Muslim values are very different from American values

To understand Islam one must understand their value system......

1. We love life.....they love death, especially ours

2. We want coexistence.......they want domination

3. We believe in equality......they believe in supremacy

4. We live together......they segregate from us, we are the infidel

5. We love freedom and liberty.....sharia does not allow freedom nor liberty

Is there any rational American who agrees we should import such people......people who will never become real Americans as long as they believe in Islam and sharia....?
Your ignorance about Islam is comical. I think you are talking about the mindset of Isis and other "radical" terrorist jihadist groups. Very very different from the average Muslim
What is telling is how the "average muslim" consistently refuses to condemn these radical cults claiming to be muslim. If my personal belief was being so badly damaged by the actions of terrorist jihadists claiming to be the same as me, I'd be screaming from the rooftops. Not happening, though, is it? Sometimes it isn't what is said, it's the resounding silence of what is not spoken.
To understand Islam one must understand their value system......

1. We love life.....they love death, especially ours

2. We want coexistence.......they want domination

3. We believe in equality......they believe in supremacy

4. We live together......they segregate from us, we are the infidel

5. We love freedom and liberty.....sharia does not allow freedom nor liberty

Is there any rational American who agrees we should import such people......people who will never become real Americans as long as they believe in Islam and sharia....?
Your ignorance about Islam is comical. I think you are talking about the mindset of Isis and other "radical" terrorist jihadist groups. Very very different from the average Muslim

the 'average' muslim does not follow the Koran as much as one who studies it and elects to follow jihad.....if they did we'd be in real trouble...however they will follow their religious leaders who do study the Koran....
There are reasons why a religious congregation is often called a "flock". Brainless sheeple who would rather blindly follow some other guy's interpretation of their religious screeds.
To understand Islam one must understand their value system......

1. We love life.....they love death, especially ours

2. We want coexistence.......they want domination

3. We believe in equality......they believe in supremacy

4. We live together......they segregate from us, we are the infidel

5. We love freedom and liberty.....sharia does not allow freedom nor liberty

Is there any rational American who agrees we should import such people......people who will never become real Americans as long as they believe in Islam and sharia....?
Your ignorance about Islam is comical. I think you are talking about the mindset of Isis and other "radical" terrorist jihadist groups. Very very different from the average Muslim

the 'average' muslim does not follow the Koran as much as one who studies it and elects to follow jihad.....if they did we'd be in real trouble...however they will follow their religious leaders who do study the Koran....
The Bible has just as much violence as the Koran. Jihadist have a warped interpretation and use it to justify their actions. They are just thugs

Complete lie. The Koran clearly instructs its followers to subjugate, rape, and kill infidels. The only "warping" going on are lefties pretending it doesn't.
Take a guess, where do you think these passages are from... Bible or Koran..

“And if a man beats his male or female servant with a rod, so that he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished. Notwithstanding, if he remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he is his property."

"But if the thing is true, and evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones, because she has done a disgraceful thing in Israel, to play the harlot in her father’s house. So you shall put away the evil from among you."

"For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him."
I guess Eagle starts new topics when he gets spanked in his old ones.

Let's see how long this one lasts. :lol:

it's interesting that we have a zillion hate-Trump threads but only a few threads on what to do about the enemy that is killing us.....
This thread has nothing to do with productive talk about a problem. It is just a hateful rant full of misinformation about a subject you obviously know nothing about

and you're the expert......? :rolleyes-41:
Not an expert but I apparently know much more than you about the subject
To understand Islam one must understand their value system......

