Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Pride Parade

so far----there is absolutely no evidence that GAY is a NURTURE over NATURE issue
Bull. That is what his studies prove, that it is environmenally caused, not genetic.

wrong again----you are citing the DISPROVEN
partyline of the 1960s ---into the 70s I remember that era well------when it was all blamed on blue PJ's vs Pink PJ's. Other than the blue vs pink -----babies were born NEUTER------watta joke------I am not a hippie---I am a neuroscientist
No I am not citing discredited studies from the 60's:

"Excerpted from OTToday: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated."

try again----I actually did not state "THERE IS (---or is not)A GAY GENE" I did state that hormones exert an influence on the developing brain of the fetus IN UTERO---and it includes male vs female hormones. The development of the human brain and the hormonal balance in and exerted upon EACH AND EVERY fetus is a very complex and----unique --situation. -----the process of brain development-----as YOU KNOW----extend way out------virtually thruout life
Yawn....its a futile attempt to prove fags are not just degenerate perverts and nothing more.

so far----there is absolutely no evidence that GAY is a NURTURE over NATURE issue
Bull. That is what his studies prove, that it is environmenally caused, not genetic.

wrong again----you are citing the DISPROVEN
partyline of the 1960s ---into the 70s I remember that era well------when it was all blamed on blue PJ's vs Pink PJ's. Other than the blue vs pink -----babies were born NEUTER------watta joke------I am not a hippie---I am a neuroscientist
No I am not citing discredited studies from the 60's:

"Excerpted from OTToday: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated."

Of course that also means that nobody is born straight.
No it doesn't. We are supposed to reproduce and we are given the anatomy to do so. You are born to be straight.


Why do you suddenly reject a scientific finding when you disagree with it?

Remember- the assertion is that if homosexuality were 'genetic' that 100% of identifical twins with 1 gay sibling would be both gay.

Scientifically, the same logic would apply- if heterosexuality were genetic- then 100% of all identifical twins with 1 straight sibling would both be straight- but they aren't.

If the science 'proves' gays are not born 'gay'- then the very same science proves that straights are not born straight.
so far----there is absolutely no evidence that GAY is a NURTURE over NATURE issue
Bull. That is what his studies prove, that it is environmenally caused, not genetic.

wrong again----you are citing the DISPROVEN
partyline of the 1960s ---into the 70s I remember that era well------when it was all blamed on blue PJ's vs Pink PJ's. Other than the blue vs pink -----babies were born NEUTER------watta joke------I am not a hippie---I am a neuroscientist
No I am not citing discredited studies from the 60's:

"Excerpted from OTToday: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated."

try again----I actually did not state "THERE IS (---or is not)A GAY GENE" I did state that hormones exert an influence on the developing brain of the fetus IN UTERO---and it includes male vs female hormones. The development of the human brain and the hormonal balance in and exerted upon EACH AND EVERY fetus is a very complex and----unique --situation. -----the process of brain development-----as YOU KNOW----extend way out------virtually thruout life
Yawn....its a futile attempt to prove fags are not just degenerate perverts and nothing more.

You do have so much in common with the degenerates who attack gays for just being gay- and nothing more.
Gay Pride parades are a disgusting display for sure, but their rights are secured under the Constitution and they deserve a right to safety. Now the city could make sure it takes place from 3 to 5 AM during the month of January so the bastards have to wear clothes.
Gay Pride parades are a disgusting display for sure, but their rights are secured under the Constitution and they deserve a right to safety. Now the city could make sure it takes place from 3 to 5 AM during the month of January so the bastards have to wear clothes.

The "right" to public nudity and lewd acts in front of children are not secured rights. If cities have laws against public lewd acts and nudity, they apply to parades as well. Nobody is above the law.

Gay Pride parades are a disgusting display for sure, but their rights are secured under the Constitution and they deserve a right to safety. Now the city could make sure it takes place from 3 to 5 AM during the month of January so the bastards have to wear clothes.

