Muslim Teenager Beaten to Death by Illegal Immigrant from El Salvador


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail
If true, that would tell us which group is higher on the PC/Identity Politics victim ladder.

At least currently.
Granny says, "Dat's right - gon't let the door bump ya onna butt onna way back...

US tells 200,000 Salvadoreans to leave
Wed, Jan 10, 2018 - GRACE PERIOD: The Salvadorean immigrants were given 18 months to leave or be deported, which officials said should be enough to pass a law allowing them to stay
The US government on Monday announced the end of a special protected status for about 200,000 Salvadorean immigrants, a move that threatens with deportation tens of thousands of well-established families with children born in the US. US Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced the end of the “temporary protected status” (TPS) granted to Salvadoreans already in the US in 2001, when two major earthquakes rocked the Central American country. They were given 18 months to leave or be deported, which officials said is enough time for a legislative solution to be crafted by the US Congress to allow them to stay. “Only Congress can legislate a permanent solution addressing the lack of an enduring lawful immigration status of those currently protected by TPS,” the US Department of Homeland Security said. Part of a broader crackdown on illegal immigration by US President Donald Trump, the move comes after 59,000 long-time resident Haitians and 5,300 Nicaraguans were stripped of similar protections late last year, after having been allowed to set roots in the US for decades.

Democrats in Congress are also fighting to protect the right to stay inside the US of 690,000 young immigrants known as “Dreamers,” people who arrived in the US as children. Trump has said he will back a compromise on the Dreamers if Congress budgets US$18 billion to build a wall along the border with Mexico. Canada said it wanted to “make sure we’re ready” for an influx of Salvadorans, in an effort to prevent the kind of massive flooding of the border that took place after the US ended protections for Haitians. Many, if not most, of those shielded by the TPS had originally entered the US illegally or overstayed visas, but the program had effectively allowed them to settle down without the constant fear of deportation. Previous US governments rolled over the protected status with little debate, but Trump has pursued a tougher “law and order” approach to the issue.


A girl on Monday holds a placard during a protest near the White House demanding that the US Department of Homeland Security extend Temporary Protected Status for about 200,000 Salvadoreans.​

For TPS beneficiaries, the decision was a thunderbolt. “My life is here,” said Minda Hernandez, a 48-year-old housekeeper from Long Island who fled conflict in El Salvador 20 years ago — leaving a one-year-old child behind. “This is where my home is, where I pay my taxes. I am happy here — even if I work myself to death.” Now she fears most for her 16-year-old son, who was born in the US. “There are so many gangs and crime back there,” she said. “But how could I leave him here alone?” Salvadorean President Salvador Sanchez Ceren avoided criticizing Washington and focused on the 18-month grace period.

Ceren’s administration “considers this decision to be a recognition of the contribution of our compatriots who hold this migratory benefit, who are an important workforce in that country,” the Salvadoran presidency said. Ceren’s government has grown closer to the US and was one of only eight countries at the UN to support the US move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital last month. Without a change in the law, more than 195,000 Salvadoreans will be forced to leave the US by Sept. 9 next year, in what amounts to one of the Trump administration’s most substantial moves yet to enforce its crackdown on illegal immigration. This affects large communities of deeply rooted people in California, Texas and around Washington — more than 135,000 households — according to the Center for Migration Studies.

It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail

The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
This is a conundrum for a Liberal. For a Conservative like myself its easy. Go to trial, if he is found guilty execute him, end of story for most of us except for the family of the murder victim they have to live with this shit forever.
It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail

The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
lol! Pulls Trump out of his ass minute by minute.
It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail

The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
spreads what?
please explain?
It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail

The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
spreads what?
please explain?

Crap. He spreads unfounded crap.

All the lies and mistruths that elevated Donald Trump to the White House

A running list of the biggest lies and "alternative facts" from Trump's Joint address

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

These are just the first sites that came up on my search.
It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail

The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
spreads what?
please explain?

