Musk's Fascism


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
Musk's move to exclude non-members of X to view posts is fascist and comparable with the anti-semitic background of the grandfather, this article being also fascisized by a subscription wall:

Elon Musk's Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
the left has gone insane and turned against a man they once revered only because he brought back freedom of speech to twitter and ended the mass censorship of political speech that the tyrannical left condemns . its really that simple ..
No it's not.
the left has gone insane and turned against a man they once revered only because he brought back freedom of speech to twitter and ended the mass censorship of political speech that the tyrannical left condemns . its really that simple ..

You didn't finish. He put on the appearance of ending censorship, then hired a WEF member to run the show and censor speech. Not to mention handing over whatever the government wants.
Simply, don't be fooled...
Musk's move to exclude non-members of X to view posts is fascist and comparable with the anti-semitic background of the grandfather, this article being also fascisized by a subscription wall:

Elon Musk's Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
Because everyone is responsible for the views of their grandfathers?
You didn't finish. He put on the appearance of ending censorship, then hired a WEF member to run the show and censor speech. Not to mention handing over whatever the government wants.
Simply, don't be fooled...
Thank you. And notice how many USMBers that have pointed to Musk's Twitter fascism. Hell, show us a Twitter member that has complained.
Because everyone is responsible for the views of their grandfathers?
Your questioning is indeed on track.

'So it is that psychoanalysis has much difficulty extracting itself from an infinite regression: the father must have been a child, but was able to be one only in relation to a father, who was himself a child, in relation to another father.'
(Anti_Oedipus, p. 274)

Musk's desire to control is the symptom we'll schizoanalyze. It resonates with paranoia.

'If we are able to define this difference as that which separates paranoia and schizophrenia, it is because on the one hand we have distinguished the schizophrenic process ("the breakthrough") from accidents and relapses that hinder or interrupt kit ("the breakdown"), and because on the other hand we have posited paranoia no less than schizophrenia as independent of all familial pseudo etiologies, so as to make them bear directly upon the social field: every name in history, and not the name of the father.'
(AO, p. 276)

Shortly thereafter, a substantial clue manifests:

'Why these words, paranoia and schizophrenia, which are like talking birds and girls' first names? Why do social investments follow this diving line that gives them a specifically delirious content (recreating history in delirium)? And what is this line, how can we situate schizophrenia and paranoia on either side of it?
Elias Canetti has clearly shown how the paranoiac organizes masses and "packs." The paranoiac opposes them to one another, maneuvers them.* The paranoiac engineers masses, he is the artist of the large molar aggregates, the statistical formations or gregariousnesses, the phenomena of organized crowds. He invests everything that falls within the province of large numbers.

*Elias Canetti, Crowds and Power (New York: Viking Press, 1960), p. 434: "His mind was dominated by four kinds of crowds: his army, his treasure, his corpses and his court (and, with it, his capital). He juggled with them ceaselessly, but only succeeded in increasing one at the expense of another....Whatever he did there was always (one [italics]) crowd he managed to preserve. In no circumstances did he ever cease to kill....The heaps of corpses piled up in every province of his empire." '
(AO, p. 279)

Musk's most recent fascism and mass killings are non-members of Twitter who are prevented from reading current posts of Twitterists. It would not have been so salient had it occurred (after [italics]) the 2024 elections.
Musk's fascism has already beat EU to the punch about elections, as we have reported in this thread.

26 Sep 2023 EU Warns Elon Musk After Twitter Found to Have Highest Rate of Disinformation
' She said one of her main messages to the large platforms was to be aware of elections, including those for the European Parliament next year, and the "risk of disinformation"....Kremlin propaganda.'

During this Biden family crime investigation, one of the hottest current questions at X is if this Russian document is true or false (multiple clicks to enlarge):
How does Musk's fascist machine work? This example begins to answer the question:

Posts #8 & 9
What fascism Musk opposes with the one hand, Musk practices with the other.

