Muslims' 20-Year Genocide Against Christians in Nigeria… but "Free [racist] Palestine!!" Blah blah - hypocrisy

Many Jews are decent and ethical. They aren't all hard right Likud types.
It's always somehow to do with Jews...

surada demonstrates the innate inability
of Islamism to assume any accountability,
because minorities as Jews are always made
the scapegoat, as the nature of that hostility
much deeper and wider than any specific issue.

And then the same Islamists will proudly announce -
"Jews are of little interest to most of Arabs/ Muslims"...

Because Islamists are never responsible for their mass degeneracy?

It's always somehow to do with Jews...

surada demonstrates the innate inability
of Islamism to assume any accountability,
because minorities as Jews are always made
the scapegoat, as the nature of that hostility
much deeper and wider than any specific issue.

And then the same Islamists will proudly announce -
"Jews are of little interest to most of Arabs/ Muslims"...

Because Islamists are never responsible for their mass degeneracy?

This is what bacon grease coated bullets are for.
This is what bacon grease coated bullets are for.

There need to be people in the appropriate ranks,
willing to make appropriate decisions, from the
understanding of the ways of a religious war.

From my observations, only chance Islamists
have for retrospection, is - loss of land.
The only thing they may interpret
as Allah's rejection of their ways.

Islamist degeneracy must be
answered with loss of land.

End to Arab imperialism!
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It's always somehow to do with Jews...

surada demonstrates the innate inability
of Islamism to assume any accountability,
because minorities as Jews are always made
the scapegoat, as the nature of that hostility
much deeper and wider than any specific issue.

And then the same Islamists will proudly announce -
"Jews are of little interest to most of Arabs/ Muslims"...

Because Islamists are never responsible for their mass degeneracy?

These people are savages. Remember when they lined up at least a dozen Coptic Christians on a beach, kneeling and blindfolded, as they prepared to decapitate them?
The Duke

There's lots of Christian churches in Iran.

There are many hundreds of Christian churches in Iran, with at least 600 being active serving the nation's Christian population. As of early 2015, the Armenian church is organized under Archbishop Sepuh Sargsyan, who succeeded Archbishop Manukian, who was the Armenian Apostolic Archbishop since at least the 1980s.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › R...
Religion in Iran - Wikipedia

There were 50 in Baghdad Iraq when Bush invaded.


Daniel Pearl
Yes, I think he was the first.
Muslims Wage 20-Year Genocide Against Christians in Nigeria…

Hey, who cares?

"Free [racist] Palestine!! Blah blah.

View attachment 862733

sad and true
Muslims Wage 20-Year Genocide Against Christians in Nigeria…

Hey, who cares?

"Free [racist] Palestine!! Blah blah.

View attachment 862733

The reason nothing is made of this is obvious, but I will share it anyway:

The Muslim terrorists are….well. Muslim….and the libs don’t criticize Muslims, no matter how savage and barbaric they are. And are flip side of the equation, the ones suffering the abuse and murder, are just Christians, so….eh.

That tells you quite clearly that the lies about Israel committing “genocide” are driven by antisemitism, and their insistence that the “Palestinians” are innocent victims is driven by their leftist agenda to side with Muslims.
" Following Protocol Claiming Innocence While Anticipating To Facilitate Terrorism Through Populous Majority For Doctrine "

* Informed Consent Against Pretentious Sectarian Supremacists To Limit Tolerable Scopes Of Contests For Natural Survival *

The reason nothing is made of this is obvious, but I will share it anyway:
The Muslim terrorists are….well. Muslim….and the libs don’t criticize Muslims, no matter how savage and barbaric they are. And are flip side of the equation, the ones suffering the abuse and murder, are just Christians, so….eh.
A doctrine can be criticized when it includes edicts and tenets of creed to implement illegitimate aggression .

As surah of the qurayn are ordered by length , surah 9 was actually written 113th out of 114 in chronology and it includes a militant manifesto to implement its religious policy that cannot be extricated from its doctrine , and the genetic religion of qurayshism applies within the city state of hejaz , the boundary of which was reviewed and decided after nearly seven hundred years .

The literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic perpetuity , is distinct from a means by which to achieve an after life .

* Direct Resolution Has Been Implemented Against Sectarian Supremacists By Geopolitical Fates *

When the otto man empire was dissolved , its call it fate ( caliphate ) was exiled and dhimmi classification was expunged and the autonomy of all religious idealism was given equal validity .

The precept by sectarian supremacists for fictional ishmaelism , to universally implement the religious polity of qurayshism outside of hejaz , is debase ; and . the directives for violence by doctrine to establish the religious polity of qurayshism cannot be extricated ; and , the facility for violence from doctrine by adherents of fictional ishmaelism is promoted by ignorance of its baseless pretenses .

The left wing join the sectarian supremacists of fictional ishmaelism in collective dictates for socialism and its establishment through authoritarian government .

* Under Standing Clear Indicators Of Misconstrued Byzantine Militancy Turned Puritanical Pogroms *

There is not a directive to kill or be killed in the gospel and antinomianism is a paradox asserting that by no name will a law be made .

surah 9:111 ( september 11 2001 )
They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an.

* Observations Of Sectarian Social System Dedications *

That tells you quite clearly that the lies about Israel committing “genocide” are driven by antisemitism, and their insistence that the “Palestinians” are innocent victims is driven by their leftist agenda to side with Muslims.

That genetic lineages of japheth would seek to implement a semitic religious polity of torahnism , to rectify the egregious trespasses by genetic lineages of shem , even of japheth , remains an anomalous peculiarity of history .

The name Ashkenazi derives from the biblical figure of Ashkenaz, the first son of Gomer, son of Japhet, son of Noah, and a Japhetic patriarch in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10). The name of Gomer has often been linked to the Cimmerians.

Ashkenazi Jews (/ˌɑːʃkəˈnɑːzi, ˌæʃ-/ A(H)SH-kə-NAH-zee;[6] Hebrew: יְהוּדֵי אַשְׁכְּנַז, romanized: Yehudei Ashkenaz, lit. 'Jews of Germania'; Yiddish: אַשכּנזישע ייִדן, romanized: Ashkenazishe Yidn), also known as Ashkenazic Jews or Ashkenazim,[a] constitute a Jewish diaspora population that emerged in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium CE.[8] They traditionally spoke Yiddish[8] and largely migrated towards northern and eastern Europe during the late Middle Ages due to persecution.[9][10] Hebrew was primarily used as a literary and sacred language until its 20th-century revival as a common language in Israel.
As a proportion of the world Jewish population, Ashkenazim were estimated to be 3% in the 11th century, rising to 92% in 1930 near the population's peak.[17] The Ashkenazi population was significantly diminished by the Holocaust carried out by Nazi Germany during World War II which killed some six million Jews, affecting almost every European Jewish family.[18][19] In 1933, prior to World War II, the estimated worldwide Jewish population was 15.3 million.[20] Israeli demographer and statistician Sergio D. Pergola implied that Ashkenazim comprised 65–70% of Jews worldwide in 2000,[21] while other estimates suggest more than 75%.[22] As of 2013, the population was estimated to be between 10 million[1] and 11.2 million.[2]

Genetic studies indicate that Ashkenazim have both Levantine and European (mainly southern European) ancestry. These studies draw diverging conclusions about the degree and sources of European admixture, with some focusing on the European genetic origin in Ashkenazi maternal lineages, contrasting with the predominantly Middle Eastern genetic origin in paternal lineages.[23][24][25][26]
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" Following Protocol Claiming Innocence While Anticipating To Facilitate Terrorism Through Populous Majority For Doctrine "

* Informed Consent Against Pretentious Sectarian Supremacists To Limit Tolerable Scopes Of Contests For Natural Survival *

A doctrine can be criticized when it includes edicts and tenets of creed to implement illegitimate aggression .

