Muslims Hate and Kill Palestinian Christians

Did you say apartheid? What does it mean? :eusa_whistle:
You want to be known as the "jewish state".

How much more apartheid can you get?

Depends on one's location If one lives in a world where sows and pigs
can accept the concept of an "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC" or a nation that waves
a flag depicting a star and crescent-------then a "jewish state" is a logical
and just and even NECESSARY -----situation

In fact if one can accept a "PAKISTAN" a hindu India is logical too. I like
the idea of a HINDU INDIA India is the birthplace of hinduism ----and in some
ways -----a HOLY LAND to the religion-----the MOGHUL DOGS do not belong there

Depends on one's location If one lives in a world where sows and pigs
can accept the concept of an "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC" or a nation that waves
a flag depicting a star and crescent-------then a "jewish state" is a logical
and just and even NECESSARY -----situation

In fact if one can accept a "PAKISTAN" a hindu India is logical too. I like
the idea of a HINDU INDIA India is the birthplace of hinduism ----and in some
ways -----a HOLY LAND to the religion-----the MOGHUL DOGS do not belong there

Oh shut-up!
Depends on one's location If one lives in a world where sows and pigs
can accept the concept of an "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC" or a nation that waves
a flag depicting a star and crescent-------then a "jewish state" is a logical
and just and even NECESSARY -----situation

In fact if one can accept a "PAKISTAN" a hindu India is logical too. I like
the idea of a HINDU INDIA India is the birthplace of hinduism ----and in some
ways -----a HOLY LAND to the religion-----the MOGHUL DOGS do not belong there

Oh shut-up!

You're losing it. :lol:
Depends on one's location If one lives in a world where sows and pigs
can accept the concept of an "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC" or a nation that waves
a flag depicting a star and crescent-------then a "jewish state" is a logical
and just and even NECESSARY -----situation

In fact if one can accept a "PAKISTAN" a hindu India is logical too. I like
the idea of a HINDU INDIA India is the birthplace of hinduism ----and in some
ways -----a HOLY LAND to the religion-----the MOGHUL DOGS do not belong there

Oh shut-up!

how do you say that in arabic?
I would hope that he would be very polite with her and keep the F word in his back pocket.
Not a chance. Fuck is the best word in the English language.

It's so versatile and has many uses.

Why Fuck is the Best Word in the English Language...
by Who the Fuck Knows

Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language today is the word "fuck".

It is a magical word which, just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate. In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories.

It can be used as a verb both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive (Mary was fucked by John).

It can be an action verb (John really gives a fuck),

a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a fuck),

and adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John),

or as a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck).

It can also be used as an interjection (Fuck! I'm late for my date with Mary).

It can even be used as a conjunction (Mary is easy, fuck she's also stupid).

As you can see there are very few words with the overall versatility of the word fuck.

Aside from its sexual connotations, this word can be used to describe many situations:

1. Greetings........."How the fuck are ya?"

2. Fraud..............."I got fucked by the car dealer."

3. Resignation......."Oh, fuck it!"

4. Trouble............."I guess I'm fucked now."

5. Aggression........."Fuck you!"

6. Disgust................"Fuck me."

7. Confusion............." What the fuck....?"

8. Displeasure............"Fucking shit man..."

9. Lost........................"Where the fuck are we?"


11.Retaliation............."Up your fucking ass!"

12. Apathy................."Who really gives a fuck?"

13. Suspicion............."Who the fuck are you?"

14. Directions.............."Fuck off."

It can be maternal........"Motherfucker!"

It can be used to tell time......."It's four fucking twenty!"

It can be used as an anatomical description............."He's a fucking asshole."

Lastly, it has been used by many notable people throughout history:

"What the fuck was that?" -Mayor of Hiroshima

"That's not a real fucking gun." -John Lennon

"Where the fuck is all this water coming from?" -Captain of the Titanic

"Who the fuck is gonna find out?" -Richard Nixon

"Heads are gonna fucking roll." -Anne Boleyn

"Any fucking idiot could answer that." -Albert Einstein

"It does so fucking look like her!" -Picasso

"You want what on the fucking ceiling?" -Michaelangelo

"Fuck a duck." -Walt Disney

"Houston, we have a big fucking problem." - The crew of Apollo 13

Maybe so, Billy, but when a person has to constantly incorporate vulgarities into his conversation, he just shows what a lowlife he is with actually a small vocabulary. I certainly hope you know how to restrain yourself while you are currently going on job interviews. Good luck in finding a good job.
Maybe so, Billy, but when a person has to constantly incorporate vulgarities into his conversation, he just shows what a lowlife he is with actually a small vocabulary. I certainly hope you know how to restrain yourself while you are currently going on job interviews. Good luck in finding a good job.
Thank you. And yes, I don't talk at work, like I do at home.
Gosh, since Billy is taking Arabic, I sure hope he has no intentions of converting unless it is to moderate Islam. We don't want him to become like this.

