Muslims! Now is the time; you can no longer dither!

They're like the n9ggers. Sweet.

No, they are like everyone else. SOME of them are morons and have let the left turn them into victims.

Oh guess what? Plenty of white morons playing the victim card out there too.

They look like every other immigrant group. Slaves were different, but that's not an excuse today.

Slaves were different, they actually WERE victims. No one alive today was a slave.

So you agree muslim immigrants are no different from any other immigrant group. YOU are making progress.

Of course they are different you fucking moron. No other immigrant group has a subset that killed 3,000 + Americans in one day and has been doing their best to kill as many Amerians as possible every day since.

Human nature says that we are naturally going to look at them differently, and they are naturally going to feel differently than other groups.

I can guarantee you that many American Muslims feel guilty about the terrorism going on around the world, usually those are the ones who have the LEAST to feel guilty about, but again that's called being a human.

So, if they themselves feel different than other immigrant groups, and we know they do, how the fuck could anyone blame Americans for feeling differently towards them?

It's all a giant guilt trip laid by liberals. You dumb shits are pathetic.
We killed more than 100000 Japanese and 100000 Germans in one day, your moron.
No, they are like everyone else. SOME of them are morons and have let the left turn them into victims.

Oh guess what? Plenty of white morons playing the victim card out there too.

They look like every other immigrant group. Slaves were different, but that's not an excuse today.

Slaves were different, they actually WERE victims. No one alive today was a slave.

So you agree muslim immigrants are no different from any other immigrant group. YOU are making progress.

Of course they are different you fucking moron. No other immigrant group has a subset that killed 3,000 + Americans in one day and has been doing their best to kill as many Amerians as possible every day since.

Human nature says that we are naturally going to look at them differently, and they are naturally going to feel differently than other groups.

I can guarantee you that many American Muslims feel guilty about the terrorism going on around the world, usually those are the ones who have the LEAST to feel guilty about, but again that's called being a human.

So, if they themselves feel different than other immigrant groups, and we know they do, how the fuck could anyone blame Americans for feeling differently towards them?

It's all a giant guilt trip laid by liberals. You dumb shits are pathetic.
We killed more than 100000 Japanese and 100000 Germans in one day, your moron.

Comparing a war we didn't start to just randomly killing innocent people? LOL what a moron.
They look like every other immigrant group. Slaves were different, but that's not an excuse today.

Slaves were different, they actually WERE victims. No one alive today was a slave.

So you agree muslim immigrants are no different from any other immigrant group. YOU are making progress.

Of course they are different you fucking moron. No other immigrant group has a subset that killed 3,000 + Americans in one day and has been doing their best to kill as many Amerians as possible every day since.

Human nature says that we are naturally going to look at them differently, and they are naturally going to feel differently than other groups.

I can guarantee you that many American Muslims feel guilty about the terrorism going on around the world, usually those are the ones who have the LEAST to feel guilty about, but again that's called being a human.

So, if they themselves feel different than other immigrant groups, and we know they do, how the fuck could anyone blame Americans for feeling differently towards them?

It's all a giant guilt trip laid by liberals. You dumb shits are pathetic.
We killed more than 100000 Japanese and 100000 Germans in one day, your moron.
Comparing a war we didn't start to just randomly killing innocent people? LOL what a moron.
You don't your history. But if you get off on killing old people and kids, thanks for letting us know.
They look like every other immigrant group. Slaves were different, but that's not an excuse today.

Slaves were different, they actually WERE victims. No one alive today was a slave.

So you agree muslim immigrants are no different from any other immigrant group. YOU are making progress.

Of course they are different you fucking moron. No other immigrant group has a subset that killed 3,000 + Americans in one day and has been doing their best to kill as many Amerians as possible every day since.

Human nature says that we are naturally going to look at them differently, and they are naturally going to feel differently than other groups.

I can guarantee you that many American Muslims feel guilty about the terrorism going on around the world, usually those are the ones who have the LEAST to feel guilty about, but again that's called being a human.

So, if they themselves feel different than other immigrant groups, and we know they do, how the fuck could anyone blame Americans for feeling differently towards them?

It's all a giant guilt trip laid by liberals. You dumb shits are pathetic.
We killed more than 100000 Japanese and 100000 Germans in one day, your moron.

Comparing a war we didn't start to just randomly killing innocent people? LOL what a moron.

