Murkowski a "NO" for more witnesses

So say the experts.

Manu Raju

Final vote on witnesses: 51-49, with two GOP defectors
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Phil Mattingly
· 4m
.@lisamurkowski is NO on the witness vote, @FoxReports reports

"Defections"? :lol:

You're saying hearing witnesses in a trial is a Democratic Party thing?

Yeah, pretty much. This impeachment is a farce, believed only by the terminally stupid, and the extremist left.
Maybe Donnie promised her billions, like O did to get Obamacare passed.

That would be Mitch McConnell doing the passing. He controls the dark money.
Which is ironic since Murkowski won her seat a couple of elections ago as a write-in when she didn't get the nomination.
You don’t think Reid had O’s approval to buy off the senators to pass ocare?

I didn't post about "Reid" or "O".
You insinuated it was Reid who bribed senators to get Ocare passed. I tend to believe he did that with O’s approval. So, if Mitch bribed R senators it fellows he did so with The Don’s approval. Yes? No?
Maybe Donnie promised her billions, like O did to get Obamacare passed.

That would be Mitch McConnell doing the passing. He controls the dark money.
Which is ironic since Murkowski won her seat a couple of elections ago as a write-in when she didn't get the nomination.
You don’t think Reid had O’s approval to buy off the senators to pass ocare?

I didn't post about "Reid" or "O".
You insinuated it was Reid who bribed senators to get Ocare passed. I tend to believe he did that with O’s approval. So, if Mitch bribed R senators it fellows he did so with The Don’s approval. Yes? No?

Again, I've posted nothing about Reid, and I'm pretty sure I've never posted anything about Obamacare.
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You are truly clueless since even his claims are his words only, the man was FIRED not long before he started his book writing. Yet shows no sign of being distressed with the President in his August interview, she will NOT change her mind since she stated:

“I worked for a fair, honest and transparent process, modeled after the Clinton trial, to provide ample time for both sides to present their cases, ask thoughtful questions, and determine whether we need more," she said. “The House chose to send articles of impeachment that are rushed and flawed. I carefully considered the need for additional witnesses and documents, to cure the shortcomings of its process, but ultimately decided that I will vote against considering motions to subpoena."

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i agree the articles were very weak. Bit they made a good case that clearly showed Trumps intent and actions. I don’t think he should be impeached but I do think that Bolton should be heard from. What’s the point in blocking his testimony?! Just makes the Reps look scared and covering up relevant facts.
They didn't do any such thing......we don't like Trump isn't a reason to impeach him....and that is all they had.
That was just article #1.

Article #2 was "Trump is a mean poopy-head."

Nevertheless they've repeated those charges ad nauseam as though doing so would convince the adults to remove the POTUS.
I cannot see how anyone could allow a trial to be conducted with no witnesses, particularly when the defendant has repeatedly refused to produce witnesses and documents himself. A trial is intended to bring out the truth. What are these senators thinking? What do they want to accomplish by making a sham of the proceedings? This goes beyond any identification with a political party. It is a matter of basic principle. And each senator is supposed to sit as an impartial juror, not come into the chamber with his/her mind made up already and refuse to listen to evidence.

If witnesses were permitted, the defendant could call his own, and cross-examine those called by the prosecution.

That our senators have become this openly corrupt is truly frightening. They are proving that they have no allegiance to, or love for the U.S.A. In the mean time, a vote against witnesses will lead to a legal finding of not proven guilty, but it will not result in an exoneration, given the dubious circumstances in which it was arrived at.
The House started The Impeachment in an illegal and unauthorized fashion which did not give them the power to submit subpoenas until the entire body authorized it, but they did it anyways. They did not pass HR 660 until after the fact.

The House called 20 Witnesses and allowed THE GOP 1.
They denied The President Due Process 71 of 78 Days
They Refused to allow Adjudication to resolve Conflicts between The House & Executive
They Abandoned Subpoenas despite The Courts promising an Expedited Ruling
They Denied A Promised House Rule allowing The GOP a Minority Day.
They Produced 22,000 Pages of testimony and so called Evidence.
They refused to allow The President see The IG Transcript
They refused to allow The President's team to cross examine The Whistleblower.
The committees were stacked with a nearly 2-1 ratio of Dems to GOP, and The Dems rejected all motions by The GOP.
In The Senate 22,000 pages were submitted, and 13 witnesses statements referenced.

In the Previous Russian Collusion Hoax started by Obama, Clinton and The DNC
1 Million Documents were turned over by The President
2,500 Subpoenas were honored by The President
500 Search Warrants were allowed by The President
500 Interviews were allowed by The President.

This was also a process where The President was not allowed Due Process.

People are Sick of You
I am Sick of You.

You had 4 years to stab America in The Back and Failed.
You had 4 years to stab The President in The Back and Failed.

You freaking stood up at the plate, in a rigged baseball game where you paid off The Umpire to call all The Balls and Strikes in YOUR FAVOR! You swung and swung and swung and missed.

May you all Burn in Hell.

Most dishonorable, disingenuous, crooked, Evil, Sinful and Wicked thing I have ever seen a Party of Scumbags try to do to America and The President.
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They've seen enough. They know the House proved their case. They don't want the American public to see them hearing from witnesses that just confirm more details of Trumpybears' corrupt Ukraine Shakedown.

