Muslims Hate and Kill Palestinian Christians

When you consider the truths I present here to be evidence of racism, you are playing the race card inappropriately.

By your judgement anything bad said about Islam is racism.

If you believe what I post about Islam and Muslims is racist you should be able to prove those posts are untrue.

I didn't come to this position by accident or emotion.

I came to it by a dispassionate study of the facts.

You call it racist because you have no other defense that you can possibly get away with.

But, on this, you are just wrong.

I post as I do because of the facts I worked hard to find.

Facts you try to deny and kept hidden.
I call it racist, because you're broad-stroking the entire religion as being one thing.
When you consider the truths I present here to be evidence of racism, you are playing the race card inappropriately.

By your judgement anything bad said about Islam is racism.

If you believe what I post about Islam and Muslims is racist you should be able to prove those posts are untrue.

I didn't come to this position by accident or emotion.

I came to it by a dispassionate study of the facts.

You call it racist because you have no other defense that you can possibly get away with.

But, on this, you are just wrong.

I post as I do because of the facts I worked hard to find.

Facts you try to deny and kept hidden.
I call it racist, because you're broad-stroking the entire religion as being one thing.

So tell us, Billy, what do you think of this guy? Do you think he is racist against Catholics and other Christians?

[ame=]Muslim Cleric: 'I hate Christians and am grossed out by them' - YouTube[/ame]
When you consider the truths I present here to be evidence of racism, you are playing the race card inappropriately.

By your judgement anything bad said about Islam is racism.

If you believe what I post about Islam and Muslims is racist you should be able to prove those posts are untrue.

I didn't come to this position by accident or emotion.

I came to it by a dispassionate study of the facts.

You call it racist because you have no other defense that you can possibly get away with.

But, on this, you are just wrong.

I post as I do because of the facts I worked hard to find.

Facts you try to deny and kept hidden.
I call it racist, because you're broad-stroking the entire religion as being one thing.

Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order.

This isn't broad stroking the religion as being one thing.

It is recognizing the reason behind Jihad.

Not all Muslims are obedient, thankfully, but this is what they are instructed to do by the Koran.

Now. Disprove it.
Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order.

This isn't broad stroking the religion as being one thing.

It is recognizing the reason behind Jihad.

Not all Muslims are obedient, thankfully, but this is what they are instructed to do by the Koran.

Now. Disprove it.
It is broad-stroking the entire religion, because you're claiming the entire religion's goal, is world domination, which is an absolutely ridiculous claim.

How the fuck, is a way certain people worship, going to take over the world?

They have no modern army. No navy. No nuclear weapons. No coordinated communication system. Nothing. You can't take over the world with just car bombs and suicide jihadists.

If you want to take over the world, you need to do what were doing. We have a modern military. A modern navy. Nuclear weapons. A world-wide communication system and over a 1000 military bases around the world. And that's what you need just to start something like that.

Does Islam have that? Fuck no!
When you consider the truths I present here to be evidence of racism, you are playing the race card inappropriately.

By your judgement anything bad said about Islam is racism.

If you believe what I post about Islam and Muslims is racist you should be able to prove those posts are untrue.

I didn't come to this position by accident or emotion.

I came to it by a dispassionate study of the facts.

You call it racist because you have no other defense that you can possibly get away with.

But, on this, you are just wrong.

I post as I do because of the facts I worked hard to find.

Facts you try to deny and kept hidden.
I call it racist, because you're broad-stroking the entire religion as being one thing.

Nope. I recognize it for what it is.

I don't care if the Koran is true or made up from someone's imagination.

I just don't care.

The bad things some people say about Islam and how it compares to Christianity and whether one sura means this or that, means little to me on one hand. I live in America and Muslims mean little to me otherwise. And i was content to let that be the extent of my opinion of Islam and Muslims.

Then, the first real face you could put on Islamic Jihad told us he was declaring war on us.

Osama bin Laden: "We believe that the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans. Nothing could stop you except perhaps retaliation in kind. We do not have to differentiate between military or civilian. As far as we are concerned, they are all targets, and this is what the fatwah says..."

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS

And then the attacks on our interests and people began gaining the MSM's attention.

Then 9/11.

And I began learning about Islam.

But after awhile I realized all I was doing was being forced to become increasingly knowledgeable about Islam. Something I had no interest in doing.

So, I asked myself what I NEEDED to know to help prevent my country from being caught by surprise AGAIN.

That's when I realized how important Israel was to US.

They are fighting for their own peace and freedom but they are also fighting OUR fight in that we stand for Democracy and freedom of Religion and the JudeoChristian world order just as the Israelis do.

