare is found dead

Former News of the World journalist Sean Hoare has been found dead at his home in Watford.

He told the New York Times the practice of phone hacking was far more extensive than the newspaper acknowledged when police first investigated the case.

Hertfordshire Police said the body of a man was found at an address in Langley Road, Watford, on Monday morning.

A police spokesman said the death was currently being treated as unexplained but was not thought to be suspicious.

As you'd see from reading the piece, he was NOT the person who 'kicked this all off'. He was the one who implicated Andy Coulson (former NotW editor and former Downing Street Dir. of Comms.) in the hacking activities of the newsroom. Two very different roles in this ongoing situation. As with David Kelly, the civil servant at the centre of the Iraq WMD scandal, it is proof that some people sucked into these issues are going to suffer from the stress and ruthlessness of this media-political shitstorm.

Yep. You're right. And to think.... it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
FOX watchers, what's O'Reilly, Hannity and/or Greta saying about this bombastic scandal?

This just looks bad for everything Murdoch (including HIS company, fox.)

Perhaps America will make him give up his citizenship and make him an aussie again..? Dont know the law on that one. Personally, I hope they kick that fucking immigrant out of OUR country. I wonder if Fox will help the other big owner of fox, the muslim, become an American citizen as well..

Fucking immigrants. :)
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LulzSec have hacked The Sun website say they have emails etc. They say they are going to release a press statement tomorrow.
The spokesman’s account, given to the Guardian, had a friend of Charlie Brooks returning the bag to the Brooks home but left it in the wrong place in their garage.

“Charlie has a bag which contains a laptop and papers which were private to him,” the spokesman said. “They were nothing to do with Rebekah or the [phone-hacking] case.”

The spokesman said a cleaning person found the misplaced bag and put it in the garbage, where a security guard found it and called police.

Police, the Guardian said, are now examining closed-circuit video to try and determine who placed the bag in the garbage.

Computer found near Rebekah Brooks' home - Reid J. Epstein -

I know my cleaning person always throws out the laptops.

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