Muslims are rioting against the US and in support of OBL

Do you support muslim riots protesting OBL's death?

  • Yes its free speach. even in the EU

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • No, they should be deported as terrorist sympathizers

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters
The emotional, knee jerk reaction part of me says, throw them out. Part of me says though that all have a right to protest, not just if you agree with them, no matter how repugnant their belief is.

Terrorism is a crime, supporters of terrorism are criminals. Its not repugnant, it better be illegal. By definition a hate crime, or sedition, or incitement, or any number of crimes to deport them or at the very least toss them in jail.

So you calling Reagan a criminal now? His administration funded the Muj and the Contras.

How about George HW Bush? That guy let Orlando Bosch go with a pardon.

While I obviously don't support people from protesting for known terrorists-I'm not sure what my views on their right to do so is. It's similar to the KKK-I think what they do is terrible, but that they have a right to do so.
The emotional, knee jerk reaction part of me says, throw them out. Part of me says though that all have a right to protest, not just if you agree with them, no matter how repugnant their belief is.

Terrorism is a crime, supporters of terrorism are criminals. Its not repugnant, it better be illegal. By definition a hate crime, or sedition, or incitement, or any number of crimes to deport them or at the very least toss them in jail.

So you calling Reagan a criminal now? His administration funded the Muj and the Contras.

How about George HW Bush? That guy let Orlando Bosch go with a pardon. Well?

You're mixing partisan politics with current events.
1. The Muj and Contras didn't plan attacks on the US or our allies. I'm all for ending all foreign aid to preclude helping despots.
2. Bosch was acquitted of any crimes. An irrelevant point when comparing him to Al Qaeda supporters.
Orlando Bosch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Got any pertinent points relating to giving terrorist supporters a free pass instead of a ticket home?
The muslims in London'istan re rioting

Osama Bin Laden death: UK Muslims stage mock funeral outside US Embassy | Mail Online

Whoever left them into our societies should be shot. Those terrorist supporters need to be sent back to where they came from.

Are you talking about people like this guy?

President Obama Backs Islamic Center Near Ground Zero - DailyFinance

That's the guy that ordered the mission that killed Osama..

Here's the guy that didn't..

Was this because of President George Bush's close ties to the bin Laden family?

In 1978, Bush and Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas.

Several bin Laden family members invested millions in The Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm based in Washington, DC. The company's senior advisor was Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush. After news of the bin Laden-Bush connection became public, the elder Bush stepped down from Carlyle.

Read more: Bush ties to bin Laden haunt grim anniversary - The Denver Post Bush ties to bin Laden haunt grim anniversary - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post

Clear now?

Yeah, your partisan bullshit is totally irrelevant. How about trotting out that old "torture" whine about how the Bush admin should be prosecuted by the ICC? You obviously can't debate about the SNs rioting in favor of terrorism and the feckless Brits unable to kick them out. Enjoy your tram rides....
I feel as though regardless of your religion if you are, if you shed a tear for the death of a man that's led the charge in killing tens of thousands of innocent people across the world and then have the nerve to go out and protest over his death, wheter you live in the UK or Pakistan, you ought be shot in the head as well. I'd like to assist them in joining their hero in Hell.
The muslims in London'istan re rioting

Osama Bin Laden death: UK Muslims stage mock funeral outside US Embassy | Mail Online

Whoever left them into our societies should be shot. Those terrorist supporters need to be sent back to where they came from.

Are you talking about people like this guy?

President Obama Backs Islamic Center Near Ground Zero - DailyFinance

WTF happened there? I can't find anything recent. Was it built?

Imam Feisal Rauf is still pushing for it with the full support of the Obama Administration. It's lost some steam with the killing of OBL. I doubt it will be built, but Obama sure is trying.
Now, do we call these people who are rioting "Muslims" or "Extremists"? Hmmm Let's ask Whoopi and Bahr or whatever her name is. Don't watch the show.
I absolutely support peaceful assembly and protest without regard to the reason. Rioting is another matter entirely.
This is occurring in a country that has such little regard for freedom of speech that it fines and allows the baring of Christians to publically wear crosses (Bishops: UK laws are anti Christian | The Sun |News). The list of anti-Christian laws and actions taken on behalf of the British government is ever expanding. At the same time this country has embraced the doctrine of diversity and welcomed with open arms waves of Muslim immigrants. In fact, the Muslim population in the UK is rising 10x faster than the rest of British society (Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society' - Times Online). At the same time British birth rates are dwindling; immigration birthrates are skyrocketing.

We are told time and time again that the religion of Islam is a peaceful one, yet all across the globe wherever Islam takes root the inevitable support of terrorism and disrespect of human rights that is Islamic law follows. This is the latest example that there is no such thing as ‘moderate Muslims’. It is an oxy-moron and it is about time that the media objectively looks at this subject. Where is the moderate Muslim nation? Where are these moderate Muslims?
A tiny radical group of potential criminals who happen to be Muslim, and are in no way representative of Islam. Expel them from the UK because they violated the law, not because of their religion.