They shouldn't have to feel any different than any other immigrant groups. And they shouldn't be made to. Something about casting first stones comes to mind.
Slaves were different, they actually WERE victims. No one alive today was a slave.

So you agree muslim immigrants are no different from any other immigrant group. YOU are making progress.

Of course they are different you fucking moron. No other immigrant group has a subset that killed 3,000 + Americans in one day and has been doing their best to kill as many Amerians as possible every day since.

Human nature says that we are naturally going to look at them differently, and they are naturally going to feel differently than other groups.

I can guarantee you that many American Muslims feel guilty about the terrorism going on around the world, usually those are the ones who have the LEAST to feel guilty about, but again that's called being a human.

So, if they themselves feel different than other immigrant groups, and we know they do, how the fuck could anyone blame Americans for feeling differently towards them?

It's all a giant guilt trip laid by liberals. You dumb shits are pathetic.
We killed more than 100000 Japanese and 100000 Germans in one day, your moron.

Comparing a war we didn't start to just randomly killing innocent people? LOL what a moron.

They shouldn't have to feel any different than any other immigrant groups. And they shouldn't be made to. Something about casting first stones comes to mind.

Should they feel different or be treated different? No, but it's human nature to both feel different and to be treated different. I don't understand this liberal belie that you can legislate human behavior out of existence.

I'll give an example.

When I was in high school, we had a German exchange student. He and his parents both admitted to us that they felt guilty about the Nazis. Why would they feel guilty? This was 50 years after the war. They weren't even alive at that time. But when a member of yours does something SO horrific it's natural to feel guilty..

The truly odd thing is that you same liberals (not saying YOU specifically) expect white people to feel guilty about slavery that happened over 150 years ago.
To all Muslim, friends and acquaintances and strangers:

Now is the time to speak out and condemn all types of barbarities.

You have no more time to avoid condemning other Muslims' radical activities against non-Muslims because you think you are somehow betraying your faith.

Terrorist barbarism eviscerates the peaceful tenants of your faith as well as all other faiths and systems rooted in the morality of universal brotherly love.

You must speak out loudly; you can no longer wait, because if you do, the enemy without and those within will come for you too.

Jake many do but they are under reported. I have to run the dog right now but chew on this while I'm gone.

You are a moderate Imam in one of the many moderate mosques we have in our countries. An atrocity such as Orlando, San Bernadino, Paris you name it happens.

First response. And I know more moderate Muslims than most; first response "Oh shit please don't let it be a Muslim". Second response "God I hope I don't know him".

Third response "I'm pissed off who was THIS freaking asshole".

But before said moderates can make it to a microphone you have every bloody liberal asshole apologist out there blaming everything else except for the radical Islamist/jihadist/extremist.

Think about it. Whether it's Obama/Hillary/Kerry/Loretta Lynch <fill in the freaking blank> they get to the microphones first defending the religious aspect of the actions of the crazy mother trucker and trying to say it has nothing to do with a perversion of Islam and refusing to call it what many Muslims prefer to call it.

Radical Islam. Because it sets the jihadist apart from the norm. It sets the radical apart from them.

The asshole liberals and the apologists drown out the voices of the moderates. Their quotes show up on page C52 three days later because all the rest hogged the limelight to push their agenda.
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Either one stands up all barbarism or one is guilty.

Look at all the guilty on the far right who won't condemn the killing of those they don't like.
Either one stands up all barbarism or one is guilty.

Look at all the guilty on the far right who won't condemn the killing of those they don't like.
list name of people who haven't condemned what happened in Orlando you stupid piece of shit.

You are brain damaged.
Either one stands up all barbarism or one is guilty.

Look at all the guilty on the far right who won't condemn the killing of those they don't like.
Planned Parenthood kill more innocents in one year than muslims....I have yet to see you condem them
Do you not know my position on abortion. I have posted it many, many times. Go do your research.

But your statement does not excuse any hatred from the right toward Muslims.
To all Muslim, friends and acquaintances and strangers:

Now is the time to speak out and condemn all types of barbarities.

You have no more time to avoid condemning other Muslims' radical activities against non-Muslims because you think you are somehow betraying your faith.

Terrorist barbarism eviscerates the peaceful tenants of your faith as well as all other faiths and systems rooted in the morality of universal brotherly love.

You must speak out loudly; you can no longer wait, because if you do, the enemy without and those within will come for you too.