The "right" to public nudity and lewd acts in front of children are not secured rights. If cities have laws against public lewd acts and nudity, they apply to parades as well. Nobody is above the law.


where did that parade take place? I have been to gay parades -----nothing like that ^^
Bull. That is what his studies prove, that it is environmenally caused, not genetic.

wrong again----you are citing the DISPROVEN
partyline of the 1960s ---into the 70s I remember that era well------when it was all blamed on blue PJ's vs Pink PJ's. Other than the blue vs pink -----babies were born NEUTER------watta joke------I am not a hippie---I am a neuroscientist
No I am not citing discredited studies from the 60's:

"Excerpted from OTToday: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated."

Of course that also means that nobody is born straight.
No it doesn't. We are supposed to reproduce and we are given the anatomy to do so. You are born to be straight.


Why do you suddenly reject a scientific finding when you disagree with it?

Remember- the assertion is that if homosexuality were 'genetic' that 100% of identifical twins with 1 gay sibling would be both gay.

Scientifically, the same logic would apply- if heterosexuality were genetic- then 100% of all identifical twins with 1 straight sibling would both be straight- but they aren't.

If the science 'proves' gays are not born 'gay'- then the very same science proves that straights are not born straight.
No it doesn't. You're just too slow to get it. If one is not born homo, that means it has environmental causations. For example, let's say one twin winded up being molested by another male at a young age and the other didn't.... That explains why one is straight and the other a deviant.
Last edited:
Gay Pride parades are a disgusting display for sure, but their rights are secured under the Constitution and they deserve a right to safety. Now the city could make sure it takes place from 3 to 5 AM during the month of January so the bastards have to wear clothes.
No....they do not have the right to be faggots. It was criminal before and it should be criminal today(to practice it that is).
Bull. That is what his studies prove, that it is environmenally caused, not genetic.

wrong again----you are citing the DISPROVEN
partyline of the 1960s ---into the 70s I remember that era well------when it was all blamed on blue PJ's vs Pink PJ's. Other than the blue vs pink -----babies were born NEUTER------watta joke------I am not a hippie---I am a neuroscientist
No I am not citing discredited studies from the 60's:

"Excerpted from OTToday: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated."

try again----I actually did not state "THERE IS (---or is not)A GAY GENE" I did state that hormones exert an influence on the developing brain of the fetus IN UTERO---and it includes male vs female hormones. The development of the human brain and the hormonal balance in and exerted upon EACH AND EVERY fetus is a very complex and----unique --situation. -----the process of brain development-----as YOU KNOW----extend way out------virtually thruout life
Yawn....its a futile attempt to prove fags are not just degenerate perverts and nothing more.

You do have so much in common with the degenerates who attack gays for just being gay- and nothing more.
I don't like faggots...that's all I have in common with them.
Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Rights Parade

Jim Hoft Jun 17th, 2016 8:17 amLeave a Comment

" The Anatolia Muslim Youth Association called for an “intervention” this week against the upcoming gay rights parade in Istanbul. The youth group said either the authorities call off the parade or they will “perform their duties”against the gays.

The Muslim youth group members were also upset the parade was scheduled during the holy month of Ramadan.
The Hurriyet Daily reported:

At a time when the world is mourning the massacre of 49 people at a gay night club in Orlando, a new massacre is being brewed by Islamists and a far-right nationalist group in Istanbul.

One day after a group called the Anatolia Muslim Youth Association (MAG) called for an “intervention” against the “immoral” LGBT Pride March to be held on June 26 in Istanbul’s Taksim, the Alperen Hearths, an ultranationalist youth organization linked to the nationalist Great Union Party (BBP), threatened on June 14 to “take all risks necessary to stop the march.”

Vowing not to allow “immoral people to perform their fantasies,” the organization’s Istanbul provincial head, Kürşat Mican, told journalists that the Alperen Hearths vowed to give a “very clear and harsh response” if the state did not interfere.

“They can do whatever they want by gathering somewhere, but we definitely don’t want them to walk naked on the sacred soil of our country in the blessed month of Ramadan,” Mican said, playing the sure-to-work Ramadan card."

Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Rights Parade

no one forcing them to attend or participate in the parade.
Why should LGBT have to hide? They are citizens of this planet like everyone else.