And whenever we hear Jihadists refer to the USA as THE GREAT SATAN, we know they have us on their target in the bulls-eye. Like bin Laden did in the interview I cited (above) from 1998.

But there were a great many (too many!) confusing charges and cross complaints about the Israelis being oppressors and bigots and inhumane and trying to prevent peace to know which stories were real and bore some relation to the truth, and which were more than likely, lies.

And I developed a shorthand method for sorting out which is which.

The one who plays up the emotional aspect of the event, the deaths and the injuries, and never admits or even discusses THEIR OWN involvement in helping make said event necessary or merely occur, that is the offending party.

After doing that over the course of a few months I compared THOSE results against other independent sources to determine who was the bad guy and who was the good guy or the justified guy in those events (shootings, bombings, rocket attacks, and etc.) and every time it turned out the IDF was the good guy or the justified guy in every one of the actions I observed.

Then, I began using the assumption that the Palestinians were the GOOD guys and I tried to substantiate THAT assumption through independent sources whenever some thing or another happened.

But after digging past the pro-Palestinian propaganda I found that I was constantly wrong in my assumptions.

By that time i was certain that the two sides WERE NOT equally bad and equally at fault in keeping the hostilities hot in Israel. It was and IS the Palestinians who are the bad guy in that fight.

They can talk all they want about how bad the israelis are but the Israelis have just as much right to the land as the Arabs. And they have ALWAYS wanted to live there peacefully. And the reason they can't is because, when you boil it all down, it is because of Islam that the matter is still contentious.

Everything else is masturbation, posturing, some negotiation and posing.
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Read the instructions where you can get a translation. I take it you can read, can't you?
I could care less what he has to say.

Why don't you tell me the part that has to do with the point you're trying to make?

Don't be so lazy. Remember one important thing though even if you don't care what he has to say. There are plenty of places in the Middle East where you would be considered an Infidel and wouldn't come out in one piece.
Nope. I recognize it for what it is.

I don't care if the Koran is true or made up from someone's imagination.

I just don't care.

The bad things some people say about Islam and how it compares to Christianity and whether one sura means this or that, means little to me on one hand. I live in America and Muslims mean little to me otherwise. And i was content to let that be the extent of my opinion of Islam and Muslims.

Then, the first real face you could put on Islamic Jihad told us he was declaring war on us.

Osama bin Laden: "We believe that the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans. Nothing could stop you except perhaps retaliation in kind. We do not have to differentiate between military or civilian. As far as we are concerned, they are all targets, and this is what the fatwah says..."

Who Is Bin Laden? - Interview With Osama Bin Laden (in May 1998) | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE | PBS

And then the attacks on our interests and people began gaining the MSM's attention.

Then 9/11.
Bin Laden was not a muslim, he was a CIA creation.
And i began learning about Islam.

But after ahile i realized all I was doing was being forced to become increasingly knowledgable about islam.

But I didn't want to have to do so.
Why learn about Islam? You just got done saying you didn't give a shit about it?
So, I asked myself what do I NEED to know to help prevent my country from being caught by surprise AGAIN.
You need to know what your country has done to help create the hatred against us. You have to have a real hate-on to do what those hijackers did. I mean, it's not like they're all sitting around one day and one of them jumps up and say's, "Hey, I know, let's gets some visa's, take some flying lessons and..."

There are external factors that are playing a role in generating the kind of hatred that makes people want to fly planes into our buildings. And one of them, is our unconditional support of Israel. I don't mind us supporting them, but we shouldn't do it unconditionally.

That's when I realized how important Israel was to US.
Tell that to the men of the USS Liberty.
But there were too many confusing charges and cross complaints about the Israelis to know which stories were real and bore some relation to the truth, and which were more than likely, lies.
And there are some that are pretty fucking obvious.
And I developed a shorthand method for sorting out which is which.

The one who plays up the emotional aspect of the event, the deaths and the injuries, and never admits or even discusses THEIR OWN involvement in helping make said event necessary or merely occur, that is the offending party.
I wouldn't go that far.

But people who always blame others, is definitely a red flag.

And there's no better example of that, than the Israeli's. Who never accept responsibility for anything they do.
After doing that over the course of a few months I compared THOSE results against other independent sources to determine who was the bad guy and who was the good guy or the justified guy in those events (shootings, bombings, rocket attacks, and etc.) and every time it turned out the IDF was the good guy or the justified guy in every one of the actions I observed.
And when the IDF shoots at people fishing and farming, who's the bad guy there?
Then, I began using the assumption that the Palestinians were the GOOD guy and I tried to substantiate THAT assumption.

