Muslims barred for our safety; crazy people handed firearms

Yahoo news left out some details.

"Under a policy some called too broad, the Social Security Administration was required to report to the FBI people receiving these payments and diagnosed with certain mental health conditions as ineligible to buy guns. Being unfit to handle personal finances was considered a factor to make the determination.

But the regulation had the potential to bar people who weren’t a danger to others. That’s why the Senate just rolled back this regulation by a vote of 57-43. The House passed the measure last month."

The Senate Just Struck Down This Obama-Era Gun Grabbing Rule - Black Community News

In other words, just because grandpa is getting help balancing his checkbook doesn't mean he ought not be allowed to protect himself.
Convenience in reporting on the writers part. This is why Yahoo news is not worth subscribing to.

Yahoo way lying, posting fake news. It's what you Stalinists do.
Just curious why or what makes you accuse me of being a Stalinist?

Full out mistake. II thought I was replying to Compost. You clearly are not a Stalinist. My apologies.
They're American Citizens.

So was Ted Bundy, whats your point?

Yes, and even his rights were protected by the Constitution. Freedom & Liberty can be complicated. It isn't a perfect system. But it's the best humanity has.

ummm even when he became a convicted criminal?

Point is there are reasonable CONDITIONS to gun ownership rights.

This is not a discussion on Constitutionality, but on the REASONABLE.

'Reasonable Conditions' can lead you down a dangerous slippery-slope. Always err on the side of the Constitution. Once you start straying from it, things can rapidly go downhill.

Kinda like not giving guns to convicted criminals is a dangerous slippery-slope?

Ridiculous. Yes, there could be reasonable standards.

Like i said, always err on the side of the Constitution. If you do that, you won't go wrong.
Congress blocks rule barring mentally impaired from guns

That, my friends, is Trump's America. Fuck logic, common sense, and fuck life. Tell us again how it's not about xenophobia, and tell us again about "draining the swamp" while handing the NRA lobby another billion dollars.

These people aren't smart. They're emotional and easily influenced. What else do you expect? A reasonable, thought out approach?

Gun Grabber butthurt. Nothing more, nothing less. Movin on...

Do you actually have any of your own thoughts at this point?

Ah whatever. You're probably one of those weird Snowflakes who gets PTSD from the smell of gunpowder. :)

You need a gun for protection and are so scared of brown people you need a wall to make you feel better. Who is the snowflake?

It's none of your business. I'll acquire a firearm if i choose too. It's my Constitutional Right. And i assure you, my Safe Space is very safe. I can defend myself very effectively. Anyone deciding to challenge that, will quickly understand that i'm no cuckold Snowflake wuss.
Gun Grabber butthurt. Nothing more, nothing less. Movin on...

Do you actually have any of your own thoughts at this point?

Ah whatever. You're probably one of those weird Snowflakes who gets PTSD from the smell of gunpowder. :)

You need a gun for protection and are so scared of brown people you need a wall to make you feel better. Who is the snowflake?

It's none of your business. I'll acquire a firearm if i choose too. It's my Constitutional Right. And i assure you, my Safe Space is very safe. I can defend myself very effectively. Anyone deciding to challenge that, will quickly understand that i'm no cuckold Snowflake wuss.

I'll take "Things a Snowflake Says" for $500, Alex.

Ah, you're just a cuckold Snowflake. The smell of gunpowder sends you into a PTSD tizzy. But just because you're a cuck wuss, doesn't mean we all have to be. I'll acquire all the firearms i want. It's my right. You don't like it, too bad. Relocate to a cuck wuss nation of your choice. No one's stopping you. Bon Voyage.
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They're American Citizens. Their rights are protected by the Constitution. Non-US Citizens aren't afforded US Constitutional protections. You may not like that, but that's the reality.

Hell YEA!


Defend his right to be armed
Ah whatever. You're probably one of those weird Snowflakes who gets PTSD from the smell of gunpowder. :)

You need a gun for protection and are so scared of brown people you need a wall to make you feel better. Who is the snowflake?

It's none of your business. I'll acquire a firearm if i choose too. It's my Constitutional Right. And i assure you, my Safe Space is very safe. I can defend myself very effectively. Anyone deciding to challenge that, will quickly understand that i'm no cuckold Snowflake wuss.

I'll take "Things a Snowflake Says" for $500, Alex.

