Muslims kept Gore from winning ..

They probably didn't like him picking Lieberman as his running mate. Neither did I. He cares more about Israel than he does America. He was even a traitor to the Democrats over Israel. Sided with George Bush because Israel really wanted us to invade Iraq. They also want us to go to war with Iran. So do the Republicans. Another reason not to vote GOP in 2016
They probably didn't like him picking Lieberman as his running mate. Neither did I. He cares more about Israel than he does America. He was even a traitor to the Democrats over Israel. Sided with George Bush because Israel really wanted us to invade Iraq. They also want us to go to war with Iran. So do the Republicans. Another reason not to vote GOP in 2016

I think it was decided Bush was going to win and take us into war with Cheney and the other neocons. The hanging chad thing was an obvious coup in my opinion. War was on the agenda. (PS: Lieberman was a mistake as well, your right).

The GOP was going to win 2000 no matter what. Especially with George's brother being the Governor of Florida. It bothers me so much how stupid Americans are. They had the 2000 and 2004 elections stolen and don't even know it happened. So much for the media being liberal, huh? And the rich got Citizens United passed and most American don't even know what that is. So much for a liberal media, huh? Or how Bush was able to lie us into Iraq and totally get away with it. So much for a liberal media, huh? Or that TARP bank robbery Bush pulled on us his last days in office. Basically the bankers said this is a robbery and you either give in to our demands and no one will get hurt. And the media didn't say a fucking peep. So much for the liberal media, that was taken over in 1996 where something like 6 mega corporations purchased up all the media. Telecommunications Act of 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

So much for the liberal media.

Is this the conspiracy forum?
Are you stalking me?
On the one hand lefty idiots can't get over losing an election 15 years ago, and on the other they can't get over winning one 7 years ago.

They are in permanent bitch mode.

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