We were born naked, that is the way allah/god/nature made humans. Why should anyone be afraid of the human body?
Killing is wrong in Islam, Christianity and states. Killing gays makes it not less criminal/sinful. Insisting hate and violence is as bad.
Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Rights Parade

Jim Hoft Jun 17th, 2016 8:17 amLeave a Comment

" The Anatolia Muslim Youth Association called for an “intervention” this week against the upcoming gay rights parade in Istanbul. The youth group said either the authorities call off the parade or they will “perform their duties”against the gays.

The Muslim youth group members were also upset the parade was scheduled during the holy month of Ramadan.
The Hurriyet Daily reported:

At a time when the world is mourning the massacre of 49 people at a gay night club in Orlando, a new massacre is being brewed by Islamists and a far-right nationalist group in Istanbul.

One day after a group called the Anatolia Muslim Youth Association (MAG) called for an “intervention” against the “immoral” LGBT Pride March to be held on June 26 in Istanbul’s Taksim, the Alperen Hearths, an ultranationalist youth organization linked to the nationalist Great Union Party (BBP), threatened on June 14 to “take all risks necessary to stop the march.”

Vowing not to allow “immoral people to perform their fantasies,” the organization’s Istanbul provincial head, Kürşat Mican, told journalists that the Alperen Hearths vowed to give a “very clear and harsh response” if the state did not interfere.

“They can do whatever they want by gathering somewhere, but we definitely don’t want them to walk naked on the sacred soil of our country in the blessed month of Ramadan,” Mican said, playing the sure-to-work Ramadan card."

Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Rights Parade

no one forcing them to attend or participate in the parade.
Why should LGBT have to hide? They are citizens of this planet like everyone else.

We were born naked, that is the way allah/god/nature made humans. Why should anyone be afraid of the human body?
Killing is wrong in Islam, Christianity and states. Killing gays makes it not less criminal/sinful. Insisting hate and violence is as bad.
Bullshit. City resident's tax dollars and the streets they pay for are used to put the parades on. Make them pay for their own parade and have it on private property and you'd have a point.
Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Rights Parade

Jim Hoft Jun 17th, 2016 8:17 amLeave a Comment

" The Anatolia Muslim Youth Association called for an “intervention” this week against the upcoming gay rights parade in Istanbul. The youth group said either the authorities call off the parade or they will “perform their duties”against the gays.

The Muslim youth group members were also upset the parade was scheduled during the holy month of Ramadan.
The Hurriyet Daily reported:

At a time when the world is mourning the massacre of 49 people at a gay night club in Orlando, a new massacre is being brewed by Islamists and a far-right nationalist group in Istanbul.

One day after a group called the Anatolia Muslim Youth Association (MAG) called for an “intervention” against the “immoral” LGBT Pride March to be held on June 26 in Istanbul’s Taksim, the Alperen Hearths, an ultranationalist youth organization linked to the nationalist Great Union Party (BBP), threatened on June 14 to “take all risks necessary to stop the march.”

Vowing not to allow “immoral people to perform their fantasies,” the organization’s Istanbul provincial head, Kürşat Mican, told journalists that the Alperen Hearths vowed to give a “very clear and harsh response” if the state did not interfere.

“They can do whatever they want by gathering somewhere, but we definitely don’t want them to walk naked on the sacred soil of our country in the blessed month of Ramadan,” Mican said, playing the sure-to-work Ramadan card."

Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Rights Parade

no one forcing them to attend or participate in the parade.
Why should LGBT have to hide? They are citizens of this planet like everyone else.

We were born naked, that is the way allah/god/nature made humans. Why should anyone be afraid of the human body?
Killing is wrong in Islam, Christianity and states. Killing gays makes it not less criminal/sinful. Insisting hate and violence is as bad.
Bullshit. City resident's tax dollars are used to put it on. Make them pay for their own parade and have it on private property and you'd have a point.

same is true of the saint Patrick's day parade
Gay Pride parades are a disgusting display for sure, but their rights are secured under the Constitution and they deserve a right to safety. Now the city could make sure it takes place from 3 to 5 AM during the month of January so the bastards have to wear clothes.

The "right" to public nudity and lewd acts in front of children are not secured rights. If cities have laws against public lewd acts and nudity, they apply to parades as well. Nobody is above the law.


where did that parade take place? I have been to gay parades -----nothing like that ^^

Not sure. But it is a gay pride parade and the men are fully nude. USMB said I couldn't post this picture unless I censored their junk, so I whited it out. Lesbians like the pregnant one in the foreground will often surrogate male babies for their gay male friends. The lesbians usually keep the girls, as gay men predominantly only want little boys.

