Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

Last thing I would yell when I am kicking some guy's butt is another man's name:rofl:
Exactly. Minorities make up stories about racial slurs so often it's almost expected. From the video it's clear that the sand-monkey instigated the whole thing by calling something out to the biker. He started something he couldn't finish. End of story.

The video has no audio. There's no way to know that.

There is backstory in the police report however, involving another person who isn't in the shot, with the biker who's also not in the shot until he pulls in front of the car. That's what they're looking at while pumping gas.

All of which is explained in the original thread on this posted Monday night, which is in my first link. Which also contains a link to the actual newspaper story, which TinkerTank did not provide here, and without which one can only pull such speculations out of one's own colon.
Yes there is a way to know that. The camel lover put his hand to his face in a show of shouting something out to the biker. I know that the biker starting trouble all on his own because he doesn't like the color of the man's skin fits the Leftist narrative, but in real life, the biker didn't have a problem with them until they started one.
It's nice to see Americans not putting up with muslim bullshit anymore

Its time we stopped putting up the 'punk ass thuggery' from racist biker jackasses.

That's what drunk $arah called Trumpery - a punk ass thug. For once, she nailed it.
The Muslim in the white coat started it by striking the biker in the chest first. What's the guy to do, wait for the Muslim to cut his head off? He tried to get away from the attacker, but he went after him time and again. With no other recourse, the biker had to defend himself.

That's how I see it. Thank goodness it was on video.
It's nice to see Americans not putting up wi th muslim bullshit anymore
Today, driving home from work, I flipped off a guy who was speeding up behind me and tailgates me on the highway. I hope he was a Muslim. I couldn't tell, his windows were tinted.
Whoa!!! Pogo!!!! A video!!!

So....**something** definitely happened. Racial slurs? TRUMP slurs?? Still no proof of that.

Irrelevant. That isn't the crime.
But it's worth nothing the reason there's no proof of that is that there's no audio track. Agreed?
Because that's about to matter for a different reason.

I saw 3 idiots in a fight. Happens every day.

I saw idiots 1 and 2.....and the Mexican begins yelling at someone nearby. Unprovoked.

Where do you get "Mexican" first of all? Are all Hispanics "Mexican"? No wonder you're not a cop anymore -- your powers of observation are nil.

Second, since there's ahem, NO AUDIO TRACK ---- how do you know it was "unprovoked"? What the hell is he looking at when he first gets out of the car --- if there's nothing going on?

I could be a cop, but with my ability to see the obvious I might be overqualified...

Then the Mexican begins yelling at a biker as he rides by. The biker stops.

"Rides by"?? :rofl:
Lie much? He pulls his bike in front of the car. That ensures whoever he's going after can't get away.

"Rides by" my asshole.

Then the Mexican walks towards him and begins pushing his sleeves if to prepare to fight.

The key word dead giveaway --- "as if". You're speculating based on what you want to have happened --- now that you jammed your foot in your mouth when this first came out, and are too much of a pussywimp to admit it.

And again with the "Mexican" shit....

Then....during an unknown exchange of words....the Mexican touches the biker and gets swung on.

Indeed. At the beginning of this post our silent audio somehow told you the first verbal exchange was "unprovoked". Yet now suddenly it becomes "unknown".

Interesting how nonexistent audio turns itself on and off depending on how you want the scenario to go down.

I should be a cop. But unfortunately I'm honest.

Then....the Mexican KEEPS approaching the biker each time he starts back towards his bike. And he gets his dumb ass whooped hahahaha!!!!!!

So now you DO admit it happened.

That's not quite an apology. Try again.

Want a review? Here ya go:


We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

And he's not necessarily "approaching the biker" ---- he's approaching the place where he came from --- the passenger side of the car. The biker is already in their space, having penned them in and circled around the car during the attack which you just ADMITTED happened. You can't approach that passenger side door without also approaching somebody who just put himself in between you and that door. And also kicked the door shut, which like SJ you somehow -- I'm sure it was an oversight --- FAILED to mention.

And again --- "Mexican". What nationality is the other guy then? Careful --- I already know.'s what we have.

A Mexican picks a fight with a biker.
Biker kicks his ass in humiliating fashion.

