Murkowski a "NO" for more witnesses

Or again, anyone with a triple-digit IQ or a lick of integrity can see the Senate is refusing to play the Hysterical House Dems' childish games. Someone needs to be the adults on Cap Hill and Dems are clearly incapable.
They aren’t hysterical games. Real shit happened. Trump absolutely overstepped and he deserved to be called on it. I dont think impeachment was the smart route to take, but you really can’t deny that some stinky shit was coming out of the White House with this whole deal. And now the stink is all over republicans in Congress. Watch how many go on record now using Sen. Alexander’s line. “What Trump did was wrong but it wasn’t an impeachable offense.” Watch
Sen Alexander didn't say "wrong" but I've come to never expect the truth from those in the throes of TDS distress. That you can't see the Hysterical House Dems' games tells me you are among them.

Fear not … Fancy Nancy will announce the House's next witch-hunt minutes after the Senate votes to bury this one. Article #1: "Trump is a mean poopy-head."

Dems can't win in 2020 so impeachment is their only option. They are traitors.
What did he say? If you want to set the record straight then set it straight and quote the guy.
Your Google doesn't work? That didn't keep you from misquoting the guy to serve your #HateTrump agenda.

Look it up yourself and if it confuses you, use Google to define the words.
I didn’t quote the guy, I expressed what he said in an accurate way. Alexander said Trump acted inappropriately, that’s the same thing as wrong...
Reread your 1st post. You clearly claimed you were "using Sen. Alexander's line" and you even used quotation marks.

And "wrong" in the context is not the same as "inappropriate." You seem mostly rational unless spewing your obvious hatred for the POTUS ... then you just lose it.
They aren’t hysterical games. Real shit happened. Trump absolutely overstepped and he deserved to be called on it. I dont think impeachment was the smart route to take, but you really can’t deny that some stinky shit was coming out of the White House with this whole deal. And now the stink is all over republicans in Congress. Watch how many go on record now using Sen. Alexander’s line. “What Trump did was wrong but it wasn’t an impeachable offense.” Watch
Sen Alexander didn't say "wrong" but I've come to never expect the truth from those in the throes of TDS distress. That you can't see the Hysterical House Dems' games tells me you are among them.

Fear not … Fancy Nancy will announce the House's next witch-hunt minutes after the Senate votes to bury this one. Article #1: "Trump is a mean poopy-head."

Dems can't win in 2020 so impeachment is their only option. They are traitors.
What did he say? If you want to set the record straight then set it straight and quote the guy.
Your Google doesn't work? That didn't keep you from misquoting the guy to serve your #HateTrump agenda.

Look it up yourself and if it confuses you, use Google to define the words.
I didn’t quote the guy, I expressed what he said in an accurate way. Alexander said Trump acted inappropriately, that’s the same thing as wrong...
Reread your 1st post. You clearly claimed you were "using Sen. Alexander's line" and you even used quotation marks.

And "wrong" in the context is not the same as "inappropriate." You seem mostly rational unless spewing your obvious hatred for the POTUS ... then you just lose it.
I don’t hate POTUS I just think he is a horrible leader. And I don’t like playing the little word games to distract from the point. Alexander clearly said that the Dems proved their case and that trump acted inappropriately. me saying “wrong” does not take Alexander’s statements out of context.

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