1. Musk's Anti-Facist Distancing Theatrics

30 Ap 2020 Elon Musk Slams 'Fascist' Social Distancing

2. Musk's Pro-Fascist Social Distancing

Non-members can go to any Twitter page to note that they can no longer read the current posts of any member of Musk's exclusive SS club, nor any of the replies. Mark of the X Beast: 666 kuklos exothen (when you're not even religious). A more developed chron is required. When were Musk's first nazi book-burning gestures made on Twitter-X?
Musk's move to exclude non-members of X to view posts is fascist and comparable with the anti-semitic background of the grandfather, this article being also fascisized by a subscription wall:

Elon Musk's Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
Elon Musk is not his grandfather. He risked his wealth to do what he could to balance the scale with the out-of-control MSM Media's support of those pushing for a new deal that enriched the pushing players with wealth opportunities. I credit Elon Musk for defending America's freedom of speech mainly, and I think Elon is a good sort.

I value the defense of Jews because Jesus Christ was a Jewish Rabbi, even if he wasn't appreciated by the Jews for their disbelief in his claim that he was the Son of God, which millions of non-jews believe and a growing number of traditional Jews are becoming believers because Christian America has insisted on watching over Israel from enemies who have openly stated they would wash Israel off the face of the earth if they could. Israel never used their nukes on their adversaries, but keep up military defenses because of the multitude of Jews who died from the suicide bombings that killed and disfigured thousands of their people in the late nineties and a few years into the new millenia. Somehow, President Trump was negotiating a peace through restored brotherhood in the middle east, his last year in office. It seems to me the angst in the Arab communities has lowered, for America's sake. As Martin Luther King so touchingly spoke out about how he would like the future to include all races to walk hand in hand in the hear future, I think that God heard his prayer and would also hear our hearts that hope the Middle East peoples will drop their 5,000 tit for tat wars, rumors of wars, and other forms of vengeance, and set aside all claims of hatred for brotherly love that results in peace on earth. It concerns me that Putin is willing to kill Eastern Europeans for cheap resources, and worst of all, allowed his missles to be directed at elementary schools and womens' birthing hospitals. We depend on Mother Russia to treat their neighbors with Christian respect, not torpedos directed at infants and children.
Musk's move to exclude non-members of X to view posts is fascist and comparable with the anti-semitic background of the grandfather, this article being also fascisized by a subscription wall:

Elon Musk's Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
Elon's Dad impregnated his own step daughter.
Musk's move to exclude non-members of X to view posts is fascist and comparable with the anti-semitic background of the grandfather, this article being also fascisized by a subscription wall:

Elon Musk's Anti-Semitic, Apartheid-Loving Grandfather
There's plenty of social media platforms and many of them you have to actually have an account to view or make posts retard.
Elon Musk is not his grandfather. He risked his wealth to do what he could to balance the scale with the out-of-control MSM Media's support of those pushing for a new deal that enriched the pushing players with wealth opportunities. I credit Elon Musk for defending America's freedom of speech mainly, and I think Elon is a good sort.

I value the defense of Jews because Jesus Christ was a Jewish Rabbi, even if he wasn't appreciated by the Jews for their disbelief in his claim that he was the Son of God, which millions of non-jews believe and a growing number of traditional Jews are becoming believers because Christian America has insisted on watching over Israel from enemies who have openly stated they would wash Israel off the face of the earth if they could. Israel never used their nukes on their adversaries, but keep up military defenses because of the multitude of Jews who died from the suicide bombings that killed and disfigured thousands of their people in the late nineties and a few years into the new millenia. Somehow, President Trump was negotiating a peace through restored brotherhood in the middle east, his last year in office. It seems to me the angst in the Arab communities has lowered, for America's sake. As Martin Luther King so touchingly spoke out about how he would like the future to include all races to walk hand in hand in the hear future, I think that God heard his prayer and would also hear our hearts that hope the Middle East peoples will drop their 5,000 tit for tat wars, rumors of wars, and other forms of vengeance, and set aside all claims of hatred for brotherly love that results in peace on earth. It concerns me that Putin is willing to kill Eastern Europeans for cheap resources, and worst of all, allowed his missles to be directed at elementary schools and womens' birthing hospitals. We depend on Mother Russia to treat their neighbors with Christian respect, not torpedos directed at infants and children.
How did you perversely twist the OP subject over to a dead xian mafia avatar? The question is the relationship of Musk's paranoid nazi tendencies with the grandfather. The first thing that should be established is Michelle's question: What Muskan DNA? Familial DNA or adopted DNA?

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