As surah of the qurayn are ordered by length , surah 9 was actually written 113th out of 114 in chronology and it includes a militant manifesto to implement its religious policy that cannot be extricated from its doctrine , and the genetic religion of qurayshism applies within the city state of hejaz , the boundary of which was reviewed and decided after nearly seven hundred years .

The literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic perpetuity , is distinct from a means by which to achieve an after life .

* Direct Resolution Has Been Implemented Against Sectarian Supremacists By Geopolitical Fates *

When the otto man empire was dissolved , its call it fate ( caliphate ) was exiled and dhimmi classification was expunged and the autonomy of all religious idealism was given equal validity .

The precept by sectarian supremacists for fictional ishmaelism , to universally implement the religious polity of qurayshism outside of hejaz , is debase ; and . the directives for violence by doctrine to establish the religious polity of qurayshism cannot be extricated ; and , the facility for violence from doctrine by adherents of fictional ishmaelism is promoted by ignorance of its baseless pretenses .

The left wing join the sectarian supremacists of fictional ishmaelism in collective dictates for socialism and its establishment through authoritarian government .

* Under Standing Clear Indicators Of Misconstrued Byzantine Militancy Turned Puritanical Pogroms *

There is not a directive to kill or be killed in the gospel and antinomianism is a paradox asserting that by no name will a law be made .

surah 9:111 ( september 11 2001 )
They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an.

* Observations Of Sectarian Social System Dedications *

That genetic lineages of japheth would seek to implement a semitic religious polity of torahnism , to rectify the egregious trespasses by genetic lineages of shem , even of japheth , remains an anomalous peculiarity of history .

The name Ashkenazi derives from the biblical figure of Ashkenaz, the first son of Gomer, son of Japhet, son of Noah, and a Japhetic patriarch in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10). The name of Gomer has often been linked to the Cimmerians.

Ashkenazi Jews (/ˌɑːʃkəˈnɑːzi, ˌæʃ-/ A(H)SH-kə-NAH-zee;[6] Hebrew: יְהוּדֵי אַשְׁכְּנַז, romanized: Yehudei Ashkenaz, lit. 'Jews of Germania'; Yiddish: אַשכּנזישע ייִדן, romanized: Ashkenazishe Yidn), also known as Ashkenazic Jews or Ashkenazim,[a] constitute a Jewish diaspora population that emerged in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium CE.[8] They traditionally spoke Yiddish[8] and largely migrated towards northern and eastern Europe during the late Middle Ages due to persecution.[9][10] Hebrew was primarily used as a literary and sacred language until its 20th-century revival as a common language in Israel.
As a proportion of the world Jewish population, Ashkenazim were estimated to be 3% in the 11th century, rising to 92% in 1930 near the population's peak.[17] The Ashkenazi population was significantly diminished by the Holocaust carried out by Nazi Germany during World War II which killed some six million Jews, affecting almost every European Jewish family.[18][19] In 1933, prior to World War II, the estimated worldwide Jewish population was 15.3 million.[20] Israeli demographer and statistician Sergio D. Pergola implied that Ashkenazim comprised 65–70% of Jews worldwide in 2000,[21] while other estimates suggest more than 75%.[22] As of 2013, the population was estimated to be between 10 million[1] and 11.2 million.[2]

Genetic studies indicate that Ashkenazim have both Levantine and European (mainly southern European) ancestry. These studies draw diverging conclusions about the degree and sources of European admixture, with some focusing on the European genetic origin in Ashkenazi maternal lineages, contrasting with the predominantly Middle Eastern genetic origin in paternal lineages.[23][24][25][26]

Muslims are allowed to fight those who attack Muslims or make mischief in the land. But, they can't kill women, children, noncombatants or livestock.. and they are forbidden to destroy trees, crops and water sources.
" Misinformation Fed To Fools For Facilitating Violent Aggression By Doctrine "

* Purposeful Deceit Tactics Of Fictional Ishmaelism *

Muslims are allowed to fight those who attack Muslims or make mischief in the land.
You are repeating misinformation , as an assertion to only fight those who attack adherents of fictional ishmaelism only applies to the sacred month and is referenced in surah 2 .

