Muslims March in Chicago and Chant "Death to America!"

I see why liberals love muslims


Photoshop is so fun,

Especially when you are a piece of shit with zero integrity, like you...
Dude, that is NOT photoshop. I was gonna be nice but now that you have hurt my feelingsI'm going to show the video. Photoshop THIS, byatch!:

I see why liberals love muslims
We don't...but they are certainly the RW kettle of fish.
You made one your President
Have you ever seen Obama KISS a Muslim? Your icon, Bush did and then went on a romantic desert stroll with one while Laura looked on in shock...wondering what other sacrifices she would have to endure for her country BWHHAHAHAHAH!
death to chicago moslem
Well, to the ass hat Muslims that want to harm our country, any way.

Not all Muslims want to destroy us, but a good number do,a nd we should be more cunning about this topic.


Such amazing use of the word anyway.

"Anyway, I've just been rumbled trying to discredit the people of an entire religion with lies"
"Anyway, forgetting me doing the exact same job as Goebbels for a second"

Such amazing use of the word anyway.

"Anyway, I've just been rumbled trying to discredit the people of an entire religion with lies"
"Anyway, forgetting me doing the exact same job as Goebbels for a second"

Laugh it up, fuzzball!
I see why liberals love muslims
We don't...but they are certainly the RW kettle of fish.
You made one your President
Have you ever seen Obama KISS a Muslim? Your icon, Bush did and then went on a romantic desert stroll with one while Laura looked on in shock...wondering what other sacrifices she would have to endure for her country BWHHAHAHAHAH!

Don't forget, in 2004 Bush Jr. held a Ramadan dinner with Islamic leaders at the White House.
Whether the story is true or not isn't the issue – if this is yet another ridiculous lie contrived by conservatives, they've only unwittingly confirmed the bigotry and hate common to many on the right.

If it is true, it is by definition NOT a lie, you stupid, stupid mother fucker.

You may be a lying cocksucker, but you're dumb as a brick, C_Coward
Whether the story is true or not isn't the issue – if this is yet another ridiculous lie contrived by conservatives, they've only unwittingly confirmed the bigotry and hate common to many on the right.

If it is true, it is by definition NOT a lie, you stupid, stupid mother fucker.

You may be a lying cocksucker, but you're dumb as a brick, C_Coward
Now you all mad because Bush got caught on video kissing a muslim and your dumb ass claimed it was photoshopped. Dumbass you cant photo shop a video. :laugh:
Why did we let these subversives into our nation? If they dont become terroists, odds are that anyone chanting death to America is going to aid and abet said terrorists

The video doesn't even claim that it says 'death to America'. But instead 'Free Palestine'.

Where did you get the 'death to America' part?
Video was from several years ago, and was a Palestinian protest of the bombing in Gaza. There was no "death to America" chanting.

There are several points in the march where they say "Death to who? Israel! Death to who? America!" One was around 7:00

There are other times when the chanting is just getting started that they say what sounds like Death to Israel /America.

No it doesn't. There isn't 'death to who' nor is there 'America' in reply.

You've imagined it.
Why did we let these subversives into our nation? If they dont become terroists, odds are that anyone chanting death to America is going to aid and abet said terrorists

This is so typical of most conservatives – it fails as a composition fallacy, it shows the right's unwarranted fear and contempt for diversity and dissent, it illustrates conservative hostility toward free expression, and the right's contempt for the rule of law.

It is not "contempt for diversity" to be concerned about someone chanting "Death to America.

Except there's no such chant in the video. So you're concerned....about the OP's imagination.

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