Muslim world in peril for militancy

Plus USA first war was against 'muslims' because muslims thought they had the Right [from 'allah' } to piracy on American shipping .
I am always amused when people bring up the muslim pirates.

Fact is, they were pirates, plundering for treasure, not trying to convert people and spread religion. Heck during that time period, France, England, and Spain, which were Christian countries, all sponsored pirates against other countries and shared in the loot.

Another fact that is purposely left out of the narrative, is that muslim Morocco was the first nation to recognize America as a new country and set up diplomatic relations, which are still in force today and have never been broken. ...... :cool:
------------------------------------------------------------------ barbary pirates were working with the blessings of 'allah' same as the muslim murderers that flew jets into the Trade Towers or the muslims that invaded Spain 1400 years ago or the muslims that murdered and burnt Fahrkunda a few years ago Sunni . ----------------- and thats all fine , we had the war , cleaned up the Trade Towers but NOW , well its time to keep muslims numbers LOW in the USA and keep them where they belong Sunni

Really. Allah hisself came down and "blessed" them, did he? Took time out from his busy schedule to bless some pirates? What a guy. Arrrr.

Got news for ya. Jesus "blessed" way more than pirates. Wars, mass genocides, slave trafficking, burning people alive or pouring molted lead down their throats, you name it. Took time from His busy schedule too to come down and bless Hitler. He told us so. Not to mention the Old Testicle where in true Bob Dylian fashion everybody must get stoned.

Yanno Buddha is "blessing" his flock of aggressors in Thailand right now. Against Muslims. Can't sit on his buddt and let Jeebus and Al have ALL the "blessings".

It's always sump'm. Humans never run out of mythological crutches for their own monstrosities.
And they count on gullibles like you to let them do it.
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the pertinent info is in paragraphs 4 and 5 as to WHY the muslims have the Prophet given 'right' to piracy of ALL infidel shipping as explained by muslim Ambassador of Tripoli 'abd al rahman' and explained to Thomas Jefferson .
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Muslim world in peril for militancy

Is there even such a thing?

Is there a "Christian world"? A "Buddhist world"? An "agnostic world"?

Yes. Well, probably not agnostic.

In my own world view there are no divisions such as that. If I ran the world, AND I am working on taking it over, we would not have this. Unfortunately, my world view isn't the only one out there. I know, it's a bummer. No one took that harder than myself.

SUch divisions are real. If you ran the world, they would still be there.

Cario is not Dallas. Pretending otherwise won't make it so.

Don't underestimate my ability to be a supreme dictator. My inner child is a control freak.

When I get up and walk outside into the big bad world, my view is solely that the other person I encounter is human...and sometimes that one is hard as hell-if not impossible. I don't have the luxury of politicizing people.

That said, being cognizant of different world views is not equal to acceptance. As the Supreme Dictator of the World........I have a limit on the love, peace and chicken grease vibe. You can be open minded but not so open minded that your brain falls out.

Thus, Cairo is absolutely not Dallas. There is no pretense.

Right now there is a focus on sovereignty and money. Inside many of these countries are people that have families, friends, jobs and at different times had as close to secularism as you can get in these areas. There are nightclubs and bars in Cairo. Whether or not you realize it there are a lot of people caught in the middle. Proxy wars between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and larger proxy wars between Russia and the US (formerly Britain), have been playing out for what feels like an eternity.

And we send money via taxes.

So, the message currently being sent is kill it or face economic sanctions, no US tax dollars, and the loss of sovereignty. It may be the only opportunity that shows itself for another 20 years. Hence, "and the government can continue the pace of development". Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is simply acknowledging there is a problem and putting people on notice. That is not an altogether bad thing.

