Muslim Celebration Set for Dec 24

Regardless how one may feel about this matter, the fact remains that Mawlid an-Nabi is now listed among the public holidays of nearly every country around the Muslim world. Along with the two Eids, this holiday is now widely celebrated by Muslims of different sectarian and tariqa backgrounds.
Incorrect Poindexter.

Just because you found some internet sites to back up your misinformed opinion.

The reality is that you are totally wrong.

btw Have you ever even been to a mosque? ...... because you sure don't act like you have. ...... :cool:
The origin of Mawlid observance dates back to the period of the early four Rashidun Caliphs of Islam.[1] The celebration of this birthday was further initiated by the Fatimids and it was celebrated in lands under their control.[4] The Ottomans declared it an official holiday in 1588.[5] The term Mawlid is also used in some parts of the world, such as Egypt, as a generic term for the birthday celebrations of other historical religious figures such as Sufi saints.[6]

Most denominations of Islam approve of the commemoration of Muhammad's birthday.
Mawlid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Extremist Wahhabis don't celebrate it. So I guess I see where you are coming from. Thanks :)
The origin of Mawlid observance dates back to the period of the early four Rashidun Caliphs of Islam.[1] The celebration of this birthday was further initiated by the Fatimids and it was celebrated in lands under their control.[4] The Ottomans declared it an official holiday in 1588.[5] The term Mawlid is also used in some parts of the world, such as Egypt, as a generic term for the birthday celebrations of other historical religious figures such as Sufi saints.[6]

Most denominations of Islam approve of the commemoration of Muhammad's birthday.
Mawlid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Extremist Wahhabis don't celebrate it. So I guess I see where you are coming from. Thanks
Why don't you answer my question? ......"Have you ever visited a mosque?" ...... :cool:
Did more Muslims celebrate on 9-11 or the birth of their terrorist prophet. To be determined.
Regardless how one may feel about this matter, the fact remains that Mawlid an-Nabi is now listed among the public holidays of nearly every country around the Muslim world. Along with the two Eids, this holiday is now widely celebrated by Muslims of different sectarian and tariqa backgrounds.
Incorrect Poindexter.

Just because you found some internet sites to back up your misinformed opinion.

The reality is that you are totally wrong.

btw Have you ever even been to a mosque? ...... because you sure don't act like you have. ...... :cool:
You didn't answer my question about how you feel about Isis killing children. Any developments there?

UAR will celebrate the day as a special festival of Mohammed's birthday.

Wow. Will the One-Worlders and Progressives jump on this and force YOU to celebrate it?

why did they had to celebrate the birth of Mohamed the same as Jesus ???? Since when??????

What on earth is wrong with the jihadist/islamic people???????????????????

don't they have any delicacy? like a bull on a china shop ahead they go with their sick religion?

how is that allowed?????

UAR will celebrate the day as a special festival of Mohammed's birthday.

Wow. Will the One-Worlders and Progressives jump on this and force YOU to celebrate it?

why did they had to celebrate the birth of Mohamed the same as Jesus ???? Since when??????

What on earth is wrong with the jihadist/islamic people???????????????????

don't they have any delicacy? like a bull on a china shop ahead they go with their sick religion?

how is that allowed?????
The poor things don't actually know when mom ad was born, so it isn't the same date every year.

UAR will celebrate the day as a special festival of Mohammed's birthday.

Wow. Will the One-Worlders and Progressives jump on this and force YOU to celebrate it?

why did they had to celebrate the birth of Mohamed the same as Jesus ???? Since when??????

What on earth is wrong with the jihadist/islamic people???????????????????

don't they have any delicacy? like a bull on a china shop ahead they go with their sick religion?

how is that allowed?????
The poor things don't actually know when mom ad was born, so it isn't the same date every year.

Bloody hell!
It's unbelievable!:mad-61:
But you didn't answer my question and I've asked it about 5 times now, and you saw the reports. How hard can this be for you? It's Isis for goodness sake.
Look retard.....I know nothing about ISIS or anyone else except the Israeli's killing children. Now I have fulfilled my part of the bargain. It's your turn to truthfully answer my question. ..... :cool:
But you didn't answer my question and I've asked it about 5 times now, and you saw the reports. How hard can this be for you? It's Isis for goodness sake.
Look retard.....I know nothing about ISIS or anyone else except the Israeli's killing children. Now I have fulfilled my part of the bargain. It's your turn to truthfully answer my question. ..... :cool:
What bargain? Answer the question re Isis, in fact, unequivocally condemn Isis, and I'll answer whatever you like.
Everybody with an ounce of gray matter knows that Jesus was born in summer.

The holiday on the 25th is nothing but an off-date celebration of a pagan rite of the equinox.

Why did you claim what you claimed in the OP?
What did I "claim" that you find offensive?

Muslim Celebration Set for December 24
UAR will celebrate the day as a special festival of Mohammed's birthday.

Wow. Will the One-Worlders and Progressives jump on this and force YOU to celebrate it?

There is no UAR- so you had that fact glaringly wrong.
And the only religious holiday we are forced to celebrate is of course Christmas.

And since when has anyone suggested forcing any American to celebrate another countries holidays?

Except in the minds of RWNJ's?


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