Muslim Marine Throws Down On Draft-Dodger Donald...Here's My I.D.

Timothy McVeigh
don't think that the agnostic or athiest 'mcveigh' was bragging up on a Marine ID and mcveigh was not active even if he had been a Marine RightWinger !! nidal Hussein was active military when he went all 'jihad' !!

McVeigh was a Christian conservative

Not according to this:
"McVeigh was Catholic as a young child, but never really practiced the religion. He told the authors of American Terrorist that he “did not believe in Hell.” If there's one tenet that's consistent with Christianreligions, it's a belief in Hell—and Heaven, for that matter."Oct 25, 2010

And, since you bring up 'conservative'.....

.....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

My post said ".....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers."

And, of course, it is absolutely accurate.

Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually, he was part of that cult for a while, but left it when none of the women would spend time with him, and then he became a lawyer (and not a very good one).

When he actually shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur (who was a Republican) is President now".

Basically, that meant he was a far right Republican, which is why he said he was the stalwart of the stalwarts.

I think I do need to keep doubting you. His early life in the cult didn't have much to do with why he shot Garfield.
Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

That's got jack shit to do with politics, in which Guiteau had no position that could be called in any way coherent or directed. Guiteau was completely mad.

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually I learned to do that as soon as I got here. Not that the revelation was in any way obscure.
don't think that the agnostic or athiest 'mcveigh' was bragging up on a Marine ID and mcveigh was not active even if he had been a Marine RightWinger !! nidal Hussein was active military when he went all 'jihad' !!

McVeigh was a Christian conservative

Not according to this:
"McVeigh was Catholic as a young child, but never really practiced the religion. He told the authors of American Terrorist that he “did not believe in Hell.” If there's one tenet that's consistent with Christianreligions, it's a belief in Hell—and Heaven, for that matter."Oct 25, 2010

And, since you bring up 'conservative'.....

.....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

My post said ".....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers."

And, of course, it is absolutely accurate.

Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually, he was part of that cult for a while, but left it when none of the women would spend time with him, and then he became a lawyer (and not a very good one).

When he actually shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur (who was a Republican) is President now".

Basically, that meant he was a far right Republican, which is why he said he was the stalwart of the stalwarts.

I think I do need to keep doubting you. His early life in the cult didn't have much to do with why he shot Garfield.

No it doesn't, you freaking ding dong, lol.

Yes, Arthur was a Republican, he was the vice president of the Republican that the Democrat killed.

He was the stalwart of the stalwarts has nothing to do with anything except his stalwart democrat nature.
don't think that the agnostic or athiest 'mcveigh' was bragging up on a Marine ID and mcveigh was not active even if he had been a Marine RightWinger !! nidal Hussein was active military when he went all 'jihad' !!

McVeigh was a Christian conservative

Not according to this:
"McVeigh was Catholic as a young child, but never really practiced the religion. He told the authors of American Terrorist that he “did not believe in Hell.” If there's one tenet that's consistent with Christianreligions, it's a belief in Hell—and Heaven, for that matter."Oct 25, 2010

And, since you bring up 'conservative'.....

.....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

My post said ".....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers."

And, of course, it is absolutely accurate.

Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually, he was part of that cult for a while, but left it when none of the women would spend time with him, and then he became a lawyer (and not a very good one).

When he actually shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur (who was a Republican) is President now".

Basically, that meant he was a far right Republican, which is why he said he was the stalwart of the stalwarts.

I think I do need to keep doubting you. His early life in the cult didn't have much to do with why he shot Garfield.

He shot the President for career reasons.

As for the man's background, perhaps you should take it up with Kenneth Ackerman.

"Kenneth D. Ackerman has served for more than twenty-five years in senior posts on Capitol Hill and in the Executive Branch, including as counsel to two U.S. Senate committees and as administrator of the Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency during the Clinton-Gore administration. He is the author of The Gold Ring: Jim Fisk, Jay Gould, and Black Friday 1869 and currently practices law in Washington, D.C. A chronicler of the Gilded Age, his forthcoming book for Carroll & Graf will be a new biography of Boss Tweed."