There are a lot of awesome things to see and experience in these countries but I'm a female. I refuse to spend free time and money in a place where that is a life and death issue. I am not alone in that.
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muslim reasoning as to WHY it was a muslims religious duty to attack American shipping using piracy . The reasoning was religious and is spoken about in the 'koran' as the RIGHT given by the 'PROHET and is written in the 'koran' . This was explained to THOMAS JEFFERSON by the 'ambassador of tripoli ' a muslim named 'abd al rahman' . --- see commentary in this link about 8 paragraphs down in the article on this link as to WHY muslims had the 'right' to piracy and to make slaves of Americans and ALL non muslims . . --- Tough-guy Thomas Jefferson crushed Muslim terrorists --- pirating , enemy and warring muslims were crushed at that time and its time to do it again .
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said the Muslim Ummah was facing danger and crisis as some people chose the wrong path of militancy.

“The whole Muslim Ummah has got trapped in danger due to some people's move to take a confusing path [of militancy]. We won't allow militancy and terrorism to be active in our country,” she said.

The PM was inaugurating the Hajj Programme-2017 at the Hajj Camp in the city's Ashkona.

Some people were misusing Islam by killing innocent people in the name of the religion, she said. “As a result, innocent Muslims across the world are facing harassment and even losing their lives.”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also said Islam is the religion of peace and there is no scope in Islam for killing innocent people, Hasina told the programme.

“No one has the right to kill innocent people; the almighty Allah will give the last verdict. Why can't they keep confidence and trust in Him?”

About suicidal attempts by militants, she said Islam never permits taking own life.

“Islam never said one would go to heaven by committing suicide. Some people are creating this confusion...we don't want our people to take this confusing path.”

Terming hajjis the guests of Allah, Hasina urged them to pray for Bangladesh so that people can live in peace and the government can continue the pace of development.
Muslim world in militancy danger

Good job.

SHe admits that the whole Muslim world is in danger of becoming "militant" and yet whines about "harassment"?

Here is my position. I wish her luck, and want to keep their problems from being my problem.

Ban Third World Immigration.
-------------------------------------------------------------- i add , ban ALL immigration . One EXAMPLE of WHY is that First world English want more gun control when they get to the USA . All immigrants are is problems when they get to the USA as many of them start to agitate for what they had .

Interesting. I suspect these guys would agree.


Mayhaps the Aztecs and Arawaks would agree by now that "all immigrants are is problems".
And the Picts and Celts. In their own syntax of course.
And the Basques.
And the Maori.
And the Inuit.

What a piss poor kind of excuse is that for putting up with terror today?
yeah , the boneheads figure that there must be payback and i'm thiking that payback may happen seeing the namby pambiness of the WEST and MAYBE the USA . Thing is though , that if my thinking is correct its going to be the next generation of Americans that are going to be paying the bill .
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said the Muslim Ummah was facing danger and crisis as some people chose the wrong path of militancy.

“The whole Muslim Ummah has got trapped in danger due to some people's move to take a confusing path [of militancy]. We won't allow militancy and terrorism to be active in our country,” she said.

The PM was inaugurating the Hajj Programme-2017 at the Hajj Camp in the city's Ashkona.

Some people were misusing Islam by killing innocent people in the name of the religion, she said. “As a result, innocent Muslims across the world are facing harassment and even losing their lives.”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also said Islam is the religion of peace and there is no scope in Islam for killing innocent people, Hasina told the programme.

“No one has the right to kill innocent people; the almighty Allah will give the last verdict. Why can't they keep confidence and trust in Him?”

About suicidal attempts by militants, she said Islam never permits taking own life.

“Islam never said one would go to heaven by committing suicide. Some people are creating this confusion...we don't want our people to take this confusing path.”

Terming hajjis the guests of Allah, Hasina urged them to pray for Bangladesh so that people can live in peace and the government can continue the pace of development.
Muslim world in militancy danger

Good job.

SHe admits that the whole Muslim world is in danger of becoming "militant" and yet whines about "harassment"?

Here is my position. I wish her luck, and want to keep their problems from being my problem.

Ban Third World Immigration.
-------------------------------------------------------------- i add , ban ALL immigration . One EXAMPLE of WHY is that First world English want more gun control when they get to the USA . All immigrants are is problems when they get to the USA as many of them start to agitate for what they had .

Interesting. I suspect these guys would agree.


Mayhaps the Aztecs and Arawaks would agree by now that "all immigrants are is problems".
And the Picts and Celts. In their own syntax of course.
And the Basques.
And the Maori.
And the Inuit.

