Murkowski Leads By Over 10,000 Votes

It is not the job of a news reporter to make judgments about the validity of ballots cast when the counters of the ballots give him the information that CURRENTLY Murkowski is leading by 10,400 votes. It is his job to report that number. If they also tell him that 8,153 ballots have been challenged, it is his job to also report that number.

That is what is being reported. There is no fraudulence involved.

Counting votes that should not be counted (because the law is clear and not at all ambiguous) is inherently fraudulent. Denying that -- as you do -- is dishonest of you.

I don't care if Mookaka wins. But let's at least find out if she won on the level.

The reporter's job is not to interpret the law.

The votes that Miller is challenging are CURRENTLY counted for Murkowski. That's why he challenged them.

But the fact that they are currently counted FOR Murkowski means that the only HONEST way to report the current count is to report the count that includes the challenged votes.

She CURRENTLY has a lead of 10,400 votes. You cannot HONESTLY report that as some different number.

Once again, retard, you are arguing an obviously strawman argument.

I did not make any accusation against reporters, you dickhead.

I said the vote tally is fraudulent. And I have explained why, you jerkoff. It is because it includes the very votes that ought to not count. If those invalid votes were to be subtracted (as the law on its face would call for them to be) from the stated vote tally, the difference in the count would be much much smaller. Only then would it be rational to conduct a recount.

And the recount might not suffice to make up the difference then remaining, for that matter. So you'd have nothing to fear, carbuncle. Either Sen. Mukaka would win outright or she'd lose outright. But the odds are that she'd still win. So what are you so worried about it for?
Liarbility just got his ass righteously kicked. in #212 and #216. :lol:

Once again the always dishonest JokeyFakey demonstrates that he has not an ounce of integrity or objectivity.

GT got his ass kicked and every objective and honest person sees as much. It's even possible that an asshole like you sees it, but you are far too dishonest to ever admit it.

Tell us that story again, scum-sucker, about how you are a conservative Republican! :lol:
Liarbility just got his ass righteously kicked. in #212 and #216. :lol:

Once again the always dishonest JokeyFakey demonstrates that he has not an ounce of integrity or objectivity.

GT got his ass kicked and every objective and honest person sees as much. It's even possible that an asshole like you sees it, but you are far too dishonest to ever admit it.

Tell us that story again, scum-sucker, about how you are a conservative Republican! :lol:

Didn't someone just disagree with me the other day when I pointed out what a shithead liarbility was if you disagreed with him?


Don't play his game. It's not nice.

Lots of pukey libs and assorted losers like you have played the game of altering my username. Usually, like Ravi, they cannot come up with anything of value, so they settle for the plodding crap as Ravi did. Unlike you, however, I don't bitch and moan and whine and cry about it.

It's just an internet political message board, boredtoseeya.

You need to get over it and over yourself, too!

As for what's "not nice", you are quite often very liberal in dispensing such things. But, you already know that.

Hey, little man. It's ok to admit you bring no game. We all see how ineffectual you are. Don't fret.

:lol: @ you saying Ravi was wrong and you don't insult people who disagree with you :lol:

Don't worry. People "can see" what's going on, as you like to presume :lol:

I know why you call me little, also. But we won't go there. :lol:
Liarbility just got his ass righteously kicked. in #212 and #216. :lol:

Once again the always dishonest JokeyFakey demonstrates that he has not an ounce of integrity or objectivity.

GT got his ass kicked and every objective and honest person sees as much. It's even possible that an asshole like you sees it, but you are far too dishonest to ever admit it.

Tell us that story again, scum-sucker, about how you are a conservative Republican! :lol:


Nice use of the highly skilled technique of highlighting.

You're special, GT.

Liarbility just got his ass righteously kicked. in #212 and #216. :lol:

Once again the always dishonest JokeyFakey demonstrates that he has not an ounce of integrity or objectivity.

GT got his ass kicked and every objective and honest person sees as much. It's even possible that an asshole like you sees it, but you are far too dishonest to ever admit it.

Tell us that story again, scum-sucker, about how you are a conservative Republican! :lol:


:lol: Yeah, proves your point, GT.
You are the one who said "fuck the law." So, frankly, your opinion, GT, is of no importance at this juncture.

:lol: of course I said that. Same as I'd say "fuck the Law" if the Law allowed for Slavery. I'd say "fuck the Law" if minorities had to ride the back of a bus. I'd say "fuck the Law" if the law was prohibition.

I'd say "fuck the Law" if a Voter's Right to choose was infringed upon simply because they wrote "Murkoki" and it wasn't counted as a result.

I can say fuck dumb laws, and your opinion of me doesn't count because GT fucking says so. Sit your ass down.


My ass is sitting, dopey. I tend to sit when composing posts for an internet message board.

I realize that assholes of your unusually low intellectual capacity say "fuck the law" whenever you happen to disagree with the law. But, you, being an asshole, don't make those decisions based on any coherent set of guiding principles.

You do it on whim, caprice, spur of the moment preferences.