Ah, you're just a cuckold Snowflake. The smell of gunpowder sends you into a PTSD tizzy. But just because you're a cuck wuss, doesn't we all have to be. I'll acquire all the firearms i want. It's my right. You don't like it, too bad. Relocate to a cuck wuss nation of your choice. No one's stopping you. Bon Voyage.

Of course you want "all the firearms you want". It's the same reason you want a wall built and why you think it's a good idea to keep muslims out of the country. You're a scared snowflake. Ooooh, who should I be scared of now??!?!? Donald, please protect me.

Good little Snowflake.
we just want to maintain our country as it is.
you on the other hand wet yourself at the thought of a handgun.
I would certainly consider you the snowflake (whatever the hell a snowflake is other than the new keyword that we all have to use)
Gabby Giffords says....don't sell guns to guys like this


Republicans reply....Go fuck yourself Gabby
Congress blocks rule barring mentally impaired from guns

That, my friends, is Trump's America. Fuck logic, common sense, and fuck life. Tell us again how it's not about xenophobia, and tell us again about "draining the swamp" while handing the NRA lobby another billion dollars.
America haters coming out in swarms here. God bless Trump. Let the lies FLOW!
Why don't you losers go out and try and take the guns?
It's none of your business. I'll acquire a firearm if i choose too. It's my Constitutional Right. And i assure you, my Safe Space is very safe. I can defend myself very effectively. Anyone deciding to challenge that, will quickly understand that i'm no cuckold Snowflake wuss.

I'll take "Things a Snowflake Says" for $500, Alex.

Ah, you're just a cuckold Snowflake. The smell of gunpowder sends you into a PTSD tizzy. But just because you're a cuck wuss, doesn't we all have to be. I'll acquire all the firearms i want. It's my right. You don't like it, too bad. Relocate to a cuck wuss nation of your choice. No one's stopping you. Bon Voyage.

Of course you want "all the firearms you want". It's the same reason you want a wall built and why you think it's a good idea to keep muslims out of the country. You're a scared snowflake. Ooooh, who should I be scared of now??!?!? Donald, please protect me.

Good little Snowflake.
we just want to maintain our country as it is.
you on the other hand wet yourself at the thought of a handgun.
I would certainly consider you the snowflake (whatever the hell a snowflake is other than the new keyword that we all have to use)

Let me see if I should take you seriously.....

Has the term "Patriot" in username.

Nope. Not to be considered seriously.

Thanks for self-vetting.

You find the idea of Patriotism that offensive?
It's none of your business. I'll acquire a firearm if i choose too. It's my Constitutional Right. And i assure you, my Safe Space is very safe. I can defend myself very effectively. Anyone deciding to challenge that, will quickly understand that i'm no cuckold Snowflake wuss.

I'll take "Things a Snowflake Says" for $500, Alex.

Ah, you're just a cuckold Snowflake. The smell of gunpowder sends you into a PTSD tizzy. But just because you're a cuck wuss, doesn't we all have to be. I'll acquire all the firearms i want. It's my right. You don't like it, too bad. Relocate to a cuck wuss nation of your choice. No one's stopping you. Bon Voyage.

Of course you want "all the firearms you want". It's the same reason you want a wall built and why you think it's a good idea to keep muslims out of the country. You're a scared snowflake. Ooooh, who should I be scared of now??!?!? Donald, please protect me.

Good little Snowflake.
we just want to maintain our country as it is.
you on the other hand wet yourself at the thought of a handgun.
I would certainly consider you the snowflake (whatever the hell a snowflake is other than the new keyword that we all have to use)

Let me see if I should take you seriously.....

Has the term "Patriot" in username.

Nope. Not to be considered seriously.

Thanks for self-vetting.
lets see if I give a shit what you think,
Hmm, would rather sell the country out to non citizens than follow the constitution,
Nope, no respect in anything you say or think.
thanks for playing traitor.
Ah whatever. You're probably one of those weird Snowflakes who gets PTSD from the smell of gunpowder. :)

You need a gun for protection and are so scared of brown people you need a wall to make you feel better. Who is the snowflake?

It's none of your business. I'll acquire a firearm if i choose too. It's my Constitutional Right. And i assure you, my Safe Space is very safe. I can defend myself very effectively. Anyone deciding to challenge that, will quickly understand that i'm no cuckold Snowflake wuss.

I'll take "Things a Snowflake Says" for $500, Alex.

Ah, you're just a cuckold Snowflake. The smell of gunpowder sends you into a PTSD tizzy. But just because you're a cuck wuss, doesn't we all have to be. I'll acquire all the firearms i want. It's my right. You don't like it, too bad. Relocate to a cuck wuss nation of your choice. No one's stopping you. Bon Voyage.