Crap. He spreads unfounded crap.

All the lies and mistruths that elevated Donald Trump to the White House

A running list of the biggest lies and "alternative facts" from Trump's Joint address

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

These are just the first sites that came up on my search.
Obama does not know basic grammar/English?
He's not doing nothing
sounds like a ghetto--NFL thug

you are FULL of Crap

'''Mr Trump claimed during the election he was an environmentalist and "a believer in the environment".
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
However, in 2012 he claimed the concept of global warming "was created by and for the Chinese".

this is NOT a lie, but an opinion

"Honestly we've been hearing that number for years. It's always 11 million. Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million," he said. "They have no idea what the number is."

this ALSO, is NOT a lie......'''could be''' !!!!!!!!!!!!
if they are undocumented, they DON'T know how many there are !!!!!!!

YOU are spreading CRAP--just like the media/etc
Last edited:
It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail

The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
spreads what?
please explain?

Crap. He spreads unfounded crap.

All the lies and mistruths that elevated Donald Trump to the White House

A running list of the biggest lies and "alternative facts" from Trump's Joint address

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

These are just the first sites that came up on my search.
Obama does not know basic grammar/English?
He's not doing nothing
sounds like a ghetto--NFL thug

you are FULL of Crap

'''Mr Trump claimed during the election he was an environmentalist and "a believer in the environment".
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
However, in 2012 he claimed the concept of global warming "was created by and for the Chinese".

this is NOT a lie, but an opinion

"Honestly we've been hearing that number for years. It's always 11 million. Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million," he said. "They have no idea what the number is."

this ALSO, is NOT a lie......'''could be''' !!!!!!!!!!!!
if they are undocumented, they DON'T know how many there are !!!!!!!

YOU are spreading CRAP--just like the media/etc

Are you telling me that everything Trump says is the truth?

Look, I took the first websites off to just show you that it's there. Really you should know this stuff. But I'm guess you don't want to know and really don't have the energy to show you something that's pretty fucking basic.
It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail

The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
spreads what?
please explain?

Crap. He spreads unfounded crap.

All the lies and mistruths that elevated Donald Trump to the White House

A running list of the biggest lies and "alternative facts" from Trump's Joint address

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

These are just the first sites that came up on my search.
Obama does not know basic grammar/English?
He's not doing nothing
sounds like a ghetto--NFL thug

you are FULL of Crap

'''Mr Trump claimed during the election he was an environmentalist and "a believer in the environment".
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
However, in 2012 he claimed the concept of global warming "was created by and for the Chinese".

this is NOT a lie, but an opinion

"Honestly we've been hearing that number for years. It's always 11 million. Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million," he said. "They have no idea what the number is."

this ALSO, is NOT a lie......'''could be''' !!!!!!!!!!!!
if they are undocumented, they DON'T know how many there are !!!!!!!

YOU are spreading CRAP--just like the media/etc

Are you telling me that everything Trump says is the truth?

Look, I took the first websites off to just show you that it's there. Really you should know this stuff. But I'm guess you don't want to know and really don't have the energy to show you something that's pretty fucking basic.
I pointed out the idiocy of those links and you get hacky wacky
all the other POTUSs did the same as what you are claiming
The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
spreads what?
please explain?

Crap. He spreads unfounded crap.

All the lies and mistruths that elevated Donald Trump to the White House

A running list of the biggest lies and "alternative facts" from Trump's Joint address

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

These are just the first sites that came up on my search.
Obama does not know basic grammar/English?
He's not doing nothing
sounds like a ghetto--NFL thug

you are FULL of Crap

'''Mr Trump claimed during the election he was an environmentalist and "a believer in the environment".
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
However, in 2012 he claimed the concept of global warming "was created by and for the Chinese".

this is NOT a lie, but an opinion

"Honestly we've been hearing that number for years. It's always 11 million. Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million," he said. "They have no idea what the number is."

this ALSO, is NOT a lie......'''could be''' !!!!!!!!!!!!
if they are undocumented, they DON'T know how many there are !!!!!!!

