Muslim student avoids hate crime charges in sending racist homophobic letters

It shows that the liberals' gay-rights-routine is faker than a $6 bill; they rail against a hint of Christian homophobia while supporting the most gay-public-executing, gay-torturing, homosexual-slaughterhouse of a religion of all time. If you need further evidence, look at how liberals instantly threw gays under to bus to defend Pisslam after the Orlando massacre. And don't any liberal give me that "not all muslims" shit; in every opinion poll taken around the world, the majority of muslims support the death penalty for homosexuality. And it fascinates me the way liberal pigs can keep up this extreme of "double think" and not realize how BREATHTAKINGLY full of shit it makes them.
My guess is that at least half of Muslim men are themselves practicing homosexuals or pedophiles.
My guess is that at least half of Muslim men are themselves practicing homosexuals or pedophiles.

Interesting you mention that, because Islam is secretly filled with levels of pederastry the Catholics could only dream of. Did you know that in Afghanistan, there's a muslim tradition called "bacha-bazi" boys in which a pre-pubescent male is used as a rentboy for a get-together of muslim men? Not to mention the fact that marrying little girls is a normal, accepted thing in the toxic radius of Islam's poison influence.

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