Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

So what right does refusing to bake a cake affect?
The same right to refuse business to anyone based on their race, their gender, their religion, or in the case of Oregon, sexual orientation. The right to be treated equally in the business venue.


Public accommodations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one has such a right.

Try running a business that serves only white people and see how you make out.

We're talking about rights, not the law, moron.
So what right does refusing to bake a cake affect?
The same right to refuse business to anyone based on their race, their gender, their religion, or in the case of Oregon, sexual orientation. The right to be treated equally in the business venue.


Public accommodations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one has such a right.

Try running a business that serves only white people and see how you make out.

We're talking about rights, not the law, moron.
You're one of those people who cannot converse in a civilized manner, can you?

Not with irrational douche bags who lie, dodge and weasel rather than answer a straight question with a straight answer. You don't debate. You just repeat various talking points depending on the situation presented.
Uh what? Do you have any actual data to prove that - not conjecture - data?


You can't handle it, can you? When I post proof, you ask for more proof. There is no pleasing you. Your demanding proof--links, data--is a cover. The constant call for empiricism shows you cannot grasp the magnitude of your double standards. Nothing more.

So, I posted these links:

Let’s Blame Christianity For Everything, And Islam For Nothing

This, calling for "White America" to answer for the Charleston Church Massacre:

Charleston church massacre: The violence white America must answer for

As compared to this, saying Islam isn't responsible for the Tsarnaev brothers, who bombed the Boston Marathon.

I am not the Tsarnaevs

And you replied with:

blah blah blah - and this has WHAT do do with discrimination against same-sex couples...or, are you just going off on another anti-Islam rant that has nothing to do with the topic?

Why are you mindlessly citing stuff that everybody already knows...and which isn't the slightest bit relevant to baking cakes???

Because *you* seem to have this misguided idea that rights are unlimited.
human rights are unlimited, provided your right doesn't violate someone else's.

And there is no right to have a christian bake a fag wedding cake. Doesn't exist. It's neither a human, or a civil, right to be able to force people to commit sacrilege.

It exists by virtue of equal rights. You can't run a business open to the public and then decide that you're going to deny service to a certain part of the public.

That's the law, but it has nothing to do with any valid understanding of rights. There is no right to be served by a business. If you don't want to serve queers, there's no moral principle that says you have to. There are only GAYstapo activists who want to force you.

Who appointed you the supreme authority on what is or isn't a right?

Logic and reality appointed me an authority on what is or isn't a right. Do you want to debate what a right is?
Here's what I would do. I would talk to the customers and say, I am very religious and this goes against what I believe. I would appreciate you getting a cake at another shop I know that will bake you a great cake. If you insist I bake it, it will be the best cake you ever had and this will be the last time I bring up my religion with you.

And that is a really reasonable and decent way to handle it.

We are all people, Just trying to work out a win-win for both parties.
blah blah blah - and this has WHAT do do with discrimination against same-sex couples...or, are you just going off on another anti-Islam rant that has nothing to do with the topic?


For the record, Islam has even more hostile feelings toward gay couples than Christians do. Once again, you make my point. You're excusing Muslims from any consequences for "discriminatory" behavior.

"B-but, Christians!"
Uh what? Do you have any actual data to prove that - not conjecture - data?


You can't handle it, can you? When I post proof, you ask for more proof. There is no pleasing you. Your demanding proof--links, data--is a cover. The constant call for empiricism shows you cannot grasp the magnitude of your double standards. Nothing more.

So, I posted these links:

Let’s Blame Christianity For Everything, And Islam For Nothing

This, calling for "White America" to answer for the Charleston Church Massacre:

Charleston church massacre: The violence white America must answer for

As compared to this, saying Islam isn't responsible for the Tsarnaev brothers, who bombed the Boston Marathon.

I am not the Tsarnaevs

And you replied with:

blah blah blah - and this has WHAT do do with discrimination against same-sex couples...or, are you just going off on another anti-Islam rant that has nothing to do with the topic?



Let's try delusional.

Please provide examples of Muslim bakers that have been given a free pass.

It's a simple question. The answer does not require rocket science.
When a state law is enacted, the state is responsible for enforcing it.

Then why can NC enforce theirs? When any law is passed, whether it be one you like or don't, the state is obligated to enforce it, correct?
I believe NC will be enforcing theirs. I look forward to someone like this....


walking into the womens' room in NC because he was born female and has that on his birth certificate.

Let them enforce.....until action is taken to get the law repealed........WHICH IS...what I've been telling posters all along is what they should do with PA laws they don't like.

That is exactly what we're trying to do.
Simple question. Can you answer it, or will you deflect? Provide a link for your claims or admit you are a liar.

