Muslims in Ramadan !

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
All over the world Muslims have begun their holiest month of the year by fasting from dawn until dusk each day, broken each evening by large, communal meals. The start of Ramadan is earlier each year because it is calculated based on the sighting of the new moon, which begins the Muslim lunar month. Muslims use the time to reevaluate their lives through the scope of Islamic doctrine.

Makkah Taraweeh 2011 [Full] - Ramadan Night 1 ~

Taraweeh Ramadan night


Muslims attend a mass prayer session "Tarawih" marking the beginning of the holy fasting month of Ramadan in a mosque in Makassar of Indonesia's South Sulawesi province on July 20. The Indonesian government set Ramadan to fall on July 21. (Yusuf Ahmad/Reuters)


Kashmiri Muslims offer prayers next to parked cars on a road outside a mosque on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan in Srinagar on July 21. (Danish Ismail/Reuters)

An Indian Muslim child runs at the Jama Masjid on the first night of Ramadan in New Delhi, India on July 21. (Tsering Topgyal/Associated Press)


Pilgrims circle the Kaaba inside the Grand Mosque during the Muslim month of Ramadan in the holy city of Mecca on July 23. (Hassan Ali/Reuters)


A Palestinian man reads the Koran outside a mosque in the West Bank city of Jenin on the first day of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan on July 20. (Saif Dahlah/AFP/Getty Images)


Muslims attend a mass prayer session "Tarawih" marking the beginning of the holy fasting month of Ramadan in a mosque in Makassar of Indonesia's South Sulawesi province on July 20. (Yusuf Ahmad/Reuters)


A Palestinian buys a photograph of the Dome of the Rock at a market in the West Bank city of Nablus on July 19. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Associated Press)


Students recite the Holy Koran during Madrasa class at Al-Nour Islamic school in the historic center of Stone Town in the Indian Ocean Island of Zanzibar on July 21. (Thomas Mukoya/Reuters)


Kashmiri Muslim children pray at a Muslim religious school during the holy month of Ramadan in Srinagar, India, on July 24. (Mukhtar Khan/Associated Press)
Ancient Lion, there is nothing in the bible about Muhammad.

As for your link claiming that the quran is Muhammad's miracle, because no one can write a sura like it.
The quran is a rambling repetition of bible stories. It refers to bible story's but offers no narrative, an changes the subject at almost every verse. The only sura that is devoted to one bible story is sura 12, and as I have said elsewhere it is incomprehensible unless you have first read Genesis.

There is no miracle about the quran, it is plagiarism from the bible and from Arab mythology.
Ramadan is over....During the holy month of Ramadan was when Allah (SWT) gave Prophet Muhammad (S) the Holy Qur'an. One day, Muhammad had a vision in which the angel Jibril told him how Allah wanted people to live. The Allah's words were revealed to Muhammad through the angel over a period of 23 years, and the words were written down to form the Qur'an. We celebrate Ramadan to remember this very special month.

Ramadan is a time when we fast during the daylight hours. We go without food or drink until sundown. Instead of feeding our bodies, we pray and read the Qur'an. We also make extra effort not to say or listen to anything harmful. These things make us feel closer to Allah, and also remind us of people who may not have enough to eat.
The month of Ramadan ends with the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr. Its a time for us to celebrate the end of fasting.
It is mandatory on all the well-off Muslims to start their day by paying "Sadaqat-ul-fitr" to the poor of their society, so that they, too, may enjoy the day along with others, and may not be worried for earning their livelihood at least on that day of happiness.This holiday is so important that many Muslims in the west. take a day off from work or school to celebrate with their families.

Everyone rises early for the prayer ceremony at their masjids and parks, wearing new clothes. Afterwards, families visit each other and exchange good wishes.

The handshakes and hugs after the prayer are a wonderful mark of love toward others. Eid gives everyone a feeling of brotherliness, and all bad feelings toward Muslims should be wiped clean so we can all start fresh.
How many "Allah Ackbar"s will people die from this year?

Terrorist month, tbh.

How many people will die because of the terrorism of godless people which are speaking in the name of god? This year? I guess as many as last year. How many were it last year?

Ramadan is over....During the holy month of Ramadan was when Allah (SWT) gave Prophet Muhammad (S) the Holy Qur'an. One day, Muhammad had a vision in which the angel Jibril told him how Allah wanted people to live. The Allah's words were revealed to Muhammad through the angel over a period of 23 years, and the words were written down to form the Qur'an. We celebrate Ramadan to remember this very special month.

