Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’

So what are you.....some kind of above the fray agnostic thread reader now haha?? "I neither believe it nor disbelieve it. It just 'is'".

What a pathetic loser.

I didn't stake my claim to something I can't prove, now did I?

Who da loser now, beeyatch?

Are you 15 years old???

I just said I don't believe this story.

It's like a crazy uncle claiming he was abducted by a UFO. And someone says "bullshit". Then you would say "Oh yeah...burden is on you to prove he wasn't!!!"

You're backpedalling Pogo

No actually you're backpedaling. Freudian slip. What you're now saying is "I don't believe it". What you were saying is "it didn't happen". Those are two different things. Give you forty acres and you'll turn your position around.

And no, it's not like your UFO story. It's the exact opposite of it.'s the same.

"There is no God."
"I don't believe in God."

Same thing.

The idiot student gave a wild absorb story. I called bullshit. Still no proof it happened.
Pogo has never been able to accept it when he makes a total fool out of himself. :lol:

Nothing yet huh?

I'll check back next week. You keep digging. Don't let those pesky "facts" hold you back. There's a good boy. :itsok:
And by the way the video is out, released to the public. It's on this page.

The biker enters the picture about 0:55 -- the cellphone call to 911 is around 3:00 as the fight escalates.


I'll take my apologies individually, thanks.

And by the way the video is out, released to the public. It's on this page.

The biker enters the picture about 0:55 -- the cellphone call to 911 is around 3:00 as the fight escalates.


I'll take my apologies individually, thanks.

The passenger obviously started the fight. First we see him yelling at somebody. Then we see the guy pull up on the motorcycle. Then the passenger rolls up his sleeves and approaches the guy in a threatening way when he gets off the bike. Then the passenger put his hand on the biker. The biker reacted with a punch (that missed). The passenger kept taunting the biker and going back toward him. Finally the biker gets fed up and kicks his ass. Then driver was also getting involved.
Face it, the passenger picked a fight and got his ass kicked and it had nothing to do with Trump and the idea that the biker was chanting Trump, Trump, Trump is ridiculous and unsubstantiated. Nice try.
And by the way the video is out, released to the public. It's on this page.

The biker enters the picture about 0:55 -- the cellphone call to 911 is around 3:00 as the fight escalates.


I'll take my apologies individually, thanks.

The passenger obviously started the fight. First we see him yelling at somebody. Then we see the guy pull up on the motorcycle. Then the passenger rolls up his sleeves and approaches the guy in a threatening way when he gets off the bike. Then the passenger put his hand on the biker. The biker reacted with a punch (that missed). The passenger kept taunting the biker and going back toward him. Finally the biker gets fed up and kicks his ass. Then driver was also getting involved.
Face it, the passenger picked a fight and got his ass kicked and it had nothing to do with Trump and the idea that the biker was chanting Trump, Trump, Trump is ridiculous and unsubstantiated. Nice try.

THAT's an apology??

Needs work.

---- anybody else? Show da kid how it's done.
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It's also obvious that the biker was trying to leave, and the passenger kept approaching him in a threatening manner. The passenger was obviously looking for a fight and was the aggressor.
And by the way the video is out, released to the public. It's on this page.

The biker enters the picture about 0:55 -- the cellphone call to 911 is around 3:00 as the fight escalates.


I'll take my apologies individually, thanks.

The passenger obviously started the fight. First we see him yelling at somebody. Then we see the guy pull up on the motorcycle. Then the passenger rolls up his sleeves and approaches the guy in a threatening way when he gets off the bike. Then the passenger put his hand on the biker. The biker reacted with a punch (that missed). The passenger kept taunting the biker and going back toward him. Finally the biker gets fed up and kicks his ass. Then driver was also getting involved.
Face it, the passenger picked a fight and got his ass kicked and it had nothing to do with Trump and the idea that the biker was chanting Trump, Trump, Trump is ridiculous and unsubstantiated. Nice try.

THAT's an apology??

Needs work.
Apology for what, exposing a hoax?
The passenger obviously started the fight. First we see him yelling at somebody

Not so "obvious", since what we don't see is what he's yelling at, which would be the black guy described in the complaint. That's all off camera so we don't know what he's reacting to.

That was easy. Next?

Then the passenger rolls up his sleeves and approaches the guy in a threatening way when he gets off the bike.

No, here's what you skipped because it was inconvenient. The biker rolls up in front of the car --- blocking their exit --- at 0:57. There's a verbal exchange for a while with no physical contact, but the first swing is taken by the biker, which leads us to....

The biker reacted with a punch (that missed).

He really looked bad on that :lol: Complete airball. You wonder if the assaulter was drunk. :rofl:

The passenger kept taunting the biker

And how do you know that without audio?

Exactly. You don't. So in the absence of evidence, you pulled it out of your ass.
How come there's so much in there to pull?

