Muslim Marine Throws Down On Draft-Dodger Donald...Here's My I.D.

Muslim Marine masterfully bashes Trump by posting his military ID badge: ‘Where’s yours?’.

Tayyib Rashid is a Muslim.....he is also a Marine.

"I'm an American Muslim and I carry a special ID Badge, where's yours?", wrote the Sergeant.r
Dionald Trump received no less than Four (04) Deferments during the Viet Nam War.

Trump was a Draft Dodger.

Dick(less) Cheney was Draft Dodger.

Mitt Witt Romney was a Draft Dodger.

Bush43 was and is a Deserter.

They are yellow belly, low-life, scum sucking other words Republicans.

Far left drones will believe anything!

Liberal group claims Mitt Romney, Dick Cheney, Donald Trump, others are draft dodgers


Kosh insists non partisan.


see how that works Goober?
Muslim Marine masterfully bashes Trump by posting his military ID badge: ‘Where’s yours?’.

Tayyib Rashid is a Muslim.....he is also a Marine.

"I'm an American Muslim and I carry a special ID Badge, where's yours?", wrote the Sergeant.r
Dionald Trump received no less than Four (04) Deferments during the Viet Nam War.

Trump was a Draft Dodger.

Dick(less) Cheney was Draft Dodger.

Mitt Witt Romney was a Draft Dodger.

Bush43 was and is a Deserter.

They are yellow belly, low-life, scum sucking other words Republicans.
That Muslim isn't a real soldier. This is what real soldiers look like:


Did you serve, Timmy?

Nope . There was no draft in my time .

Be careful calling anyone a chicken hawk and people sending others to fight superfluous wars then

Difference is I'm not calling for invasions . And I didn't actively dodge a draft . So I can say whatever I want .

Chicken hawk is what you are. Or maybe you just weren't man enough. I have no use for you. Run along

Did you serve, Timmy?

Nope . There was no draft in my time .

Be careful calling anyone a chicken hawk and people sending others to fight superfluous wars then

Difference is I'm not calling for invasions . And I didn't actively dodge a draft . So I can say whatever I want .

Chicken hawk is what you are. Or maybe you just weren't man enough. I have no use for you. Run along

You don't understand the term. " chicken hawk" . I am not pro war , so there goes the " hawk " .part .

I have no doubt you are not pro war, the thought terrifies you
Why do Rightists hate Marines?
Why do most of our military support conservatives??

You answer mine, I'll answer yours.
Kinda hard to hate themselves, since most marines are so called rightists??

No. Rightists are people like Trump and his Biggest Fans in this forum who are shitting themselves over Muslims and spreading lies about refugees.

If you know Marines, you won't be surprised if after this incident a lot of military dump the Trump.
Your post is so full of crap, I will just let the crap spill through...
d a
Typical chicken hawks . Not only do they dodge the draft , they now want to send others to fight their superfluous wars .

Here is what every dead from the neck up ConJob/NeoNut/RePug/TeaHadist does not and/or cannot and will not understand. This Marine, a Muslim-American SERVED HIS COUNTRY. There are other Muslim-Americans serving their country.

They love the U.S. just as much as any of the flag waving, mother loving, apple eating, girl you fucked back ConJobs and they should not be considered the enemy simply because of their religion.

Trump is a draft dodger, and you people love him. He never wore the uniform. He ran when he had a chance to serve his country. This Muslim-American Marine Sergeant did not. He stood to the colors and served his country.

Republican's love to elect Deserter's and Draft Dodgers, while talking about sending other men and women off to die in another useless war.

Do not use another person's Constitutionally Protected Right to Freedom of Religion to brand them as an enemy because of the actions of others of a similar faith.

You people elect Draft Dodgers and Deserter's, what does that say about you?
Why do Rightists hate Marines?
Why do most of our military support conservatives??

You answer mine, I'll answer yours.
Kinda hard to hate themselves, since most marines are so called rightists??

No. Rightists are people like Trump and his Biggest Fans in this forum who are shitting themselves over Muslims and spreading lies about refugees.

If you know Marines, you won't be surprised if after this incident a lot of military dump the Trump.
Trump has never been a conservative. He just plays one on TV and for his dopey followers.
Why do Rightists hate Marines?
Why do most of our military support conservatives??

You answer mine, I'll answer yours.
Kinda hard to hate themselves, since most marines are so called rightists??

No. Rightists are people like Trump and his Biggest Fans in this forum who are shitting themselves over Muslims and spreading lies about refugees.

If you know Marines, you won't be surprised if after this incident a lot of military dump the Trump.
Barry has the least respect of any president in recent history from military folk, the morale of the services is at its lowest in history.

...he just sucks as commander in chief
Why do Rightists hate Marines?
Why do most of our military support conservatives??

You answer mine, I'll answer yours.
Kinda hard to hate themselves, since most marines are so called rightists??