Mexicans friend is now claiming it was a racially motivated attack.

Is he now.
Even if we overlook "Mexican"...... Link?

Yeah......I stand by my original stance. THAT story didn't happen.

Moving the goalposts. See quote insertions above. Surveillance video does not lie.

A fight did happen. But the story the Muslim gave??? No proof. No proof any racial slurs were used and in fact....his border jumping friend STARTED the fight

"Border jumping"?


And I see we're back to switching our nonexistent audio back on.
Why don't you post that audio clip so we can all hear what you hear, and know that it's not just the voices in your head?

I didn't think you had the stones to man up.
And I was right.

Anybody else?
. What was the passenger doing outside the car when his friend was getting the gas ?

Alright and what was he looking at off to my right in the video, and what was he saying to who ever it was when he was looking that way (when he cupped his hands to either side of his cheeks as if he was trying to project something that he was saying) towards who ever it was he was either responding to or either who it was he was engaging with? Was he yelling something at them or at someone (possibly the biker) ? Then the driver of the vehicle getting fuel briefly, joins him in looking also over into the same direction. Not sure what was being said or who initiated the incident 1st, but the next thing you know the biker dude pulls up looking like he is either calling their bluff or coming to bully them due to their response to him maybe or either their initiating of the attack through insults possibly being thrown or hurled his way either by the passenger in the vehicle or by the biker hurling epithets at them.. Without audio, it's impossible to know what took place, but violence is never the answer, and the biker should be fined for crossing the line towards violence, where as he figured somehow that violence was the answer in the situation when it was not and should not have been.
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Last thing I would yell when I am kicking some guy's butt is another man's name:rofl:
Exactly. Minorities make up stories about racial slurs so often it's almost expected. From the video it's clear that the sand-monkey instigated the whole thing by calling something out to the biker. He started something he couldn't finish. End of story.

The video has no audio. There's no way to know that.

There is backstory in the police report however, involving another person who isn't in the shot, with the biker who's also not in the shot until he pulls in front of the car. That's what they're looking at while pumping gas.

All of which is explained in the original thread on this posted Monday night, which is in my first link. Which also contains a link to the actual newspaper story, which TinkerTank did not provide here, and without which one can only pull such speculations out of one's own colon.
Yes there is a way to know that. The camel lover put his hand to his face in a show of shouting something out to the biker. I know that the biker starting trouble all on his own because he doesn't like the color of the man's skin fits the Leftist narrative, but in real life, the biker didn't have a problem with them until they started one.

Yuh huh. That's why he drove around and parked in front of their car so they couldn't leave.

The Muslim in the white coat started it by striking the biker in the chest first. What's the guy to do, wait for the Muslim to cut his head off? He tried to get away from the attacker, but he went after him time and again. With no other recourse, the biker had to defend himself.

That's how I see it. Thank goodness it was on video.

Number one that's not a "strike" and number two that's not the "Muslim". That's the "Hispanic".
Or as Sucksoff90 calls him the "Mexican".

Not a big fan of geography, that one.

And no the biker's not "defending himself" ---- he actually drove around and parked deliberately in front of their car.

But let's entertain this Doublethink briefly --- just because the exposure of your partisan hackery becomes hilarious ---

--- if the biker's "defending himself" -- why wasn't it HE who filed the police report?
If the biker's "defending himself" --- why didn't the police arrest the two guys who DID file the report?


SEE ya, wouldn't wanna BE ya...
I hope the biker meets up with that Miguel Fellatio from the "whites should kill themselves for white privilege" thread someday.
It's nice to see Americans not putting up with muslim bullshit anymore

The biker's a Muslim?
How do you know? And how is it relevant in a gas station rumble?

How did the punk ass thug biker know the guy was a Muslim?

"Muslim" is in fact irrelevant here, as already noted way back in the original thread. There would be no way for anyone to know that unless they were engaged in a religious rite or discussion. The article describes a "Muslim" and a "Hispanic", which are not even comparators. What they're clumsily trying to say is that they're both "brown".
And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

A Muslim student at Wichita State University says he and a Hispanic friend, who also is a student, were attacked over the weekend by a man who shouted racial epithets and “Trump, Trump, Trump” before riding away on his motorcycle.

Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, who is Muslim, said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.
Whoa!!! Pogo!!!! A video!!!

So....**something** definitely happened. Racial slurs? TRUMP slurs?? Still no proof of that.

Irrelevant. That isn't the crime.
But it's worth nothing the reason there's no proof of that is that there's no audio track. Agreed?
Because that's about to matter for a different reason.

I saw 3 idiots in a fight. Happens every day.

I saw idiots 1 and 2.....and the Mexican begins yelling at someone nearby. Unprovoked.

Where do you get "Mexican" first of all? Are all Hispanics "Mexican"? No wonder you're not a cop anymore -- your powers of observation are nil.

Second, since there's ahem, NO AUDIO TRACK ---- how do you know it was "unprovoked"? What the hell is he looking at when he first gets out of the car --- if there's nothing going on?

I could be a cop, but with my ability to see the obvious I might be overqualified...

Then the Mexican begins yelling at a biker as he rides by. The biker stops.

"Rides by"?? :rofl:
Lie much? He pulls his bike in front of the car. That ensures whoever he's going after can't get away.

"Rides by" my asshole.

Then the Mexican walks towards him and begins pushing his sleeves if to prepare to fight.

The key word dead giveaway --- "as if". You're speculating based on what you want to have happened --- now that you jammed your foot in your mouth when this first came out, and are too much of a pussywimp to admit it.

And again with the "Mexican" shit....

Then....during an unknown exchange of words....the Mexican touches the biker and gets swung on.

Indeed. At the beginning of this post our silent audio somehow told you the first verbal exchange was "unprovoked". Yet now suddenly it becomes "unknown".

Interesting how nonexistent audio turns itself on and off depending on how you want the scenario to go down.

I should be a cop. But unfortunately I'm honest.

Then....the Mexican KEEPS approaching the biker each time he starts back towards his bike. And he gets his dumb ass whooped hahahaha!!!!!!

So now you DO admit it happened.

That's not quite an apology. Try again.

Want a review? Here ya go:


We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

And he's not necessarily "approaching the biker" ---- he's approaching the place where he came from --- the passenger side of the car. The biker is already in their space, having penned them in and circled around the car during the attack which you just ADMITTED happened. You can't approach that passenger side door without also approaching somebody who just put himself in between you and that door. And also kicked the door shut, which like SJ you somehow -- I'm sure it was an oversight --- FAILED to mention.

And again --- "Mexican". What nationality is the other guy then? Careful --- I already know.'s what we have.

A Mexican picks a fight with a biker.
Biker kicks his ass in humiliating fashion.

Mexicans friend is now claiming it was a racially motivated attack.

Is he now.
Even if we overlook "Mexican"...... Link?

Yeah......I stand by my original stance. THAT story didn't happen.

Moving the goalposts. See quote insertions above. Surveillance video does not lie.

A fight did happen. But the story the Muslim gave??? No proof. No proof any racial slurs were used and in fact....his border jumping friend STARTED the fight

"Border jumping"?


And I see we're back to switching our nonexistent audio back on.
Why don't you post that audio clip so we can all hear what you hear, and know that it's not just the voices in your head?

I didn't think you had the stones to man up.
And I was right.

Anybody else?
. What was the passenger doing outside the car when his friend was getting the gas ?

Alright and what was he looking at off to my right in the video, and what was he saying to who ever it was when he was looking that way (when he cupped his hands to either side of his cheeks as if he was trying to project something that he was saying) towards who ever it was he was either responding to or either who it was he was engaging with? Was he yelling something at them or at someone (possibly the biker) ? Then the driver of the vehicle getting fuel briefly, joins him in looking also over into the same direction. Not sure what was being said or who initiated the incident 1st, but the next thing you know the biker dude pulls up looking like he is either calling their bluff or coming to bully them due to their response to him maybe or either their initiating of the attack through insults possibly being thrown or hurled his way either by the passenger in the vehicle or by the biker hurling epithets at them.. Without audio, it's impossible to know what took place, but violence is never the answer, and the biker should be fined for crossing the line towards violence, where as he figured somehow that violence was the answer in the situation when it was not and should not have been.
I was hoping you'd finish that long rant by saying the biker should get a medal.
Whoa!!! Pogo!!!! A video!!!