But after digging past the pro-Palestinian propaganda I found that I was constantly wrong in my assumptions.

By that time i was certain that the two sides WERE NOT equally bad and equally at fault in keeping the hostilities hot in Israel. It was and IS the Palestinians who are the bad guy in that fight.
How do you figure that, when the Israeli's are in violation of over 100 UN resolutions?
They can talk all they want about how bad the israelis are but the Israelis have just as much right to the land as the Arabs. And they have ALWAYS wanted to live there peacefully. And the reason they can't is because, when you boil it all down, it is because of Islam that the matter is still contentious.
Israeli's have the land that is past the Green Line.

They don't have the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.

That land was not given to them and it never will be land given to them.
Everything else is masturbation, posturing, some negotiation and posing.
That's why if I was President, I'd say enough of the foreplay and send in the marines to drive those god-damn Israeli's back to Israel.
Don't be so lazy. Remember one important thing though even if you don't care what he has to say. There are plenty of places in the Middle East where you would be considered an Infidel and wouldn't come out in one piece.
I'm not being lazy, I just don't care.

It's your point, you make it!
Wow! It seems your SOLE area of expertise is the F*ing Jews.
You are consistently at a loss for every other topic.
Do you have ADD?

I can tell, you really want this to be about jews.

You want people to hate jews and you're doing everything you can to make that happen.

Unfortunately, in this case, you're not doing to well.
Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order.

This isn't broad stroking the religion as being one thing.

It is recognizing the reason behind Jihad.

Not all Muslims are obedient, thankfully, but this is what they are instructed to do by the Koran.

Now. Disprove it.
It is broad-stroking the entire religion, because you're claiming the entire religion's goal, is world domination, which is an absolutely ridiculous claim.

How the fuck, is a way certain people worship, going to take over the world?

They have no modern army. No navy. No nuclear weapons. No coordinated communication system. Nothing. You can't take over the world with just car bombs and suicide jihadists.

If you want to take over the world, you need to do what were doing. We have a modern military. A modern navy. Nuclear weapons. A world-wide communication system and over a 1000 military bases around the world. And that's what you need just to start something like that.

Does Islam have that? Fuck no!

Did the Muslim Brotherhood need all that to take control of Egypt (with Obama's help!)?

Fuck no!

December 23, 2013 | The Muslim Brotherhood in America

The Muslim Brotherhoods goal is to impose the supremacist and brutally repressive shariah doctrine

Sixty-nine years ago this month, Nazi Germany mounted its last, horrific offensive in the dead of winter in what came to be known as the Battle of the Bulge. Perhaps taking a page from the playbook of their fellow totalitarians, the Muslim Brotherhood seems to have its own audacious winter offensive underway – only this one is being waged inside America, a country the Brothers have declared they seek “to destroy from within.”

At the moment, the object of this exercise appears to be to prevail on the U.S. government to do what it did once before: help install a Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt. The difference, of course, is that the last time was in the heyday of the so-called “Arab Spring,” a moment when the ambitions of Egyptian Islamists and those of their counterparts in Tunisia, Libya, Syria and elsewhere were temporarily obscured by disinformation and wishful thinking.

In short order, however, the determination of the Muslim Brotherhood and its ilk to impose the supremacist and brutally repressive doctrine they call shariah became evident in Cairo and the rest of the Middle East.

Whether they gained power via violent revolution or through the ballot box, the goal was the same: compel moderate Muslims, secularists, Christians and everybody else to submit to orthodox Islamic misrule.

Resistance was met with violence, imprisonment and the destruction of churches.

Fortunately, as many as thirty million Egyptians took to the streets of their cities last summer to denounce the Brotherhood and demand the removal from power of its president, Mohamed Morsi. He was overthrown and arrested in July by the military-led opposition, his organization banned and its other leaders incarcerated. Most sentient Americans recognized this as a very positive development.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s operatives, front organizations and allies in this country have nonetheless demanded Morsi’s restoration.

They present themselves as champions of democracy, hoping no one will notice the practical effect of the Brothers’ policies when in power: a state in which elections amount to nothing more than one man, one vote, one time.

The Brotherhood’s advocates enjoy considerable access to and influence with the Obama administration. For example, the President and his subordinates take counsel from Homeland Security Department advisors like Mohamed Magid, the president of this country’s largest Muslim Brotherhood front, the Islamic Society of North America, and Mohamed Elibiary, an Islamist community organizer based in Plano, Texas. At the urging of their ilk, Mr. Obama cut off military sales to the Egyptian government a few months ago.

In addition to needlessly alienating Cairo when it is rolling up our mutual enemies, he thus created an opportunity for Vladimir Putin to pick up the slack and, in the process, further reestablish Russia in the Middle East.