No. Rightists are people like Trump and his Biggest Fans in this forum who are shitting themselves over Muslims and spreading lies about refugees.

If you know Marines, you won't be surprised if after this incident a lot of military dump the Trump.
Barry has the least respect of any president in recent history from military folk, the morale of the services is at its lowest in history.

...he just sucks as commander in chief

Then you tell your friend Barry not to vote for Trump.

And you still miss the point of the thread.
Why do Rightists hate Marines?
Why do most of our military support conservatives??

You answer mine, I'll answer yours.
Kinda hard to hate themselves, since most marines are so called rightists??

No. Rightists are people like Trump and his Biggest Fans in this forum who are shitting themselves over Muslims and spreading lies about refugees.

If you know Marines, you won't be surprised if after this incident a lot of military dump the Trump.
Trump has never been a conservative. He just plays one on TV and for his dopey followers.

most conservatives are backwater hicks that don't want any investment as they like living in their shit. So they're not exactly smart people.
Why do most of our military support conservatives??

You answer mine, I'll answer yours.
Kinda hard to hate themselves, since most marines are so called rightists??

No. Rightists are people like Trump and his Biggest Fans in this forum who are shitting themselves over Muslims and spreading lies about refugees.

If you know Marines, you won't be surprised if after this incident a lot of military dump the Trump.
Barry has the least respect of any president in recent history from military folk, the morale of the services is at its lowest in history.

...he just sucks as commander in chief

Then you tell your friend Barry not to vote for Trump.

And you still miss the point of the thread.
...Barry has his hands full
He is in way over his head
Why do most of our military support conservatives??

You answer mine, I'll answer yours.
Kinda hard to hate themselves, since most marines are so called rightists??

No. Rightists are people like Trump and his Biggest Fans in this forum who are shitting themselves over Muslims and spreading lies about refugees.

If you know Marines, you won't be surprised if after this incident a lot of military dump the Trump.
Trump has never been a conservative. He just plays one on TV and for his dopey followers.

most conservatives are backwater hicks that don't want any investment as they like living in their shit. So they're not exactly smart people.
Trump is an shiny object, the progressive drones are just attracted to such things.
Trump tried to equate his time in a private school to being the same as serving in the military. That's bullshit, because on deployment, you don't get to go downtown and have a cheeseburger on the weekend if you're in a war zone.

And, I've served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and served alongside a few Muslims over my career, and they were pretty decent Sailors, because they knew how to do their job and keep their religion out of discussion unless people were curious and asked them. Wish I could say the same about some Christians who were constantly asking me if my soul was saved. They thought that my soul needed saving because I am a Taoist, and even though I knew who Jesus was, I still was going to hell unless I became "born again".

Sorry, but being born the first time was traumatic enough, I don't need to do it again.

Donald the Chump is an idiot and is just throwing red meat to the base, because there is no way he can ever implement his plan to register all Muslims.

Interestingly enough, if you swap out Germany for USA, and you swap Jews for Muslims, and then finally swap 1939 for 2015, you've got a pretty good idea where some of the far right wants to take this country.

During the Viet Nam War, in which I served, students with deferments were called "Draft Dodgers". They used their status as student to avoid going to war. They were Draft Dodgers....

Cheney - Draft Dodger.

Romney - Draft Dodger.

Trump - Draft Dodger.

During the Viet Nam War, in which I served, students with deferments were called "Draft Dodgers".

I was also in during the Nam war..

and the people we called 'draft dodgers' were those that left the country to avoid being drafted.

Like Clinton

Romney attended a protest to send kids to war.

Then skipped off to France.

Then killed a woman.

Then came home to make a bazillion dollahs through "creative destruction" or laying off people. the stuff of Republican Presidential Candidates.

Well.....Ted Kennedy certainly wasn't a gentleman.... took him 9 hours to open the car door for a woman at Chappaquiddick
Think Nidal Hassan had a badge too........
excellent reply but it won't shut the libs up , still excellent reply Man !!

Timothy McVeigh
don't think that the agnostic or athiest 'mcveigh' was bragging up on a Marine ID and mcveigh was not active even if he had been a Marine RightWinger !! nidal Hussein was active military when he went all 'jihad' !!

McVeigh was a Christian conservative
Why do Rightists hate Marines?
Why do most of our military support conservatives??

You answer mine, I'll answer yours.
Kinda hard to hate themselves, since most marines are so called rightists??

No. Rightists are people like Trump and his Biggest Fans in this forum who are shitting themselves over Muslims and spreading lies about refugees.

If you know Marines, you won't be surprised if after this incident a lot of military dump the Trump.
Trump has never been a conservative. He just plays one on TV and for his dopey followers.
might not be the rino kind of conservative but Trump and Cruz are a heck of a lot better than the rinos in the lineup Camp !!

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