Muscovites' Plan 🐷🇷🇺 to Cut Off Germany's Support for Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Japan and Germany are some of the greatest comebacks ! Germany is vital for the success of the European Union and has been a major supporter of Ukraine in its fight against the horde 🇷🇺 , but does Putin have a plan to shut Germany down for good? Check out today's epic new video that analyzes Germany's critical role in supporting Ukraine and causing major problems for the horde.
Stay strong Germany, if Noone else has faith in you, I always will !

Leopard tanks have been a disaster for the US- Ukey Nazis. So much for Nazi help for the Khazarian Mafia in Kyiv. More Nazi propaganda trivia from Nazi agent Titty Winkle
Japan and Germany are some of the greatest comebacks ! Germany is vital for the success of the European Union and has been a major supporter of Ukraine in its fight against the horde 🇷🇺 , but does Putin have a plan to shut Germany down for good? Check out today's epic new video that analyzes Germany's critical role in supporting Ukraine and causing major problems for the horde.
Stay strong Germany, if Noone else has faith in you, I always will !

presently more then 55% of Germany's population are against the continuation of supplying arms to Ukraine - since it obviously does not solve the problem and is only causing more destruction and bloodshed.
Before Germany got heavily involved in military aid less then 35% viewed Putin or Russia to be a threat - now 57% view upon Russia to be a threat. And Putin/Russia has valid reasons for that.

At the present discontent amongst the German population - it wouldn't even come as a surprise if the present Lefty&Lib government won't even make it till the next election in 2025.
presently more then 55% of Germany's population are against the continuation of supplying arms to Ukraine
Germany will still support Ukranien/NATO war against Moscow invaders , and Germans must GROW SOME BALLS BACK, NOBODY IS GONNA PROTECT THEM FROM IVAN´s barbarism , IF they can't throw the punches

Germany will still support Ukranien/NATO war against Moscow invaders , and Germans must GROW SOME BALLS BACK, NOBODY IS GONNA PROTECT THEM FROM IVAN´s barbarism , IF they can't throw the punches
It is the USA's obligation to protect Germany - since all German governments since 1949 have been the USA's ball-less lemmings.

Germany doesn't even possess an Armed Forces, that deserves the term "Armed".
Germany doesn't even possess an Armed Forces, that deserves the term "Armed".

they still have MASSIVE Military Industry


Germany’s GDP dedicated to defense would be at least 2%, a goal Berlin hadn’t been planning to achieve until 2031.

Scholz thus abandoned decades of antimilitary sentiment among the parties comprising his coalition government, views so strident that many outsiders described them simply as “pacifism.”

The most remarkable aspect of this about-face on military preparations was the enthusiasm with which the German public supported Scholz’s plan.

Opinion surveys showed that even members of the Green Party were overwhelmingly in favor of boosting defense spending.

Germany now looks poised for a surge in spending on new tactical aircraft, naval vessels, armored vehicles and other kit suitable for waging war against Russian invaders.
The Ukraine must show some progress before July 11.
Luiza, I find it puzzling that this demand on the Ukraine is being publicly considered. It's almost something that's not to be believed.


It could be that the Ukraine is ready to start the serious fight that must come.

Everybody must know by now that the Ukraine is at least capable of hitting Moscow with big damage and many civilian deaths!

I don't see how the war can end before that happens.

edit: It doesn't have to be a nuclear provocation against Russia, and it's too risky for either side to make it one.
WROTE RT 🇷🇺 DIRTY URINAL 🐐 , IVAN you must be joking
A European's attempts to insult really just don't 'work' very well in N.America my friend.

You're facing a long learning curve on getting it right, but you don't have the time.

Why not try offering up some of the battlefield successes of the Ukraine? 🐐🇷🇺 is a dirty urinal of Moscow ´s czrar , where did you find an insult here ?

from the other side 🐐 🇷🇺:

The Russian soldier (most likely, he is in the crew of the multiple launch rocket system) tells a friend about the situation at the front: "We have two truckloads of ammunition left, and that's all. The lack of ammo, @#$%, we conserve ammunition. We shoot only in emergency situations: when the enemy advances or when our strongholds are shelled." They discuss the fact that Russian television is embellishing the situation at the front. The soldier says that mercenaries from private military companies exchange or buy ammunition from the Russian military. The soldier talks about the heavy fighting for Bakhmut [apparently, the phone call took place more than a month ago]. He talks about the battles in their direction: in 40 minutes, nine Russian soldiers were wounded, one was killed. Earlier, the crew of his vehicle went to the firing line, fired ammunition for an hour, then replenished ammunition for another hour and again went to the position. Now they fire 2-3 rockets a day; they save ammunition.
Luiza, I find it puzzling that this demand on the Ukraine is being publicly considered. It's almost something that's not to be believed.


It could be that the Ukraine is ready to start the serious fight that must come.
First . It is nice to see Titty Winkle in such a state of obvious hysteria . Poor guy . But a true Wanker .I share your feeling privately and have wondeered if ZPP is deflection . Though there are many rehearsal signals backing up this forecast . Just like when the Ukeys blew up the dam .Guess the key point is that Washington and Kyiv have to make a huge statement via a False Flag in the next few days before going round yet again with the begging bowl and a barrow load of BS .
they still have MASSIVE Military Industry
Nothing compared to e.g. 1990 - and the remaining industry only survived via national and European mergers.
Germany’s GDP dedicated to defense would be at least 2%, a goal Berlin hadn’t been planning to achieve until 2031.
Germany until today - still spends only 14% - so yes they have hugely increased from 13% to 14%, whilst at the same time the German GDP went down 4%. plus an 8% inflation.
Scholz thus abandoned decades of antimilitary sentiment among the parties comprising his coalition government, views so strident that many outsiders described them simply as “pacifism.”
You are joking - right? absolutley nothing has changed in that regard.
The most remarkable aspect of this about-face on military preparations was the enthusiasm with which the German public supported Scholz’s plan.
Enthusiasm? :auiqs.jpg: source please
Opinion surveys showed that even members of the Green Party were overwhelmingly in favor of boosting defense spending.
Only the Lefty&Lib Greens yes - The ones that destroyed the Bundeswehr and the Arms-Industry, and they are overwhelming in mindless propaganda as ever.

Fact is - of those 100 Billion "talked" about - it's now down to 90 Billion due to inflation - and not a single cent has been budgeted or spend. But keeps circling through the MSN and the fantasy world of the Lefty&Lib Greens.

There are presently around 1 million Ukrainians in Germany since last year. And every single Ukrainian costs Germany around 200 Euro a day - so 1 million x200x365 =?
And you will know were these 100 Billion went off already.
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