I did, and you replied:

blah blah blah - and this has WHAT do do with discrimination against same-sex couples...or, are you just going off on another anti-Islam rant that has nothing to do with the topic?

So, what good is debating you anymore if you're always going to dismiss the proof?

Good night, Coyote.
What does going to the baker down the street have to do with interstate commerce?

It has to do with equal protection under the law. States can't have discriminatory laws that violate the Constitution.

You mean your version of the Constitution. Involuntary servitude violates the Constitution also.
So...your version of the Constitution doesn't have the 14th Amendment?

Of course it does, faghadist marriage was illegal at the time it was ratified and more than a hundred years after, nothing changed. Men are still men and women are still women, they all had the same access to marriage at the time the court ruled for the faghadist. There was no discrimination.
And we worked thru the legal system to have laws we considered unjust repealed or struck down in court. We worked long and hard for that victory. If gay people in America had just sat at our computers and whined about unfair laws instead of actually working to get the laws changed, gay sex would probably still be illegal and we'd probably still get fired for being gay everywhere. The power of Political Action! :clap:

Here's what I would do. I would talk to the customers and say, I am very religious and this goes against what I believe. I would appreciate you getting a cake at another shop I know that will bake you a great cake. If you insist I bake it, it will be the best cake you ever had and this will be the last time I bring up my religion with you.
And that's the civilized thing to do...If everyone behaved that way, it would be a much better world.
No one likes something they find objectionable forced upon them. People are too quick to create a win-lose scenario. If you approach it as how can we make this a win for both of us, cooperation often occurs.
Then work to get rid of PA laws.

I am you stupid dyke, how many times do I need to explain that to you? Do you have a learning disability? Do you have a learning disability? Do you have a learning disability? Do you have a learning disability? Did I ask you that question before? No?
And why do you have to be rude? What is it exactly you are doing to get rid of PA laws in your state? Tell us.

Oh, and I do apologize if you have told us in the past....I've missed it....could you link or point out where you did so?

He's rude because you're a dingbat who refuses to give a straight answer to a straight question. Dodging, dancing and weaseling and running away are your stock in trade.
I see that you insult instead of debate civilly too. Speaking of dodging...notice how Kaz claims to have answered my question about what she is doing to get rid of PA laws in her state....and yet cannot show me where she made that answer. Perhaps you've seen it and can point it out to me? Be a pal and point it out.

He has answered it as well as you have ever answered any question. You don't debate civilly a dingbat who refuses to give a straight answer to a straight question, who dodges and weasels and runs away. You want civil debate? Then try actually debating.
Do you know where he did so? Was it in this thread?
The same right to refuse business to anyone based on their race, their gender, their religion, or in the case of Oregon, sexual orientation. The right to be treated equally in the business venue.


Public accommodations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one has such a right.

Try running a business that serves only white people and see how you make out.

We're talking about rights, not the law, moron.
The same right to refuse business to anyone based on their race, their gender, their religion, or in the case of Oregon, sexual orientation. The right to be treated equally in the business venue.


Public accommodations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one has such a right.

Try running a business that serves only white people and see how you make out.

We're talking about rights, not the law, moron.
You're one of those people who cannot converse in a civilized manner, can you?

Not with irrational douche bags who lie, dodge and weasel rather than answer a straight question with a straight answer. You don't debate. You just repeat various talking points depending on the situation presented.
There you are being rude again. I hope you don't behave like that in the business world. There are adults there.
It's just religion people. You want to have a religion that's unconstitutional, move to another country. lol

Religion is suppose to be Constitutionally protected moron.

It's protection is limited. Where's that Mormon practice of polygamy nowadays?

...and you 't find cake a strange dividing line?

Why is polygamy illegal, if the Mormons practice of polygamy was part of their religion?

Probably because of RIGID definition of marriage.. Now that THAT'S off the table, the Mormons just might get another shot eh?? Add Polyamory to that list of applicants for equal treatment whilst you're at it...
Here's what I would do. I would talk to the customers and say, I am very religious and this goes against what I believe. I would appreciate you getting a cake at another shop I know that will bake you a great cake. If you insist I bake it, it will be the best cake you ever had and this will be the last time I bring up my religion with you.
And that's the civilized thing to do...If everyone behaved that way, it would be a much better world.
That is exactly what sweetcakes did.
blah blah blah - and this has WHAT do do with discrimination against same-sex couples...or, are you just going off on another anti-Islam rant that has nothing to do with the topic?


For the record, Islam has even more hostile feelings toward gay couples than Christians do. Once again, you make my point. You're excusing Muslims from any consequences for "discriminatory" behavior.

"B-but, Christians!"

Excuse me? Do you actually read what is written or are you in such a hurry to provide your answers you completely overlook it? Seriously?

Yes, Islam is a very conservative religion and yes, they tend to be homophobic. So what does that have to do with this?