They don't care. They accept this type of corruption because it targeted Democrats. .

Democrat and Independents should just "Get over it"!
Oh boy, is your ass ever gonna be hurting tomorrow. Wait till Tuesday though and you'll get a second big dose.​
They've seen enough. They know the House proved their case. They don't want the American public to see them hearing from witnesses that just confirm more details of Trumpybears' corrupt Ukraine Shakedown.

They don't care. They accept this type of corruption because it targeted Democrats. .

Democrat and Independents should just "Get over it"!
Oh boy, is your ass ever gonna be hurting tomorrow. Wait till Tuesday though and you'll get a second big dose.​

Why? It has always been a forgone conclusion that the Trumpubicans march in lock-step and that they were always willing to accept the Dirty Don's Corruption. It's just what they do.

Hasn't really changed since Barr swept Rayguns and Poppies dirt under the rug (while the Dems held the rug up).

Get over it America! Get over it!
More evidence that leftists are crazy people, they can't even tell the truth when it is OBVIOUS!

Heck I have yet to see a leftist answer my question, What LAW was broken by Trump? it sure aint seen in the two Impeachment charges....

Fox News

'GAME OVER,' Trump declares, as old Bolton, Schiff videos surface amid Senate impeachment trial

Gregg Re

January 30, 2020


A string of newly resurfaced video clips of former national security adviser John Bolton spurred President Trump and his supporters Wednesday to highlight what they described as serious credibility questions -- raised by both Democrats and Republicans -- amid the Senate impeachment trial, as the president tweeted, "GAME OVER!"

In his tweet, Trump linked to an interview of Bolton in August 2019 where he discusses Ukraine policy. In the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty interview clip, Bolton made no mention of any illicit quid pro quo, and acknowledged, as Republicans have claimed, that combating "corruption" in Ukraine was a "high priority" for the Trump administration.

Bolton also called Trump's communications with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky "warm and cordial," without mentioning any misconduct. It seemingly contradicted reported assertions in Bolton's forthcoming book that Trump explicitly told him he wanted to tie military aid to Ukraine to an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden. (Zelensky has said his communications with Trump involved no pressure for any investigation.)

bolding mine


Bolton Video is in the link.

Give it up Leftists, you have no case, never did since the entire impeachment process was unfair from the start.

Bolton was NEVER asked by Pelosi, Schiff or Nadler to testify in their House Impeachment crap game.....



Also this from Schiff:

"Separately, Fox News has identified clips of Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., now the lead House impeachment manager, in which he says Bolton had a distinct "lack of credibility" and was prone to "conspiracy theories." This week, Schiff said Bolton needed to testify in the impeachment trial as an important and believable witness.

"This is someone who's likely to exaggerate the dangerous impulses of the president toward belligerence, his proclivity to act without thinking, and his love of conspiracy theories," Schiff told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on March 22, 2018, when Trump named Bolton national security adviser.
Separately, Fox News has identified clips of Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., now the lead House impeachment manager, in which he says Bolton had a distinct "lack of credibility" and was prone to "conspiracy theories." This week, Schiff said Bolton needed to testify in the impeachment trial as an important and believable witness.

"This is someone who's likely to exaggerate the dangerous impulses of the president toward belligerence, his proclivity to act without thinking, and his love of conspiracy theories," Schiff told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on March 22, 2018, when Trump named Bolton national security adviser."


Maybe Donnie promised her billions, like O did to get Obamacare passed.

That would be Mitch McConnell doing the passing. He controls the dark money.
Which is ironic since Murkowski won her seat a couple of elections ago as a write-in when she didn't get the nomination.
You don’t think Reid had O’s approval to buy off the senators to pass ocare?

I didn't post about "Reid" or "O".
You insinuated it was Reid who bribed senators to get Ocare passed. I tend to believe he did that with O’s approval. So, if Mitch bribed R senators it fellows he did so with The Don’s approval. Yes? No?

Again, I've posted nothing about Reid, and I'm pretty sure I've never posted anything about Obamacare.
Jesus dude. You can’t be this slow unless it’s on purpose.
That would be Mitch McConnell doing the passing. He controls the dark money.
Which is ironic since Murkowski won her seat a couple of elections ago as a write-in when she didn't get the nomination.
You don’t think Reid had O’s approval to buy off the senators to pass ocare?

I didn't post about "Reid" or "O".
You insinuated it was Reid who bribed senators to get Ocare passed. I tend to believe he did that with O’s approval. So, if Mitch bribed R senators it fellows he did so with The Don’s approval. Yes? No?

Again, I've posted nothing about Reid, and I'm pretty sure I've never posted anything about Obamacare.
Jesus dude. You can’t be this slow unless it’s on purpose.

Show me a quote and I'll deal with it.

This is three times now.
You don’t think Reid had O’s approval to buy off the senators to pass ocare?

I didn't post about "Reid" or "O".
You insinuated it was Reid who bribed senators to get Ocare passed. I tend to believe he did that with O’s approval. So, if Mitch bribed R senators it fellows he did so with The Don’s approval. Yes? No?

Again, I've posted nothing about Reid, and I'm pretty sure I've never posted anything about Obamacare.
Jesus dude. You can’t be this slow unless it’s on purpose.

Show me a quote and I'll deal with it.

This is three times now.

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