Ramadan is a time when we fast during the daylight hours. We go without food or drink until sundown. Instead of feeding our bodies, we pray and read the Qur'an. We also make extra effort not to say or listen to anything harmful. These things make us feel closer to Allah, and also remind us of people who may not have enough to eat.
The month of Ramadan ends with the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr. Its a time for us to celebrate the end of fasting.
It is mandatory on all the well-off Muslims to start their day by paying "Sadaqat-ul-fitr" to the poor of their society, so that they, too, may enjoy the day along with others, and may not be worried for earning their livelihood at least on that day of happiness.This holiday is so important that many Muslims in the west. take a day off from work or school to celebrate with their families.

Everyone rises early for the prayer ceremony at their masjids and parks, wearing new clothes. Afterwards, families visit each other and exchange good wishes.

The handshakes and hugs after the prayer are a wonderful mark of love toward others. Eid gives everyone a feeling of brotherliness, and all bad feelings toward Muslims should be wiped clean so we can all start fresh.
Ancient lion you seem to be a very faithful Muslim, and I try to be a very faithful Christian. I fail at it, daily.

I hope you had a good holy month, in your religious beliefs.

May I ask a few question of you? Where in the Bible is the prophet Muhammad mentioned? Why did Muhammad recognize Jesus, but Jesus(to my knowledge) never recognized Muhammad?

I am not trying to run down your faith, I just want answers to these questions, for I know why I base my faith upon Jesus, and that is because there were 14 men, who went to their graves, proclaiming that Jesus was, and is, the Christ. All but two of those 14 were martyred for saying this, but would not denounce Jesus as Lord, and instead chose to die, mostly horrible deaths. Only one of the remaining 2 would die from old age, and the other one was so ashamed of his actions that he committed suicide.

Yet, you base all your faith on the word of 1 man, with(so far as I know) no one else proclaiming this man to be a man of God, at the time the man lived. So if I am wrong on this part, please let me know, for I wish to understand the Islamic faith better.

Thank you.
UllysesS.Archer, Have a look here:
Misha al Abdullah Al-Kadhi

The foundation of Jesus’ message was submission to the will of God, because that is the foundation of the religion which God prescribed for man since the beginning of time.

Jesus never expected submission from anyone else. He expected to try to understand what's the will of god. If god - or any authority who speaks in the name of god - says "kill for me!" then everyone has to know 100% that this is not submisssion under the will of god. God is life.

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UllysesS.Archer, Have a look here:
Misha al Abdullah Al-Kadhi

The foundation of Jesus’ message was submission to the will of God, because that is the foundation of the religion which God prescribed for man since the beginning of time.

Jesus never expected submission from anyone else. He expected to try to understand what's the will of god. If god - or any authority who speaks in the name of god - says "kill for me!" then everyone has to know 100% that this is not submisssion under the will of god. God is life.

Man is a part of the universe; the laws which govern human nature are no different from the laws governing the universe. God is the Creator of the universe as well as of man. Man's body is made of earthly material, yet God has bestowed upon him certain characteristics which make him more than the earth from which he is made; Allah provides him according to a measure. In his bodily functions man involuntarily follows the same laws of nature as other creatures. His creation is according to the will of God rather than of his father and mother. The father and mother are able to come together; yet they are not able to transform a sperm into a human being. Man is born according to the method of development and the method of birth which Allah has prescribed for him; he breathes God's air in the quantity and fashion prescribed by Allah; he has feelings and understanding, he experiences pain, becomes hungry and thirsty, eats and drinks - in short, he has to live according to the laws of God and he has no choice in the matter. In this respect there is no difference between him and other inanimate or animate objects of the universe. All unconditionally submit to the Will of God and to the laws of His creation.
UllysesS.Archer, Have a look here:
Misha al Abdullah Al-Kadhi

The foundation of Jesus’ message was submission to the will of God, because that is the foundation of the religion which God prescribed for man since the beginning of time.

Jesus never expected submission from anyone else. He expected to try to understand what's the will of god. If god - or any authority who speaks in the name of god - says "kill for me!" then everyone has to know 100% that this is not submisssion under the will of god. God is life.