Who is EXCUSING anyone? Again (though I won't hold my breath as you have steadfastly refused to back up your claims) - please provide a link where I have excused Muslims for discrimminatory behavior.

All I have done - and continue to do - is ask for examples of Muslim bakers that have refused to provide a service for a gay wedding and your only claim is there are a ton of them but everyone is afraid to complain :rolleyes-41:.

I'll go one step further and point out that the OP provided videos purporting to show this and of those examples one was a baker that didn't even make wedding cakes.

If the Muslim baker refused to provide a service to a same sex couple that he would have provided to a hetero couple - then he is no different than the Christian baker. He is discrimminating. If this occurred in a state where there are anti-discrimmination then they may face a lawsuit. Just like the Christian baker.

Is that clear enough for you or do we have to sit through more accusations of "denial" and still no evidence to support your claims?
Religion is suppose to be Constitutionally protected moron.

It's protection is limited. Where's that Mormon practice of polygamy nowadays?

...and you 't find cake a strange dividing line?

Why is polygamy illegal, if the Mormons practice of polygamy was part of their religion?

Probably because of RIGID definition of marriage.. Now that THAT'S off the table, the Mormons just might get another shot eh?? Add Polyamory to that list of applicants for equal treatment whilst you're at it...
Here's what I would do. I would talk to the customers and say, I am very religious and this goes against what I believe. I would appreciate you getting a cake at another shop I know that will bake you a great cake. If you insist I bake it, it will be the best cake you ever had and this will be the last time I bring up my religion with you.
And that's the civilized thing to do...If everyone behaved that way, it would be a much better world.
That is exactly what sweetcakes did.

No, it wasn't.
When a state law is enacted, the state is responsible for enforcing it.

Then why can NC enforce theirs? When any law is passed, whether it be one you like or don't, the state is obligated to enforce it, correct?
I believe NC will be enforcing theirs. I look forward to someone like this....


walking into the womens' room in NC because he was born female and has that on his birth certificate.

Let them enforce.....until action is taken to get the law repealed........WHICH IS...what I've been telling posters all along is what they should do with PA laws they don't like.

That is exactly what we're trying to do.
Well, good then. If you are actively working to repeal laws thru petitions, protests, letters to your Congressman, $ to the appropriate lobby groups, then you are doing it the right way. I wish you luck.
Simple question. Can you answer it, or will you deflect? Provide a link for your claims or admit you are a liar.

I did, and you replied:

blah blah blah - and this has WHAT do do with discrimination against same-sex couples...or, are you just going off on another anti-Islam rant that has nothing to do with the topic?

So, what good is debating you anymore if you're always going to dismiss the proof?

Good night, Coyote.

You haven't offered any.
What does going to the baker down the street have to do with interstate commerce?

It has to do with equal protection under the law. States can't have discriminatory laws that violate the Constitution.

You mean your version of the Constitution. Involuntary servitude violates the Constitution also.
So...your version of the Constitution doesn't have the 14th Amendment?

Of course it does, faghadist marriage was illegal at the time it was ratified and more than a hundred years after, nothing changed. Men are still men and women are still women, they all had the same access to marriage at the time the court ruled for the faghadist. There was no discrimination.
And we worked thru the legal system to have laws we considered unjust repealed or struck down in court. We worked long and hard for that victory. If gay people in America had just sat at our computers and whined about unfair laws instead of actually working to get the laws changed, gay sex would probably still be illegal and we'd probably still get fired for being gay everywhere. The power of Political Action! :clap:

You mean the power of perversion and bad conduct. Like I said there was no discrimination in the laws.
Religion is suppose to be Constitutionally protected moron.

It's protection is limited. Where's that Mormon practice of polygamy nowadays?

...and you 't find cake a strange dividing line?

Why is polygamy illegal, if the Mormons practice of polygamy was part of their religion?

Probably because of RIGID definition of marriage.. Now that THAT'S off the table, the Mormons just might get another shot eh?? Add Polyamory to that list of applicants for equal treatment whilst you're at it...
Here's what I would do. I would talk to the customers and say, I am very religious and this goes against what I believe. I would appreciate you getting a cake at another shop I know that will bake you a great cake. If you insist I bake it, it will be the best cake you ever had and this will be the last time I bring up my religion with you.
And that's the civilized thing to do...If everyone behaved that way, it would be a much better world.
That is exactly what sweetcakes did.
Sure, if you consider the husband lecturing them after refusing to bake their wedding cake then posting their personal information on social media "the civilized thing to do".

Almost Everything You've Heard About The Anti-Gay Sweet Cakes Wedding Cake Case Is (Probably) Wrong

If you feel this report is too one-sided, at the bottom there is a link to the State of Oregon's Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) final finding of fact,

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