Muslims of early America

Are you being serious now? 3 geenrations of persians? Do you even know what you talking about? Do you even know where and when the Islamic empire was? Can you even point persia on the map? have you ever heard about the Moors? Do you even know that the First university in the world was Built by a woman in Fez Morocco?
Have you ever been to south of Europe to see what the Muslims built and did?
So which scholars are confused about the existence of Jabir Ibn Hayyan?
Lol this is comical i'm sorry.

Yes, you're an ignorant loon, we all get that.
Thank you for the video.....there is tons and tons of Islamic inventions, that are still used till today, that make our lives lot easier. Humans have been passing the torch to each others...before the Islamic era, there was the Greeks, The Romans, the Egyptians and others.

And for someone to say Muslims are worthless, that show us the amount of ignorance...and that's why I have huge respect for Europeans for example, their education systems thorough and teach us the Islamic era and they also travel a lot and witness that greatness....once has to go only to Spain, Italy and North Africa to know about history and the contribution of the Islamic era.

Cities like Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Marrakesh, Fes, Cordoba, Sevilla, were the shinning lights of humanity, in terms of Education science, philosophy and much more.

But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.
I just proved you wrong ;).
I also provided historic facts and all you did so far is insults and tantrums.

lol all you posted was some unverifiable gossip, from Islamic sources to boot, which are never reliable, much less any evidence it wasn't stolen from India and Greeks and Christians. You can't even prove the character was Muslim, even if he wasn't just a figment of Muslim fantasies and lies.
hahahahahaha i'm done with have your own version of History. I CHALLENGED TO PROVE ME WRONG and you failed, I listed every single invention, word and you didn't offer any proof.

So you're out of gas. yes, that's obvious.
Thank you for the video.....there is tons and tons of Islamic inventions, that are still used till today, that make our lives lot easier. Humans have been passing the torch to each others...before the Islamic era, there was the Greeks, The Romans, the Egyptians and others.

And for someone to say Muslims are worthless, that show us the amount of ignorance...and that's why I have huge respect for Europeans for example, their education systems thorough and teach us the Islamic era and they also travel a lot and witness that greatness....once has to go only to Spain, Italy and North Africa to know about history and the contribution of the Islamic era.

Cities like Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Marrakesh, Fes, Cordoba, Sevilla, were the shinning lights of humanity, in terms of Education science, philosophy and much more.

But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.

Go prove they were invented by Muslim scholars first. Obviously you can't.

Thank you for the video.....there is tons and tons of Islamic inventions, that are still used till today, that make our lives lot easier. Humans have been passing the torch to each others...before the Islamic era, there was the Greeks, The Romans, the Egyptians and others.

And for someone to say Muslims are worthless, that show us the amount of ignorance...and that's why I have huge respect for Europeans for example, their education systems thorough and teach us the Islamic era and they also travel a lot and witness that greatness....once has to go only to Spain, Italy and North Africa to know about history and the contribution of the Islamic era.

Cities like Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Marrakesh, Fes, Cordoba, Sevilla, were the shinning lights of humanity, in terms of Education science, philosophy and much more.

But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.

ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.
But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.

Go prove they were invented by Muslim scholars first. Obviously you can't.
I'm going to leave it at this...I blame the US education system. You are a bulb sir.
Arabic and related languages was the LINQUA FRANCA of large parts of the
world as a result of the MASSIVE "golden age" OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST
(aka ---BARBARIC AGGRESSION) -----muslims actually believe that somehow the use of those languages by persons of science makes the
scientific inquiry "ISLAMIC" ----which is just as much a BS idea that since
SINCE ISAAC NEWTON spoke English-----calculus is ANGLICAN. Long ago----a muslim surgeon I knew----INSISTED that the famous medieval doctor MAIMONIDES was a muslim----why? ----because some of his writings were
in Arabic . Algebra is HINDU in origin----brought to Baghdad via the silk road trade route. Alcohol is a also a kind of Arabic word-----jews have been distilling since Talmud times (like 1000 years to centuries before the birth of that meccan jerk) -----alcohol was named in Aramaic with some words that mean 'fired wine" Its antiseptic properties were described. other Muslim innovations like ASTRONOMY and instruments used in Navigation are ZOROASTRIAN----Just about all of the "MUSLIM MEDICAL" stuff was done by GALEN----
Even today there are people who claim the poetry of SHALEM SHABAZZI as "muslim" ----lol some of it is in Arabic-----Make that RABBI Shalem
Shabazzi Today----since most scientific papers were written in English----SCIENCE must be PROTESTANT
Thank you for the video.....there is tons and tons of Islamic inventions, that are still used till today, that make our lives lot easier. Humans have been passing the torch to each others...before the Islamic era, there was the Greeks, The Romans, the Egyptians and others.