Man is a part of the universe;

Exactly: We are [[part of] the] universe.
the laws which govern human nature are no different from the laws governing the universe.
I'm not sure wether this is really true, If you think about the theory of parallel universes for example then nothign of this parallel universes has to do with us. Nevertheless we are able to think about such structures - wether they are real or not. In case they would be real - what we never would be able to know - our logic, our spirit could lead us in worlds where non one else can go. The only bridge is logos in this case.

God is the Creator of the universe as well as of man. Man's body is made of earthly material, yet God has bestowed upon him certain characteristics which make him more than the earth from which he is made;

Hmmm - if 100, 200 pounds of Earth would drive car like crazy Germans ... could cause a problem without speed limit.

Allah provides him according to a measure. In his bodily functions man involuntarily follows the same laws of nature as other creatures.

Life is life. Everythgin what lives is somehow also our sister and brother - not only human beings. In every living creation lives his spirit too. God is life.

His creation is according to the will of God rather than of his father and mother. The father and mother are able to come together; yet they are not able to transform a sperm into a human being. Man is born according to the method of development and the method of birth which Allah has prescribed for him;

Nice imagination: We are on our way to become ourselve. We are here because we have to transform in the right way - like a metamorphose between caterpillar and tank - oh sorry: caterpillar and butterlfy.

he breathes God's air in the quantity and fashion prescribed by Allah; he has feelings and understanding, he experiences pain, becomes hungry and thirsty, eats and drinks - in short, he has to live according to the laws of God and he has no choice in the matter.

You are not any longer the matter you was 10, 30 or 100 and 300 years ago. Maybe we are like a kind of wave?

In this respect there is no difference between him and other inanimate or animate objects of the universe. All unconditionally submit to the Will of God and to the laws of His creation.

That's not what I personally believe. I think all of the different systems how we think are important : Predestination, karma, fate, destiny, fortune, misfortune, chance, sin and so on and so on. Sometimes shit happens because it happens - on no deeper reason - but sometimes it's also important what happens and gives us ideas, inspirations, ways, tasks and so on. And in general: A final judgement makes no sense if we don't have free decisions. Also the decision not to do the will of god is a free decision. Who makes the decsion to kill other human beings in the name of the allmighty god - the Allmighty needs not to be defended with weapons or violence - is for sure not in the will of god, nor is such a behavior predestinated. The free will itselve is maybe predestinated. Everyone has always a choice and a chance. Nevertheless: A murdered person dies - the predestinated metamorphose finds not a good end, the universe suffers and the murderer is responsible in the eyes of the Lord. In a worst case scenario the murderer will go to hell forever.

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How many "Allah Ackbar"s will people die from this year?

Terrorist month, tbh.

How many people will die because of the terrorism of godless people which are speaking in the name of god? This year? I guess as many as last year. How many were it last year?

Hmm. This is . . . interesting given your comments on the other thread. Now, you consider it an attack on you and your beliefs when one so much as questions some of the "stories" contained in your holy book, yet here you are attacking another's beliefs? Not very consistent of you, I must say. And here we can see how religious beliefs are very divisive to the world and what I meant when I said they "hold us back." With your competing beliefs, how can we ever expect to get a semblance of peace in this world?
How many "Allah Ackbar"s will people die from this year?

Terrorist month, tbh.

How many people will die because of the terrorism of godless people which are speaking in the name of god? This year? I guess as many as last year. How many were it last year?

Hmm. This is . . . interesting given your comments on the other thread. Now, you consider it an attack on you and your beliefs when one so much as questions some of the "stories" contained in your holy book, yet here you are attacking another's beliefs?

He's a Muslim - I'm a Catholic: We know what we are speaking about. You don't know. You are an Atheist. I attacked the Atheists of the organisation "Islamic State" because they are murdering Christians and Muslims. My question was "How can it be that the devil is chained in Ramadan if this people are murdering the same time?" This was a serios question and not an attack. He and I are not confused if Atheists are speaking in the name of god. We know that this is possible. Someone who really believes in god cares about his elementary rules and he is not attacking the houses of god - churches, mosques, synagogues, temples - nor is someone killing his children because of our rules. Our rules are not the same but they are rules for the people and their ways to live and not for death and destruction.

Not very consistent of you, I must say. And here we can see how religious beliefs are very divisive to the world and what I meant when I said they "hold us back." With your competing beliefs, how can we ever expect to get a semblance of peace in this world?