You’d think Americans, of all people, would understand this.

when you say "tiny" did you have any numbers in mind" what izzzzzz "tiny"?
The emotional, knee jerk reaction part of me says, throw them out. Part of me says though that all have a right to protest, not just if you agree with them, no matter how repugnant their belief is.

but but but when the tea party staged mild protests the left went wild with all kinds of dumbassed accusations and lies.. I fucking love the hypocrisy.

That's the guy that ordered the mission that killed Osama..

Here's the guy that didn't..

Was this because of President George Bush's close ties to the bin Laden family?

In 1978, Bush and Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas.

Several bin Laden family members invested millions in The Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm based in Washington, DC. The company's senior advisor was Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush. After news of the bin Laden-Bush connection became public, the elder Bush stepped down from Carlyle.

Read more: Bush ties to bin Laden haunt grim anniversary - The Denver Post Bush ties to bin Laden haunt grim anniversary - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post

Clear now?

Yeah, your partisan bullshit is totally irrelevant. How about trotting out that old "torture" whine about how the Bush admin should be prosecuted by the ICC? You obviously can't debate about the SNs rioting in favor of terrorism and the feckless Brits unable to kick them out. Enjoy your tram rides....
This is occurring in a country that has such little regard for freedom of speech that it fines and allows the baring of Christians to publically wear crosses (Bishops: UK laws are anti Christian | The Sun |News). The list of anti-Christian laws and actions taken on behalf of the British government is ever expanding. At the same time this country has embraced the doctrine of diversity and welcomed with open arms waves of Muslim immigrants. In fact, the Muslim population in the UK is rising 10x faster than the rest of British society (Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society' - Times Online). At the same time British birth rates are dwindling; immigration birthrates are skyrocketing.

We are told time and time again that the religion of Islam is a peaceful one, yet all across the globe wherever Islam takes root the inevitable support of terrorism and disrespect of human rights that is Islamic law follows. This is the latest example that there is no such thing as ‘moderate Muslims’. It is an oxy-moron and it is about time that the media objectively looks at this subject. Where is the moderate Muslim nation? Where are these moderate Muslims?
They are fighting the "inner" jihad , so they can fight the infidel someday.

WTF happened there? I can't find anything recent. Was it built?

Imam Feisal Rauf is still pushing for it with the full support of the Obama Administration. It's lost some steam with the killing of OBL. I doubt it will be built, but Obama sure is trying.
the lies the wide tells in this piece as staggering she has no scriptural basis for her opinions

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This is occurring in a country that has such little regard for freedom of speech that it fines and allows the baring of Christians to publically wear crosses (Bishops: UK laws are anti Christian | The Sun |News). The list of anti-Christian laws and actions taken on behalf of the British government is ever expanding. At the same time this country has embraced the doctrine of diversity and welcomed with open arms waves of Muslim immigrants. In fact, the Muslim population in the UK is rising 10x faster than the rest of British society (Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society' - Times Online). At the same time British birth rates are dwindling; immigration birthrates are skyrocketing.

We are told time and time again that the religion of Islam is a peaceful one, yet all across the globe wherever Islam takes root the inevitable support of terrorism and disrespect of human rights that is Islamic law follows. This is the latest example that there is no such thing as ‘moderate Muslims’. It is an oxy-moron and it is about time that the media objectively looks at this subject. Where is the moderate Muslim nation? Where are these moderate Muslims?
They are fighting the "inner" jihad , so they can fight the infidel someday.

And as a matter of course? There is SHARIA LAW within the UK
Again? I restate that the UK is a shell of it's former self.
Yeah, your partisan bullshit is totally irrelevant. How about trotting out that old "torture" whine about how the Bush admin should be prosecuted by the ICC? You obviously can't debate about the SNs rioting in favor of terrorism and the feckless Brits unable to kick them out. Enjoy your tram rides....

because kicking them out is a childish answer. Pretend USMB is England. Should we have Gunny kick you out for starting this stupid OP and your stupid idea that they should be kicked out for protesting?

this is why you are only on a message board promoting your stupid idea and have no actual power. You wouldnt get very far.

Correct, one man has no real power. But what you fail to understand is the power of voters to make politicians carry water. Call it enforcing illegal immigration, call it removing potential threats, call it a national security priority, call it whatever nice clean code words you want, but the bottom line is that momentum is building to reduce the numbers of SNs in our countries. You would have no power to stop it.
Great Britain is a lost cause. They are reaping what they sowed under the same crap Obama wants US to do...The socialist do-gooder yaksqueeze Doctrine.

Britain is a SHELL of it's former self.

You do talk out of your ass sometimes, T. Spent any time in the UK recently? No. Getting your information of the media? Yea. No wonder you have no idea what the UK is like.
Great Britain is a lost cause. They are reaping what they sowed under the same crap Obama wants US to do...The socialist do-gooder yaksqueeze Doctrine.

Britain is a SHELL of it's former self.

You do talk out of your ass sometimes, T. Spent any time in the UK recently? No. Getting your information of the media? Yea. No wonder you have no idea what the UK is like.

Sorry About that And I know that you're there...give us the REAL skinny...How is the British Gubmint dealing with the Islamic element in their midst?

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