And for someone to say Muslims are worthless, that show us the amount of ignorance...and that's why I have huge respect for Europeans for example, their education systems thorough and teach us the Islamic era and they also travel a lot and witness that greatness....once has to go only to Spain, Italy and North Africa to know about history and the contribution of the Islamic era.

Cities like Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Marrakesh, Fes, Cordoba, Sevilla, were the shinning lights of humanity, in terms of Education science, philosophy and much more.

But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.
Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.

Go prove they were invented by Muslim scholars first. Obviously you can't.
I'm going to leave it at this...I blame the US education system. You are a bulb sir.

try to face reality-----the USE of Arabic in medieval BAGHDAD AND SPAIN does not make the innovations by Christian and Jewish and Zoroastrian and Hindu scientists ---somehow "Islamic" I blame the US educational system for FALLING to a large extend to that BULL CRAP
Thank you for the video.....there is tons and tons of Islamic inventions, that are still used till today, that make our lives lot easier. Humans have been passing the torch to each others...before the Islamic era, there was the Greeks, The Romans, the Egyptians and others.

And for someone to say Muslims are worthless, that show us the amount of ignorance...and that's why I have huge respect for Europeans for example, their education systems thorough and teach us the Islamic era and they also travel a lot and witness that greatness....once has to go only to Spain, Italy and North Africa to know about history and the contribution of the Islamic era.

Cities like Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Marrakesh, Fes, Cordoba, Sevilla, were the shinning lights of humanity, in terms of Education science, philosophy and much more.

But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.
Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages
Number are arabo-indian replaced the Roman ones, and you used them daily.
Admiral=Amir and other army rankins is derived from arabic.
Check also an islamic term Persian precisely and you use it everyday.
Coffee as I mentioned before is ARABICA both discovery and the name.
I know you like your Alcohol but google its word origin for fun.

And tons of other things....Just ask any surgeon who is Avicenna and some of the tools that are still used till now who discovered them.

Again as I tell most of those that lean towards bigotry and hate, please read read read history and travel abroad if you can. ignorance leads to harmful things.
View attachment 262254

out of arguments so you derail the conversation? How about Hiroshima and Nakazaki an atomic bomb dropped on Civilians? How about Vietnams massacres? How about Iraq and thousands of civilians that were killed? How about the other thousands killed in Afghanistan? and many other countries? How about the New Zealand Mosque shooter? How about the US backing brutal dictators that kill hundreds of thousands of people?

how about the genocides of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS enacted in the name of "allah" ??? who murdered two million biafran Christian babies-----just 50 years ago? What happened to the Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians of ----Arabia? (I got news----they did not "embrace" islam)
For fun-----have a candid conversation with a muslim Bangla Deshi-----
just don't tell him that you are a muslim------he will hide the fact of the EXTREME BARBARITY OF THE WEST PAKISTANI army in the name of
allan (circe 1970) ----also find a Mumbai Zoroastrian willing to discuss the fate of his people in Iran
yeah----the PYRAMIDS too----also MUSLIM. One of my faves is the concept of MUSLIM ARCHITECTURE------I got news----there ain't none---
it is all Egyptian and Byzantine------the only muslim architecture is a
tent made from smelly goat skins
Arabic and related languages was the LINQUA FRANCA of large parts of the
world as a result of the MASSIVE "golden age" OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST
(aka ---BARBARIC AGGRESSION) -----muslims actually believe that somehow the use of those languages by persons of science makes the
scientific inquiry "ISLAMIC" ----which is just as much a BS idea that since
SINCE ISAAC NEWTON spoke English-----calculus is ANGLICAN. Long ago----a muslim surgeon I knew----INSISTED that the famous medieval doctor MAIMONIDES was a muslim----why? ----because some of his writings were
in Arabic . Algebra is HINDU in origin----brought to Baghdad via the silk road trade route. Alcohol is a also a kind of Arabic word-----jews have been distilling since Talmud times (like 1000 years to centuries before the birth of that meccan jerk) -----alcohol was named in Aramaic with some words that mean 'fired wine" Its antiseptic properties were described. other Muslim innovations like ASTRONOMY and instruments used in Navigation are ZOROASTRIAN----Just about all of the "MUSLIM MEDICAL" stuff was done by GALEN----
Even today there are people who claim the poetry of SHALEM SHABAZZI as "muslim" ----lol some of it is in Arabic-----Make that RABBI Shalem
Shabazzi Today----since most scientific papers were written in English----SCIENCE must be PROTESTANT

