Muslim Rapes and Murders 14 Year Old Jewish Girl In Berlin-not a Hate Crime To Merkel


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Iraqi police said on Saturday that a 20-year-old Iraqi man had admitted to the rape and murder of 14-year-old Susanna Feldman in Germany, where the case has stoked the immigration debate.

The Jewish teenager from Mainz near Frankfurt was found dead on Wednesday in a wooded area in Wiesbaden, near a refugee center where the alleged attacker had lived, German police said.

An autopsy showed she had been the victim of a sexual and violent attack. Police said there was no evidence her religion had been a factor and the Central Council of Jews in Germany cautioned against attributing any anti-Semitic motive.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said on Friday Kurdish security forces had taken the suspect, identified by German authorities as Ali Bashar, into custody on Friday.

“I ordered three officers to investigate the case. After seven hours, the officers were able to identify the location of the accused murderer and arrest him,” local police chief Tariq Ahmed told Rudaw television.


Just a lovely looking person. He is brown enough for the left to not care, and since he is a hero muslim, and since he raped and killed a Jewish and or a Christian, they won't give a shit.

He is certainly brown enough and not Christian enough for it NOT to be a hate crime too.
Jews being killed in Germany have never been a big concern to the Germans.
So sadly ironic Jews in key political positions have encouraged middle east savages to invade Europe only to subject Jews native to Europe to savagery by these hideous "Muslim" creatures. And if native folks take the law into their own hands with the Muslim savages, they get labelled "Nazis" by the Jewish establishment...
So sadly ironic Jews in key political positions have encouraged middle east savages to invade Europe only to subject Jews native to Europe to savagery by these hideous "Muslim" creatures. And if native folks take the law into their own hands with the Muslim savages, they get labelled "Nazis" by the Jewish establishment...
Israel named those jews that worked WITH NAZIS, KAPOS.

Iraqi police? The crime was committed in Germany.

This hate crime distinction need to go anyway, but the guy needs to hang.

Merkle is to blame for this, but again, the Nazi sympathizers don't care, so Merkle is safe.
So sadly ironic Jews in key political positions have encouraged middle east savages to invade Europe only to subject Jews native to Europe to savagery by these hideous "Muslim" creatures. And if native folks take the law into their own hands with the Muslim savages, they get labelled "Nazis" by the Jewish establishment...
Good grief, you think Germans are opposed to the Invaders while blaming this too on the "Jews."
Are all the American "immigration" supporters on this board, "Jews"?
So sadly ironic Jews in key political positions have encouraged middle east savages to invade Europe only to subject Jews native to Europe to savagery by these hideous "Muslim" creatures. And if native folks take the law into their own hands with the Muslim savages, they get labelled "Nazis" by the Jewish establishment...
Those Jews consider Muslims to be brothers. The rest of us are just “goyim” to them.
Satan's Pope led Globalist are running Germany. Running Europe. Will soon bring down all the "sovereign" nations.

Some may wonder: Why are top level leaders [Satanic minions] of Western Civilization, from pope on down, deliberately sabotaging/destroying Western Civilization ?

It's because you have to break eggs to make an omelet.

The NWOrder/world government is the "omelet" that is being made,

and ALL "sovereign" nations are the "eggs" that must be broken to make it.

Islam a big tool in breaking the eggs.
Economic collapse another big tool.

Racial conflict another big tool.

Nukes will also be used.

The NWOrder/world government is ORDAINED BY GOD to come into existence. There is no stopping the coming into being of the NWOrder/world government [which will be the throne of the coming final supreme "beast" first revealed in Revelation 13].

[Beast will rule 3.5 years .... and his reign ends the same day as Christ returns in power as per Rev 19]

The pope and such as POTUS Bush Sr openly and plainly revealed their enthusiasm and support for the coming NWOrder. MANY "elites" [Satan's hi-level minions] spoke likewise.

Revelation 13->forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else.

Thailand is the one and only nation that will not become a province of the world
government. Thailand will be a very unique significant way Jesus will “bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,...." Thailand will be Jesus's "burning bush" nation.

Thailand is the one and only nation that will not become a province of the world
government. Thailand will be a very unique significant way Jesus will “bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,...." Thailand will be Jesus's "burning bush" nation.
Just curious why you believe this

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