Your point is well taken. Unrestricted immigration does not serve the interests of those already living in a land.

Good point.

Ban Third World Immigration. Limit First World Immigration.

Or we might end up like those poor indians.
Plus USA first war was against 'muslims' because muslims thought they had the Right [from 'allah' } to piracy on American shipping .
I am always amused when people bring up the muslim pirates.

Fact is, they were pirates, plundering for treasure, not trying to convert people and spread religion. Heck during that time period, France, England, and Spain, which were Christian countries, all sponsored pirates against other countries and shared in the loot.

Another fact that is purposely left out of the narrative, is that muslim Morocco was the first nation to recognize America as a new country and set up diplomatic relations, which are still in force today and have never been broken. ...... :cool:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- morrocco , what the heck is morocco anyway ?? Most significant thing about 'morrocco' is that James Cagney' mighta hung around 'morrocco' . And nowadays 'morroco' probably gets some kind of aid from the USA ,
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and in 2015 'morocco' got 84,million of MY USA money in aid of some type . Thats if i am reading this linked neat site correctly . --- FAE: Dashboard --- . That for 2015 because numbers for 2016 are not fully compiled yet . Check it out and correct me if i am incorrect Please .
morrocco , what the heck is morocco anyway ?? Most significant thing about 'morrocco' is that James Cagney' mighta hung around 'morrocco' . And nowadays 'morroco' probably gets some kind of aid from the USA ,
You might consider doing a little research on the relationship between the U.S. and Morocco.

Morocco has been a steadfast strategic partner and close ally in the N African region for over two centuries. ..... :cool:
well , why don't you just tell me what they do , whatever it is it currently costs ME 84 million dollars for the year 2015 Sunni .
i would guess that morocco is about as usefull as 'dicko markovics' little country [whats its name] in europe that wants to join or has joined nato Sunni .
well , why don't you just tell me what they do , whatever it is it currently costs ME 84 million dollars for the year 2015 Sunni .

YOU're being taxed 84 million buckos? Might want to find a different accountant.
thats my 84 million American dollars going to some moroccan nuslim beggars for no reason thats important to me Pogo !!
well , why don't you just tell me what they do , whatever it is it currently costs ME 84 million dollars for the year 2015 Sunni .
I'm not doing your homework for you Pismoe.

If you want to live in ignorance on the subject.

That is your prerogative. ..... :cool:
-------------------------------------------------------------------- when morocco becomes important i might check them out same as i informed you guys why Thomas Jefferson had to kick muslim azz a couple hundred years ago during the 'barbary' wars Sunni .. Until then , morocco just ain't important except to . maybe James Cagney fans Sunni .
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said the Muslim Ummah was facing danger and crisis as some people chose the wrong path of militancy.

“The whole Muslim Ummah has got trapped in danger due to some people's move to take a confusing path [of militancy]. We won't allow militancy and terrorism to be active in our country,” she said.

The PM was inaugurating the Hajj Programme-2017 at the Hajj Camp in the city's Ashkona.

Some people were misusing Islam by killing innocent people in the name of the religion, she said. “As a result, innocent Muslims across the world are facing harassment and even losing their lives.”

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also said Islam is the religion of peace and there is no scope in Islam for killing innocent people, Hasina told the programme.

“No one has the right to kill innocent people; the almighty Allah will give the last verdict. Why can't they keep confidence and trust in Him?”

About suicidal attempts by militants, she said Islam never permits taking own life.

“Islam never said one would go to heaven by committing suicide. Some people are creating this confusion...we don't want our people to take this confusing path.”

Terming hajjis the guests of Allah, Hasina urged them to pray for Bangladesh so that people can live in peace and the government can continue the pace of development.
Muslim world in militancy danger

Good job.

Does he know that non-Muslims are not innocents? Ten to one he does.

It's a she.

Even worse. Muhammad said women should not be leaders.

Whelp ---- let's check in on JustHadABender and see if he's come up with anything yet after spotting him two days.

Perhaps he was thinking of this....?

Crafty ol' Mohammed ---- writing under another name....... :rofl:

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