Israel is NOT apartheid state, says South African leader's daughter - Israel Today | Israel News
Islam is not my dance. Neither is Judaism.

Have you ever heard of an Irish Muslim?

Muslim's don't drink. The Irish have to drink, by law.

Are you possibly sure that no people of Irish background have converted to Islam? Meanwhile, don't fool yourself that all Muslims don't drink.
Gosh, since Billy is taking Arabic, I sure hope he has no intentions of converting unless it is to moderate Islam. We don't want him to become like this.

Israel is NOT apartheid state, says South African leader's daughter - Israel Today | Israel News
Islam is not my dance. Neither is Judaism.

Have you ever heard of an Irish Muslim?

Muslim's don't drink. The Irish have to drink, by law.

I was almost five years old when my family moved to a small house in
a town ------in an area that harbored lots of people of Irish background---but mostly
WASP controlled There was a tiny bit of tension between the irish----and
the wasps----------but then THE JOOOS CAME At age five-----I learned that I had
KILLED SOMEONE NAMED JESUS-------a lesson punctuated by rocks flung at me
by little girls in plaid jumpers-------they were not muslims-----they attended
SAINT ANNE's school I am fascinated by your MANDATORY alcohol intake.
As a kid-----I knew my mom would sometimes drink a bit of wine------but I came
to the conclusion that that the ONLY FEMALES in the world who drink beer and whiskey
had children who attended "St. Anne's" (on rare occassions my mom drank something
called a "screwdriver" ------I watched my uncle make it up for her once-----
he poured a large glass about 1/4 full of vodka before topping it off with orange
juice and said-----"ONLY A LITTLE"----
suddenly mom had a look on her face like one of those SAINT ANNE's moms)

despair not------the people who REALLY HATED the catholics-----turned out to be
YUGOSLAVIAN. A pair of sisters -----whose parents were----I later decided SERBS,

I spent lots of time in their home. For some reason they even hated the pope-----
(they clearly hated jews too----but in a land populated by wasps and
catholics--------it seems I was preferable)
I was almost five years old when my family moved to a small house in
a town ------in an area that harbored lots of people of Irish background---but mostly
WASP controlled There was a tiny bit of tension between the irish----and
the wasps----------but then THE JOOOS CAME At age five-----I learned that I had
KILLED SOMEONE NAMED JESUS-------a lesson punctuated by rocks flung at me
by little girls in plaid jumpers-------they were not muslims-----they attended
SAINT ANNE's school I am fascinated by your MANDATORY alcohol intake.
As a kid-----I knew my mom would sometimes drink a bit of wine------but I came
to the conclusion that that the ONLY FEMALES in the world who drink beer and whiskey
had children who attended "St. Anne's" (on rare occassions my mom drank something
called a "screwdriver" ------I watched my uncle make it up for her once-----
he poured a large glass about 1/4 full of vodka before topping it off with orange
juice and said-----"ONLY A LITTLE"----
suddenly mom had a look on her face like one of those SAINT ANNE's moms)

despair not------the people who REALLY HATED the catholics-----turned out to be
YUGOSLAVIAN. A pair of sisters -----whose parents were----I later decided SERBS,

I spent lots of time in their home. For some reason they even hated the pope-----
(they clearly hated jews too----but in a land populated by wasps and
catholics--------it seems I was preferable)
John Lennon said, "Women are the ****** of the world!"
Are you possibly sure that no people of Irish background have converted to Islam? Meanwhile, don't fool yourself that all Muslims don't drink.
It's possible. Just like there's probably Jewish rappers out there.

I'm sure there are muslim's who drink. But they're probably westernized muslims.