Of course you want "all the firearms you want". It's the same reason you want a wall built and why you think it's a good idea to keep muslims out of the country. You're a scared snowflake. Ooooh, who should I be scared of now??!?!? Donald, please protect me.

Good little Snowflake.

Whatever, litle cuck Snowflake. I have the right to possess a firearm. You don't like it, too damn bad. Lots of cuck wuss nations for you to relocate to. Bye.
I'll take "Things a Snowflake Says" for $500, Alex.

Ah, you're just a cuckold Snowflake. The smell of gunpowder sends you into a PTSD tizzy. But just because you're a cuck wuss, doesn't we all have to be. I'll acquire all the firearms i want. It's my right. You don't like it, too bad. Relocate to a cuck wuss nation of your choice. No one's stopping you. Bon Voyage.

Of course you want "all the firearms you want". It's the same reason you want a wall built and why you think it's a good idea to keep muslims out of the country. You're a scared snowflake. Ooooh, who should I be scared of now??!?!? Donald, please protect me.

Good little Snowflake.
we just want to maintain our country as it is.
you on the other hand wet yourself at the thought of a handgun.
I would certainly consider you the snowflake (whatever the hell a snowflake is other than the new keyword that we all have to use)

Let me see if I should take you seriously.....

Has the term "Patriot" in username.

Nope. Not to be considered seriously.

Thanks for self-vetting.

You find the idea of Patriotism that offensive?
Patriotism is very important to people like him,, just as long as its not directed toward the evil U.S
Ah, you're just a cuckold Snowflake. The smell of gunpowder sends you into a PTSD tizzy. But just because you're a cuck wuss, doesn't we all have to be. I'll acquire all the firearms i want. It's my right. You don't like it, too bad. Relocate to a cuck wuss nation of your choice. No one's stopping you. Bon Voyage.

Of course you want "all the firearms you want". It's the same reason you want a wall built and why you think it's a good idea to keep muslims out of the country. You're a scared snowflake. Ooooh, who should I be scared of now??!?!? Donald, please protect me.

Good little Snowflake.
we just want to maintain our country as it is.
you on the other hand wet yourself at the thought of a handgun.
I would certainly consider you the snowflake (whatever the hell a snowflake is other than the new keyword that we all have to use)

Let me see if I should take you seriously.....

Has the term "Patriot" in username.

Nope. Not to be considered seriously.

Thanks for self-vetting.

You find the idea of Patriotism that offensive?

Your version. Sure.

Sorry buddy, just being a lefty doesn't give you the right to change meanings of words.

Patriotism is the love of country.

THat you find that offensive is you being in the wrong.

You are the one to not be taken seriously.
we just want to maintain our country as it is.
you on the other hand wet yourself at the thought of a handgun.
I would certainly consider you the snowflake (whatever the hell a snowflake is other than the new keyword that we all have to use)

Let me see if I should take you seriously.....

Has the term "Patriot" in username.

Nope. Not to be considered seriously.

Thanks for self-vetting.

You find the idea of Patriotism that offensive?

Your version. Sure.

Sorry buddy, just being a lefty doesn't give you the right to change meanings of words.

Patriotism is the love of country.

THat you find that offensive is you being in the wrong.

You are the one to not be taken seriously.

The only thing I find offensive is that people like you get to call yourself Americans.
you should try to convince people that they are not Americans, find some real ones in the area you live, or maybe you might have to actually go where people that were born in this country life, try telling them in person that they are not worthy of being called American.
let us know how that works for your coward ass snowflake.
we just want to maintain our country as it is.
you on the other hand wet yourself at the thought of a handgun.
I would certainly consider you the snowflake (whatever the hell a snowflake is other than the new keyword that we all have to use)

Let me see if I should take you seriously.....

Has the term "Patriot" in username.

Nope. Not to be considered seriously.

Thanks for self-vetting.

You find the idea of Patriotism that offensive?

Your version. Sure.

Sorry buddy, just being a lefty doesn't give you the right to change meanings of words.

Patriotism is the love of country.

THat you find that offensive is you being in the wrong.

You are the one to not be taken seriously.

The only thing I find offensive is that people like you get to call yourself Americans.

There's nothing wrong with me, buddy.

You are the one who is offended at the idea that people would love their country.

Thinking like yours is part of our decline as a civilization.

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