Jake many do but they are under reported. I have to run the dog right now but chew on this while I'm gone.

You are a moderate Imam in one of the many moderate mosques we have in our countries. An atrocity such as Orlando, San Bernadino, Paris you name it happens.

First response. And I know more moderate Muslims than most; first response "Oh shit please don't let it be a Muslim". Second response "God I hope I don't know him".

Third response "I'm pissed off who was THIS freaking asshole".

But before said moderates can make it to a microphone you have every bloody liberal asshole apologist out there blaming everything else except for the radical Islamist/jihadist/extremist.

Think about it. Whether it's Obama/Hillary/Kerry/Loretta Lynch <fill in the freaking blank> they get to the microphones first defending the religious aspect of the actions of the crazy mother trucker and trying to say it has nothing to do with a perversion of Islam and refusing to call it what many Muslims prefer to call it.

Radical Islam. Because it sets the jihadist apart from the norm. It sets the radical apart from them.

The asshole liberals and the apologists drown out the voices of the moderates. Their quotes show up on page C52 three days later because all the rest hogged the limelight to push their agenda.

And once they make it to the microphone you have every bloody rightwing bigot claiming they never say anything.
"we can't deport us citizens" but apparently we can target them for death by drone LOL
If they have joined the enemy, they have become wartime noncombatants giving aid and assistance to the enemy. That includes their families. Sad, But they chose.

And you understand that a citizen doesn't have to LEAVE the continental US to join the enemy right? Now, I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want drones taking people out in THIS country.
Actually, no one is really addressing the real issue.

Al-queda had a central command. The plans were laid out and then discussed electronically around the world. Fortunately, we were able to intercept much of that "chatter"...albeit, we missed the 9-11 one.

Now? The enemy does not receive "orders". The enemy simply wakes up one morning in Toledo Ohio and decides "today I will be a martyr" and kills a dozen people.

We can not anticipate that. There is nothing to intercept. There is no "planning"......

As ridiculous as Trumps idea sounds...can anyone come up with a better one?

As I see it, the left does not want us to have semi automatic weapons to protect ourselves. The police have to think twice before taking action. We can not identify a possible threat based on them being Muslim.....and our intelligence agencies have no way of knowing what Joe Shmo will be the one who wakes up on a Tuesday deciding to take out 20 people in the name of Isis.

Anyone have a legit plan?

What about Trump's plan would have stopped a single attack we have had in the United States?

What makes his plan 'legit' to you?
Very little to be honest. The only thing it will do will prevent some coming in with the refugees.....and at least it is a start.

And if you are an honest person, you will recognize the fact that he simply said "stop them" until we can figure things out.....not a permanent thing.

But unlike you, I look at the future....not just the past.

It is childish to think that someone hell bent on killing Americans would not try to ride the wave with the refugees so he can come in and kill Americans.

Curious...before 9-11, what would a very strict airport screening program have done to stop the use of airplanes as missiles?

Nothing...for they were never used as missiles before.

But wouldn't it have been nice if we thought it MAY happen and not simply say "it has never happened so why worry about it"?

If you are an honest person, you will recognize Trump's appeal to fear.

We have millions and millions of visitors to the United States every year. Far more than we have refugees or immigrants. Of the people who come to the United States the ones that go through the longest and most onerous path are refugees. I am not saying it is not possible that someone could try to sneak in with the refugees, but why go through the least likely route to succeed?

Trump has called for stopping travel from places with known Islamic terrorists- but that does little to ensure our security. Stop people travelling from Saudi they send terrorists from France. It is an appeal to fear with little to no substance.

As you note- it is the lone wolf attacker now which is the threat- generally 2nd generation Muslim Americans.

Let me put it another way- would you be in favor of restricting gun purchases?

Because we know that restricting gun purchases would not stop all terrorist attacks- but it is childish to believe that making it more difficult to buy guns would not stop some attacks.