The Muslim Brotherhood in this country (the subject of a free ten-part online course at Center for Security Policy | The Muslim Brotherhood in America) is evidently determined to do even more for their fellow jihadists in Egypt. Hence, they have created new fronts to promote Egyptian “democracy” and held lobbying and fundraising events in several U.S. cities featuring top Brotherhood personalities.

As the indispensable Investigative Project on Terrorism first reported, one of those is Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna. Ramadan was allowed into the United States in January 2010 at the direction of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose longtime aide, Huma Abedin, also has extensive personal and family ties to the Brotherhood.

Even more outrageous is the presence at several of these events – including one in the House Cannon Office Building on December 5th – of Sami Al-Arian. Al-Arian would seem an unlikely choice to sell Congress on so dubious a proposition as restoring the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt. After all, he not only engaged in what the Brotherhood calls “civilization jihad” in the United States. That’s the stealthy subversion Islamists employ until they are able to use violence to foist shariah worldwide.

Sami al-Arian was also convicted in 2006 of aiding Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a designated terrorist group he led for many years. PIJ has been responsible for murders of innocents in the past and applauded a bus bombing in Israel just last Sunday. Why on earth would Judge Leonie Brinkema allow Al-Arian, who is awaiting disposition of contempt of court charges and faces possible deportation, to collaborate and agitate with his fellow Muslim Brothers, albeit with a location-monitoring bracelet?

It is obscene that anyone in Congress would host such a jihadist. Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), a Muslim legislator who sponsored the event at which Al-Arian appeared, claims not to have known that he would be there. True or not, he and President Obama have certainly failed to recognize the Muslim Brotherhood for the enemy it is.

That failure makes all the more dangerous the Muslim Brotherhood’s present offensive. As we mark the anniversary of the bloody and avoidable Battle of the Bulge, we would do well to reflect upon an event held last month at the Brotherhood beachhead at Georgetown University, the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. Among those invited to promote a “return to democracy” in Egypt was a featured guest speaker named Rami Jan, who happens to be a member of the Egyptian Nazi party.

Center for Security Policy | The Muslim Brotherhood?s winter offensive

Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order.

Yeah, Billo.

I'm waiting for you to disprove the assertion.

Or admit that you recognize it is true.

Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order.

Yeah, Billo.

I'm waiting for you to disprove the assertion.

Or admit that you recognize it is true.

No Family Attacks.
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When you consider the truths I present here to be evidence of racism, you are playing the race card inappropriately.
By your judgement anything bad said about Islam is racism.
If you believe what I post about Islam and Muslims is racist you should be able to prove those posts are untrue.

I didn't come to this position by accident or emotion.
I came to it by a dispassionate study of the facts.
You call it racist because you have no other defense that you can possibly get away with.
But, on this, you are just wrong.
I post as I do because of the facts I worked hard to find.
Facts you try to deny and kept hidden.
I call it racist, because you're broad-stroking the entire religion as being one thing.
1. Religion is NOT "race". It's a philosophy one doesn't have to maintain. Though in Islam it's dangerous not to, ie, 'apostasy' is bad news.
2. Muslims are of course of different race; though the Arab/Farsi flavor seems the most bitter.
1. Religion is NOT "race". It's a philosophy one doesn't have to maintain. Though in Islam it's dangerous not to, ie, 'apostasy' is bad news.
2. Muslims are of course of different race; though the Arab/Farsi flavor seems the most bitter.
Shove that splitting hair, semantic bullshit, up your ass!

What kind of fucking name is Abu, anyway?

How come you're not named Ed, Roger or Mike?
I'm waiting to find out how often his father beat him up.
You know, the way Adolf Hitler's father used to beat him up.
As a matter of fact, my father did beat the shit out of me when I was growing up. He was one of those, "children should be seen and not heard" dudes. One of those, "do as I say, not as I do" dudes.

One day, when I was a lot older, I wrote him a letter telling him I resented everything he did to me during my childhood and if I ever became a father, I do exactly opposite of what he did to me. I told him corporal punishment is child abuse and how I resented the way I was raised. But I was drunk when I wrote that letter.

I wrote him a second letter telling him that. The bottom line, I told him, was that I loved him and missed him.

That's when he wrote me back telling me he'd been diagnosed with 3 cancers and doctors had given him 2 months to live. I flew up to see him (after not seeing him for 6 years) just 4 hours before he died. We had one last conversation together. I told him, "I don't think I'll live to be 67." He replied, "Well, it'll give you something to shoot for!"

But he was a right-wing conservative, to hell with him!

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