Muslim Busted with Enough Carfentanil to Murder 50 Million People

What drug dealer carries enough to sell 2.1 BILLION doses of any drug?

They kind that have other motives.

We are only safe because a neighbor called the fire department about a CO2 alarm.

Elephant in the Room: John Tory's Grand Deflection
Fentanyl bust in Nebraska finds enough doses to kill an estimated 26 million people - CNN

The Nebraska State Patrol seized nearly 120 pounds of the drug fentanyl -- enough to kill about 26 million people, according to estimates by the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
Another Muslim operation broken up.

yep- those two Muslims from New Jersey

the driver of the truck, Felipe Genao-Minaya, 46, and passenger, Nelson Nunez, 52, both of New Jersey,


You have muslims on the brain.

I believe in proper Arabic that's written "Nuñez". :)
What drug dealer carries enough to sell 2.1 BILLION doses of any drug?

They kind that have other motives.

We are only safe because a neighbor called the fire department about a CO2 alarm.

Elephant in the Room: John Tory's Grand Deflection
Fentanyl bust in Nebraska finds enough doses to kill an estimated 26 million people - CNN

The Nebraska State Patrol seized nearly 120 pounds of the drug fentanyl -- enough to kill about 26 million people, according to estimates by the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
Another Muslim operation broken up.

Where the fuck does your BLOG link --- OR the source article from the Toronto Sun ---- say jack shit about anybody's religion?

Fucking bigot. :fu:


You need to know how to read Weatherboy Bigot speak:
Men caught with drugs and a funny looking name- Mooslum!
Men caught with drugs and name Nunez- Moooslum!
Republican caught with drugs- Entrapment!
“50 million people” :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Read more: Elephant in the Room: John Tory's Grand Deflection
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A dose of just 20 micro-grams, smaller than a poppy seed, is fatal to humans. With 1 billion micro-grams per kilogram (yes, Billion) it translates into 50 million fatal doses per kilogram.

Ask your mommy about the math
Yeah bro. That drug dealer was totally about to kill 50 million people :laugh:

My God, how you make it through each day under so much fear....
“50 million people” :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Read more: Elephant in the Room: John Tory's Grand Deflection
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A dose of just 20 micro-grams, smaller than a poppy seed, is fatal to humans. With 1 billion micro-grams per kilogram (yes, Billion) it translates into 50 million fatal doses per kilogram.

Ask your mommy about the math
Yeah bro. That drug dealer was totally about to kill 50 million people :laugh:

My God, how you make it through each day under so much fear....
Haven’t read the court docs. What an ignoramus.
Where the fuck does your BLOG link --- from no less a credible source that "Ammo Land" ---- say jack shit about anybody's religion?
You get awfully defensive when it come to the religion that commands the murder of non-believers.

Of course these COULD be good Atheist names.

Is there really "bliss" in your pretend ignorance?

Read more: Elephant in the Room: John Tory's Grand Deflection
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Fahad Hussain, the Danforth killer’s brother, has a long criminal history involving both drugs and guns. By court order, he lived with his family friend Maisum Ansari, his bail surety.
Wait --- you don't know the difference between "Muslim" and "Arabic names" --- and you think you're qualified to shoot pot smokers in the face?
Pigo desperately wants to believe they COULD be Christan zealots.

I guess there COULD b a chance in a BILLION.
“50 million people” :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Read more: Elephant in the Room: John Tory's Grand Deflection
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook

A dose of just 20 micro-grams, smaller than a poppy seed, is fatal to humans. With 1 billion micro-grams per kilogram (yes, Billion) it translates into 50 million fatal doses per kilogram.

Ask your mommy about the math
Yeah bro. That drug dealer was totally about to kill 50 million people :laugh:

My God, how you make it through each day under so much fear....
Haven’t read the court docs. What an ignoramus.
Wait --- you don't know the difference between "Muslim" and "Arabic names" --- and you think you're qualified to shoot pot smokers in the face?
Pigo desperately wants to believe they COULD be Christan zealots.

I guess there COULD b a chance in a BILLION.

I ASKED where there was anything indicating anyone's religion DUMBASS.

I got no answer. Which is what I knew was coming DUMBASS.

In the instant case the poster I quoted --- which you edited out because you're a DISHONEST HACK --- proclaimed in her abject ignorance:

Faisal Hussein and Maisum Ansari sure sound muslim.

Got that? She's trying to sell that names "sound like" a religion. And you're lining up to buy it because you're a DUMBASS.

Not everybody practices a religion just as not everybody has a political party DUMBASS.
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