I am not necessarily saying that we should restrict gun ownership- but if the claim is that we must consider any option which might prevent a terrorist attack- then restricting gun purchases would be as rational as restricting immigration.
To all Muslim, friends and acquaintances and strangers:..Now is the time to speak out and condemn all types of barbarities....You have no more time to avoid condemning other Muslims' radical activities against non-Muslims because you think you are somehow betraying your faith....Terrorist barbarism eviscerates the peaceful tenants of your faith as well as all other faiths and systems rooted in the morality of universal brotherly love....You must speak out loudly; you can no longer wait, because if you do, the enemy without and those within will come for you too.
I'm sure they're just terrified of your dire warnings. They consider the homosexual culture a barbarity. So you might want to rethink how you wrote your OP. They might just take you up on your encouragements. Idiot.
To all Muslim, friends and acquaintances and strangers:..Now is the time to speak out and condemn all types of barbarities....You have no more time to avoid condemning other Muslims' radical activities against non-Muslims because you think you are somehow betraying your faith....Terrorist barbarism eviscerates the peaceful tenants of your faith as well as all other faiths and systems rooted in the morality of universal brotherly love....You must speak out loudly; you can no longer wait, because if you do, the enemy without and those within will come for you too.
I'm sure they're just terrified of your dire warnings. They consider homosexuality a barbarity. So you might want to rethink how you wrote your OP. They might just take you up on your encouragements. Idiot.
They should be because if they are willing to allow their hatred of homosexuality to mask their condemnation of barbarism, then they end up in the bull's eye as well.
To all Muslim, friends and acquaintances and strangers:

Now is the time to speak out and condemn all types of barbarities.

You have no more time to avoid condemning other Muslims' radical activities against non-Muslims because you think you are somehow betraying your faith.

Terrorist barbarism eviscerates the peaceful tenants of your faith as well as all other faiths and systems rooted in the morality of universal brotherly love.

You must speak out loudly; you can no longer wait, because if you do, the enemy without and those within will come for you too.
I doubt anyone has to look very hard to find this happening. Even in Miss a guy from here International Museum of Muslim Cultures

was on public radio this morning discussing Islam and rejection of terror. Of course he also pointed out that the Iraq invasion was a debacle and there have been attacks like this in muslim countries every day.
That's what bothers me. Here in the US there are approximately 3000 mosques. That means there are at least 3000 Imams.

Whenever I ask why the Imams aren't speaking out, I get a response like yours.....a link to some obscure Imam saying terrorism is not the Muslim way.

Why do we not have 3000 Imams denouncing terrorism in public?

Hillary's plan is to build bridges with the Muslim community.

Why do we need to build bridges with a religion in the US to help preserve the safety of Americans in the US?

Why do we need to do something "special" to get the Muslim community on board with their fellow Americans?
These are legitimate questions, Jarhead.

The Muslims in America must stand up and condemn radical jihadism.

Any non citizen who can't do that needs to be deported.

Any citizen who won't do it must be made visible to LEO.
Obama, your buddy, is busy bringing in MORE Islamist as we speak. And you openly support him. Why suddenly the crocodile tears about Islam?
To all Muslim, friends and acquaintances and strangers:

Now is the time to speak out and condemn all types of barbarities.

You have no more time to avoid condemning other Muslims' radical activities against non-Muslims because you think you are somehow betraying your faith.

Terrorist barbarism eviscerates the peaceful tenants of your faith as well as all other faiths and systems rooted in the morality of universal brotherly love.

You must speak out loudly; you can no longer wait, because if you do, the enemy without and those within will come for you too.

Jake many do but they are under reported. I have to run the dog right now but chew on this while I'm gone.

You are a moderate Imam in one of the many moderate mosques we have in our countries. An atrocity such as Orlando, San Bernadino, Paris you name it happens.

First response. And I know more moderate Muslims than most; first response "Oh shit please don't let it be a Muslim". Second response "God I hope I don't know him".

Third response "I'm pissed off who was THIS freaking asshole".

But before said moderates can make it to a microphone you have every bloody liberal asshole apologist out there blaming everything else except for the radical Islamist/jihadist/extremist.

Think about it. Whether it's Obama/Hillary/Kerry/Loretta Lynch <fill in the freaking blank> they get to the microphones first defending the religious aspect of the actions of the crazy mother trucker and trying to say it has nothing to do with a perversion of Islam and refusing to call it what many Muslims prefer to call it.

Radical Islam. Because it sets the jihadist apart from the norm. It sets the radical apart from them.

The asshole liberals and the apologists drown out the voices of the moderates. Their quotes show up on page C52 three days later because all the rest hogged the limelight to push their agenda.

And once they make it to the microphone you have every bloody rightwing bigot claiming they never say anything.