Doubt me at your risk.
Now wipe the egg off your face.
Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

That's got jack shit to do with politics, in which Guiteau had no position that could be called in any way coherent or directed. Guiteau was completely mad.

When Guiteau shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur is president now!"

Being the stalwart of the stalwarts meant he was a very fanatical supporter, and proclaiming that Arthur (who was a Republican) was president meant that he supported the Republican policies, and therefore, a Republican. He considered Garfield to be only half a Republican (kinda like the current far right calling everyone else RINOs).

You're right, his time in that cult in early life has nothing to do with his politics. Although, I can see why he went crazy, because none of the women in that cult of free love would have nothing to do with him, because he didn't shower very often.
Muslim Marine masterfully bashes Trump by posting his military ID badge: ‘Where’s yours?’.

Tayyib Rashid is a Muslim.....he is also a Marine.

"I'm an American Muslim and I carry a special ID Badge, where's yours?", wrote the Sergeant.r
Dionald Trump received no less than Four (04) Deferments during the Viet Nam War.

Trump was a Draft Dodger.

Dick(less) Cheney was Draft Dodger.

Mitt Witt Romney was a Draft Dodger.

Bush43 was and is a Deserter.

They are yellow belly, low-life, scum sucking other words Republicans.

They are cowards, you are correct. They cave to pretty much everything Obama wants, they have no direction or vision other than which Prog policy to adopt, and they get voted in Congress and lay egg after egg and refuse to challenge Obama in any meaningful way.
McVeigh was a Christian conservative

Not according to this:
"McVeigh was Catholic as a young child, but never really practiced the religion. He told the authors of American Terrorist that he “did not believe in Hell.” If there's one tenet that's consistent with Christianreligions, it's a belief in Hell—and Heaven, for that matter."Oct 25, 2010

And, since you bring up 'conservative'.....

.....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

My post said ".....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers."

And, of course, it is absolutely accurate.

Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually, he was part of that cult for a while, but left it when none of the women would spend time with him, and then he became a lawyer (and not a very good one).

When he actually shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur (who was a Republican) is President now".

Basically, that meant he was a far right Republican, which is why he said he was the stalwart of the stalwarts.

I think I do need to keep doubting you. His early life in the cult didn't have much to do with why he shot Garfield.

No it doesn't, you freaking ding dong, lol.

Yes, Arthur was a Republican, he was the vice president of the Republican that the Democrat killed.

He was the stalwart of the stalwarts has nothing to do with anything except his stalwart democrat nature.

Hey Kaiser Twit, I guess you missed the part where he considered Garfield to be only half a Republican, which is why he shot him.

Kinda like the far right nowadays, because if you're not far enough right, they call you a RINO.
Anyone else notice that as of this event all of Trump's supporters are frantically posting about Everything Except Trump?
Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

That's got jack shit to do with politics, in which Guiteau had no position that could be called in any way coherent or directed. Guiteau was completely mad.

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually I learned to do that as soon as I got here. Not that the revelation was in any way obscure.

Time and again, when folks realize they have been skewered, that they have no adequate response to truth that embarrasses them, their language falls to the vulgar.

It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That would be you, as shown in this post.
"Tayyib Rashid is a Muslim.....he is also a Marine."

He's an American first and foremost, a citizen not identified by his religion alone – an American many on the right would have 'register' for no other reason than his religion.

During the Viet Nam War, in which I served, students with deferments were called "Draft Dodgers". They used their status as student to avoid going to war. They were Draft Dodgers....

Cheney - Draft Dodger.

Romney - Draft Dodger.

Trump - Draft Dodger.
Bill Clinton too.

