Muslim students to Swedish teacher: Won't listen because you're white


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Swedish teachers are concerned over Muslim students’ open hostility to non-Muslims allegedly learned from their extracurricular Koran studies.

Muslim Students to Swedish Teacher: Won't Listen to You "Because You're White"

Oh they are concerned, well guess you stupid asses should have thought of that when everyone else with a brain warned you idiots not to open those borders, and that your Gov. was choosing them over you.
TAKING OVER THE WEST, is a little hard for stupidity level idiots to comprehend.
I don't listen to Muslims, so we're even.

in Islamic LAW----(shariah shit) The kids do have a point------a KAFFIR--
cannot have authority over a muslim. An interesting factoid of the
SPREAD OF ISLAM is-----if a slave converts to islam----his status in society
become superior to that of a kaffir (dhimmi) <<< that mostly means
not enslaved Christians and jews but can include persons of other religions
when convenient to the muslim authorities
Kill 'em all, let God sort them out.

PS: Nuke Mecca.

What's Islamic for "Radioactive sheet of glass" again?
In reality, the student should have been sent to the principal's office, then home.

If the parents support what their kid did, then nuke Mecca. Or at least expel him from school.
Expelling a muslim from state school benefits the muslims who get no benefit from non Islamic schools. They already go to Islamic schools.
muslims claiming to be "people of color" as opposed to "white swedes"----is
a very new phenomenon. IN FACT-----muslims of the middle east, Iran and
Indian subcontinent have a REMARKABLE DISDAIN for "black persons".
For those confused-----the fad is not coincidental-----it is VERY VERY
Now muslims simply DEFINE tens of millions of people as "people of color"---
on whose "SIDE" are MUSLIMS and ISLAM. It is going on BIG---in south
America. Now that the push to grab the black population of the USA (a program which dates back to the pre-world war II era) is virtually successful but worn
muslims claiming to be "people of color" as opposed to "white swedes"----is
a very new phenomenon. IN FACT-----muslims of the middle east, Iran and
Indian subcontinent have a REMARKABLE DISDAIN for "black persons".
For those confused-----the fad is not coincidental-----it is VERY VERY
Now muslims simply DEFINE tens of millions of people as "people of color"---
on whose "SIDE" are MUSLIMS and ISLAM. It is going on BIG---in south
America. Now that the push to grab the black population of the USA (a program which dates back to the pre-world war II era) is virtually successful but worn

So Nuke Mecca, yes?
muslims claiming to be "people of color" as opposed to "white swedes"----is
a very new phenomenon. IN FACT-----muslims of the middle east, Iran and
Indian subcontinent have a REMARKABLE DISDAIN for "black persons".
For those confused-----the fad is not coincidental-----it is VERY VERY
Now muslims simply DEFINE tens of millions of people as "people of color"---
on whose "SIDE" are MUSLIMS and ISLAM. It is going on BIG---in south
America. Now that the push to grab the black population of the USA (a program which dates back to the pre-world war II era) is virtually successful but worn

So Nuke Mecca, yes?

I would rather not-----Mecca was ONCE (before the rapist vandal born there in
came to power) a very culturally diverse city------with all kinds of people living there and passing thru. ------least of all the local Bedouin. Actually LITERATE people came thru, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Jews, Christians and the conducted
business (which amongst civilized people includes contracts) The city is almost DEFINITEY a treasure trove for archaeologists. Another important city lost to the darkness of Islamic rule-----is now called MEDINA
Before the GREAT NAKBA (the ascent of the rapist pig of mecca) It was
Yathrib-----a vibrant jewish city------thus chock full of manuscripts ------hopefully
a few have managed to survive the ravages of islam------deep in the sand
Crackas just drone on and on

Crackas fuck you up, faggot. PS: I am a Cracka.
It’s like “listen crack, I just want a #3 with fries, not your life story”

It's like, you're sitting there babbling your idiotic fuckshit, and then your brain just explodes, and then you hear a shot. You un American piece of shit. Real Americans are not the ones to try, FYI.
^ cracka can’t even form coherent sentences

Oh, but I formed it, and I've said my piece. Do not Tread, motherfucker.

I have noticed a new you. LMAO it's so funny I love it I can't stop laughing " mother fucker". omg!!! :banana::clap::clap::clap2:
The Swedish people (bless their little hearts) have learned the hard way that some "downtrodden" people have absolutely NO concept of gratitude.

You would think that every single refugee in Sweden would literally kiss the ground every morning as a token of gratitude to the Swedish people for letting them live in paradise (as compared with their homelands).
In twenty years Muslims will kill all non-Muslims in Europa. The sad truth

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