Muslim groups put up "Jesus is a Muslim" billboards

Mohammed did exist.
I would like to see the proof you based this claim on.

As of now it is just an opinion.
Oh, how convenient. When it's Jesus, he obviously didn't exist because you say there's no proof; when it's Muhammad, he DID exist, but that's "just an opinion" that you formed without any proof at all to base your "opinion" on.

Do you have proof he did not exist?
Come now, surely you realize the fallacious reasoning behind your question.

His existence is much easier to believe because he had the vices of all men.
And now you fall back upon belief. You believe that Muhammad existed, and although he believed that Jesus existed, you reject Jesus because you haven't seen any proof that Jesus is real, and while the same can be said of you not having seen proof of Muhammad's existence, you don't dispute that.

Explain to me how you can justify your beliefs that Jesus didn't exist but Muhammad did when you base both of them on the same amount of evidence: None.
I would like to see the proof you based this claim on.

As of now it is just an opinion.
Oh, how convenient. When it's Jesus, he obviously didn't exist because you say there's no proof; when it's Muhammad, he DID exist, but that's "just an opinion" that you formed without any proof at all to base your "opinion" on.

Do you have proof he did not exist?
Come now, surely you realize the fallacious reasoning behind your question.

His existence is much easier to believe because he had the vices of all men.
And now you fall back upon belief. You believe that Muhammad existed, and although he believed that Jesus existed, you reject Jesus because you haven't seen any proof that Jesus is real, and while the same can be said of you not having seen proof of Muhammad's existence, you don't dispute that.

Explain to me how you can justify your beliefs that Jesus didn't exist but Muhammad did when you base both of them on the same amount of evidence: None.

Its pretty simple as I already explained. Mohammad had the vices of most men. The story of Jesus stretches credibility. Jesus wasn't even the last prophet. Mohammad was. The fact that Mohammad referenced Jesus smacks of using someone else to build your own credibility. Again that is very much in keeping with what a real person desiring to become a leader or great person would do.

Telling me my question is fallacious is not an answer. What justification do you have for believing Jesus existed? Where is the proof?

I justify my belief by believability of the evidence that Mohammad existed and the large amount of evidence that Jesus is a made up story. I cited an Egyptian fable earlier in the thread. Look it up and you will see the similarities. If it bothers you then disregard what I believe and keep believing what you wish.
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There was no such thing as the letter J back then. Christ is actually "the christ" meaning the prophet. I've read some wild stuff on this but the most fascinating one is that Jesus or Iesous (at the time) was a combination of Jupiter and Zeus. It would be pretty easy to make the guy up after everyone that was alive during his supposed time died off. No one seems to know where the original disciples are buried of if they even existed. You should check out the Egyptian fable about Ausar and Auset or Isis and Osiris as the Greek called them. Eerily familiar to the story of the birth of Jesus is the story of Heru which by the way is where the word hero comes from.

well who ever he was....he sure made an impression....

I always hoped he did exist but there is no proof either way. When you look at history and see the role religion played in it then you start to think something stinks about the whole story. When you look at the religion the Egyptians practiced you start seeing that it was the root of all of today's religions. Amen.....Ra

well he did say he is not of this earth.....did he not?....
Perhaps we can convince some Christian or Jewish group or another to pay for a billboard to be put up alongside some well-traveled highway in Saudi Arabia, saying...

"Muhammed is a Jew"...


"Muhammed is a Christian"...

...with links to a website, so that Muslims can talk to Jewish or Christian propagandist-preachers looking to convert the Infidel.


They won't allow it?

Reciprocity is the key to good relations.

Fail to provide reciprocal rights to preach and you lose that goodwill...
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Muslim groups put up "Jesus is a Muslim" billboards

Hey, freedom of speech and all that.

Obviously, there will be a counter billboard movement with "Jesus loves pork, the other white meat."

Maybe the entrepreneur will place them next to each other.

Jesus didn't eat pork, he was a Jew.

Jesus can love things he does not eat....right? Like people, and panda bears, and ...

Jesus is the Son of God BUT DOES THE muslim false god have a son???? the koran says no!!!
Muslim groups put up "Jesus is a Muslim" billboards

Hey, freedom of speech and all that.

Obviously, there will be a counter billboard movement with "Jesus loves pork, the other white meat."

Maybe the entrepreneur will place them next to each other.

Jesus didn't eat pork, he was a Jew.