Odd, that.

Here's a photo of a couple of gay men who shopped around until they found this boy who they called "beautiful" in the article I read about it:

wrong again----you are citing the DISPROVEN
partyline of the 1960s ---into the 70s I remember that era well------when it was all blamed on blue PJ's vs Pink PJ's. Other than the blue vs pink -----babies were born NEUTER------watta joke------I am not a hippie---I am a neuroscientist
No I am not citing discredited studies from the 60's:

"Excerpted from OTToday: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated."

try again----I actually did not state "THERE IS (---or is not)A GAY GENE" I did state that hormones exert an influence on the developing brain of the fetus IN UTERO---and it includes male vs female hormones. The development of the human brain and the hormonal balance in and exerted upon EACH AND EVERY fetus is a very complex and----unique --situation. -----the process of brain development-----as YOU KNOW----extend way out------virtually thruout life
Yawn....its a futile attempt to prove fags are not just degenerate perverts and nothing more.

You do have so much in common with the degenerates who attack gays for just being gay- and nothing more.
I don't like faggots...that's all I have in common with them.

No one is forcing you to eat them
No I am not citing discredited studies from the 60's:

"Excerpted from OTToday: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated."

try again----I actually did not state "THERE IS (---or is not)A GAY GENE" I did state that hormones exert an influence on the developing brain of the fetus IN UTERO---and it includes male vs female hormones. The development of the human brain and the hormonal balance in and exerted upon EACH AND EVERY fetus is a very complex and----unique --situation. -----the process of brain development-----as YOU KNOW----extend way out------virtually thruout life
Yawn....its a futile attempt to prove fags are not just degenerate perverts and nothing more.

You do have so much in common with the degenerates who attack gays for just being gay- and nothing more.
I don't like faggots...that's all I have in common with them.

No one is forcing you to eat them

a faggot is an old term for a stick of firewood----it also came to refer to a cigarette. In Medieval times ---homosexuals were tied together like firewood----set on the bonfire and so executed. They were never edible---. The terms FAG and FAGGOT are obscene
Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Rights Parade

Jim Hoft Jun 17th, 2016 8:17 amLeave a Comment

" The Anatolia Muslim Youth Association called for an “intervention” this week against the upcoming gay rights parade in Istanbul. The youth group said either the authorities call off the parade or they will “perform their duties”against the gays.

The Muslim youth group members were also upset the parade was scheduled during the holy month of Ramadan.
The Hurriyet Daily reported:

At a time when the world is mourning the massacre of 49 people at a gay night club in Orlando, a new massacre is being brewed by Islamists and a far-right nationalist group in Istanbul.

One day after a group called the Anatolia Muslim Youth Association (MAG) called for an “intervention” against the “immoral” LGBT Pride March to be held on June 26 in Istanbul’s Taksim, the Alperen Hearths, an ultranationalist youth organization linked to the nationalist Great Union Party (BBP), threatened on June 14 to “take all risks necessary to stop the march.”

Vowing not to allow “immoral people to perform their fantasies,” the organization’s Istanbul provincial head, Kürşat Mican, told journalists that the Alperen Hearths vowed to give a “very clear and harsh response” if the state did not interfere.

“They can do whatever they want by gathering somewhere, but we definitely don’t want them to walk naked on the sacred soil of our country in the blessed month of Ramadan,” Mican said, playing the sure-to-work Ramadan card."

Muslim Youth League Calls for Massacre at Gay Rights Parade

no one forcing them to attend or participate in the parade.
Why should LGBT have to hide? They are citizens of this planet like everyone else.

We were born naked, that is the way allah/god/nature made humans. Why should anyone be afraid of the human body?
Killing is wrong in Islam, Christianity and states. Killing gays makes it not less criminal/sinful. Insisting hate and violence is as bad.
Bullshit. City resident's tax dollars are used to put it on. Make them pay for their own parade and have it on private property and you'd have a point.

same is true of the saint Patrick's day parade
Gay Pride parades are a disgusting display for sure, but their rights are secured under the Constitution and they deserve a right to safety. Now the city could make sure it takes place from 3 to 5 AM during the month of January so the bastards have to wear clothes.