Sure, if the law said "do not harbor Jews" it would be morally proper to say "fuck the law." If the law were to permit slavery and forbid harboring an escaped slave, it would be morally proper to say "fuck the law."

But a clearly written law that is designed to avoid fundamental problems (and otherwise readily avoidable and foreseeable problems at that) during ELECTIONS does not fall into the same category.

Because you, being an asshole, don't care for the particular impact of that law, you say "fuck the law," even while you are incapable of grasping the evil it was designed to avoid.

You are a putz. Nothing more. Now go sit your own ass down in a corner and wear your dunce cap, jerkoff. :finger3:

Oh c'mon....this is getting ridiculous.....
Didn't someone just disagree with me the other day when I pointed out what a shithead liarbility was if you disagreed with him?


Don't play his game. It's not nice.
* * * * Funny how you knew who I was talking about even though I misspelled it...kind of like the voter's intent in this race. :eusa_angel:

Like boredtoseeya knows that I am talking about her when I spell her username that way.

And, unlike the LAW in Alaska, there's no rule which prohibits it from counting, either!
The motto of liberals everywhere is "fuck the law."

No no.

Fuck yourself.The question is not whether Mookaka's name is somehow confused with Miller's name, you imbecile.

The question is whether we adhere to the law or not. It's not supposed to be up to your personal whim.

Once again the always dishonest JokeyFakey demonstrates that he has not an ounce of integrity or objectivity.

GT got his ass kicked and every objective and honest person sees as much. It's even possible that an asshole like you sees it, but you are far too dishonest to ever admit it.

Tell us that story again, scum-sucker, about how you are a conservative Republican! :lol:


Nice use of the highly skilled technique of highlighting.

You're special, GT.


Liarbility, we have been through this before. Be polite and you get it in return. Be a dork and end up looking like a dork of such IMMENSE DORKINESS only approached by US Army Retired and tea party samurai.

Up to you, old son. You could always act like a decent human being.
:lol: of course I said that. Same as I'd say "fuck the Law" if the Law allowed for Slavery. I'd say "fuck the Law" if minorities had to ride the back of a bus. I'd say "fuck the Law" if the law was prohibition.

I'd say "fuck the Law" if a Voter's Right to choose was infringed upon simply because they wrote "Murkoki" and it wasn't counted as a result.

I can say fuck dumb laws, and your opinion of me doesn't count because GT fucking says so. Sit your ass down.


My ass is sitting, dopey. I tend to sit when composing posts for an internet message board.

I realize that assholes of your unusually low intellectual capacity say "fuck the law" whenever you happen to disagree with the law. But, you, being an asshole, don't make those decisions based on any coherent set of guiding principles.

You do it on whim, caprice, spur of the moment preferences.

Sure, if the law said "do not harbor Jews" it would be morally proper to say "fuck the law." If the law were to permit slavery and forbid harboring an escaped slave, it would be morally proper to say "fuck the law."

But a clearly written law that is designed to avoid fundamental problems (and otherwise readily avoidable and foreseeable problems at that) during ELECTIONS does not fall into the same category.

Because you, being an asshole, don't care for the particular impact of that law, you say "fuck the law," even while you are incapable of grasping the evil it was designed to avoid.

You are a putz. Nothing more. Now go sit your own ass down in a corner and wear your dunce cap, jerkoff. :finger3:

Oh c'mon....this is getting ridiculous.....

Direct your comments, then, to GT, ya mangy ol' hypocrite. :lol:

And as far as "getting" ridiculous, take the mote outta yer own eye, boredtoseeya: :eusa_whistle:

Nice use of the highly skilled technique of highlighting.

You're special, GT.


Liarbility, we have been through this before. Be polite and you get it in return. Be a dork and end up looking like a dork of such IMMENSE DORKINESS only approached by US Army Retired and tea party samurai.

Up to you, old son. You could always act like a decent human being.

:confused: it won't let me Rep this.

Nice use of the highly skilled technique of highlighting.

You're special, GT.


Liarbility, we have been through this before. Be polite and you get it in return. Be a dork and end up looking like a dork of such IMMENSE DORKINESS only approached by US Army Retired and tea party samurai.

Up to you, old son. You could always act like a decent human being.

JokeyFakey, we HAVE been through this before. I'll address you as you merit. And whether you like it or not makes not one bit of difference to me.

Your opinion of me is irrelevant to me since I know you for what you are.

You are a known quantity. A fraud.
Nice use of the highly skilled technique of highlighting.

You're special, GT.


Liarbility, we have been through this before. Be polite and you get it in return. Be a dork and end up looking like a dork of such IMMENSE DORKINESS only approached by US Army Retired and tea party samurai.

Up to you, old son. You could always act like a decent human being.

JokeyFakey, we HAVE been through this before. I'll address you as you merit. And whether you like it or not makes not one bit of difference to me.

Your opinion of me is irrelevant to me since I know you for what you are.

You are a known quantity. A fraud.

You know me what you are to me: you are my bitch. Always have been, always will.

Be polite and I might think of setting you free someday. Nah, I won't. :lol:

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