Muslims Gone Wild! (London Edition)

Another day another Muslim infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) trying to slaughter totally innocent people in the name of Allah. Well at least the British and French didn't hesitate to call it what it was, ISLAMIC TERRORISM:

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -
Melissa Gray and Tim Hume, CNN
Story highlights
  • "The threat from terrorism remains at severe," a police official says
  • One person suffered serious injuries, but they're not considered life-threatening
  • Police are looking into reports that man yelled, "This is for Syria," during attack


When will England enact legislation to ban knives from the general society?

We must stop the terrorist ability from getting a knife and wreaking havoc amongst the general population!

( As you finish reading my asinine response this has to do with the calls of tougher gun control laws while those calling for it not understanding that banning a weapon will only cause the terrorist to fine another weapon to wreak their havoc with )

They can't ban knives, they can be used to produce solar power, therefore reducing Global Warming which is the actual cause of Islamic terrorism. Otherwise they would ban knives just like they did guns.

You know how to prevent Global Warming which would stop ISIL Terrorism?

Butt Plugs!

Now I am sure you are wondering ( maybe not ) where I am going with this so I will explain.

When a human fart we let out certain amount of gas, and that gas escapes into the air, and with the amount of farts released daily could cause devastating effects to our global climate causing a smelly warming environment and could be cured with putting butt plugs in everyone.

So let prevent smelly global warming or at least the off chance of skid marks in our underwear and help stop ISIL from being upset with living in such a smelly world.... ( Also they could use some deodorant too )

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