Finally the biker gets fed up and kicks his ass

Thank you. So you admit it happened.
STILL not an apology.

it had nothing to do with Trump and the idea that the biker was chanting Trump, Trump, Trump is ridiculous and unsubstantiated.

We've already established that that part is irrelevant.

Now then -- where's that admission that you fucked up and lied and shit?
Take your time.
It's also obvious that the biker was trying to leave, and the passenger kept approaching him in a threatening manner. The passenger was obviously looking for a fight and was the aggressor.

Yeah I'll bet he instructed the driver to pick that particular pump so that they could be hemmed in when the biker blocked their exit path.

Your Doublethink are belong to you.

The kid was walking back to his own place, i.e. the passenger side of the car. Which door by the way the perpetrator kicked shut with his foot.

Oh you "forgot" to mention that part too. The memory is the second thing to go.
A Muslim, a Hispanic and a black man walk into a store. Who attacks who?

NO one, because it's all bullshit.
A Muslim, a Hispanic and a black man walk into a store. Who attacks who?

NO one, because it's all bullshit.

Video is bullshit.
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.

And we save the best for last:
Ignorance is Strength. :rock:

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov... 36 years ago
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Not so "obvious", since what we don't see is what he's yelling at, which would be the black guy described in the complaint. That's all off camera so we don't know what he's reacting to.

That was easy. Next?
He yelled at somebody, then you can see him follow with his eyes as the biker pulled up. It's obvious who he was yelling at, fool.

No, here's what you skipped because it was inconvenient. The biker rolls up in front of the car --- blocking their exit --- at 0:57. There's a verbal exchange for a while with no physical contact, but the first swing is taken by the biker
Yeah, AFTER the passenger put his hand on him (assault).

And how do you know that without audio?

Because he kept running up on him while he was trying to leave, idiot.

We've already established that that part is irrelevant.
Um, no. The whole basis for this thread is that the guy was attacked by a Trump supporter chanting Trump's name. The little punk picked a fight and got his ass kicked, end of story.
I wonder what's going to happen when the real campaign starts and women come forward claiming that they were victims of attack by Hillary's gestapo otherwise known as the "bimbo eruption squad" which was organized to intimidate any woman who was molested by her husband.
Yeah I'll bet he instructed the driver to pick that particular pump so that they could be hemmed in when the biker blocked their exit path.
Neither one of them got back into their car. If they had wanted to leave, they could have backed up since there was no one behind them. Besides that, it's clear that the biker was trying to leave and the punk kept preventing him from doing so. The camera doesn't lie but you obviously are.
Not so "obvious", since what we don't see is what he's yelling at, which would be the black guy described in the complaint. That's all off camera so we don't know what he's reacting to.

That was easy. Next?
He yelled at somebody, then you can see him follow with his eyes as the biker pulled up. It's obvious who he was yelling at, fool.

Exactly -- what cannot be seen is stretched into "obvious". That's exactly what I mean by pulling it out of your ass. It's also what I mean by Doublethink.

No, here's what you skipped because it was inconvenient. The biker rolls up in front of the car --- blocking their exit --- at 0:57. There's a verbal exchange for a while with no physical contact, but the first swing is taken by the biker
Yeah, AFTER the passenger put his hand on him (assault).

Oooooh, he touched me!! I'm "assaulted"!!
Grow a pair, Peewee.

And how do you know that without audio?

Because he kept running up on him while he was trying to leave, idiot.

Once AGAIN what he's approaching is HIS OWN CAR. There's nothing you can do about that.

We've already established that that part is irrelevant.
Um, no. The whole basis for this thread is that the guy was attacked by a Trump supporter chanting Trump's name. The little punk picked a fight and got his ass kicked, end of story.

Why don't you essplain to the class why that even matters, Sparkles.

This is the part I've been waiting for. :popcorn:
Whoa!!! Pogo!!!! A video!!!

So....**something** definitely happened. Racial slurs? TRUMP slurs?? Still no proof of that.

I saw 3 idiots in a fight. Happens every day.

I saw idiots 1 and 2.....and the Mexican begins yelling at someone nearby. Unprovoked.

Then the Mexican begins yelling at a biker as he rides by. The biker stops.

Then the Mexican walks towards him and begins pushing his sleeves if to prepare to fight.

Then....during an unknown exchange of words....the Mexican touches the biker and gets swung on.

Then....the Mexican KEEPS approaching the biker each time he starts back towards his bike. And he gets his dumb ass whooped hahahaha!!!!!!'s what we have.

A Mexican picks a fight with a biker.
Biker kicks his ass in humiliating fashion.

Mexicans friend is now claiming it was a racially motivated attack.

Yeah......I stand by my original stance. THAT story didn't happen.

A fight did happen. But the story the Muslim gave??? No proof. No proof any racial slurs were used and in fact....his border jumping friend STARTED the fight
The problem with this country.....

