Muslim Woman Denied Foster Kids Because She Doesn't Eat Bacon

Sorry, G...

The religious observance is hardly a reason to deny this woman. It might be a consideration in placement, but this is just another example of big government regulations aimed at a narrowing conformity....

...another one-size-fits-all.

And I assure you it was NOT the reason.
Wow! The bigots are out in this thread.

Whatever you say, but I would have the same reaction if it was a Christian or Jew showing the same type of inflexibility! Fuck the PC shit when it comes to children. They are too vulnerable. I reallty don't care if a person feels violated because she was denied because she showed a tendency that could be harmful to the children that are in her care. Too many foster kids are abused physically, sexually and EMOTIONALLY!

You can be a religious person and be a foster parent, but make it a secular environment otherwise don't cry when they deny your application.

This is another case of a crying Muslim, whose religious tenets are to deny everyone else's rights, who demands special treatment! Fuck her and her sensitivity.
Wow, you are an asshole and an idiot.

Thanks Neville.

Nothing spells intellect quite like the denial of reality in favor of "inclusiveness."

Peace in our time.

MuhAmmad Ali is Muslim, and has an adopted child. You have a problem with that?

You mean Cassius Clay?

It is amazing how having Huessein, Achmed Muhammed or other muslim sounding names is ok as long as you are in sports or other aspects of the entertainment industry.
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In this country you have the right not to be discriminated against due to your religion by a state agency. Which is what you are advocating.
Advocating for rights to be denied due to someone's religion is much more destructive, and completely unconstitutional.

Who was denied rights?

What rights were they denied?

Yep the right is accepting and for small government. Didn't the Nazi's discriminate against people due to their religion?

Funny you bring up Nazis, Neville...

{“Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay Jizya (tribute taxes) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” Surah 9:29. }
Orthodox Jews keep a Kosher diet and do not eat pork.

Can you imagine to uproar if a Jewish woman was denied foster children because she didn't eat pork or keep pork products in her home.?

The Jewish Orthodox woman would be more flexible, its in the Jews nature :lol:! If she show inflexibility like the Muslim in the piece then she should be denied!

Frankly any too religious person should NOT be a foster parent. They are going to get kids of all backgrounds and there is too much of a conflict of interests!

Sorry, G...

The religious observance is hardly a reason to deny this woman. It might be a consideration in placement, but this is just another example of big government regulations aimed at a narrowing conformity....

...another one-size-fits-all.

Let's make it a Jew. What if an orthodox Jew had some Christian and Muslim children under her or even reform Jews. She said no bacon for you, but also no leaving the house on the day of rest - Sabbath, no bread during passover and the day of fasting - No food! She would be pushing her views on the children and showing 0 flexibility. That would be harmful to the children.

I think her conflict of interest is too great. But say a orthodox religious person who stomp on all their beliefs and raises the foster children in a secular environment, then she would be a causalty against the PC game. The probability that a foster parent would allow the children in her home who she feeds, clothes and cleans up after to not live by their STRONG belief system is way too low. Most overly religious people had a high sense or self-righteousness (why most Muslims are self-righteous :lol:).

Sorry by when it comes to protecting kids, esp the most vulnerable (kids without parents), I say toss out the PC bullshit and do what's best for the kids!
Correct but you can denied about of other issues like inflexibility, which goes against the rules of the organization!

In this country you have the right not to be discriminated against due to your religion by a state agency. Which is what you are advocating.
Advocating for rights to be denied due to someone's religion is much more destructive, and completely unconstitutional.

Who was denied rights?

What rights were they denied?

Yep the right is accepting and for small government. Didn't the Nazi's discriminate against people due to their religion?

Funny you bring up Nazis, Neville...

{“Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay Jizya (tribute taxes) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” Surah 9:29. }
If it weren't for the chicken nugget threads we have had all week, I would call BS.

But the fact we have nanny state idiots demanding parents give kids unhealthier foods in one area makes me see the point they would demand unhealthier foods in another.

It could be the woman is a whack job and they wanted to let her down easy, or it really could be an example of really stupid prejudice desperate for any excuse. Or given the chicken nugget debate we have had, the CSD person really could be that stupid
Is this a good point to bring back up about eating catfish being as big of a sin as eating pork?
Well for those who believe eating pork is a sin.
In this country you have the right not to be discriminated against due to your religion by a state agency. Which is what you are advocating.

You don't have a "right" to be a foster parent.

There are higher standards when entrusting people with children that are not their own.

Sorry, being a Nazi, Muslim or a Communist, legitimately disqualifies people from certain positions of trust.

You still have the right to follow those creeds, but the choice to do so will disqualify you from certain positions of trust. You have the right to be a drunk, but if you exercise that right, you can't be an airline pilot.
There is a severe shortage of decent foster parents in this country. Either there is a lot more to this story or the agency made a huge mistake.
Orthodox Jews keep a Kosher diet and do not eat pork.

Can you imagine to uproar if a Jewish woman was denied foster children because she didn't eat pork or keep pork products in her home.?

The abstinence from pork is an outdated precaution that has absolutely no reason to be followed today.

It shows how close minded religious people are. And besides bacon is fucking delicious.

Anyone who wants to deny children the pleasure of Bacon or pulled pork sandwiches isn't fit to be a parent.
Orthodox Jews keep a Kosher diet and do not eat pork.

Can you imagine to uproar if a Jewish woman was denied foster children because she didn't eat pork or keep pork products in her home.?

The abstinence from pork is an outdated precaution that has absolutely no reason to be followed today.

It shows how close minded religious people are. And besides bacon is fucking delicious.

Anyone who wants to deny children the pleasure of Bacon or pulled pork sandwiches isn't fit to be a parent.

Amen brother. Now if the muslim women would have only stated I have an inflexibility to soda pop and fried foods, Mrs Obama would have put her in Obama's cabinet!
I think I would rather put a child in a home where they don't serve pork, then with their crack head mom. I think them not serving pork is the least of their worries in the foster care system.
The parent is the parent and they make the rules of the household. The job of the CSD is to make sure the child is well cared for and treated like any other member of the household.

It is not the job of the CSD to decide whether Pork or chicken goes on the table.
When ever I want some bacon with my eggs for breakfast or crave a BLT sandwich.

I buy turkey bacon at the grocery store.

Looks and tastes exactly like regular bacon. :cool:
MuhAmmad Ali is Muslim, and has an adopted child. You have a problem with that?

It was a private adoption. The family providing the child knew and wanted the child in a Muslim home.

This woman could undoubtedly find a Muslim adoption agency to adopt from.
There is a severe shortage of decent foster parents in this country. Either there is a lot more to this story or the agency made a huge mistake.

We had a guy who worked in shipping. Friday is our biggest shipping day. He was "No Show - No Call" on 6 Fridays. He was written up several times, but the behavior continued. Finally, we fired him.

When he went for unemployment, he told EDD that we fired him because he was black.

There's always more to the story.

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