Oh pshaw; just because the 'algebra' guy was a lifelong student of both Greek and Sanskrit is just pure coincidence ... and let's pretend those forced 'conversions' never happened,
for an even bigger laugh----there was a time when lots of innovative medicine
came out published in FRENCH. It is true that there were some very brilliant
French neuroscientists-------but-----SCIENCE of the 16th thru 19th centuries is not all PARISIAN
Thank you for the video.....there is tons and tons of Islamic inventions, that are still used till today, that make our lives lot easier. Humans have been passing the torch to each others...before the Islamic era, there was the Greeks, The Romans, the Egyptians and others.

And for someone to say Muslims are worthless, that show us the amount of ignorance...and that's why I have huge respect for Europeans for example, their education systems thorough and teach us the Islamic era and they also travel a lot and witness that greatness....once has to go only to Spain, Italy and North Africa to know about history and the contribution of the Islamic era.

Cities like Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Marrakesh, Fes, Cordoba, Sevilla, were the shinning lights of humanity, in terms of Education science, philosophy and much more.

But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.
Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.

Go prove they were invented by Muslim scholars first. Obviously you can't.
I'm going to leave it at this...I blame the US education system. You are a bulb sir.

28 Indian Inventions that changed the world.
but on the other hand they drink from the Ganges river, so many they are aren't so smart
But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.
Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.

Go prove they were invented by Muslim scholars first. Obviously you can't.
I'm going to leave it at this...I blame the US education system. You are a bulb sir.

28 Indian Inventions that changed the world.
but on the other hand they drink from the Ganges river, so many they are aren't so smart
Not all do. To them they think most ameeicans are dumb, when they move here they excell academically and surpass caucasian kids.
Yet no one is actually promoting trying to get Christianity and Judaism classified as "not a religion" in order to strip it's adherents of their constitutional protections
------------------------- those other religions are not the CANCER of 'islam' Myam .
Yeah, well people tend to fear what they don't understand. And you don't even have to say it, I already know you don't want to understand because you're not interested.

My issue with most Muslims is their dishonesty.
You observe dishonesty in your Muslim friends? Then why do you consider them friends?

Why would I answer your questions when you do not answer mine?
I never indicated that I would answer any of your questions and am under no obligation to do so, particularly not simply to illicit an answer to a question for which I already knew the answer.

I do find it odd however (although not for some types of people) that you claim to be friends with individuals who are members of a group that you so intensively dislike and you view as dishonest.

It is an inherent contradiction to state that you dislike Muslims because you believe them (the entire group apparently) to be dishonest yet to then turn around and claim you have friends who are Muslims. It begs the question do you not require honesty in your friends, have you made an exception for these two Muslims that you can accept them without them being honest or is it possible that maybe you're just biased?

And no I don't expect you to answer my questions just because I asked, I'm just relaying to you my thoughts.
Muslims came to America more than a century before Protestants, and in great numbers. How was their history forgotten?


...By 1503, we know that Muslims themselves, from West Africa, were in the New World. In that year, Hispaniola’s royal governor wrote to Isabella requesting that she curtail their importation. They were, he wrote, ‘a source of scandal to the Indians’. They had, he wrote, repeatedly ‘fled their owners’. On Christmas morning 1522, in the New World’s first slave rebellion, 20 Hispaniola sugarmill slaves rose and began slaughtering Spaniards. The rebels, the governor noted, were mostly Wolof, a Senegambian people, who have been Muslim since the 11th century. Muslims were more likely than other enslaved Africans to be literate: an ability rarely looked upon with favour by plantation-owners. In the five decades following the 1522 slave rebellion on Hispaniola, Spain issued five decrees prohibiting the importation of Muslim slaves.

Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.

The popular misunderstanding, even among educated people, that Islam and Muslims are recent additions to America tells us important things about how American history has been written. In particular, it reveals how historians have justified and celebrated the emergence of the modern nation-state. One way to valorise the United States of America has been to minimise the heterogeneity and scale – the cosmopolitanism, diversity and mutual co-existence of peoples – in America during the first 300 years of European presence

Continued here: Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.

