Muslim Woman Denied Foster Kids Because She Doesn't Eat Bacon

Orthodox Jews keep a Kosher diet and do not eat pork.

Can you imagine to uproar if a Jewish woman was denied foster children because she didn't eat pork or keep pork products in her home.?

The abstinence from pork is an outdated precaution that has absolutely no reason to be followed today.

It shows how close minded religious people are. And besides bacon is fucking delicious.

Anyone who wants to deny children the pleasure of Bacon or pulled pork sandwiches isn't fit to be a parent.

-people follow a lot of outdated stuff cause of the bible
MuhAmmad Ali is Muslim, and has an adopted child. You have a problem with that?

It was a private adoption. The family providing the child knew and wanted the child in a Muslim home.

This woman could undoubtedly find a Muslim adoption agency to adopt from.

I think it interesting you are for discriminating against people due to their religion. It says a lot.
I think it interesting you are for discriminating against people due to their religion. It says a lot.

First off, there is no evidence that the reason she was denied has anything to do with bacon.

Secondly, do you think an Aryan Nations advocate who won't allow corn bread or watermelon in the house because it's "unclean" should be part of a state foster care system?

Why or why not?
Catholic's don't eat meat on Fridays.

I wonder if that would disqualify them from keeping foster children?
I think it interesting you are for discriminating against people due to their religion. It says a lot.

First off, there is no evidence that the reason she was denied has anything to do with bacon.

Secondly, do you think an Aryan Nations advocate who won't allow corn bread or watermelon in the house because it's "unclean" should be part of a state foster care system?

Why or why not?

I didnt say anything about this lady, I am commenting on the statements you have made.
It probably has more to do with the chance she will indoctrinate the children to become suicide bombers..
You have the right to BE a Nazi, Muslim or Communist, but you forfeit the option of caring for other peoples children when you do.

Your statements.
Anyone whacko enough to not eat bacon needs to be scrutized intently and not at all trusted.

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