When George W. Bush for example started to prepare the war against the Iraq we held here a church service - a meeting - in a very cold winter night in one of our very old churches. It came Protestants from some different churches, Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists. We prayed together. The Buddhist held a speech - a Muslim spoke the Lords prayer - I remember still the wonderful voice of the Rabbi when he sang - others did other things - It was wonderful night - so many children - so many lights in this dark night - and so many hopeful people of so many hopeful traditions. Nevertheless war began some time later. I'm sure we were very near - but still not able to reach peace. Next time it will be better and one time war will be over.

The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come, and say: "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths." For out of Zion shall go the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.

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How many "Allah Ackbar"s will people die from this year?

Terrorist month, tbh.

How many people will die because of the terrorism of godless people which are speaking in the name of god? This year? I guess as many as last year. How many were it last year?

Hmm. This is . . . interesting given your comments on the other thread. Now, you consider it an attack on you and your beliefs when one so much as questions some of the "stories" contained in your holy book, yet here you are attacking another's beliefs? Not very consistent of you, I must say. And here we can see how religious beliefs are very divisive to the world and what I meant when I said they "hold us back." With your competing beliefs, how can we ever expect to get a semblance of peace in this world?

... I confused this rhethoric questions with another serios question - whatever - Shorter answer: Where do do you see an attack in my words here? I whish all Muslims the best for Bayran. Or in my language: "Beste Wünsche zu Bayran von mir aus Bayern".

How many "Allah Ackbar"s will people die from this year?

Terrorist month, tbh.

How many people will die because of the terrorism of godless people which are speaking in the name of god? This year? I guess as many as last year. How many were it last year?

Hmm. This is . . . interesting given your comments on the other thread. Now, you consider it an attack on you and your beliefs when one so much as questions some of the "stories" contained in your holy book, yet here you are attacking another's beliefs?

He's a Muslim - I'm a Catholic: We know what we are speaking about. You don't know. You are an Atheist. I attacked the Atheists of the organisation "Islamic State" because they are murdering Christians and Muslims. My question was "How can it be that the devil is chained in Ramadan if this people are murdering the same time?" This was a serios question and not an attack. He and I are not confused if Atheists are speaking in the name of god. We know that this is possible. Someone who really believes in god cares about his elementary rules and he is not attacking the houses of god - churches, mosques, synagogues, temples - nor is someone killing his children because of our rules. Our rules are not the same but they are rules for the people and their ways to live and not for death and destruction.

Not very consistent of you, I must say. And here we can see how religious beliefs are very divisive to the world and what I meant when I said they "hold us back." With your competing beliefs, how can we ever expect to get a semblance of peace in this world?

When George W. Bush for example started to prepare the war against the Iraq we held here a church service - a meeting - in a very cold winter night in one of our very old churches. It came Protestants from some different churches, Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists. We prayed together. The Buddhist held a speech - a Muslim spoke the Lords prayer - I remember still the wonderful voice of the Rabbi when he sang - others did other things - It was wonderful night - so many children - so many lights in this dark night - and so many hopeful people of so many hopeful traditions. Nevertheless war began some time later. I'm sure we were very near - but still not able to reach peace. Next time it will be better and one time war will be over.

The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come, and say: "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths." For out of Zion shall go the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.


Well, like I told you, I'm not an atheist. Also, most of us were actually brought up with some kind of religious beliefs. We are just as capable as discussing this subject as you are, and some atheists have studied many religions and are probably even more capable of discussing it than you. I know enough about religious beliefs and customs as my mother was raised in the Catholic religion and went to Catholic schools. I've also read some of the bible and have attended church services, etc.

My point is that you are inconsistent in insisting that no one question your religion, yet you go to a thread about another's religious belief and call them "terrorists." This is the problem with ALL religions. They are competing beliefs where no one can come to an agreement. This religious stuff served a purpose back in the days of ancient ignorant people, but no longer.
... Well, like I told you, I'm not an atheist. Also, most of us were actually brought up with some kind of religious beliefs. We are just as capable as discussing this subject as you are, and some atheists have studied many religions and are probably even more capable of discussing it than you. I know enough about religious beliefs and customs as my mother was raised in the Catholic religion and went to Catholic schools. I've also read some of the bible and have attended church services, etc.

My point is that you are inconsistent in insisting that no one question your religion, yet you go to a thread about another's religious belief and call them "terrorists." This is the problem with ALL religions. They are competing beliefs where no one can come to an agreement. This religious stuff served a purpose back in the days of ancient ignorant people, but no longer.

Why do you tell me what you say here?


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