The "right" to public nudity and lewd acts in front of children are not secured rights. If cities have laws against public lewd acts and nudity, they apply to parades as well. Nobody is above the law.


where did that parade take place? I have been to gay parades -----nothing like that ^^

Not sure. But it is a gay pride parade and the men are fully nude. USMB said I couldn't post this picture unless I censored their junk, so I whited it out. Lesbians like the pregnant one in the foreground will often surrogate male babies for their gay male friends. The lesbians usually keep the girls, as gay men predominantly only want little boys.

Odd, that.

Here's a photo of a couple of gay men who shopped around until they found this boy who they called "beautiful" in the article I read about it:

I bet that kid will be molested and raped by those sodomites.
No I am not citing discredited studies from the 60's:

"Excerpted from OTToday: Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.

“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA. They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should also be gay.

“Because they have identical DNA, it ought to be 100%,” Dr. Whitehead notes. But the studies reveal something else. “If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.”

Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated."

try again----I actually did not state "THERE IS (---or is not)A GAY GENE" I did state that hormones exert an influence on the developing brain of the fetus IN UTERO---and it includes male vs female hormones. The development of the human brain and the hormonal balance in and exerted upon EACH AND EVERY fetus is a very complex and----unique --situation. -----the process of brain development-----as YOU KNOW----extend way out------virtually thruout life
Yawn....its a futile attempt to prove fags are not just degenerate perverts and nothing more.

You do have so much in common with the degenerates who attack gays for just being gay- and nothing more.
I don't like faggots...that's all I have in common with them.

No one is forcing you to eat them
Dur hurrrr
try again----I actually did not state "THERE IS (---or is not)A GAY GENE" I did state that hormones exert an influence on the developing brain of the fetus IN UTERO---and it includes male vs female hormones. The development of the human brain and the hormonal balance in and exerted upon EACH AND EVERY fetus is a very complex and----unique --situation. -----the process of brain development-----as YOU KNOW----extend way out------virtually thruout life
Yawn....its a futile attempt to prove fags are not just degenerate perverts and nothing more.

You do have so much in common with the degenerates who attack gays for just being gay- and nothing more.
I don't like faggots...that's all I have in common with them.

No one is forcing you to eat them

a faggot is an old term for a stick of firewood----it also came to refer to a cigarette. In Medieval times ---homosexuals were tied together like firewood----set on the bonfire and so executed. They were never edible---. The terms FAG and FAGGOT are obscene
Yeah but the English eat a meat dish and it is called 'faggots'.
Gay Pride parades are a disgusting display for sure, but their rights are secured under the Constitution and they deserve a right to safety. Now the city could make sure it takes place from 3 to 5 AM during the month of January so the bastards have to wear clothes.

The "right" to public nudity and lewd acts in front of children are not secured rights. If cities have laws against public lewd acts and nudity, they apply to parades as well. Nobody is above the law.


where did that parade take place? I have been to gay parades -----nothing like that ^^

Not sure. But it is a gay pride parade and the men are fully nude. USMB said I couldn't post this picture unless I censored their junk, so I whited it out. Lesbians like the pregnant one in the foreground will often surrogate male babies for their gay male friends. The lesbians usually keep the girls, as gay men predominantly only want little boys.

Odd, that.

Here's a photo of a couple of gay men who shopped around until they found this boy who they called "beautiful" in the article I read about it:


"The lesbians usually keep the girls, as gay men predominantly only want little boys."

The former so they can either convince the little girl to grow up a lesbian and/or get it to Transgender, lesbians are afraid of a biological penis, but they're okay with a prosthetic one that can never work properly ie. a woman with a prosthetic penis isn't a threat.

The latter because they want to suck the boys dick and fondle his buttocks.

Why else? Why don't lesbians ever want little boys and gay men want little girls?

Either way, these degenerates shouldn't be allowed to adopt children, nor should it be allowed for someone to be a surrogate mother and give them a baby, degenerates shouldn't be allowed near children.

These degenerates below should be dragged off the streets and locked up, they're allowed to display themselves in public because they're LGBT, Heterosexuals would soon be dragged off the streets and locked up.



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