YOU are spreading CRAP--just like the media/etc

Are you telling me that everything Trump says is the truth?

Look, I took the first websites off to just show you that it's there. Really you should know this stuff. But I'm guess you don't want to know and really don't have the energy to show you something that's pretty fucking basic.
I pointed out the idiocy of those links and you get hacky wacky
all the other POTUSs did the same as what you are claiming

It had absolutely nothing to do with Islamophobia. He was pissed off because they blocked him while he was driving by walking in the street. He followed them to a parking lot and then beat the girl to death with a baseball bat.

However, it didn’t take long for the media to begin trying to blame it all on bigotry. In one article in the Atlantic, unsubtly titled “Muslims Feel Under Siege,” the magazine tried to tie the incident to Sunday night’s London mosque attack even though they fully admitted there was no evidence of a hate crime.

Within minutes of the London attack, police had declared it a terrorist incident,” the article read. “But the police in Fairfax County, Virginia, are not investigating Hassanen’s death as a hate crime, the department said on social media. In its statements, the ADAMS Center community has been careful not to blame the crime on discrimination or religious bias. But that doesn’t change how people are feeling: devastated and scared.”

The media’s totally out of control. Read the full story @ MSM Reports Anti-Muslim "Hate Crime"... Skips 1 Important Detail

The media is out of control, therefore Trump is out of control too, seeing how he spreads this sort of shit whenever it's convenient for him.
spreads what?
please explain?

Crap. He spreads unfounded crap.

All the lies and mistruths that elevated Donald Trump to the White House

A running list of the biggest lies and "alternative facts" from Trump's Joint address

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

These are just the first sites that came up on my search.
Obama does not know basic grammar/English?
He's not doing nothing
sounds like a ghetto--NFL thug

you are FULL of Crap

'''Mr Trump claimed during the election he was an environmentalist and "a believer in the environment".
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
However, in 2012 he claimed the concept of global warming "was created by and for the Chinese".

this is NOT a lie, but an opinion

"Honestly we've been hearing that number for years. It's always 11 million. Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million," he said. "They have no idea what the number is."

this ALSO, is NOT a lie......'''could be''' !!!!!!!!!!!!
if they are undocumented, they DON'T know how many there are !!!!!!!

YOU are spreading CRAP--just like the media/etc

Are you telling me that everything Trump says is the truth?

Look, I took the first websites off to just show you that it's there. Really you should know this stuff. But I'm guess you don't want to know and really don't have the energy to show you something that's pretty fucking basic.
Bill lied UNDER OATH!! and lied to Hillary
Perjury is considered a crime against justice, since lying under oath compromises the authority of courts, grand juries, governing bodies, and public officials. Other crimes against justice include Criminal Contempt of Court, Probation Violation, and tampering with evidence.
[QUOTEThis crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system depends on trust and credibility][/QUOTE]
Perjury - FindLaw

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
Obama does not know basic grammar/English?
He's not doing nothing
sounds like a ghetto--NFL thug

you are FULL of Crap

'''Mr Trump claimed during the election he was an environmentalist and "a believer in the environment".
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.
However, in 2012 he claimed the concept of global warming "was created by and for the Chinese".

this is NOT a lie, but an opinion

"Honestly we've been hearing that number for years. It's always 11 million. Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million," he said. "They have no idea what the number is."

this ALSO, is NOT a lie......'''could be''' !!!!!!!!!!!!
if they are undocumented, they DON'T know how many there are !!!!!!!

YOU are spreading CRAP--just like the media/etc

Are you telling me that everything Trump says is the truth?

Look, I took the first websites off to just show you that it's there. Really you should know this stuff. But I'm guess you don't want to know and really don't have the energy to show you something that's pretty fucking basic.
I pointed out the idiocy of those links and you get hacky wacky
all the other POTUSs did the same as what you are claiming

Lying Crooked Hillary - World-Class Liar

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