So....**something** definitely happened. Racial slurs? TRUMP slurs?? Still no proof of that.

Irrelevant. That isn't the crime.
But it's worth nothing the reason there's no proof of that is that there's no audio track. Agreed?
Because that's about to matter for a different reason.

I saw 3 idiots in a fight. Happens every day.

I saw idiots 1 and 2.....and the Mexican begins yelling at someone nearby. Unprovoked.

Where do you get "Mexican" first of all? Are all Hispanics "Mexican"? No wonder you're not a cop anymore -- your powers of observation are nil.

Second, since there's ahem, NO AUDIO TRACK ---- how do you know it was "unprovoked"? What the hell is he looking at when he first gets out of the car --- if there's nothing going on?

I could be a cop, but with my ability to see the obvious I might be overqualified...

Then the Mexican begins yelling at a biker as he rides by. The biker stops.

"Rides by"?? :rofl:
Lie much? He pulls his bike in front of the car. That ensures whoever he's going after can't get away.

"Rides by" my asshole.

Then the Mexican walks towards him and begins pushing his sleeves if to prepare to fight.

The key word dead giveaway --- "as if". You're speculating based on what you want to have happened --- now that you jammed your foot in your mouth when this first came out, and are too much of a pussywimp to admit it.

And again with the "Mexican" shit....

Then....during an unknown exchange of words....the Mexican touches the biker and gets swung on.

Indeed. At the beginning of this post our silent audio somehow told you the first verbal exchange was "unprovoked". Yet now suddenly it becomes "unknown".

Interesting how nonexistent audio turns itself on and off depending on how you want the scenario to go down.

I should be a cop. But unfortunately I'm honest.

Then....the Mexican KEEPS approaching the biker each time he starts back towards his bike. And he gets his dumb ass whooped hahahaha!!!!!!

So now you DO admit it happened.

That's not quite an apology. Try again.

Want a review? Here ya go:


We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

And he's not necessarily "approaching the biker" ---- he's approaching the place where he came from --- the passenger side of the car. The biker is already in their space, having penned them in and circled around the car during the attack which you just ADMITTED happened. You can't approach that passenger side door without also approaching somebody who just put himself in between you and that door. And also kicked the door shut, which like SJ you somehow -- I'm sure it was an oversight --- FAILED to mention.

And again --- "Mexican". What nationality is the other guy then? Careful --- I already know.'s what we have.

A Mexican picks a fight with a biker.
Biker kicks his ass in humiliating fashion.

Mexicans friend is now claiming it was a racially motivated attack.

Is he now.
Even if we overlook "Mexican"...... Link?

Yeah......I stand by my original stance. THAT story didn't happen.

Moving the goalposts. See quote insertions above. Surveillance video does not lie.

A fight did happen. But the story the Muslim gave??? No proof. No proof any racial slurs were used and in fact....his border jumping friend STARTED the fight

"Border jumping"?


And I see we're back to switching our nonexistent audio back on.
Why don't you post that audio clip so we can all hear what you hear, and know that it's not just the voices in your head?

I didn't think you had the stones to man up.
And I was right.

Anybody else?
. What was the passenger doing outside the car when his friend was getting the gas ?

Alright and what was he looking at off to my right in the video, and what was he saying to who ever it was when he was looking that way (when he cupped his hands to either side of his cheeks as if he was trying to project something that he was saying) towards who ever it was he was either responding to or either who it was he was engaging with? Was he yelling something at them or at someone (possibly the biker) ? Then the driver of the vehicle getting fuel briefly, joins him in looking also over into the same direction. Not sure what was being said or who initiated the incident 1st, but the next thing you know the biker dude pulls up looking like he is either calling their bluff or coming to bully them due to their response to him maybe or either their initiating of the attack through insults possibly being thrown or hurled his way either by the passenger in the vehicle or by the biker hurling epithets at them.. Without audio, it's impossible to know what took place, but violence is never the answer, and the biker should be fined for crossing the line towards violence, where as he figured somehow that violence was the answer in the situation when it was not and should not have been.

