Muslim Babysitter Beheads 4 Year Old

He's a leftist/islamist prick, they all believe in killing the children...
We never should have allowed liberals to teach in schools. That is where this all comes from.
How like totally illogical for someone that claims to have a high IQ..
Logic dictates you go to the start of the problem to cease its reproduction. That would be the schools.
Which still makes no sense, since all schools in the USA are not run by liberals..and being a liberal does not make one a leftist....considering their are liberal repubs and right winged organizations...
The liberals in the educational system are leftists.
Each and everyone are different in their political views...Are you trying to tell me that all teachers are one in the same, just as all Christians are one and the same?
We never should have allowed liberals to teach in schools. That is where this all comes from.
How like totally illogical for someone that claims to have a high IQ..
Logic dictates you go to the start of the problem to cease its reproduction. That would be the schools.
Which still makes no sense, since all schools in the USA are not run by liberals..and being a liberal does not make one a leftist....considering their are liberal repubs and right winged organizations...
The liberals in the educational system are leftists.
Each and everyone are different in their political views...Are you trying to tell me that all teachers are one in the same, just as all Christians are one and the same?
Most if not all liberals are the same. You can't compare a faith to a political system UNLESS that faith demands control of a political system such as islam.
How like totally illogical for someone that claims to have a high IQ..
Logic dictates you go to the start of the problem to cease its reproduction. That would be the schools.
Which still makes no sense, since all schools in the USA are not run by liberals..and being a liberal does not make one a leftist....considering their are liberal repubs and right winged organizations...
The liberals in the educational system are leftists.
Each and everyone are different in their political views...Are you trying to tell me that all teachers are one in the same, just as all Christians are one and the same?
Most if not all liberals are the same. You can't compare a faith to a political system UNLESS that faith demands control of a political system such as islam.
You can use anything to compare..Islam and leftist ideology of atheism does not mix well..Liberals wants all to be treated equally and fair...thus your fallacy of Islam being loved by the left....Thus trying to pigeonhole the left and liberalism all in one is your mistake...Like trying to say that all right wingers are fascist religious dogmatic evangelicals.....
Logic dictates you go to the start of the problem to cease its reproduction. That would be the schools.
Which still makes no sense, since all schools in the USA are not run by liberals..and being a liberal does not make one a leftist....considering their are liberal repubs and right winged organizations...
The liberals in the educational system are leftists.
Each and everyone are different in their political views...Are you trying to tell me that all teachers are one in the same, just as all Christians are one and the same?
Most if not all liberals are the same. You can't compare a faith to a political system UNLESS that faith demands control of a political system such as islam.
You can use anything to compare..Islam and leftist ideology of atheism does not mix well..Liberals wants all to be treated equally and fair...thus your fallacy of Islam being loved by the left....Thus trying to pigeonhole the left and liberalism all in one is your mistake...Like trying to say that all right wingers are fascist religious dogmatic evangelicals.....
Post the names of Republican islamic elected officials in office. Lets just say two. You can't do it because there are none.

Post the names of Communist/Socialists Republicans in office.
Just two. You can't because there are none.

How am I pigeonholing when there simply are none?
"Barenakedislam" as a source.



I know her. The site owner. We have been friends for years. She is a Jew in NY. And I can tell you this can pretty much believe something if she posts it. She does enormous research. I know that for a fact. If she makes a mistake, she will say so. So SYH all you want....but you would be dead wrong there.
Thanks for the warning, DF. I did not click the vid. Reading about it is sufficient enough to get the gist.

That poor child. I hope he went fast and didn't feel alot of pain. What a horrible thing to happen. It's just gut wrenching. And the woman? Nobody said what happened to her. This happened in Russia so I wonder what Putin will do about her? What were the circumstances of what she did? I didn't see anyone mention that and I don't dare click on the link.
Which still makes no sense, since all schools in the USA are not run by liberals..and being a liberal does not make one a leftist....considering their are liberal repubs and right winged organizations...
The liberals in the educational system are leftists.
Each and everyone are different in their political views...Are you trying to tell me that all teachers are one in the same, just as all Christians are one and the same?
Most if not all liberals are the same. You can't compare a faith to a political system UNLESS that faith demands control of a political system such as islam.
You can use anything to compare..Islam and leftist ideology of atheism does not mix well..Liberals wants all to be treated equally and fair...thus your fallacy of Islam being loved by the left....Thus trying to pigeonhole the left and liberalism all in one is your mistake...Like trying to say that all right wingers are fascist religious dogmatic evangelicals.....
Post the names of Republican islamic elected officials in office. Lets just say two. You can't do it because there are none.

Post the names of Communist/Socialists Republicans in office.
Just two. You can't because there are none.

How am I pigeonholing when there simply are none?
Considering the only socialist in the USA currently in politics are on social policy and not govt. ownership and central planning....Then you have repubs which support the welfare state...No GOP majority led govt. in the executive or legislative branches has ever legislated welfare and social security out of existence..
Muslims cut off the hands of thieves, don't they? An eye for an eye sorta punishment? If so...this woman needs to have done to her as punishment the exact same thing she did to that child.
as a 'babysitter' these stories are more common that one would want to imagine....not just muslims but christians etc and so forth.....killing the wee ones is never the fucking answer....
In the past five years, over seventy people with disabilities have been reported as murdered by parents, family members, and trusted caregivers; while an unknown score more people with disabilities unconscionably perished in the shadows by the heinous acts of those they entrusted their lives to. News reports might even lead one to believe that what would otherwise be called murder— if a non-disabled person was the one killed—was an act of compassion.

NCD Supports Annual “Day of Mourning” for People with Disabilities Killed by Family Members and Caregivers |
In the past five years, over seventy people with disabilities have been reported as murdered by parents, family members, and trusted caregivers; while an unknown score more people with disabilities unconscionably perished in the shadows by the heinous acts of those they entrusted their lives to. News reports might even lead one to believe that what would otherwise be called murder— if a non-disabled person was the one killed—was an act of compassion.

Aside from cases of deliberate abuse or neglect which is criminal, many people with disabilities, elderly, etc., end up health care facilities because their families are not equipped and do no know how to take care of someone who is totally dependent on others to perform even the smallest task of daily life. Many when they get there plunge into depression, lose their will to live and stop eating, drinking, taking meds, etc., rapidly decline and suffer complications that include death which could hardly be called murder or blamed on health care professionals who are by and large hard working devoted and dedicated people.

Attaching feeding tubes and life support machinery on people who are ready to die or when their minds are gone just to keep their bodies around is hardly an act of compassion.
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Muslims cut off the hands of thieves, don't they? An eye for an eye sorta punishment? If so...this woman needs to have done to her as punishment the exact same thing she did to that child.

That would be like killing someone perverted by a religion according to the dictates of the same perverse religion that inspired such barbarism. What if the woman was driven insane by her religion with physical emotional and mental abuse every day and night since she was a child as many obviously have been?

By saying such a thing you are supporting and conforming to sharia law.

How smart is that?

Can a person pick up a pile of shit without getting their hands dirty?
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Cool, another thread to bash some mooslims.
We were starting to run low. :D

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