Would novasteve get all pissed off if a Jewish group put up a billboard that read "Jesus was a Jew"?

If he did he would be wrong in so doing. If the board would have said Muslims are Christians then the sign MIGHT have made some sense. But the way it is worded is just an affront to Christians, that is all. It is just Muslims tweaking Christians because they know they really don't have much to fear from Christians.
Jesus is the Son of God BUT DOES THE muslim false god have a son???? the koran says no!!!

More proof that Jesus is the equivalent of a myth like the Greeks had with their gods coming to earth and getting mortal women pregnant.

Again, you offer nothing but your opinion. There are those who believe that Obama is a messiah. That does not make him a messiah. Any more then me believing he is not the Messiah doesn't make it so.

As I said arguing with people like you is unproductive so I just point out your logic fallacies so you don't think your opinions have any relevance.
Notice liberals don't care, but if they saw a "Jesus is Lord" billboad they would go insane, throwing limp wristed fits. Because a special status group is involved here, they don't.

Billboard that says 'Jesus is Muslim' upsets some groups | The Columbus Dispatch

I'm liberal and I care.

I care very much about the First Amendment and the right it gives us to put up signs that might be insensitive and uncaring.

You're an idiot with some real sexual issues but I would fight for your right to be the stupid and ignorant fool you are.

The real question here is, why don't you stand up for that same right for others?
Muslim groups put up "Jesus is a Muslim" billboards

Hey, freedom of speech and all that.

Obviously, there will be a counter billboard movement with "Jesus loves pork, the other white meat."

Maybe the entrepreneur will place them next to each other.


... with a nice tangy dip.

Jesus is the Son of God BUT DOES THE muslim false god have a son???? the koran says no!!!

More proof that Jesus is the equivalent of a myth like the Greeks had with their gods coming to earth and getting mortal women pregnant.

Again, you offer nothing but your opinion. There are those who believe that Obama is a messiah. That does not make him a messiah. Any more then me believing he is not the Messiah doesn't make it so.

As I said arguing with people like you is unproductive so I just point out your logic fallacies so you don't think your opinions have any relevance.

Thats what everyone is doing on this thread Einstein. Offering their opinion. You are funny with the "i refuse to argue but i am going to say something but not really." What nut case do you know that thinks the POTUS is the messiah? You need to get out more or change the people you hang out with. What makes you think your attempts to point out anything affects what i think about my opinions?
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you try to argue with God not me when you try to deny the truth of God's Word>
you try to argue with God not me when you try to deny the truth of God's Word>

Besides the bible bile you constantly spew and your sloppy thinking, I don't bother with your posts is your inability to punctuate and your complete ignorance of the language you use. You write like a 12 year old drop out.

Commas save lives:

Let's eat Grandma.
Let's eat, Grandma.
you try to argue with God not me when you try to deny the truth of God's Word>

I've never seen evidence of your God's word nor that Jesus actually existed. How can you prove this besides telling me its true? I'm being totally serious.

LOL!!! God says we have all the universe and life as proof of God!!! What kind of fool would need more proof?????????????
Perhaps we can convince some Christian or Jewish group or another to pay for a billboard to be put up alongside some well-traveled highway in Saudi Arabia, saying...

"Muhammed is a Jew"...


"Muhammed is a Christian"...

...with links to a website, so that Muslims can talk to Jewish or Christian propagandist-preachers looking to convert the Infidel.


They won't allow it?

Reciprocity is the key to good relations.

Fail to provide reciprocal rights to preach and you lose that goodwill...

Oh, I'm sure some church like Westboro or Terry Jerk Off Jones would be happy to put up signs like that because they know it would result in more hate and more deaths.

And, that's what its really all about, isn't it.
you try to argue with God not me when you try to deny the truth of God's Word>

I've never seen evidence of your God's word nor that Jesus actually existed. How can you prove this besides telling me its true? I'm being totally serious.

And yet, they deny fact-based science.

I dont have a problem with people believing what they want to but it gets weird when they try and tell me what I believe is wrong but they have no evidence to show me that supports their position.
you try to argue with God not me when you try to deny the truth of God's Word>

I've never seen evidence of your God's word nor that Jesus actually existed. How can you prove this besides telling me its true? I'm being totally serious.

LOL!!! God says we have all the universe and life as proof of God!!! What kind of fool would need more proof?????????????

When did God say this? What channel was it on? Will it be airing again soon?

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