I used to work for a couple of Israeli's. But they talked and acted just like me. I guess they were Americanized Israeli's. You wouldn't even know it, until they'd all of sudden, start talking Hebrew or Yiddish. As soon as I found out, I asked them to teach me all the Hebrew cus words. Those two guys could really party. We had a lot of fun!
I was almost five years old when my family moved to a small house in
a town ------in an area that harbored lots of people of Irish background---but mostly
WASP controlled There was a tiny bit of tension between the irish----and
the wasps----------but then THE JOOOS CAME At age five-----I learned that I had
KILLED SOMEONE NAMED JESUS-------a lesson punctuated by rocks flung at me
by little girls in plaid jumpers-------they were not muslims-----they attended
SAINT ANNE's school I am fascinated by your MANDATORY alcohol intake.
As a kid-----I knew my mom would sometimes drink a bit of wine------but I came
to the conclusion that that the ONLY FEMALES in the world who drink beer and whiskey
had children who attended "St. Anne's" (on rare occassions my mom drank something
called a "screwdriver" ------I watched my uncle make it up for her once-----
he poured a large glass about 1/4 full of vodka before topping it off with orange
juice and said-----"ONLY A LITTLE"----
suddenly mom had a look on her face like one of those SAINT ANNE's moms)

despair not------the people who REALLY HATED the catholics-----turned out to be
YUGOSLAVIAN. A pair of sisters -----whose parents were----I later decided SERBS,

I spent lots of time in their home. For some reason they even hated the pope-----
(they clearly hated jews too----but in a land populated by wasps and
catholics--------it seems I was preferable)
John Lennon said, "Women are the ****** of the world!"

Speaking of which-----in my little town-----there were no blacks at all when I was
a child-------I was naive enough to actually believe that the REASON was----that
no blacks had wanted to live there. Well-----first the WASPS let a few Irish in---
then----there was a post war HOUSE BUILDING BOOM-----and those VA MORTGAGES---
-------that's how they let my jewish dad buy a house there. -----well---then all hell
broke loose-----and they the late 1970s-----the town started to become
INTEGRATED When I was a child---my mom used to say now and then-----
"I'll show them----when I sell this house it is going to a 'colored' family" I was very
young----and not sure what doing so would "show" them.
Are you possibly sure that no people of Irish background have converted to Islam? Meanwhile, don't fool yourself that all Muslims don't drink.
It's possible. Just like there's probably Jewish rappers out there.

I'm sure there are muslim's who drink. But they're probably westernized muslims.

I used to work for a couple of Israeli's. But they talked and acted just like me. I guess they were Americanized Israeli's. You wouldn't even know it, until they'd all of sudden, start talking Hebrew or Yiddish. As soon as I found out, I asked them to teach me all the Hebrew cus words. Those two guys could really party. We had a lot of fun!

They had to teach you the Yiddush as Hebrew doesn't have any curse works.
Unless they resorted to the boring names for genitalia.
Speaking of which-----in my little town-----there were no blacks at all when I was
a child-------I was naive enough to actually believe that the REASON was----that
no blacks had wanted to live there. Well-----first the WASPS let a few Irish in---
then----there was a post war HOUSE BUILDING BOOM-----and those VA MORTGAGES---
-------that's how they let my jewish dad buy a house there. -----well---then all hell
broke loose-----and they the late 1970s-----the town started to become
INTEGRATED When I was a child---my mom used to say now and then-----
"I'll show them----when I sell this house it is going to a 'colored' family" I was very
young----and not sure what doing so would "show" them.
That you had a more competitive basketball team?
how do you say that in arabic?

Gosh, since Billy is taking Arabic, I sure hope he has no intentions of converting unless it is to moderate Islam. We don't want him to become like this.

Israel is NOT apartheid state, says South African leader's daughter - Israel Today | Israel News

Here is an excerpt of a message to so-called, "moderate Muslims:"

You may be a moderate, peaceful Muslim, but there’s nothing moderate or peaceful about your religion, and you know it.

The bigots who preach in your mosques, who take sustenance from your religion, are hiding behind you. And your silence is helping them to do it. If your mosque is letting anyone preach hatred and violence on its premises, you have a duty to call the police. And the police have a duty to take off their politically correct-tinted glasses to go into that mosque, without removing their shoes, and arrest that person. Anything less than this, and you’re on the wrong side.

And make no mistake — this is the moment to take sides and to show that you are taking sides. Loyalty to the Ummah is no longer an option.

Message to ?Moderate? Muslims | FrontPage Magazine
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