I have to say, Obama is the lowest of the low. After all, he gave away a handfull of terrrorists from Gitmo that when released went back to the business of terrorism, and for what? They were traded for a US marine who was a traitor and whom his own commrades say put them in harms was once he deserted.

What does this tell us? I guess it tells us what character those in power over us in both parties have, hence an $18 trillion debt and an economy on life support.
McVeigh was a Christian conservative

Not according to this:
"McVeigh was Catholic as a young child, but never really practiced the religion. He told the authors of American Terrorist that he “did not believe in Hell.” If there's one tenet that's consistent with Christianreligions, it's a belief in Hell—and Heaven, for that matter."Oct 25, 2010

And, since you bring up 'conservative'.....

.....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

My post said ".....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers."

And, of course, it is absolutely accurate.

Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually, he was part of that cult for a while, but left it when none of the women would spend time with him, and then he became a lawyer (and not a very good one).

When he actually shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur (who was a Republican) is President now".

Basically, that meant he was a far right Republican, which is why he said he was the stalwart of the stalwarts.

I think I do need to keep doubting you. His early life in the cult didn't have much to do with why he shot Garfield.

No it doesn't, you freaking ding dong, lol.

Yes, Arthur was a Republican, he was the vice president of the Republican that the Democrat killed.

He was the stalwart of the stalwarts has nothing to do with anything except his stalwart democrat nature.

A Stalwart had nothing to do with being a democrat, or even a Democrat. Stalwarts were a Republican faction.
And that's got nothing to do with Guiteau's actions. The man was batshit insane as long as anyone could remember.
Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

That's got jack shit to do with politics, in which Guiteau had no position that could be called in any way coherent or directed. Guiteau was completely mad.

When Guiteau shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur is president now!"

Being the stalwart of the stalwarts meant he was a very fanatical supporter, and proclaiming that Arthur (who was a Republican) was president meant that he supported the Republican policies, and therefore, a Republican. He considered Garfield to be only half a Republican (kinda like the current far right calling everyone else RINOs).

You're right, his time in that cult in early life has nothing to do with his politics. Although, I can see why he went crazy, because none of the women in that cult of free love would have nothing to do with him, because he didn't shower very often.
Not according to this:
"McVeigh was Catholic as a young child, but never really practiced the religion. He told the authors of American Terrorist that he “did not believe in Hell.” If there's one tenet that's consistent with Christianreligions, it's a belief in Hell—and Heaven, for that matter."Oct 25, 2010

And, since you bring up 'conservative'.....

.....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

My post said ".....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers."

And, of course, it is absolutely accurate.

Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually, he was part of that cult for a while, but left it when none of the women would spend time with him, and then he became a lawyer (and not a very good one).

When he actually shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur (who was a Republican) is President now".

Basically, that meant he was a far right Republican, which is why he said he was the stalwart of the stalwarts.

I think I do need to keep doubting you. His early life in the cult didn't have much to do with why he shot Garfield.

No it doesn't, you freaking ding dong, lol.

Yes, Arthur was a Republican, he was the vice president of the Republican that the Democrat killed.

He was the stalwart of the stalwarts has nothing to do with anything except his stalwart democrat nature.

A Stalwart had nothing to do with being a democrat, or even a Democrat. Stalwarts were a Republican faction.
And that's got nothing to do with Guiteau's actions. The man was batshit insane as long as anyone could remember.

Absolutely true...he was insane.
Which is even more evidence that he was a Liberal.

His several stints in the free love commune certainly don't sound like a conservative.
don't think that the agnostic or athiest 'mcveigh' was bragging up on a Marine ID and mcveigh was not active even if he had been a Marine RightWinger !! nidal Hussein was active military when he went all 'jihad' !!

McVeigh was a Christian conservative

Not according to this:
"McVeigh was Catholic as a young child, but never really practiced the religion. He told the authors of American Terrorist that he “did not believe in Hell.” If there's one tenet that's consistent with Christianreligions, it's a belief in Hell—and Heaven, for that matter."Oct 25, 2010

And, since you bring up 'conservative'.....