1. We love life.....they love death, especially ours

2. We want coexistence.......they want domination

3. We believe in equality......they believe in supremacy

4. We live together......they segregate from us, we are the infidel

5. We love freedom and liberty.....sharia does not allow freedom nor liberty

Is there any rational American who agrees we should import such people......people who will never become real Americans as long as they believe in Islam and sharia....?
Your ignorance about Islam is comical. I think you are talking about the mindset of Isis and other "radical" terrorist jihadist groups. Very very different from the average Muslim
What is telling is how the "average muslim" consistently refuses to condemn these radical cults claiming to be muslim. If my personal belief was being so badly damaged by the actions of terrorist jihadists claiming to be the same as me, I'd be screaming from the rooftops. Not happening, though, is it? Sometimes it isn't what is said, it's the resounding silence of what is not spoken.
What are you talking about? Tons of Muslims speak out against terrorism. Do a little research. They are in fact the most affected and murdered by terrorist
think that you are quoting the Old Testament lots of violence in the Old Testament Bible . Thing is that the Old Testament was replaced by the New Testament after Jesus showed up Slade . Course the quoted acts never occur anymore in Christianity and thats the last few undreds of years BUT simmilat 'koranic' commands and then actions ocurr everyday throughout the world . And they have been going on since the founding of 'islam' 1400 years ago Slade .
think that you are quoting the Old Testament lots of violence in the Old Testament Bible . Thing is that the Old Testament was replaced by the New Testament after Jesus showed up Slade . Course the quoted acts never occur anymore in Christianity and thats the last few undreds of years BUT simmilat 'koranic' commands and then actions ocurr everyday throughout the world . And they have been going on since the founding of 'islam' 1400 years ago Slade .
Really? The whole old testament was replaced? So do you no longer believe in Adam and Eve, Moses, the 10 commandments? Or do you believe everything in the old testament but just think those laws were appropriate BC?
Silly question Slade , what i said in my post is the way i understand things . Anyway , the muderous works of 'muslims' is clearly seen throughout all the world and has been clearly seen for the last 1400 years Slade .
i guess that the best answer is to say that Christianity REFORMED , islam has not reformed Slade !!
think that you are quoting the Old Testament lots of violence in the Old Testament Bible . Thing is that the Old Testament was replaced by the New Testament after Jesus showed up Slade . Course the quoted acts never occur anymore in Christianity and thats the last few undreds of years BUT simmilat 'koranic' commands and then actions ocurr everyday throughout the world . And they have been going on since the founding of 'islam' 1400 years ago Slade .
I can go New Testament if you'd like:

Luke 19:27:
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'

Do you want more or do you get the point?
To understand Islam one must understand their value system......

1. We love life.....they love death, especially ours

2. We want coexistence.......they want domination

3. We believe in equality......they believe in supremacy

4. We live together......they segregate from us, we are the infidel

5. We love freedom and liberty.....sharia does not allow freedom nor liberty

Is there any rational American who agrees we should import such people......people who will never become real Americans as long as they believe in Islam and sharia....?
Your ignorance about Islam is comical. I think you are talking about the mindset of Isis and other "radical" terrorist jihadist groups. Very very different from the average Muslim
What is telling is how the "average muslim" consistently refuses to condemn these radical cults claiming to be muslim. If my personal belief was being so badly damaged by the actions of terrorist jihadists claiming to be the same as me, I'd be screaming from the rooftops. Not happening, though, is it? Sometimes it isn't what is said, it's the resounding silence of what is not spoken.
----------------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that most muslim can go either way and figure that its best to stay quiet as a mouse as the war is and not draw attention to themselves . Germans in the 40s with the 'nazis' running rampant did the same thing i reckon GWarrior .
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think that you are quoting the Old Testament lots of violence in the Old Testament Bible . Thing is that the Old Testament was replaced by the New Testament after Jesus showed up Slade . Course the quoted acts never occur anymore in Christianity and thats the last few undreds of years BUT simmilat 'koranic' commands and then actions ocurr everyday throughout the world . And they have been going on since the founding of 'islam' 1400 years ago Slade .
I can go New Testament if you'd like:

Luke 19:27:
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'

Do you want more or do you get the point?
-------------------------------------------- you read what i typed , i am not a Bible scholar but as i said , Chritianity reformed in Western Civilization . 'muslims' can't , won't , don't reform under muslim thinking and civilization Slade .
To understand Islam one must understand their value system......