One white guy yells a racist remark towards a black guy= all white people are racists

One black guy robs a convenient store= all black guys are thieves

When will both sides ever just judge the individual? Probably never, there's no power to gain in that is there?
Oooooh, he touched me!! I'm "assaulted"!!
Grow a pair, Peewee.
According to the law, he was justified in kicking the little punk's ass. You don't like it? Tough shit.

That's right.

Immediately upon reading this story I figured the odds were.....

75% chance it was completely made up (like the U of Mizzou)
20% chance SOMETHING happened...provoked by the Muslim or Mexican....they lost...and now want revenge (exactly how Albany State played out....these guys copy cat that)
5% chance it happened exactly how the Muslim claimed

Was I wrong? Yes. My 75% guess was wrong. My second on.
Whoa!!! Pogo!!!! A video!!!

So....**something** definitely happened. Racial slurs? TRUMP slurs?? Still no proof of that.

Irrelevant. That isn't the crime.
But it's worth nothing the reason there's no proof of that is that there's no audio track. Agreed?
Because that's about to matter for a different reason.

I saw 3 idiots in a fight. Happens every day.

I saw idiots 1 and 2.....and the Mexican begins yelling at someone nearby. Unprovoked.

Where do you get "Mexican" first of all? Are all Hispanics "Mexican"? No wonder you're not a cop anymore -- your powers of observation are nil.

Second, since there's ahem, NO AUDIO TRACK ---- how do you know it was "unprovoked"? What the hell is he looking at when he first gets out of the car --- if there's nothing going on?

I could be a cop, but with my ability to see the obvious I might be overqualified...

Then the Mexican begins yelling at a biker as he rides by. The biker stops.

"Rides by"?? :rofl:
Lie much? He pulls his bike in front of the car. That ensures whoever he's going after can't get away.

"Rides by" my asshole.

Then the Mexican walks towards him and begins pushing his sleeves if to prepare to fight.

The key word dead giveaway --- "as if". You're speculating based on what you want to have happened --- now that you jammed your foot in your mouth when this first came out, and are too much of a pussywimp to admit it.

And again with the "Mexican" shit....

Then....during an unknown exchange of words....the Mexican touches the biker and gets swung on.

Indeed. At the beginning of this post our silent audio somehow told you the first verbal exchange was "unprovoked". Yet now suddenly it becomes "unknown".

Interesting how nonexistent audio turns itself on and off depending on how you want the scenario to go down.

I should be a cop. But unfortunately I'm honest.

Then....the Mexican KEEPS approaching the biker each time he starts back towards his bike. And he gets his dumb ass whooped hahahaha!!!!!!

So now you DO admit it happened.

That's not quite an apology. Try again.

Want a review? Here ya go:


We don't dispute he reported it.

We're saying it's another hoax.

And he's not necessarily "approaching the biker" ---- he's approaching the place where he came from --- the passenger side of the car. The biker is already in their space, having penned them in and circled around the car during the attack which you just ADMITTED happened. You can't approach that passenger side door without also approaching somebody who just put himself in between you and that door. And also kicked the door shut, which like SJ you somehow -- I'm sure it was an oversight --- FAILED to mention.

And again --- "Mexican". What nationality is the other guy then? Careful --- I already know.'s what we have.

A Mexican picks a fight with a biker.
Biker kicks his ass in humiliating fashion.

Mexicans friend is now claiming it was a racially motivated attack.

Is he now.
Even if we overlook "Mexican"...... Link?

Yeah......I stand by my original stance. THAT story didn't happen.

Moving the goalposts. See quote insertions above. Surveillance video does not lie.

A fight did happen. But the story the Muslim gave??? No proof. No proof any racial slurs were used and in fact....his border jumping friend STARTED the fight

"Border jumping"?


And I see we're back to switching our nonexistent audio back on.
Why don't you post that audio clip so we can all hear what you hear, and know that it's not just the voices in your head?

I didn't think you had the stones to man up.
And I was right.

Anybody else?
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Sounds like one of their little stories. Did the Kwik Stop have a camera?

Sorry that restraining order prohibits you from reading links. From that link you can't read:

>> Usama said the police asked Kwik Shop employees for video footage of the incident, but they refused because their manager wasn’t present. Wichita police Lt. Jeff Gilmore said police hope to obtain video from the store by late Monday morning.

Given the nature of the allegations, Gilmore said, “We’re getting right on it.” <<

Won't matter. We'll post it, you brainwashed automatons will watch it and then turn around and deny that it exists.

happened --- ..................... over the weekend. I'm assuming that evidence will hit the press by noon tomorrow then. RIGHT POGO??

You're appointed to go fetch all this,..

SIR mission accomplished SIR. :salute:

Still waiting on my medal of commendation SIR.

Wtf SIR? Cat got your tongue SIR?

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