.....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

Or John Wilkes Booth...

So glad you've given me the opportunity to put you in your place again....

Lincoln was assassinated byJohn Wilkes Booth, “…an angry Copperhead, a.k.a., ‘peace democrat,’ (when that meant pro-slavery, of course.)John Wilkes Booth - Liberapedia
John Wilkes Booth

You, as well, should know better than to doubt me.

--- and a strenuous anti-Abolitionist, making him an equally strenuous conservative. You'll recall that when it was new the Republican Party was where the Liberals lived. That's part of what Abolitionist means.

I guess I shouldn't say "you'll recall" if this is new seepage for you....
Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

That's got jack shit to do with politics, in which Guiteau had no position that could be called in any way coherent or directed. Guiteau was completely mad.

When Guiteau shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur is president now!"

Being the stalwart of the stalwarts meant he was a very fanatical supporter, and proclaiming that Arthur (who was a Republican) was president meant that he supported the Republican policies, and therefore, a Republican. He considered Garfield to be only half a Republican (kinda like the current far right calling everyone else RINOs).

You're right, his time in that cult in early life has nothing to do with his politics. Although, I can see why he went crazy, because none of the women in that cult of free love would have nothing to do with him, because he didn't shower very often.
None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

My post said ".....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers."

And, of course, it is absolutely accurate.

Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually, he was part of that cult for a while, but left it when none of the women would spend time with him, and then he became a lawyer (and not a very good one).

When he actually shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur (who was a Republican) is President now".

Basically, that meant he was a far right Republican, which is why he said he was the stalwart of the stalwarts.

I think I do need to keep doubting you. His early life in the cult didn't have much to do with why he shot Garfield.

No it doesn't, you freaking ding dong, lol.

Yes, Arthur was a Republican, he was the vice president of the Republican that the Democrat killed.

He was the stalwart of the stalwarts has nothing to do with anything except his stalwart democrat nature.

A Stalwart had nothing to do with being a democrat, or even a Democrat. Stalwarts were a Republican faction.
And that's got nothing to do with Guiteau's actions. The man was batshit insane as long as anyone could remember.

Absolutely true...he was insane.
Which is even more evidence that he was a Liberal.

His several stints in the free love commune certainly don't sound like a conservative.

What it "sounds like" is irrelevant, and what it sounds like to you, even more so. The man was batshit insane, with no coherecny to his philosophy -- ungrounded.

You know, kinda like your posts.
None were right wingers? I suggest you look up Charles J. Guiteau.

My post said ".....every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers."

And, of course, it is absolutely accurate.

Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced.
Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

I suggest that you learn never to doubt me.

Actually, he was part of that cult for a while, but left it when none of the women would spend time with him, and then he became a lawyer (and not a very good one).

When he actually shot Garfield, he shouted "I am the stalwart of the stalwarts, Arthur (who was a Republican) is President now".

Basically, that meant he was a far right Republican, which is why he said he was the stalwart of the stalwarts.

I think I do need to keep doubting you. His early life in the cult didn't have much to do with why he shot Garfield.

No it doesn't, you freaking ding dong, lol.

Yes, Arthur was a Republican, he was the vice president of the Republican that the Democrat killed.

He was the stalwart of the stalwarts has nothing to do with anything except his stalwart democrat nature.

Hey Kaiser Twit, I guess you missed the part where he considered Garfield to be only half a Republican, which is why he shot him.

Kinda like the far right nowadays, because if you're not far enough right, they call you a RINO.
. Good grief, its well past your usual pass out time, isn't it you drunken half wit?

Just what I thought you'd say, because you don't have anything of substance to refute it.

Keep up with the bullshit and insults Kaiser Twit. You never disappoint when it comes to spewing garbage and bullshit.

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