What they're looking at, which is off camera, is an earlier altercation between a panhandler and the biker according to the driver's description. This is explained in the original link, which now that the threads are merged is back in post 1.

What he's saying or who he's saying it to is therefore unclear. Could be addressed to the biker, could be addressed to the guy being fucked with, as in "you okay man?" We don't know. According to the report the biker had already started some shit before starting the second shit.

From his hopelessly lame left hook that missed by three miles I'd guess he's drunk.
The Muslim in the white coat started it by striking the biker in the chest first. What's the guy to do, wait for the Muslim to cut his head off? He tried to get away from the attacker, but he went after him time and again. With no other recourse, the biker had to defend himself.

That's how I see it. Thank goodness it was on video.

Number one that's not a "strike" and number two that's not the "Muslim". That's the "Hispanic".
Or as Sucksoff90 calls him the "Mexican".

Not a big fan of geography, that one.

And no the biker's not "defending himself" ---- he actually drove around and parked deliberately in front of their car.

But let's entertain this Doublethink briefly --- just because the exposure of your partisan hackery becomes hilarious ---

--- if the biker's "defending himself" -- why wasn't it HE who filed the police report?
If the biker's "defending himself" --- why didn't the police arrest the two guys who DID file the report?


SEE ya, wouldn't wanna BE ya...
. It definitely was a strike to the chest. That's called taking the first punch. All bets off after that.
The biker didn't have to report his attacker, he won the fight. That's how real men takes care of business. They don't rely on calling the police.
AND still no proof of any racial slurs.

This shit is JUST LIKE the Albany State racial lie.

The Mexican initiated the verbal contact.
The Mexican initiated the physical contact.
The Mexican got his ass kicked.
The Muslim is now claiming the Mexican was targeted because of race.


Just like Albany....minorities trying to extract revenge by stirring up racial allegations.
Last thing I would yell when I am kicking some guy's butt is another man's name:rofl:
Exactly. Minorities make up stories about racial slurs so often it's almost expected. From the video it's clear that the sand-monkey instigated the whole thing by calling something out to the biker. He started something he couldn't finish. End of story.

The video has no audio. There's no way to know that.

There is backstory in the police report however, involving another person who isn't in the shot, with the biker who's also not in the shot until he pulls in front of the car. That's what they're looking at while pumping gas.

All of which is explained in the original thread on this posted Monday night, which is in my first link. Which also contains a link to the actual newspaper story, which TinkerTank did not provide here, and without which one can only pull such speculations out of one's own colon.
Yes there is a way to know that. The camel lover put his hand to his face in a show of shouting something out to the biker. I know that the biker starting trouble all on his own because he doesn't like the color of the man's skin fits the Leftist narrative, but in real life, the biker didn't have a problem with them until they started one.

Yuh huh. That's why he drove around and parked in front of their car so they couldn't leave.

Yeah, no car in the world can push over a motorcycle on a kick stand.
The Mexican jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped ant yelled something. He was looking for a fight. Problem was, he thought his muslim buddy was gonna help him but his muslim buddy was a pussy. The Mexican got his ass kicked and now he wants to get revenge by claiming RACISM!!! Typical.
And the hits just keep on coming. If Trump doesn't screw up his bid for the White House his racist supporters definitely will

A Muslim student at Wichita State University says he and a Hispanic friend, who also is a student, were attacked over the weekend by a man who shouted racial epithets and “Trump, Trump, Trump” before riding away on his motorcycle.

Khondoker Usama, the student body vice president at Wichita State, who is Muslim, said he and a Hispanic friend, who so far has chosen to remain anonymous, were filling their vehicle at the gas pumps at a Kwik Shop near campus at 21st and Oliver early Saturday when a man in his 20s or 30s started calling a black customer at the convenience store a racial epithet.

“Then suddenly it turned onto us, calling us ‘brown trash, go home. Trump will win,’ ” Usama said.

Then the man approached the students and, according to Usama, said, “You want to live in this country, you better leave.”

Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

Did you witness it? Sad how you automatically believe it because it's what you want to believe.

It's not that hard to believe given the behavior of many of his supporters.

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