1. We love life.....they love death, especially ours

2. We want coexistence.......they want domination

3. We believe in equality......they believe in supremacy

4. We live together......they segregate from us, we are the infidel

5. We love freedom and liberty.....sharia does not allow freedom nor liberty

Is there any rational American who agrees we should import such people......people who will never become real Americans as long as they believe in Islam and sharia....?
A foreigner must integrate into a new country and if by chance he was born from the parents of another country's origin the least of things to be happy to live the American dream but those people are problematic people.
Who makes attacks in the world, whites, blacks, Chinese. But who? Who hate us so strongly that they are blown up by shouting Allah Akbar
Muslim terrorists
Silly question Slade , what i said in my post is the way i understand things . Anyway , the muderous works of 'muslims' is clearly seen throughout all the world and has been clearly seen for the last 1400 years Slade .
I'm talking about a gross mischaracterization of a religion that over a billion of people are a part of and a group of small minded individuals like the OP tjat
think that you are quoting the Old Testament lots of violence in the Old Testament Bible . Thing is that the Old Testament was replaced by the New Testament after Jesus showed up Slade . Course the quoted acts never occur anymore in Christianity and thats the last few undreds of years BUT simmilat 'koranic' commands and then actions ocurr everyday throughout the world . And they have been going on since the founding of 'islam' 1400 years ago Slade .
I can go New Testament if you'd like:

Luke 19:27:
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'

Do you want more or do you get the point?
-------------------------------------------- you read what i typed , i am not a Bible scholar but as i said , Chritianity reformed in Western Civilization . 'muslims' can't , won't , don't reform under muslim thinking and civilization Slade .
So you are talking about a cultural and socioeconomic issues not a religious issue. The doctrines of the Koran and the Bible both have many beautiful and useful lessons, but they both have ugly, violent, and discriminatory messages as well. To blame "Islam" for these problems is extremely naive.

If we are looking at just the cultural/socioeconomic side of things, you can't make the case that the actions of a group of violent "extremists" represents the masses. That would be like saying all Americans are like the Crypts and Bloods, those are gangs incase you didn't know. Wealth, diversity, and opportunity along with a superior form of governing (our democratic republic) has evolved our country well beyond many of those in the middle east that have been in a constant state of warfare, with the majority of their citizens being in poverty. It is those conditions that have paved the way for these terrorist groups to form.
Silly question Slade , what i said in my post is the way i understand things . Anyway , the muderous works of 'muslims' is clearly seen throughout all the world and has been clearly seen for the last 1400 years Slade .
I'm talking about a gross mischaracterization of a religion that over a billion of people are a part of and a group of small minded individuals like the OP tjat
think that you are quoting the Old Testament lots of violence in the Old Testament Bible . Thing is that the Old Testament was replaced by the New Testament after Jesus showed up Slade . Course the quoted acts never occur anymore in Christianity and thats the last few undreds of years BUT simmilat 'koranic' commands and then actions ocurr everyday throughout the world . And they have been going on since the founding of 'islam' 1400 years ago Slade .
I can go New Testament if you'd like:

Luke 19:27:
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'

Do you want more or do you get the point?
-------------------------------------------- you read what i typed , i am not a Bible scholar but as i said , Chritianity reformed in Western Civilization . 'muslims' can't , won't , don't reform under muslim thinking and civilization Slade .
So you are talking about a cultural and socioeconomic issues not a religious issue. The doctrines of the Koran and the Bible both have many beautiful and useful lessons, but they both have ugly, violent, and discriminatory messages as well. To blame "Islam" for these problems is extremely naive.

If we are looking at just the cultural/socioeconomic side of things, you can't make the case that the actions of a group of violent "extremists" represents the masses. That would be like saying all Americans are like the Crypts and Bloods, those are gangs incase you didn't know. Wealth, diversity, and opportunity along with a superior form of governing (our democratic republic) has evolved our country well beyond many of those in the middle east that have been in a constant state of warfare, with the majority of their citizens being in poverty. It is those conditions that have paved the way for these terrorist groups to form.
----------------------------------------- I think that YOU and other lefty apologists are 'fos' , i see what muslims do and have been doing since the founding of 'islam' 1400 years ago Slade .

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