Go prove they were invented by Muslim scholars first. Obviously you can't.
I'm going to leave it at this...I blame the US education system. You are a bulb sir.

28 Indian Inventions that changed the world.
but on the other hand they drink from the Ganges river, so many they are aren't so smart
Not all do. To them they think most ameeicans are dumb, when they move here they excell academically and surpass caucasian kids.

Really? drinking and bathing in disgusting polluted water is intelligent? LOL
Well, most left wingers are twits.
Average Indians are not who are immigrating here.
We are getting the cream of their country.
Thank you for the video.....there is tons and tons of Islamic inventions, that are still used till today, that make our lives lot easier. Humans have been passing the torch to each others...before the Islamic era, there was the Greeks, The Romans, the Egyptians and others.

And for someone to say Muslims are worthless, that show us the amount of ignorance...and that's why I have huge respect for Europeans for example, their education systems thorough and teach us the Islamic era and they also travel a lot and witness that greatness....once has to go only to Spain, Italy and North Africa to know about history and the contribution of the Islamic era.

Cities like Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Marrakesh, Fes, Cordoba, Sevilla, were the shinning lights of humanity, in terms of Education science, philosophy and much more.

But why don't Liberals want to live in Islamic countries?

Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.
Because they don't believe what they say and have no real interest in 'human rights'; all the know is some rich white people who don't pay any taxes and will never have to live next to the scum will give them free stuff if they whine enough, people like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Uncle Bernie and Company.

You as a proud MAGA bigot here are things that you take for granted daily, and that contributed to today's advancements, technology and made our lives enjoyable are all Muslim contributions.

Rubbish. Islam was spread by murdering thieving parasites, and they can't claim anything that was developed by local cultures; the vast majority were illiterates, so most scholars would be from Christian, Greek,Persian, and Jewish peoples. your ilk were too busy raping little boys, beheading captives, robbing houses, etc. to do anything resembling scholarship.

Algebra....try and build anything without it.

Try getting real; that came from India, as did the number zero.

Algorithms without them we would be still in the dark ages

Ditto. Not a shred of evidence of it being 'invented' by a Muslim, and so on and so on; you're just too stupid to pull off this rubbish, is all. Stick to murdering each other over goat thefts and water holes, your real skill sets.
ok let's start again and slowly.

Algebra and Algorithms are arabic developed by muslims scholars.

Go prove this wrong.

Go prove they were invented by Muslim scholars first. Obviously you can't.
I'm going to leave it at this...I blame the US education system. You are a bulb sir.
The US education system didn't teach Picaro his hate. US education respects other cultures. Another hater taught him to be so hateful that a culture over a thousand years old that has spread all over the world can't be allowed to take credit for ANYTHING positive. He's ridiculous.

BTW, the ancient Greek Diophantus is also credited with being the father of algebra, but if you actually look at the history of algebra and mathematics in general, new things build on the things before it, with contributors from many civilizations over time. Your Muslim friend named Algebra and made it its own branch of mathematics, developing it beyond the simple concepts introduced earlier.

A pox on all their houses.

(only kidding.....well, sort of)
------------------------- those other religions are not the CANCER of 'islam' Myam .
Yeah, well people tend to fear what they don't understand. And you don't even have to say it, I already know you don't want to understand because you're not interested.

My issue with most Muslims is their dishonesty.
You observe dishonesty in your Muslim friends? Then why do you consider them friends?

Why would I answer your questions when you do not answer mine?
I never indicated that I would answer any of your questions and am under no obligation to do so, particularly not simply to illicit an answer to a question for which I already knew the answer.

I do find it odd however (although not for some types of people) that you claim to be friends with individuals who are members of a group that you so intensively dislike and you view as dishonest.

It is an inherent contradiction to state that you dislike Muslims because you believe them (the entire group apparently) to be dishonest yet to then turn around and claim you have friends who are Muslims. It begs the question do you not require honesty in your friends, have you made an exception for these two Muslims that you can accept them without them being honest or is it possible that maybe you're just biased?

And no I don't expect you to answer my questions just because I asked, I'm just relaying to you my thoughts.

I will gladly explain and answer you when you answer me. Short and sweet. Your thoughts are completely going in the wrong direction and I will gladly explain why. When you answer my very simple and direct question. Are you Muslim?
and if true , well they sure used that 'algebra' to build some mighty zhitty zhithole countries , religion and societies eh OldLady ??

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