The " sacred month " is a self imposed temporary armistice and reprieve from violent aggression , after which the militant manifesto of surah 9 prevails .

2:194 [Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear God and know that God is with those who fear Him.

They ask you about the sacred month about fighting therein. Say, “Fighting therein is great [sin], but averting [people] from the way of God and disbelief in Him and [preventing access to] al-Masjid al-Harām and the expulsion of its people therefrom are greater [evil] in the sight of God. And fitnah is greater than killing.”...

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakāh, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, God is Forgiving and Merciful.

Fight those who do not believe in God or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islām] from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,

As for the thief, the male and the female, amputate their hands in recompense for what they earned [i.e., committed] is a deterrent [punishment] from God. And God is Exalted in Might and Wise.

* Totalitarian Sectarian Supremacists Expect Abdication As Dhimmi Or Remain At War *
But, they can't kill women, children, noncombatants or livestock.. and they are forbidden to destroy trees, crops and water sources.
This aspiration divides the world in classical Islamic law, to the three major divisions of the world which are dar al-Islam (lit. territory of Islam), denoting regions where Islamic law prevails,[2] dar al-sulh (lit. territory of treaty) denoting non-Islamic lands which have concluded an armistice with a Muslim government,[3] and dar al-harb (lit. territory of war), denoting non-Islamic lands where Islamic law does not prevail yet.[4] Muslims are imposed to spread the rightful law and sovereignty through jihad, by initiating war and thereso transfering the regions of dar al-harb into dar al-Islam. Within these jihadic wars, Muslims are imposed to convert, subject, or eliminate the non-Muslim, whatever needed in order to establish islamic sovereignty.[5]
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" Electing Options Contrary With Abdication To Authority "

* Political Science First Principles From Comparative Expectation *

Muslims are allowed to fight those who attack Muslims or make mischief in the land.
There is not a difference between the edicts and tenets of a creed and a religion .

The principles of non violence define violence as illegitimate aggression , where self defense against illegitimate aggression is legitimate aggression .

The principles of individualism define violence as illegitimate aggression against self ownership and self determination of the individual , where self ownership entitles an individual to free roam , free association and progeny , and where self determination entitles an individual to private property and by willful intents to enter into social civil agreements that are made valid through informed consent .

The credo from a motto of etas unis is e pluribus unum which precludes independence of the individual , through equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

On the issue of abortion us republican party have become traitors betraying the principles of individualism upon which us republic is founded .

The terms islam is an infinitive with a meaning of " to submit " , and the term muslim is an adjective with a meaning of one who submits .

Thus , a muslim practicing islam is one who submits to submission , which is circular logic intended to evoke abdication as an aspiration , which is truly a mind numbing profundity to any valuing independence of the individual .

* Dispatching Imminent Threats Of Able Bodies And War Booty *
But, they can't kill women, children, noncombatants or livestock.. and they are forbidden to destroy trees, crops and water sources.
Can non convert women become sex slaves , children become slaves and non convert male captives be marched till death by exhaustion and starvation ?
Muslims Wage 20-Year Genocide Against Christians in Nigeria…

Hey, who cares?

"Free [racist] Palestine!! Blah blah.

View attachment 862733

LBut, "we worship the same God" According to many here. I guess someone needs to explain that to the muzzies
" Byzantine Post Constantine Paranoia Pogroms For A Uniform Fetish "

* Puritanical Hue Mammon Apes Promoting Laughter In Slaughter Or Salvation *

LBut, "we worship the same God" According to many here. I guess someone needs to explain that to the muzzies
Perhaps in need of explaining to ewes is that fictional ishmaelism adherents follow a dogma that its doctrine corrected misconceptions about torahnism and goyanism , and that includes illegitimate aggression to implement the edicts and tenets of asceticism in its creed .

Is there an expectation from the gospel to kill , presuming that the gospel is based on antinomianism ?

surah 9:111 - september 11 2001

They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an.

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