They never get the headlines. Come on Coyote where are the blazing headlines on the moderate voices today. There aren't freaking any.Trust me I've been checking to back up what I say.

That's why you have so many conservatives unaware of their voices because the media plays this game of putting anyone who doesn't fit into the proper liberal narrative to the back of the bus.

Okay okay. Say for example we just had this horrid mass shooting in Orlando right? Everyone and their mother and Kim Kardashian are jumping on the "let's ban guns" train mmkay?

Yup Kim Kardashian made headlines with her pleas for gun control. John Legend. Perez Hilton saying "fuck the NRA". Now they all fit the anti gun agenda. They get the headlines.

But did you know that there is a group of LGBT pro Second Amendment activists that are out there winning case after case against DC? Did you see one headline going "Pink Pistols ask that everyone take a deep breath and don't blame the guns"?

Odd are you and others haven't even heard of this group that has just been rocking for years against unfair gun legislation. Why? It doesn't fit the left wing whacko anti gun nuts narrative.

We really are living in 1984. The media does not report the news any more and the front page is strictly an editorial page these days driving the agenda of that particular media outlet.

The Pink Pistol voices aren't heard. The moderate Muslim voices aren't heard. And so it goes. And consequently many in America have no clue that these voices even exist out there.
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If only it were that easy.
We could handle this the exact same way I handle my children when they fight.

"you go to your room, and you go to yours, until you decide you want to get along "

Bring us troops home and forbid Americans to travel to the ME, kick potentially radical Muslims out of the US and refuse to let them back in.

Problem solved.
To all Muslim, friends and acquaintances and strangers:

Now is the time to speak out and condemn all types of barbarities.

You have no more time to avoid condemning other Muslims' radical activities against non-Muslims because you think you are somehow betraying your faith.

Terrorist barbarism eviscerates the peaceful tenants of your faith as well as all other faiths and systems rooted in the morality of universal brotherly love.

You must speak out loudly; you can no longer wait, because if you do, the enemy without and those within will come for you too.
I doubt anyone has to look very hard to find this happening. Even in Miss a guy from here International Museum of Muslim Cultures

was on public radio this morning discussing Islam and rejection of terror. Of course he also pointed out that the Iraq invasion was a debacle and there have been attacks like this in muslim countries every day.
That's what bothers me. Here in the US there are approximately 3000 mosques. That means there are at least 3000 Imams.

Whenever I ask why the Imams aren't speaking out, I get a response like yours.....a link to some obscure Imam saying terrorism is not the Muslim way.

Why do we not have 3000 Imams denouncing terrorism in public?

Hillary's plan is to build bridges with the Muslim community.

Why do we need to build bridges with a religion in the US to help preserve the safety of Americans in the US?

Why do we need to do something "special" to get the Muslim community on board with their fellow Americans?
These are legitimate questions, Jarhead.

The Muslims in America must stand up and condemn radical jihadism.

Any non citizen who can't do that needs to be deported.

Any citizen who won't do it must be made visible to LEO.
Obama, your buddy, is busy bringing in MORE Islamist as we speak. And you openly support him. Why suddenly the crocodile tears about Islam?
I openly support civil liberties, the which about you have no concern. Obama can ban them from the countries from whence they come. At least that fart Trump took a page from Jimmy Carter's playbook.
By the way I just checked the front page of the Daily Mail. No headlines given to moderate Muslims condemning the Orlando act of barbarism. One headline though for Hillary's social media manager going "fuck the NRA". She gets a special mention.

Everyone else it appears gets to have a say. I think even Lady Gaga and Madonna even managed to grab some headlines. But not moderate Muslims.

Hillary Clinton's social media manager tells the NRA to 'F*** off' following Orlando shooting

And then instead any mention of moderate Muslims condemning the attack we get this shit

What if my kids are gay, what do I tell them?': Jimmy Fallon opens Tonight Show with emotional tribute to victims of Orlando shooting

Late-night talk show hosts get serious about shootings in Orlando, offering heart-felt expressions of shock and sorrow following the massacre

Home | Daily Mail Online

Actually, I thought CAIR specifically came and and blamed this latest event on radical Muslims and called them exactly that and advocated for other Muslims to participate in their destruction far more powerfully than our own President did.

Lol ... CAIR is a terrorist front group itself, received initial funding from Hamas and other vermin and has had members investigated and deported over the years. Their posturing is worthless, as usual.

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